FASTer Way to Fat Loss®

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How to Track Macros Over the Holidays

The holiday season is here, and one question we always hear from clients this time of year is, “How do I track macros over the holidays?” We get it, tracking macros during the holidays can feel overwhelming when we don’t always know exactly what will be served at a holiday meal or can’t accurately track each ingredient in every dish. 

Read on to discover our favorite tips for tracking macros over the holidays, and be prepared to thrive this holiday season!

Focus on Protein

If tracking every single dish just isn’t feasible, focus instead on logging your protein throughout the day to ensure that you’re eating enough. While all three macros (fat, carbohydrates, and protein) are important, consuming enough protein is absolutely necessary for feeling satisfied, keeping your blood sugar stable, and helping you avoid mindless eating.  

Don’t Drink Your Macros

There’s nothing wrong with enjoying a glass of wine at dinner or joining in on a celebratory toast, but if you’re tracking macros, try not to drink your calories. Stick to one drink and be sure to properly log it. 

Alcohol is the fourth macronutrient along with carbohydrates, fat, and protein. The main difference between alcohol and the other macros is that alcohol is not essential. Because of this, food tracking apps don’t account for it (even though we need to!).

Alcohol can be tracked as carbs OR fat (not protein), but it does require a little extra math. 

Here’s a macro breakdown:

  • 1g alcohol = 7 calories

  • 1g carbs/protein = 4 calories

  • 1g fat = 9 calories

When you know how many grams of carbs and/or fat to log, simply search your tracking

app for carbs or fat (rather than the name of the food) and enter the grams you calculated.

Plan in Advance

Try making a loose macro plan for the day, even if you don’t know what’s being served at the big meal. Focus on fueling up with protein and veggies leading up to the celebration so you have plenty of carbs and fats remaining to enjoy the full spread… and avoid feeling hangry upon arrival. 

Progress, Not Perfection

Above all else, remember the FASTer Way mantra: progress, not perfection. Tracking macros on holidays can be plain hard, even when you’re making your best guess. Instead of stressing, make the best choices available, enjoy the people around the table, and know that tomorrow is a new day!

Want more tips on thriving through the holidays? Be sure to read this post on being stress-free through the holiday season!

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