She made 10k her first month of being a coach
*Disclaimer: results may vary.
When you’ve been working with clients for 10 years and they stop seeing results on their fitness journey, it’s pretty discouraging.
That’s exactly what Le Bergin was experiencing as a gym owner, fitness instructor, and bootcamp leader. And she wasn’t sure how to help them.
Her clients were overwhelmed, trying all the latest fads and following trendy nutrition advice. Le wanted to know exactly what they were experiencing, so she started utilizing the same strategies—keto, fasting, eating 10 meals a day, etc.—and guess what? She gained weight and became just as frustrated as her clients. As a trainer who is passionate about health and wellness, Le knew there was a better way, she just hadn’t found it yet.
That all changed when she found the FASTer Way to Fat Loss. Le said, “I found THE textbook I had been trying to teach, but trying to meet everybody where they were. This perfect program was everything I’d done, everything I believed in, my training style, the progressive way people are working out. The results are there, the community is there, the positivity is there.”
It’s safe to say her clients agreed. In her first month as a FASTer Way to Fat Loss Certified Coach, Le made $10,000! That’s incredible by any standards.
After watching just one video of Amanda Tress (FASTer Way founder and CEO) talking about the FASTer Way, Le said she was hooked. It wasn’t just about the program though, it was also the integrity and the power of the people surrounding the program. “At that point, I decided to take my business to another level, not only for the financial freedom but to be able to offer something to my clients that they had been missing.”
We caught up with Le recently to chat about her experience with the FASTer Way, and we could feel her excitement! One of our missions at the FASTer Way is to equip and empower women to earn significant income to be able to recirculate that money to family, church, and community. That’s exactly what Le has done. She said, “This has allowed me the financial freedom to do things I haven’t been able to do before. I took eight clients in prep week to dinner and it felt amazing to say, ‘This is on me.’ I bought some of my most active clients a special necklace. I love being able to do this—I’ve never been able to do it before.” But it goes beyond that. Le went on to say, “This has allowed me to be more of a partner in our family. There is peace that comes with the additional finances in our family.”
One of our favorite things Le mentioned is that people in her FASTer Way groups will see her kids and stop them and say, “Your mom is changing my life!” or even that she’s been a great influence, or that she’s doing great things. What a powerful example she’s setting!
In the next five years, Le wants to take her family to Ireland for a month so her kids can really experience a different culture, visit family, and receive the kind of education you simply can’t get when you stay too close to home.
But beyond her personal goals, Le wants to touch the lives of every single person she can possibly reach. Of course, she wants to help more clients reach their fitness goals, but she also wants to help other struggling entrepreneurs reach their business goals because “We work like dogs… and we never have anything to show for it. I want to share this with other people. It’s the first time I’ve felt confident and fine with anybody telling me no.” What a gift to be able to let go of the pressure and stress so many people feel to turn every single person into a client!
We asked Le, “What would you say to someone if they knew that this (coaching) was the right thing for them but they needed some advice?”
She actually responded with some questions of her own.
You have everything to gain... what do you have to lose?
Do you want to help somebody?
Do you want to make a difference in someone’s life?
Do you want to be selfless and share something this valuable (that has morphed not just my body, but my relationships with others)?
She added, “Move forward. There is not one single thing to lose. The investment can be made back so quickly if you believe this and if you love it and if you’re passionate about it.” That summed it up well, but then she added one more statement that we couldn’t keep to ourselves.
“If you don’t share, you’re keeping a secret and that’s just rude.” I think you can see why we love Le! 😂 And we couldn’t agree more.
Although we are selective about the coaches who join the FASTer Way, we don’t want to keep the FASTer Way Coach Certification a secret! If you’re ready to level up your health and your business, then be sure to get your name on the waitlist now!