10 Ways to Take Action Against Racism Today
“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” Martin Luther King Jr.
The past days and weeks have shone a light onto the social injustices of the Black community in our country. Many of our clients, staff team members, coaches, and influencers are hurting deeply, and we are prepared and committed to listen and create safe spaces for open dialogue as we continue to educate ourselves.
In the FASTer Way family, we will continue to stand up for what is right and just, in support of the Black community. We are dedicated to seeing healing and justice and we are taking actionable steps to use our voice and platform for good. We will not ignore the issues at hand or remain silent during this time. We are with you.
We believe action is the key to change. We encourage you to take personal inventory: What is it that YOU can do today to be part of the solution? What is your individual responsibility in addressing racism in your workplace, community, or home?
Here are ten ways to take action against racism TODAY:
Do something now. Sign petitions or donate money to organizations supporting the Black community.
Educate yourself. Educate yourself on the history of institutional racism in our country.
Read The Racial Equity Institute’s Blog Posts
This Google Doc is full of great anti-racism resources
The Next American Revolution: Sustainable Activism for the Twenty-First Century
White Fragility: Why It's So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism
The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness
Teach your family. This isn’t something kids should navigate on their own. Help them understand this important, complex issue
Who’s in your circle? Be committed to holding each other accountable to learning more and being part of the solution.
Speak up. Make racism and justice for the Black community talked about in your circle and in your homes. Speaking about the issues and educating others close to you is a vital step to making sure everyone is an ally to the cause.
Follow organizations on social media who are speaking out about racial injustices
Follow The Conscious Kid on Instagram for family-focused communication
Follow Shifting the Culture on Instagram for guidance and support on communication and conversations
Support Black-owned businesses in your area and online. Some communities have already begun compiling helpful lists. If yours doesn’t have one, start creating one yourself!
STOP saying these things (thanks to @alyssamariewellness on Instagram for sharing this list):
“But what about black on black crime?”
“Other people are dying, too.”
“I don’t see color.”
“Why are they overreacting?”
“I am not racist because I have Black friends.” [after doing or saying something racist]
“Stop blaming history and take responsibility.”
“Is the change that has already happened not enough?”
“Why do these brutality videos only show the end? What did they do to get there?”
Using MLK quotes to tell people how you think they should protest/grieve.
Follow and support Black fitness and health bloggers
For fashion/workout inspiration/food and fun - @darkerberrie
For health/diet/plant-based content - @kareenvturner
For health and fitness inspiration - @suchagirliegirl
For fitness and workout tips - @coachqueena
For fitness tips - @deannarobinsonfit
For fitness inspiration and fashion - @brittnebabe
For healthy recipes - @fitmencook
Share information on social media that will help more people understand racism and what it actually looks like. There are new resources being shared all the time. Here are few:
Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man (increase your understanding to increase your compassion)
We are committed to a better tomorrow by doing this important work today. If you have additional resources not listed here, please leave them in a comment. We will continue adding to our list to help ourselves and our readers!