FASTer Way to Fat Loss®

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Taking the VIP Membership to the Next Level in 2020

Ready to take your health, fitness, and wellness to the next level?! FASTer Way founder and CEO Amanda Tress went LIVE in our VIP Membership community this week to give a sneak peek of some exciting updates coming in 2020. Watch the video or read on for all the details!

First and foremost, the new FASTer Way mobile app will be instrumental in helping us streamline program updates and amazing resources for our VIP Membership community. We recommend checking the app each morning for important announcements and resource links that will help you see more progress in 2020. 

January VIP Membership Updates

This January, we’ll be adding advanced gym workouts and taking the At Home workouts up a notch with advanced movement demonstrations. We’re calling 2020 the “FASTer Way to muscle gains” for a reason, and we’re excited to do so by challenging our clients who are ready to turn up the heat on their workouts. But don’t worry– we’ll still be providing low impact moves as well. 

After listening to client feedback, the Men’s VIP Membership nutrition cycle will be adjusted to match the nutrition cycle in the Women’s VIP Membership. This change is designed to simplify meal planning and schedules for spouses who are living the FASTer Way. Additionally, men in VIP Membership will also have access to the app and will enjoy alternate moves demonstrated by our male Dream Team members in our LIVE workouts. 

February VIP Membership Updates

You’ve probably noticed our recent focus on adding vegan options to the meal plans. For the month of February, the VIP Membership community will be going vegan! This will be a huge challenge for many of us, but it’s a worthwhile challenge that will really push us to get creative with meal plans and protein sources while benefiting our health.

March VIP Membership Updates

You won’t want to miss a MAJOR update coming this March when we launch an all-new nutrition cycle! This new nutrition cycle is designed to help you dial in on building lean, calorie-building muscle while improving your wellness and preventing disease. Stay tuned!

Other Updates Coming Your Way in 2020

In addition to the updates described above, we’re also working to bring more holistic and functional medicine professionals to the FASTer Way. We want to take a more comprehensive approach to health and wellness, and also have holistic health professionals on board to look into client plateaus and how to break through them. 

We’ll also be adding more fine-tuned small groups for those clients who are not currently in a small group. In an effort to make each and every client feel like a valued member of the community, we’ll work to pair clients with the right coach and the right group to maximize overall experience. Note that this feature will be for clients who are really serious about being engaged, interactive members of a small group!

We can’t WAIT to soar to new heights together in 2020! The VIP Membership is designed for clients who are well-acquainted with the program basics and are ready to take them to the next level. Instead of just trying to lose a few pounds in January, let’s commit to making this the best year yet!