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Top 5 Tips: How To Survive Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent Fasting is the talk of the fitness industry and you really want to try it out… but you’re not sure where to start? Use these Top 5 Tips for surviving (and thriving through!) IF as you begin this new aspect of your health journey!

As you know, the FASTer Way to Fat Loss is based on several cutting-edge nutritional strategies: Intermittent Fasting, carb cycling, and macro counting. However, the key distinguishing factor is our emphasis on fasting.

While fasting may sound a bit intimidating, most of our clients find that it’s actually much simpler than they thought it would be. In fact, it usually ends up being one of their favorite things about the program!

If you aren’t familiar with this trending term, here’s a deeper dive into why we use it as a highly effective strategy to burn fat throughout the program. Intermittent Fasting isn’t a diet or quick fix, it’s a lifestyle that incorporates periods of eating with periods of withholding food. There are several ways to practice Intermittent Fasting, but in the FASTer Way to Fat Loss, we suggest the 16/8 protocol. This means each day you will fast for 16 hours and consume all your food for the day in an 8-hour window. We do not cut calories, we simply eat them in a shorter window during the day.

Why Try Intermittent Fasting?

Intermittent Fasting is a powerful nutrition strategy on its own, but when combined with balanced whole-food nutrition, carb cycling (another natural, highly effective fat-burning strategy), plus strategic workouts that maximize the fat loss cycle, you’ll experience results you never dreamed you’d achieve. You’ll reduce inflammation, maximize your metabolism, and naturally detoxify your body, just to name a few. 

You may be thinking I’ve tried all the diets and quick fixes, I’m sure this won’t work either. Friend, no matter how many other programs have failed you, you can still experience incredible fat loss, improved health, increased energy and so much more—when you start giving your body what it needs. The FASTer Way to Fat Loss has helped more than 115,000 women and men regain the health and confidence they thought they’d lost. 

But how do you survive Intermittent Fasting when you’re brand new? Here are a few tips!

Start Slowly

We practice 16/8 Intermittent Fasting: 16 hours of fasting, 8 hours of eating. However, if you’ve never fasted before, you don’t have to start with such a big fasting window. We highly recommend starting with a 12-hour fast. Cut off your eating at 7 or 8 pm, then don’t eat breakfast until 12 hours later. You can gradually increase the length of your fast an hour at a time, until you reach the 16-hour mark. In addition, don’t feel as though you have to start fasting every day. We recommend starting with Sundays. Cut your eating window off at 7 pm on Saturday night, then don’t eat anything until late-morning (or after church!) on Sunday. This will help you dip your toe into the Intermittent Fasting lifestyle without feeling overwhelmed.

Stay Hydrated

It’s really important to stay hydrated during your fast. In addition to water, it is totally acceptable to drink black coffee, herbal teas, and BCAAs (branched-chain amino acids—choose a clean brand!). Use these to get through your fast with ease and to keep your mind from wandering to the various snacks in your pantry! Did you know the same signal that tells us we are hungry is the same signal that tells us we’re thirsty?  True story! Understanding this will help when you feel those initial hunger pangs. Many of our clients reduce or eliminate their hunger signal just by adding in a few extra ounces of H₂O when they feel the urge to eat throughout their fasting period.

Stay Busy

The best tool for making it through your fasting period is to stay busy. In fact, productivity is one of my favorite side effects of Intermittent Fasting. Because you aren’t worried about fixing your next meal (or scarfing down a quick snack) you can focus on work and getting things done. Plus, staying busy keeps your mind from thinking about food and helps you get through your fasting period with ease!

Find Accountability

As day-to-day life leaves you feeling in a rut, overly busy, or just full of excuses (yes, we know the feeling!), it’s easy to fall back into old habits. A strong support system can make all the difference. Try it with a friend, family member, or even your spouse. You can share your struggles, thoughts, or even just motivate each other. But guess what? Through the FASTer Way, you’ll also be greeted with a community of thousands of others that took that initial step to lasting health, just like you. We will celebrate your wins and, on the hard days, we’ll encourage you and remind you why you started. But that’s just it. YOU HAVE TO START! So grab a colleague, your bestie, or a neighbor and go!

Put It All Together

Intermittent Fasting is a highly effective strategy, but when you combine it with whole foods, balanced macros, effective workouts, and carb cycling, you will become a fat-burning machine! Learning these other key strategies—which make the FASTer Way the most effective program in the marketplace today—is critical when it comes to taking back control of your health and weight through a sustainable lifestyle.

before:after martha.jpg

““FASTer Way has completely changed my life! Truly. When I started I felt lethargic. I was constantly out of breath, tired, and had no control over my appetite. While FASTer Way has allowed me to lose the weight and exhaustion, I gained a few things as well. I gained a community of women that hold me accountable, a newfound confidence in myself, the ability to get rid of clothes bc they’re too big (hallelujah), and a toned figure. I can’t be happier with the progress I’ve made, and am still making. FASTer Way all the way!”⁣” –Martha, FASTer Way Community Member*

Because the benefits of Intermittent fasting are so phenomenal, our clients now understand how to burn fat effectively and feel their absolute best. The overall improvement in health, energy, and productivity makes this strategy a lot simpler to implement you might expect. In fact, most people are not usually hungry at all during the fasting window AND find that the longer they practice IF, the more accustomed to their bodies become! 

*Results may vary from person to person.

FASTer Way clients know the power of Intermittent Fasting. Try it out for yourself! Check out the next round of the FASTer Way to Fat Loss and learn how to lose that stubborn weight, find more energy, and feel like YOU again!