FASTer Way to Fat Loss®

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Find Out What You Missed This Week in the FASTer Way Community!

The weekend is here, and Thanksgiving is right around the corner! In the chaos of the coming week, be sure to practice gratitude and take some time for yourself. We are incredibly thankful for you! 

It was another incredible week in the FASTer Way community, and we don’t want you to miss out on any of the amazing updates. 

Coach Information Event

This week, we held a LIVE Coach Information Event and were able to share about the FASTer Way to Fat Loss Certification Program with hundreds of qualified applicants. We loved interacting and interviewing each of you, and we’re thrilled to have a new class of Certified Coaches play a vital role in transforming the lives of their clients!

FASTer Way Conference December 5-7, 2019

The FASTer Way Conference is just days away! We can’t wait to come together as a community to grow, connect, and rise together. It’s not too late for you to join us and hear from our variety of speakers featuring FASTer Way founder and CEO Amanda Tress, Dr. Stephen Cabral, influencer Whitney Abraham, FASTer Way Dream Team member Lindsey Murray, and more! Register for the conference and prepare to be inspired! 

Exclusive Gift for VIP Membership Community

Have you heard the news?! All FASTer Way VIP Members enrolled in December will receive an exclusive FASTer Way long-sleeved t-shirt to keep you motivated through the remaining holiday season. AND you can use promo code HOLIDAYSALE to score $20 off the monthly rate. If you’ve completed a round of the FASTer Way, take advantage of these amazing offers and join the community today!

FASTer Way Transformations

There’s nothing better than celebrating our clients’ amazing transformations. Check out these stories and see for yourself!

“Hard Work. ⁣That’s the main difference between these two pictures. I decided to make a change and I stuck with it. Maybe you’ve tried all the things. You’ve quit too many diets to count. Why would this one be any different? Because I actually enjoy it! No deprivation, an easy to follow nutrition plan, quick and effective workouts and the BEST community! When we do it together, we succeed! ⁣

⁣Don’t let the busy holiday season hold you back. You can do this because we will do it TOGETHER!”

–Liz, FASTer Way Community Member

“With the 1 year anniversary of my FASTer Way journey quickly approaching, I thought now was a great time to talk about all the success I have had. I started the FASTer Way this time last year. I was feeling sluggish and unmotivated, self conscious and down in the dumps. I knew that I needed to do something that would help me stop with the downward spiral. I spoke to a good friend of mine, Kerri, who recommended that I try The FASTer Way. I secretly stalked her for several months, watching her transform right before my eyes. So I decided,that after many excuses, I would give it a try. I am so glad I did. My first thought was that there was no way that I would be able to stick to this. My round started in the beginning of November of 2018 and ended right before the New Year. I figured I was going to sabotage myself with holiday treats and family gatherings like I did in the past. The thing is, with THE FASTer Way, I was able to enjoy some holiday goodies and family gatherings without guilt. It was to my sweet surprise that after my first round, I lost over 14 lbs and 15 inches. All of this during the holiday season. Not only did I lose weight, I built strength and confidence too. I had an amazing support system that helped me through the entire process. I built so much confidence that back in May, I became a certified FASTer Way to Fat Loss coach. Now, I can help others learn to lose weight, build strength and confidence, burn fat, and feel great.” 

–Susie, FASTer Way Community Member

Are you ready to start pursuing YOUR transformation? Our next round for new clients starts December 30, and you can register now to receive instant access to all the program materials!

If you’ve completed a round of the FASTer Way, the monthly VIP Membership is the place for you to continue the lifestyle, see results, and thrive. Join the VIP Membership today and use promo code HOLIDAYSALE for $20 off!

We can’t wait to help you be well, prevent disease, and fulfill your purpose through the FASTer Way to Fat Loss. 

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