As CEO and creator of the FASTer Way to Fat Loss, it’s no secret that I’m serious about health and wellness. If you follow me on Instagram, you know whole food nutrition and daily exercise is a huge part of my daily routine. This is how I continue to reach my fitness goals and inspire thousands of clients to do the same!

In the same way that exercise is necessary for physical growth, prioritizing personal and professional development is equally important. Take it from me: growing a business is all about personal and professional development. In fact, your success and failure as a business owner or employee relies on development. We learn and grow through the obstacles, trials, AND wins.

When we start viewing challenges as gifts and opportunities to grow, our perspective can shape our circumstances. Through them, make the choice to be proactive about your personal and professional development strategy.

Not sure where to start? I’ve got you covered! In a recent LIVE video on Facebook, I rounded up my favorite podcasts, books, and strategic events that will serve as a launching point for anyone ready to dig deeper and develop as a leader.


Podcasts have played a huge role in my professional development. They’re amazing ways to learn from a variety of leaders and storytellers. Here are some of the podcasts I’m currently listening to:

In his podcast, Donald Miller provides effective marketing strategies and perspectives in an easy-to-consume format with lots of tips for small businesses. The most recent episode was especially applicable to the FASTer Way!

Ali Brown interviews the most powerful and influential female entrepreneurs that reveal vulnerable conversations on unique topics. Ali is my business coach, and I had the honor of being interviewed on episode 147.

Through this NPR podcast, Guy Raz dives into the stories behind some of the world's best known companies.

He may be polarizing, but it’s hard to listen to Tony’s podcast and NOT be inspired. He shares proven strategies and tactics to help listeners achieve massive results in business, relationships, health and finances.

When I want to listen to an expert on health and wellness, this podcast by my friend Dr. Stephen Cabral is my go-to. Dr. Cabral is a wealth of knowledge, and we’re thrilled to have him join our new scientific advisory board for the FASTer Way. We’ll be announcing more details soon!

Pro tip: Don’t think you have time to listen to podcasts? Get creative! Use your workouts, commutes, or down time wisely. I listen to podcasts first thing in the morning while I get ready for the day!


Podcasts are a great way to learn about a broad variety of topics, but I always have a book on hand when I’m ready to dig deeper. Here’s what I’m currently loving:

I’ve been learning so much from this book! In it, Hendricks discusses the “upper limit problem” and how we can break through it to live in our zone of genius and rise to our highest potential. We all can apply this to both our personal AND professional lives.

This book is an incredible tool that will empower you to share your brand and communicate with your audience regardless of your position.

This book has been foundation through the last three years of growing and scaling my business.


Full disclosure: I’m a homebody, and traveling is not my strong suit. I really have to push myself out of my comfort zone to travel for events. I have found, though, that when I push myself out of my comfort zone, these events and the people I meet are life-changing! They provide space to freely think about growing my business and spend time face-to-face with incredible leaders of the marketplace.

Conferences are important and should be attended strategically, but I admit that this is SO hard for those of us with young kids. When I travel, I miss my family terribly. Despite missing my husband and kids, being at these events is key and worth it in the long run. Events to attend will vary depending on your field, but here’s an example of events I make time for:

  • I’m a member of a mastermind group with Ali Brown. We meet in Scottsdale, and spending time with a group of women that really cheer for each other, encourage one another, and push each other is absolutely worth the hassle of travel!

  • This week, I’ll be traveling to California to speak at Keri Murphy’s Brilliant event for female entrepreneurs. I can’t wait to share with other women eager to grow their businesses, and learn from them in the process!

Regardless of how you choose to practice personal and professional development, don’t simply listen to the podcast, read the book, or attend the event. You must IMPLEMENT what you learn. Take the actionable content and hold yourself accountable to practice it. Power hours are great, but pursuing bold action is key. Habituate yourself to fear, take yourself out of your comfort zone, and act.

I’d love to hear from you! What are you listening to, reading, or attending to grow professionally? Comment below!


Amanda Tress