Lillian Jane is here...and so is the next round of the FASTer Way to Fat Loss!
In case you haven’t heard, Brandon and I welcomed Lillian Jane into our family on January 5th—exactly when I was hoping to deliver! Petite just like Emma, she was 6 lbs 8 ounces and 19.5 inches long. She is absolutely perfect!
We’ve been home since Saturday and so far she is doing a phenomenal job eating, pooping, and cuddling! Emma and Cole love holding her, and are enjoying the extra time they have with my parents while they are in town.
While it’s been a little while since I’ve lived the newborn life, I’m totally soaking up every minute of baby cuddle time!
While I will be on a maternity leave of sorts, those of you who know me know that I won’t be out of the game for too long! I am so thankful that while I’m adjusting to Lily and life with three kiddos, I have an incredible team working to keep the FASTer Way to Fat Loss running smoothly!
During pregnancy I followed the FASTer Way to Fat Loss with only a few modifications. I fasted and stuck with the food cycle (minus a few low carb days) right up until delivery and went pretty hard with my workouts for my entire pregnancy. While I was met with some criticism, I can honestly say that I went into this birth feeling stronger and more ready than I did with my first two pregnancies. In addition, I am more than confident that I will be able to get back into pre-pregnancy shape in no time, thanks to the FASTer Way to Fat Loss. The FASTer Way is responsible for getting me and more than 100,000 clients into the best shape of our lives, and I am certain it will do the same for me post pregnancy.
Of course, I will listen to my body as I get back to working out, fasting and carb cycling... but am planning to do my best to stick to what I know works—the FASTer Way Lifestyle.
If you’ve been trying to get healthy on your own for a while, but realize that it’s a lot harder than you thought, join the next round of the FASTer Way!