*Disclaimer: results may vary.

What a powerful week it has been! There are so many exciting things happening with the FASTer Way to Fat Loss Program and Community. I recently had the opportunity to host an incredible group of passionate women for a coach leadership retreat at my home in Florida. During the retreat we set goals and strategized ways to ELEVATE the program and client experience.

During the event we announced the September Top FWTFL Coach, Loren Mattingly. Since becoming a FASTer Way Coach in early 2018, Loren has been able to step down from her full-time career to focus on coaching clients through the FASTer Way.

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This is what Loren had to say after attending the FASTer Way Coach Leadership Retreat,  “I am still on cloud N I N E and ready to conquer the world after an insanely powerful weekend at the FASTer Way to Fat Loss Coach Leadership Retreat. Thank you to Amanda, Lindsey, Morgan, and the rockstar coaches who attended the leadership event. EACH and every one of you have inspired me to do GREAT things and believe anything is possible.

I work alongside women who TRULY live their lives and run their businesses with integrity, excellence, generosity, BOLD action. I am so grateful that I had the opportunity this past weekend to be a part of something so moving & inspiring.

This community is changing thousands of men and women’s lives. ❤️

I am thrilled to help women and men become the BEST version of themselves & live their lives with a sense of passion and fulfillment.

I am determined to empower women to realize their greatest potential and dream big without fear of failure.

And this is just the beginning. 🚀❤️”

There is no doubt that the FASTer Way to Fat Loss Coach Certification is the most important thing happening in the wellness industry today. This opportunity is exclusive for women and men who are passionate about the FASTer Way and want to make real money as a fitness and nutrition professional. This year alone, we have coaches who have stepped down from their full time jobs since starting the coach cert, and several who have stepped into leadership roles as Premier Coaches since May and started to earn up to $1k in passive revenue per week. This doesn’t include their own commissions and scalable revenue.

The earning potential as a FASTer Way to Fat Loss® Coach is exponential.  I am on target for a six figure income this year!
— Vivian Gill
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I am sick and tired of hearing from women who are grinding in a full-time job outside of the home or hustling in the gym trading dollars for hours... and barely getting by.  I understand because I was in the same place 7.5 years ago when I was working 70+ hours per week (web marketing, gym clients, online training, MLMs) and making $35,000 (before taxes). I barely saw baby Emma and was constantly sick and tired. I knew God had destined me for MORE and given me a unique ability to earn significant income to recirculate my wealth to my family, church and community. Only after taking a leap of faith and stepping down from my full time job did I have the chance to fulfill my purpose rooted in unique spiritual goals—with the FASTer Way. Now I have the incredible opportunity to empower other women to earn real money of their own with select top FWTFL coaches and affiliates earning over $35,000 PER MONTH.

Our coaches run their lives and businesses with our core values: integrity, excellence, generosity, and bold action. They not only earn significant income, they GIVE BACK to their OWN families, churches, and communities in generous ways. I am extremely blessed and grateful for my opportunity to guide this rocket ship and could not be more proud of my rockstar coach family. It’s time to ERADICATE poverty for female entrepreneurs in the wellness industry.

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The FASTer Way to Fat Loss Coach Certification has an extremely simple and generous compensation plan. In order to be considered for the FASTer Way to Fat Loss Coach Certification screening call, you are required to go through the FASTer Way program because we want each and every coach to know and love the program! If you haven’t joined yet, you can register at the link below.

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The time is NOW for the FASTer Way to Fat Loss and I would love to have you on the waiting list for the coach cert. We have some BIG things coming down the pike for 2019 and it will be a massive benefit to be a founding member of our coach community!

Sign up below for the FASTer Way Coach Waiting List

Just this year alone, I have been able to reach over 1000 women all over the world.
Being a FWTFL Coach has provided financial freedom. In this last year I have 10X my business and it continues to grow. I am so excited for what the future holds.
It brings me so much joy and purpose.
— Jenny Mire

It’s the best time to be a founding member of the FASTer Way Coach Community. The FASTer Way Coach Certification is making big waves in the wellness industry and we are JUST NOW scratching the surface of potential. We open enrollment a few times a year so do not miss out on the opportunity to transform lives the FASTer Way.

Sign up for the waiting list now to be considered.