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3 Tips to Rock Your Micro-Influencer Marketing

Micro-Influencers are a powerhouse in the social media world. Believe it or not, you don’t have to have a huge following to make an impact in your industry and grow your business—as long as you’re smart about it! Use these three tips to improve your marketing and serve your clients well, no matter how big your following. You might be surprised, it’s not all about them!

Courtney appeared as a guest on the Accelerate Your Success with Amanda Tress podcast. Listen to the full episode here.

If you prefer to read the full transcript, you can find it below.

Amanda had a fantastic conversation with Courtney! You’ll be inspired by her journey, both in business and in health.

You wouldn’t know it just by looking at her, but Courtney suffered a stroke at the tender age of 24, not long after her second baby was born. This was a life-changing event for Courtney as she navigated a new path toward wellness. It eventually lead her to the FASTer Way, where she has since become a successful affiliate partner (which means she makes a generous commission every time she refers someone to the program), and she’ll be releasing a cookbook in 2020 called “With Heart” that will share her journey to heart health plus delicious heart-friendly recipes.

As of now, Courtney doesn’t have a large Instagram following and she’s not really on Facebook, so how has she managed her success? With these simple but oh-so-practical tips for making sure she serves her audience well.

3 Tips to Rock Your Micro-Influencer Marketing

1. Meet your audience where they already are.

You may think this sounds like common sense, but it’s actually something a lot of micro-influencers don’t get right. You can’t be everywhere, and it’s most likely that whatever platform you love is where you’ll find “your people.” So if Instagram is your jam, don’t think you also have to be on Facebook, Twitter, Tik Tok, and Pinterest every day. That’s a recipe for burnout. Instead, focus on the one or two platforms you love and either ignore the rest or delegate them to a VA (virtual assistant).

You simply don’t have to have a huge number of followers in order to be an effective influencer.

Instead of going a mile wide and an inch deep (meaning a more superficial relationship while focusing on account growth), go an inch wide and a mile deep (cultivate a more meaningful relationship rather than focusing only on growth). Your following might be small, but serve them well and develop a real relationship with them—they’ll be worth far more than a large, unengaged audience.

2. Take time for self-care.

A focus on self-care has made a revival in the last year or two, and for good reason! Burnout is a very real thing and when you feel depleted it’s impossible to feel fulfilled in your work or serve your audience at your highest level. When you take time to create space for yourself to rest and recharge, then you’ll find energy and satisfaction in your daily tasks.

Courtney shared her morning routine with us, which is her way of recharging and making sure she’s taking care of herself. She wakes up before everyone else in the house, pours a cup of coffee, and spends 30–45 minutes in quiet time including prayer, reading, and journaling. She went on to say that if she skips her morning routine, she can always feel it later in the day! Exercise is also an important part of her self-care, which she does a little later in her morning.

3. Keep learning.

You don’t have to go back to school to get an incredible education. There are countless books and podcasts that can teach you anything you want to know! Those in-between times (folding laundry, school pick-up, the daily commute, getting ready for the day, etc.) are perfect for listening and learning. Courtney shared her top three picks with us and we can’t wait to read (or listen) to them!

  • Rest: Why You Get More Done When You Work Less by Alex Soojung-Kim Pang.

  • Stories that Stick: How Storytelling Can Captivate Customers, Influence Audiences, and Transform Your Business by Kindra Hall. 

  • The Best Yes: Making Wise Decisions in the Midst of Endless Demands by Lysa TerKeurst. 

Micro-Influencers are seeing incredible success as they learn to incorporate these tips. Engagement goes up, which is usually followed by an increase in sales, and they’re enjoying their work rather than living in a constant state of stress and burnout. 

Learn more about our affiliate program and see for yourself why Courtney loves it so much!

Find Courtney on Instagram @courtneybschultz or at

Which tip will you start implementing today? Tell us in the comments below!