Healthy hormones aren’t just for the lucky few. We can all enjoy balanced hormones if we follow these three secrets for better hormone health!

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Hormone health is a hot topic because everybody has them and we all go through different periods of imbalance. Whether it’s a new baby, stressful job, or menopause, there are many times throughout life when we’ll need to evaluate the health of our hormones.

Alex De Oliveira, ARNP joined us on the FASTer Way Podcast to talk all about this important topic. If you’re suffering from imbalanced hormones, you don’t have to accept that as the final word! Alex is a wealth of information when it comes to correcting those imbalances and enjoying a symptom-free life.

If you suspect your hormones need some help, start here to correct your imbalances and move forward with a lifestyle that supports better health from the inside out!

3 Secrets for Better Hormone Health


If you’re like most women, you don’t know where you are in your cycle at any given time during the month. This is a big disadvantage because knowing where you are in your cycle can do so much for you!

For example, when estrogen is high, take advantage of the driven feeling it gives you—go for a run, clean the house, make decisions, get everything done. When estrogen is low and progesterone is high, you’ll be more relaxed. This is when you should sit down, read a book, etc.

If you’re not tracking your period and you’re overwhelmed at the thought of one more thing to do, there are plenty of apps to simplify the process. There are more than 200 period-tracking apps available, and there are many that are geared toward different phases of life (like teens or perimenopause). You may find it helpful to use one to easily track your cycles.


According to Alex, EVERYONE needs comprehensive hormonal bloodwork done. For women, this might be as early as the time you get your first period. If something seems off, that’s a great reason to check things out and make sure your hormones are balanced and healthy.

Something that many women simply don’t know is that YOU DO NOT HAVE TO SUFFER your entire life with hormone imbalance. Your hormones won’t always balance themselves with healthy living, so if they’re out of whack, get help! We always suggest seeing a functional medicine doctor to help you get to the bottom of your hormones.


We are always changing as we age, so we have to adapt. You truly aren’t the same person at 25 as you are at 65, which means you can’t do the same things and expect the same results. 

Make sure you are eating a nutritious diet centered around whole foods and incorporating a fitness routine that works for you.

If you are in perimenopause or menopause, watch for symptoms. While not everyone needs bioidentical hormones, you ARE going through a transition and may need input from a professional to stay balanced and healthy. Insulin resistance is a common issue at this stage of life, and it will have a big impact on hormones. Alex told us in her interview that she doesn’t put her patients with insulin resistance on bioidentical hormones until their insulin is regulated. When insulin is balanced, hot flashes and night sweat are no longer issues her patients see.


If your doctor tells you that you’ll never lose fat or feel normal again because of hormones, DON’T ACCEPT THAT! There is so much that can be done to bring hormones back into balance, and it’s absolutely critical to get a second opinion if your provider advises you to accept imbalance in your body.

Don’t be satisfied with a provider that dismisses your symptoms or can’t give you answers to your questions. You need to be your own biggest advocate, so asking the right questions to a practitioner who has the right answers is key to your best health.

Do you track your cycles? What’s your favorite app? Share with us in the comments!

3 Secrets For Better Hormone Health