Happy clients are always our goal and we couldn’t be more proud of the men and women in the FASTer Way to Fat Loss! We wrapped up a round this past weekend and the testimonials and before/after photos are rolling in. Read some of my client success stories below.

If you’re ready to transforming your health the FASTer Way, be sure to register now! Our rounds fill quickly and once they’re full, you’ll have to wait until we start our next round of Prep. Don’t let someone else snag your spot and make you wait, join us today!

“They say that the definition of “insanity” is doing the same thing, yet expecting different results. When you trust in Amanda’s program, you do something different….and get some amazing results!!! With this program, my goal wasn’t just to “lose weight”, but to get strong, as well as to find if there really is a secret to keeping the midlife weight gain at bay. Guess what? I found it in FASTer Way to Fat Loss. I lost 6.8 lbs and 5″ total during this program. The workouts went from “is she kidding????” to “lets just knock those 10 sets of 10 jump squats out”. The FB group went from strangers to supportive friends. The fasting went from “I can’t eat until when?” to “Oh, it’s noon already?” The nutrition portion of this program progressed from “Net carbs?” to a fun daily game as to “what food fits my macros today”. FASTer Way is only as good as YOU put into it. But, if you commit to the process, you will not be disappointed at the end of 6 weeks (heck, you will see a change in less than 2 weeks!).” – Amy Sandy

“I will be 40 next year and despite eating clean 90% of the time and doing CrossFit for the past three years, I have not been able to lose those annoying extra 10 pounds and belly fat. This program got me over that plateau. I bought some 8 and 10 lb dumbbells and a 15 lb kettlebell and was able to do all my workouts at home on my time. I also learned to love running and shaved two whole minutes off my mile time. I feel better and more confident than I have in years. I lost 9 pounds and 13 inches in three weeks. Amanda also gives you the tools to continue the FASTer Way lifestyle forever!” – Jeannie Dopson

“I have never been one to lift weights regularly and was very hesitant in my ability to commit to a 6-week program due to the amount of travel I do for work. I became competitive with myself very quickly after seeing and feeling results after the first week. I began this program as I had been making poor food choices for quite some time. It took a few weeks to get in the swing of understanding what I should eat and when depending on what I was trying to accomplish with macros.” – Morgan Adair

“I’ve lost 2 inches all around and 10 pounds. I’m sleeping better, feeling stronger, and looking leaner!” – Sarah Smith

“Thank you Amanda for a great program. I have dropped 10 pounds, lost several inches and I feel great! I really thought that losing weight in your late forties was next to impossible! Now I know, anything is possible. I am stronger, leaner, happier and everyone around me is noticing the changes. I am ready for round 2!” – Heather Medd

“I hadn’t worked out in almost 3 years prior to joining the program. I have a 6 month old baby, and wanted to lose the last of the baby weight and get my body back. This program gave me the motivation to incorporate fitness into my hectic schedule and care about what I was putting into my body. I am back to my pre-baby weight and am stronger than I have been in years.”

“The FASTer Way to Fat Loss program has been incredible for me! Following a positive and rigorous program has proven to deliver results. Looking forward to the next program in the new year!!” – Jennifer D.

“In 6 weeks, I lost 9 pounds (2 more than my goal!), and 11 inches. I actually lost 3 inches just from my hips!! I love how strong, thin, and fit I feel and never want to go back! – Amy 

“When I started the Faster Way to Fat Loss Program, I was not exercising regularly, eating terribly, and had been slowly and steadily putting on weight over the last 18 months. My biggest problem was finding a program with a structure that worked with my life and my schedule and that I could stick to long-term. I found it with this program! The structure of the eating schedule is ideal for someone like me who likes to plan out meals but still have flexibility within that structure. The exercise plan was manageable and kept things interesting. And the fasting and carb cycling aspect was not only extremely effective, but it left me alert and energized all day long. After 6 weeks, I lost 3 inches off my hips and 3 inches off my waist! In fact, I slimmed down so much that I need to go shopping because my pants are all too big now! But best of all, I feel so much more confident in my skin. Before I started this program, the person in the mirror didn’t match the person in my head, and now she does. I look forward to continuing my progress into 2017!” – Katie

“I could not be happier with my results from the FASTer way to Fat Loss program! Prior to starting, I was a runner but had no idea how/when to lift weights. My weight was not changing and I was more than frustrated with the lack of progress I was seeing. In 6 weeks, both my body and mind have changed! I have lost 14 lbs and 13 inches!! I feel better than I have in years. I plan on keeping up this lifestyle and am so thankful that I was introduced to this program!” – Melissa McIntyre


It is truly our honor to work with the most amazing clients in the industry. You can join them and write your OWN success story! Join us for the FASTer Way to Fat Loss before we fill up!