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Top Fitness Trends In 2023

Want to know what fitness trends you SHOULD be paying attention to? 

We’re here to clear up the mysteries and give you all the juicy details on what's fact or fake when it comes to elevating your overall health and wellness! 

Keep reading to learn the top fitness trends of the new year so you know where to wisely put your fitness efforts in 2023!

top fitness trends in 2023

Top Fitness Trends: Strength Training, Bodyweight Training, and more…

This year, three types of strength training have genuinely taken the wellness world by storm. Strength training with free weights, bodyweight training, and functional fitness training. The best part? At the FASTer Way, we do them all!

Strength training and bodyweight training are both forms of resistance training, which is a way of building strength by using either the extra resistance that comes from free weights or simply the resistance your body provides. A free weight is defined as any object or a weighted object that you have complete control over its movement, pace, and purpose while using it. In other words, anything that isn’t a machine or attached by cable such as dumbbells, kettlebells, medicine balls, barbells, etc.  As for bodyweight training, you don’t need any equipment since your body does all the work. This can be in the form of squats, pushups, planks, and more.

Both types of resistance training offer a slew of benefits including:

  • Promoting lean muscle build which helps you to perform everyday tasks with ease

  • Maintenance of stability, flexibility, mobility, and balance so you can remain independent as time goes on

  • Increased muscle-to-fat ratio, allowing your body to burn more calories at rest through an improved metabolism

  • Increased stamina and energy so you can live every day at full throttle

  • Increased bone density and strength as well as decreased risk of certain diseases like osteoporosis

At the FASTer Way, we take the time to implement both these strategies so we ensure the success of your health and wellness journey!

Functional Fitness Training

Functional fitness training is slightly different and has also recently found popularity in the fitness world. Though it’s a type of strength training, it focuses more on implementing basic movements you do almost every day when putting your workouts together. For instance, bending, twisting, lifting, loading, pushing, pulling, squatting, and hauling. These may not sound like movements you do on the daily but think about what it takes to sit down and stand up…or how often you have to bend to pick something up off the ground? In reality, we move a lot more and in many different ways just to get through life than we realize!

Implementing functional fitness training, as we do at the FASTer Way, allows you to improve both your range and ease of motion. Also, by focusing on exercises that involve your knees, hips, spine, elbows, wrists, and shoulders you’re able to take on daily living with a new sense of energy, dexterity, and confidence!

Top Fitness Trends: Technology

Technology is always changing, advancing, and revolutionizing our world, and you can bet that FASTer Way isn’t staying behind! A growing trend in the wellness industry is easy-to-use technology so you can stay on top of your fitness with increased accountability and tracking features.

We provide you with this health-enhancing tool by way of our BRAND NEW app platform! We took out the old and have implemented the new with our recent app overhaul providing a complete makeover of appearance and functionality to help ensure your fitness success. Find improved tools to enhance your health and wellness efforts such as a water tracker, macro tracker, online workouts available 24/7 - you can even save the ones you love - and more!

Increase motivation levels, upload progress pictures, and keep your fitness journey in the palm of your hand with this game-changing advantage from us to you!

Top Fitness Trends: Programs For All Ages 

Fitness isn’t just for people in their 20s - fitness is for everyone, regardless of the year you were born. More and more people are realizing the importance of getting fit. And guess what? The FASTer Way was on this train before it even left the station!

This means we don’t believe in one size fits all. Everyone is beautifully unique in their own way and this includes their needs or what works for them when it comes to burning fat and building lean muscle. We bring the idea of customization and personalization to a whole new level with a program that allows you to sweat with the best of them while accommodating physical limitations, medical conditions, personal metabolic rate, and more!

For instance, we offer modifications to create low impact workouts for those with bad joints or previous injuries. If your metabolism is slower you can guarantee you’ll find just the right whole foods to speed it up with us!

The FASTer Way is also the premier program for women aged 50 and over. We even hold speciality 50s and Beyond rounds regularly, where we specifically work with women in the throes of menopause and provide invaluable tools to make this time in your life a celebration of a new you instead of something to fear or simply get through.

Top Fitness Trends: Online Personal Training 

One of the most effective and efficient ways to get fit is taking on a personal coach, and for that reason this is a swiftly growing trend within the wellness industry. Not only does one-on-one coaching help keep you motivated and increase accountability, but it also helps create a fitness plan that's specifically designed with your unique traits in mind. Though easy enough to find at your local gym, the cost is often high and the time constraints are inconvenient for your schedule.

At the FASTer Way, we provide highly qualified wellness experts to guide you through your journey and establish a plan that works for YOU! Gain direct coach-to-client access through our new app platform so you can contact them at any time with questions or concerns. Work together to create health and wellness strategies that fit flawlessly into your daily life and never feel like just another number again!

Revolutionize Your Lifestyle With The FASTer Way!

We’ve been ahead of the trends for seven years! The results? An out-of-this-world, fat-burning, and lean muscle building, online wellness program ready to change your life for the better. Enjoy a customized health journey like never before with one-on-one coaching, guided 30-minute workouts on the daily, and an online community of individuals just like you for unending support and encouragement. The best part? Our strategies are SUSTAINABLE! No one-and-done fixes, but real solutions you can easily implement every day to get your health back on track. That’s ALWAYS on trend!

Want to put your energy where you’ll see sustainable results? 

Join our next round today for a whole new and healthier way of living!

Don't Make These Top 3 Intermittent Fasting Mistakes

Intermittent Fasting gets lots of attention in the media, and more people are trying it on their own—but making mistakes that can actually do more harm than good. Learn the three most common mistakes of Intermittent Fasting and how to avoid them!


Here at the FASTer Way to Fat Loss, we’ve been talking about Intermittent Fasting for years—SEVEN, to be exact.

In recent times, the rest of the world seems to be catching up with what some would call a “trend,” as it’s garnered quite a bit of attention at the national level in the past few years.

Obviously, the benefits of Intermittent Fasting are buzz-worthy. It’s no shocker that the world is beginning to realize what we here at the FASTer Way have known for a while: Intermittent Fasting works for fat loss and is critical in getting truly lean and healthy. 

A quick list of Intermittent Fasting’s benefits include:

  • Improved hormone profile - this is particularly important for women who experience high levels of stress

  • Increased life expectancy 

  • Maintenance of skeletal muscle mass - muscle mass is directly related to your metabolic rate. The more muscle mass you have, the faster your metabolism will be. 

  • Decreased blood glucose levels 

  • Boosted immune system

  • Decreased insulin levels and increased insulin sensitivity - this has a direct impact on your metabolic rate. 

  • Increased lipolysis (the breakdown of fats) and fat oxidation - Intermittent Fasting turns your body into a fat burner

  • Increased uncoupling protein-3 mRNA - this is important for the production of energy inside the cell

  • Increased norepinephrine and epinephrine levels - this leads to an increase in fat breakdown 

This list could keep going—Intermittent Fasting is an absolute game-changer for weight loss, overall health, and longevity!

We LOVE the national attention on Intermittent Fasting, but... 

it’s actually a double-edged sword, because when you try intermittent fasting on your own, with no guidance, you risk doing some serious damage to your hormones and health

The FASTer Way to Fat Loss was designed with intention. It combines a safe approach to Intermittent Fasting with other science-backed strategies that have proven effective for well over 297,000 clients.

Clients come to us all the time after trying (and failing) to effectively implement Intermittent Fasting on their own.  

We’re here to set you up for Intermittent Fasting success so you can experience the benefits of this all natural strategy!

Common Mistakes When Trying Intermittent Fasting on Your Own

Intermittent Fasting Mistake #1 - Undereating

When people begin Intermittent Fasting on their own, they often think it’s as simple as cutting out one meal per day - or more. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. Undereating for a long period of time can actually work against you. Eating in a calorie deficit for prolonged periods of time is scientifically proven to slow down your metabolism and cause your hormones to go into overdrive—eventually fatiguing them.

Intermittent Fasting is best utilized when paired with an appropriate whole-food, nutrient-dense diet (and the right macronutrient and micronutrient balance for your body). That’s why we don’t focus solely on intermittent fasting in the FASTer Way, but combine it with several other strategies that are proven to work while keeping hormones nice and balanced.

We teach our clients how to use Intermittent Fasting to rev up their thyroid function, increase metabolism and energy, and create a sustainable lifestyle.  

Intermittent Fasting Mistake #2 - Not Dealing With Underlying Issues

One major mistake people make when they start Intermittent Fasting is diving into it without taking the time necessary to understand possible underlying health issues, such as adrenal fatigue. If you don’t ease your way into Intermittent Fasting and have a condition like adrenal fatigue, you can exacerbate these underlying issues and make things far worse. Not only will your weight loss efforts be futile, but there’s a host of other health concerns that arise when your body is overly stressed and your thyroid is not functioning optimally. When beginning an Intermittent Fasting protocol, you need to know where to start, how to listen to your body, and how to course-correct when your body gives you valuable feedback in terms of energy, digestion, and fat loss. 

That’s why the FASTer Way is NOT a one-size-fits-all approach. Our coaches help clients troubleshoot individual issues so they can reap the benefits of Intermittent Fasting without exacerbating any underlying issues. We focus on healing those underlying issues FIRST, then using our protocols to get the results our clients want. 

Intermittent Fasting Mistake #3 - Going Too Extreme

For some, trying Intermittent Fasting on their own proves to be a success. But then they decide to take things up a notch, and will often move to more extreme variations of Intermittent Fasting. For example, if you’re doing a 16/8 intermittent fasting protocol that’s going well, you might decide to take things up to a 20/4 protocol. However, more is not always better. If you don’t have your nutrition dialed in before you start utilizing more extreme models of Intermittent Fasting, you are risking long-term metabolic damage. 

Additionally, if you’re regularly fasting and exercising at extreme intensity levels, or fasting while also practicing a low carb lifestyle, you can severely stress your adrenals (which is bad news for your hormones). 

Moral of the story… don’t try Intermittent Fasting on your own.

The Best Way to Learn Intermittent Fasting

The best way to learn Intermittent Fasting and succeed in the long term is to start under the guidance of a coach or other credentialed professional. Google and Pinterest can give you all the free information you want, but only an experienced professional can help you stay on track with a personalized approach that works for YOUR body.

The FASTer Way is very intentional—our workouts are paired with our carb cycle and Intermittent Fasting protocol for maximum results and minimum stress. We ensure our clients are eating the right foods at the right times and for the right reasons in order to increase their metabolic rate and burn fat more effectively.

Intermittent Fasting is truly a revolutionary approach to nutrition and has a significant impact on weight loss and overall health. Approach it as a lifestyle, not a quick fix, and don’t be afraid to ease your body into it. We want you to see incredible results without over-taxing your hormonal system. 

If you haven’t given the FASTer Way a try yet, let’s make this the LAST time you ever resolve to lose weight and get healthy! We’ll help you implement Intermittent Fasting for results like you’ve never imagined. Don’t go it alone - let us guide you through it set-by-step!

Fitness App Updates

You asked, we listened! 


The brand new FASTer Way App Platform is LIVE and ready to make 2023 your healthiest yet.

Burning fat, getting strong, and optimizing your wellness takes time and effort - but the FASTer Way app removes any roadblocks so that you can focus on what matters most! 

Turn to our advanced fat loss technology to reach your goals seamlessly.

That’s right, you can now enjoy brand new functions to help revolutionize how you lose fat and build lean muscle with the FASTer Way. 

Keep reading to learn the exciting app updates that make getting the body you deserve easier than ever.

Onboarding Quiz

Your nutrition and fitness plan is now more customized than ever.

You can now enter in extensive personal data about yourself and your goals to enhance your unique results!

home screen makeover

Home Screen Makeover

You know all those helpful trackers we provide to help you thrive toward your goals? Now you can view them front and center on the elevated Home Screen! This includes the workout tracker, water tracker, fasting tracker, and more. Immediately upon opening our brand new app, you’ll be able to view different progress points for each category. 

View the percentage of water you’ve drank towards your goal, a workout icon displaying your scheduled and completed workouts, updated macro rings, AND a timer to monitor your Fasting window at a glance. Never dig through tabs again and keep yourself on track easier and faster than ever!

Progress Tracking

progress tracking

Be PROUD of your progress and document how far you’ve come! You can now upload images as you go through your fitness journey and visually see how you’ve enhanced your physical wellness at each stage and compare other measurable data. 

Contact Your Coach

contact your coach

Have questions? Now you can connect with your coach at the click of a button! With our new Contact Your Coach feature you can easily access your personal coach in the app directly!

Our new advanced technology is there to make reaching your goals streamlined and convenient like never before. Have everything you need to transform right in the palm of your hands! 

Want to experience this comprehensive tool for yourself? Join our next round and get instant access to the exclusive FASTer Way App!

Tips To Make Your New Year Resolutions Stick

Before you make another New Year’s resolution, read on…


Want to know how to make it stick this time? We’re sharing the best tips to ensure the long-term realization of your New Year resolutions this holiday season.

Let’s start by asking some critical questions.

How many New Year resolutions have you made? Why are you making them? Is it for your own desires, meaning because YOU want to, or the product of societal pressures? 

Trust us, there is a point to ALL these questions…

Knowing your personal answers to them is the KEY to achieving and sticking to your new year's resolutions, possibly for the first time in many years. When you take the time to reflect on your goals, not only can it aid in personal growth but doing so can also strengthen your resolve, ensuring the warrior in you comes out on top for the new year! 

This is especially true for health and wellness, a common goal post-holiday season. When you follow the proper steps, you’re able to establish resolutions that are maintainable, sustainable, and offer achievements all year long!

It’s time to end the “make it then break it” cycle!

Establish The "Why" Behind Your New Year Resolutions

Establishing your “why”, or the reasoning behind your new year resolution(s), is possibly the most important aspect of maintaining them. This also involves picking a MEANINGFUL resolution. Create one that matters to you and sits close to your heart, not one that you feel pressured to choose because of other people's opinions. This is especially crucial for any fat loss or fitness goals as it allows you to deal with temptations or challenges more effectively. 

If you’re feeling unmotivated to muster the energy for a workout or prepare a healthy meal, look to your “why.” Reminding yourself of the point or personal reasoning behind your workout can strengthen your resolve and make you more likely to succeed every day! 

Short-term And Measurable 

One of the most important keys to sticking with your New Year Resolution is to create short-term and measurable goals. This means setting yourself up for success by establishing objectives that are smaller-scaled, attainable, and quantifiable so you can mark your progress. 

If you set a goal that's too extreme, such as running for an hour each day, you may be biting off more than you can chew, which can quickly lead to failure. However, if you keep it short and sweet, such as working out for only 30 minutes most days of the week (as our hundreds of thousands of clients do), your chances of success are much higher. This creates feelings of encouragement and even excitement to keep yourself going for the next week or the next day! Even better, when your new year resolutions or goals are measurable, it helps you to gauge your progress. This can give you an idea of what your success looks like along the way

Beyond establishing short-term and measurable goals, another crucial part to ensuring your success is being honest with yourself so you can set the RIGHT goal(s). What does that mean? It means being realistic with your resolutions based on the resources and time available to you. If you set the bar too high, establishing those only possible or feasible in an ideal world, then you make them unattainable and are more likely to quit them early.

Create A New Year Resolutions Action Plan

Establishing an “action plan” or a what, when, and where, for your new year's resolutions helps to solidify your resolve and set yourself on the right path. Being too wishy-washy or unclear when creating your goals makes it more difficult to follow through with them effectively and deal with challenges that arise. You can even set up fail-safes, meaning if you’re met with temptation and simply looking to your “why” doesn’t work, make a plan as to what to do next. This can translate to calling a friend for support or encouragement, practicing positive thinking, or reminding yourself how “bad behavior” will affect your goals.

Another part of an effective action plan can be to establish a pros and cons list. Keep this list with you and continually develop it over time with your own notions, or ask loved ones to contribute. Doing so will help to boost your motivation levels and give you something to refer to when you're met with challenges or temptations, further strengthening your resolve.

Luckily, we provide a proven plan and the support to go with it - so you always know what to do to stay on pace.

Progress Over Perfection

To maintain your new years' resolutions, it’s imperative that you celebrate or acknowledge your wins - as we say at the FASTer Way, “progress over perfection!” No one is perfect and focusing on the negatives will only lead to disappointment, frustration, and usually failure. Instead, focus on the positives and remember the impact sticking to your goals will have on your life.

For instance, if you go to the gym and all you focus on is what you couldn’t do, it’s less unlikely you’ll ever want to go again. However, if you dwell more on how great it is that you did go and what you did accomplish, no matter how big or small, you’ll feel encouraged or even excited to go again. Those wins add up to amazing results! 

Still having trouble sticking to your goals? Try giving yourself a pat on the back through small personal awards to celebrate your achievements and mark your hard-earned progress. This works to further boost your confidence and motivation levels. Now, this doesn’t mean eating an entire box of your favorite chocolates if your goal is health-oriented, but celebrating in a way that doesn’t contradict your resolution, such as buying new fitness clothes or going to the movies with a friend.

Share Your Goals

One of the easiest ways to get your new year's resolutions to stick is to talk about it. Blab to your friends, family, loved ones, and anyone who will listen, about what you’re trying to achieve - be proud of your goals! This will keep your resolutions at the forefront of your mind, effectively working to increase motivation, strengthen resolve, and give your loved ones an opportunity to support your endeavors.

Reach out even further by finding a friend who shares the same resolution that you’ve set for yourself. This will not boost feelings of encouragement but make them more fun as well by having a partner that can take the same steps as you to accomplish them. For instance, if you’re trying to lose fat and build more lean muscle in the new year, take them with you to the gym or go on jogs together. Doing so will help keep you both accountable and make success all the more likely!

In our community, we share goals every week and cheer each other on!

Join Our Next Round Today!

Are you looking to elevate your lifestyle and be filled with energy every single day? Put some pep back in your step with the FASTer Way and begin a wellness journey that we can help make sure you stick with!

Using science-backed methods and comprehensive app, we help you burn fat and build lean muscle like never before. Our program offers one-on-one coaching, personalized and guided 30-minute workouts you can easily incorporate into your daily activities, and an online community of like-minded individuals for unending support.

Interested? Ready for a new you?

Then join our next round to unleash your inner wellness warrior today!

Mental Health And The Holidays

As much as the holidays can be full of joy, with family, friends, and loved ones, they can also be stressful at times. All of a sudden, you're handed an array of demands, such as cooking, shopping, baking, cleaning, entertaining, and more. As exciting as it is, it can feel nearly impossible to fulfill everything on your plate! That's why finding a balance between mental health and the holiday's festive-yet-hectic nature is crucial.

We can help!

mental health and the holidays

At the FASTer Way, we understand that holiday burnout is real!

However, before you completely lose yourself, let us help you alleviate your stress (and maybe save your sanity) with these mental-health-managing tips for the holidays!

Read on to find simple ways you can have a healthier festive season in every way.

Gratitude and Giving Back

Having a lengthy to-do list can make it hard to pause and remember everything you already have. Making a point to be grateful for your blessings and accomplishments, no matter how big or small, can work wonders on your mental health. 

You can do this in simple ways, such as by writing a gratitude list, reflecting back on relationships, people, items, or personal accomplishments that you're grateful for, and thanking those who supported you. This includes yourself! Don’t forget to pat your own back for the successes your hard-earned discipline or motivation has earned you.

In addition, volunteering can also provide a level of comfort during stressful times. Connecting with your community and helping those in need works to put things in perspective, and can ease feelings of isolation or loneliness during the holiday season.

Stop by your local soup kitchen, homeless shelter, or even a friend’s table that may be less full with a warm meal or some tasty treats. This will help lift your holiday glum and broaden friendships, adding or strengthening new relationships in your life and your community.

Keep Up Healthy Habits

Keeping up with healthy habits is CRUCIAL during the holidays, especially when surrounded by so many tasty treats. Prioritizing healthy habits doesn’t mean depriving yourself of your favorite holiday dishes or working out for hours. Rather, it means providing your body with the tools it needs to relieve stress and maintain your overall wellness.

You can do this through:

  • Conscious eating habits

  • Regular or daily physical exercise (30 minutes does the trick)

  • Self-care practices (Deep breathing exercises, meditation, or yoga)

  • Proper rest and sleep

For instance, you can cook whole food based meals and create numerous holiday staples that are just as delicious while remaining healthy - check some of FASTer Ways' amazing meal guides, especially our new Holiday Meal Guide!! Consuming unprocessed foods and implementing other fat-loss eating strategies, such as intermittent fasting, is the foundation for body and mind wellness as well as mood stabilization. By making these strategies routine you’ll be able to effectively listen to hunger cues, avoid overindulgence, and have a healthy and happy festive season!

Keeping to an exercise regimen is also vital during the holidays for its stress-relieving and overall wellness-boosting benefits. This can be as simple as scheduling time to go for a nice walk around your neighborhood, at your favorite park, or going for a bike ride. Invite a friend or loved one to make it more enjoyable. The important part is to make it fun, as participating in physical activity that brings you joy naturally produces stress-relieving hormones and can improve your overall physical well-being.

Plan Ahead For Your Mental Health And The Holidays

With the thousands of different demands that come with the holidays, it’s important to stay organized. By doing so, you’ll be sure you manage and prioritize your precious time. This helps you to avoid overloading your schedule or daily task list and decrease potential stress levels. You can implement this strategy by setting aside days for shopping, baking, connecting with loved ones, and other activities. Try consolidating errands, and planning menus with adjoining shopping lists to prevent a crisis of forgotten ingredients and feelings of being overwhelmed.

Most importantly, IT’S OKAY TO SAY NO! If a request simply won’t fit into your schedule or a commitment may worsen feelings of being overburdened, it's okay to deny those requests. Those who love you will put your mental and physical health first, just as you should, and understand. Make sure to pencil in NOTHING, too!

Take A Breather

Taking time for yourself and prioritizing downtime is vital to decreasing stress levels that are generally at an all-time high during the holiday season. Stopping to regroup, specifically alone and without any distractions, even if it's just for 15 minutes, can help you feel refreshed and ready to handle more tasks. During this time, practice relaxation techniques by clearing your mind, slowing your breathing, and unclenching your body through stretching.

Another way to take a break and refocus involves doing activities that you enjoy and help you restore a sense of inner peace.

Such practices of self-care can be:

  • Going for a leisurely walk by yourself or with your dog

  • Listening to your favorite music

  • Reading a good book

  • Getting a massage

As much as we all love our families, they can be a lot, especially during the holidays - we all have an eccentric aunt or a high-maintenance relative. Therefore, we emphasize doing these activities by yourself as it will give you much-needed time away and more effectively recharge your batteries. Also, getting outside when you can is recommended as studies have shown that time in nature actively works to decrease stress levels.

Mental Health And The Holidays: Seeking Support

It can be hard to ask for help or reach out when you need it. Maybe it stirs up feelings of failure or weakness. The pressures of the holidays can make you think you have to get a thousand things done at once and execute them perfectly. Having that standard is simply unrealistic and puts unnecessary stress on your already-weighted shoulders. After all, we are only human and perfectly imperfect ones at that.

It’s important to use the support system around you.

That can come in the form of:

  • Family, friends, or other loved ones

  • Members of your community

  • Church

  • Online support groups

  • Social media

  • The FASTer Way family!

Remember, you’re community and other loved ones are there to lean on if, and when, you need it. All you have to do is ask!

Join Our Next Round Today!

Like the idea of sustaining your wellness? Want to implement these healthy habits but not sure you can do it on your own?

Let the FASTer Way help you!

Join our next round, where we focus on simple and holistic habits, like those mentioned in this article, to boost your health and reduce stress. We’ll also implement other science-backed strategies such as guided 30-minute workouts, drool-worthy meal guides, and a personal coach custom matched just for you!

Let yourself enjoy your fitness this year and find simple yet powerful ways to amplify your energy and mood!

Click the button below to register for FREE today!

Intermittent Fasting For Men

So, we hear you're looking for ways to boost your muscle mass.

Maybe you're lifting weights excessively or spending hours at the gym consistently, but you’re still not getting the physique you want.

We have just the thing for you.


Intermittent Fasting for the win!

You can do all the bench presses in the world, breaking buckets of sweat to bulk up, but if your body is not receptive to muscle gain, you may be wasting your time. No matter how many shakes you have, trying to optimize your health and lean out all at the same time can become impossible if you’re not properly training your body, and your muscles, for success. 

However, all that can change with Intermittent Fasting!

This is the fitness strategy that will finally give you that cutting edge you’ve been working so hard for. It works to optimize every part of your body, down to your very cells, for the most effective muscle gain you can achieve.

You may be thinking, Intermittent Fasting? Yeah right! Fasting eats away at muscle mass! Plus, I need to eat directly prior to and after my workout for maximum muscle growth! 

These myths have circulated far too long - it’s time we bust them! You’re about to find out how this metabolism-boosting, health strategy can help you build muscle and lose fat unlike anything else!

Read on for all the hard-backed science and health benefit facts for intermittent fasting.

What Is Intermittent Fasting (IF)?

Intermittent Fasting (IF) is defined as the short-term abstention from food for the sake of one's health. It puts your body on an eating schedule, designating time spent in the “fed” or “feeding state,” and time spent in the “fast” or “fasting state”. When in the fasting state, your body turns to fat for energy instead of breaking down glucose. 

The FASTer Way relies mainly on time-restricted feeding for maximum health benefits. Time-restricted eating extends a regular, overnight fast to anywhere between 12 to 20 hours by consuming all of your day’s meals within an 8-12 hour window, let’s say from 12pm - 8pm. Now, the crucial part of maintaining healthy and efficient body functions is to meet all your calorie and macronutrient needs within the adjoining compressed window. If not, you’re simply punishing your body instead of helping it. That’s one of the reasons that fasting under the care of certified experts is so important.

Intermittent Fasting For Men With The 16:8 Protocol

This is the method of Intermittent Fasting most regularly implemented by the FASTer Way. The 16:8 Protocol asks that individuals keep their “feeding window” to 8 hours per day and their “fasting window” to 16 hours a day. The exact time you begin each window doesn’t necessarily make an impact, as the most important factor is the length of each “fasting window.” During this time, your body’s at digestive rest, which is when a majority of desired cellular changes occur.

Benefits of this method include:

  • Decreased inflammation

  • Improved digestion and gut health biodiversity

  • Decreased blood glucose levels

  • Improved hormone profile (decreased insulin and improved insulin sensitivity) 

  • Maintenance of muscle mass

Remember, though, intermittent fasting is great and comes with many benefits, it is not by any means a substitute for a whole-food nutrition-based diet. It’s crucial to combine healthy metabolism-boosting foods with the process of intermittent fasting for effective muscle-building results. The intersection of these components is integral to our proven program.

The Muscle Building Power Of Intermittent Fasting For Men

The idea of fasting can be concerning to some, especially those that want to gain size or see serious muscle gains. However, the idea that you can’t increase muscle mass with intermittent fasting is an old wives' tale, we promise! 

The act of fasting actually increases the production of the Human Growth Hormone (HGH), which has powerful muscle-building and fat-burning properties. When intermittent fasting, this important hormone works to increase testosterone, insulin sensitivity, and decrease circulating insulin levels. All of this combined helps your body to increase muscle mass, hasten recovery, and maintain your hard-earned gains! 

In other words, this strategy is crucial in achieving body recomposition by decreasing your overall fat percentage and increasing muscle mass simultaneously.

Read that again - Intermittent Fasting can actually help you increase your lean muscle mass while shedding body fat! 

Disease Prevention

Hormone Profile Changes

As mentioned previously, intermittent fasting increases the human growth hormone (HGH). However, it also increases another hormone known as norepinephrine. This neurotransmitter positively impacts your metabolism by helping to break down fats for fuel. The combined increase of these two hormones can lead to fat loss and help to protect against certain chronic diseases. 

But wait, there's more!

Intermittent fasting also has major impacts on insulin, which can positively or negatively affect your health depending on the circumstances. This pivotal hormone regulates whether extra glucose, the most broken-down form of carbohydrates, gets stored in your body as fat. In other words, it's a large contributor to fat loss and therefore muscle gain. Intermittent fasting works to actively decrease insulin, decrease hyperinsulinemia, and improve insulin sensitivity. In addition, with a decrease in insulin, your body is able to alter your genes in favor of healthy aging and longevity. For instance, fasting decreases a genetic marker known as insulin-like growth factor 1, which when present increases your likelihood to develop certain diseases such as cancer.

Cell Resiliency and Health

By undergoing intermittent fasting, you help to train your body’s cells to respond adaptively, which enhances their ability to cope with stress and resist disease. When you implement this strategy over time, your cells build in strength and durability. 

Beyond this, fasting also helps your body to cleanse itself, a waste-removal process known as autophagy. This is when your system “cleans house” of any broken or damaged cells and the regeneration process of healthy new cells can begin.Yet another way intermittent fasting can help protect your body against diseases such as cancer or dementia as well as the negative effects of oxidative stress and inflammation.

Mental Focus Or Sharpness and Energy

Besides gaining muscle, we’d all like the energy of our younger selves back, right? Well, intermittent fasting can help give you that! This healthy lifestyle strategy works to improve neuron development in the brain and slow down brain-aging biomarkers which promotes healthy sleeping patterns and enhanced mental clarity. It also changes how your body processes different macronutrients in a positive way! Keep reading to find out how.

Sugar Burn To Fat Burn

During digestion, carbohydrates are broken down to the simple sugar glucose which is what cells use for energy. Any glucose that your body doesn’t use is stored as stubborn fat. However, when you fast your body turns to this excess fat for energy which can hasten fat loss and decrease your risk for cardiovascular diseases. 

Many men think that fasting eats away at muscle mass, because your body can start breaking down protein for energy leading to muscle loss.

However, this fear comes from the circumstance in which you remain fasted for three days straight, which we don’t recommend. 

Rest assured - when you participate in intermittent fasting the FASTer Way, you encourage the maintenance of lean muscle mass and the decreasing of fat mass simultaneously!

In addition, when fats are used for energy your body releases fatty acids known as ketones into your bloodstream. This chemical plays a major role in preserving brain function, helping to provide security against seizures, Alzheimer’s, and other neurodegenerative disorders. They also release a protein called brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) which strengthens neural connections, specifically in the memory and learning parts of your brain.

Are you ready to take your healthy lifestyle to a new level? Or maybe you’re giving your best efforts but still not seeing results? 

Then our FASTer Way for Men program is for you!

We bring you a diverse selection of personal coaches for 1-on-1 training and healthy eating strategies, such as Intermittent Fasting, customized to your specific needs. Our program also provides daily 30-minute workouts suited for your body composition goals and an online community of individuals trying to upgrade their way of life just like you!

Sign up today to elevate how your body looks and feels!

FASTer Way Giving Tuesday

This year, the FASTer Way to Fat Loss team has been strengthened by our spirit of service. 



It’s been a year of  giving back to our community, upholding our core value of generosity, and helping families live for a better future. In honor of Giving Tuesday, check out how we’ve actively worked to provide donations to those in need, and maybe it will inspire you to give back a little yourself! 


Pineapple Projects

Our Staff Service Day was dedicated to supporting Tampa families by providing household furniture and supplies to those in need. Our team divided into three groups to furnish and decorate three different homes in the Tampa area with the Pineapple Projects. We were able to meet each family and witness their delight and gratitude at seeing their new homes for the first time. To honor the true holiday giving spirit, this project successfully brought much needed resources to our fellow community members.

pineapple projects


feeding america

Feeding America

We happily donated much needed funds to the Feeding Families organization from our 5 Day Sugar Detox registrations and October proceeds. This helped fill tables with delicious holiday staples that may have otherwise been missing and effectively fill bellies nation-wide. After all, everyone deserves to experience a warm meal and a well-stocked pantry during the season of gratitude and giving thanks!

Hurricane Ian Relief

Hurricane Ian resulted in life-changing destruction for our fellow Floridians, but from that horror also came some sense of hope through disaster relief donations. At the FASTer Way, we made sure to do our part by giving two days worth of our shop sales as donations toward hurricane relief. This resulted in a total of $50k of hurricane donations for the Florida Disaster Fund!


Ronald McDonald House

Our annual FASTer Way 5K for a Cause was in support of the Ronald McDonald house this year. Our community rallied together to run for families experiencing medical crises. From across the country, our community ran virtually on beautiful Thanksgiving day, and as a company and a community, were able to donate a total of $55k to the Ronald McDonald House Charities National HQ! This helped to bring critical medical assistance and much more to families and children in need for a happier and healthier holiday season. Additionally, we were the main sponsor for the Tampa Bay Turkey trot which also supports key local charities. 


 This year we joined together to give back. Success means so much more when we can share it with those we love and the community around us!


Like the idea of giving back? What to know more about the FASTer Way and how we create and support individuals that emulate our core values of generosity and bold action? Check out our website to learn more about us as a company and our leading program for a healthier, happier you!

FASTer Way Black Friday Sale Roundup!

Thanks for a great Black Friday Sale!

Deals expired 11/28/22, but we can’t wait for next year’s sale! Until then, head to the shop and check out what’s in stock!

FASTer Way Protein


Our premium supplements are designed to elevate your wellness and get you lean, strong, and radiant. Super smooth and versatile, they’re the best supplements for you!

*50% off your first subscribe and save order*

$25 Off New Client Program Sale

Feel and look better than ever with our proven program! Use code SAVE25 at checkout to secure a limited time $25 discount! Let us be your wellness guide!

Early Access and Special Discount for FASTer Way Men’s Program

$250 Off FASTer Way Coach Certification Packages

This never happens! For a limited time, you can become a Certified FASTer Way Coach for $250 off when you opt for our Early Admission track! Start by scheduling a call and let your dreams unfold! Your thriving FASTer Way business awaits!

Hot New Merch in our Shop

New items dropping for the first time ever, and at a discount to boot! You’ll love our dreamy loungewear, chic yet comfy active line, and our hot new accessories! These are your favorite new workout clothes. LIMITED STOCK AVAILABLE!




Up to 60% off FASTer Way Essentials

You can’t go wrong with our signature merchandise and accessories. These favorites stand the test of time and are essential for every health and fitness enthusiast! Stock up on our fitness clothing line while it’s on sale!

FASTer Way Fat Loss Favorites Cookbook

Looking for simple and delicious recipes that fuel your body properly and satisfy even the pickiest taste buds? Enjoy this tasty collection of fat-loss favorites. This is the fat-loss friendly cookbook for you!


$100 Off FASTer Way Concierge Service

*VIP Members only

Exclusive to VIP members, this is the ultimate in support, resources, and customized programming. Achieve your goals with our expert Wellness Specialists, trainers, and Registered Dietitian arranging every detail of your plan!

Don’t miss our best sale ever! Visit our shop for the full line up of premium supplements, swag, programs, and services! Fill your cart with your favorites and gift goodies to friends and family!

Holiday Foods The FASTer Way

Festivities are on their way, and while you love this time of year, you’re absolutely DREADING navigating all the tempting treats.

You know you won’t be able to resist the delicious calorie-packed holiday foods that come with the different upcoming feasts, and frankly, you don’t want to. 

Guess what? 

You don’t have to! We’ll be showing you some FASTer Way holiday whole food staples that boost your health so you can enjoy that Thanksgiving feast without having to sacrifice taste. With our FREE Holiday Meal Guide, you can create new scrumptious and metabolism-revving dishes to sustain your overall wellness without having to deprive yourself of holiday favorites. And what’s more? Your guests will love them, too!

Interested? Want to know about some of the whole food staples we incorporate in our meal guide to keep your overall wellness running smooth as grandma’s gravy? 

Keep reading to find out more!

Holiday Food Items For A Healthy Lifestyle


Dates are nature's secret to satisfying your sweet tooth while keeping your health and wellness in check. They’re a fruit native to the Middle East, but are grown in the Mediterranean, Asia, the United States, Mexico, and other tropical climates across the globe. Though both fresh and dried dates are available year-round, it's best to get them between November and January when they’re in season.

Their health benefits are many and their versatility for cooking is expansive. They boast an ample amount of essential vitamins and minerals (B1, B2, A1, C, iron) and are high in fiber, some protein, and many antioxidants. 

These nutrients provide many benefits, including:

  • Managing cholesterol levels

  • Improving your digestive system and overall gut health

  • Helping to prevent disease

  • Controlling hunger levels and cravings

  • Boosting metabolism

  • Supporting brain and bone health 

As a natural source of fructose, they’re also a great way of satiating your sweet tooth without packing on the calories and negative effects of processed sugar. They’re even a good binder for baked goods, like cookies or healthy snack bars, due to their sticky consistency when cooked or melted down!

Check out our Bacon Wrapped Almond Stuffed Dates for a delicious sweet and salty holiday treat!

Raw Honey

Looking for another way to sweeten up your holiday dishes without going into a sugar coma? Search no further than tasty, preferably organic, golden raw honey. Honey, specifically raw honey, has a plethora of essential vitamins and minerals (calcium, potassium, zinc, etc.),  antioxidants, amino acids, and enzymes that boost various aspects of your health. 

These nutrients protect your cells by providing anti-inflammatory effects that exacerbate the aging process and contribute to chronic diseases such as:

  • Diabetes 

  • Atherosclerosis (hardening of blood vessels)

  • Inflammatory conditions

  • High blood pressure

  • Heart disease

  • Neurodegenerative disease

  • Cancer 

Most of these benefits are derived from what's called polyphenols, which are simply antioxidant compounds that stabilize cells in your body to protect your fatty tissue, DNA, and different proteins. In addition, raw honey is filled with phytonutrients, compounds found in plants that protect them from harm. For us, they work to provide the powerful antioxidant, antibacterial, and antifungal properties of raw honey shown to offer immune-boosting and anticancer benefits. 

Enjoy the delights of raw honey with our Turkey Rolls with Cranberry Sauce entree found in this year's Holiday Meal Guide! 

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) is the highest quality olive oil as it’s naturally extracted from the olive fruit without the use of unnecessary heat or chemicals. Being full of healthy fats (more than any other oil), over 30 types of antioxidants, and both Vitamins K & E using EVOO in your cooking helps to protect your cardiovascular health, improve brain function, and decrease inflammation within various parts of your body.

The main element within EVOO that provides a majority of these benefits are antioxidants. Read on to find out more about these physiological wellness warriors!

Holiday Foods And The Power Of Antioxidants

Consuming antioxidants is crucial to keeping molecules in your body, known as free radicals, healthy and balanced. Without antioxidants, a process called oxidative stress will begin, causing these molecules to start adversely mutating or altering important physiological elements such as proteins and sometimes your very own DNA! This causes all sorts of issues, contributing to both disease and aging.

However, the power of antioxidants in EVOO can:

  • Prevent or decrease symptoms of Rheumatoid arthritis

  • Fight chronic inflammation (primary driver of cancer, metabolic syndrome, arthritis, and more)

  • Decrease the risk of heart disease

  • Act as neuroprotective agent (improve blood-brain barrier and decrease neuroinflammation)

  • Help protect your overall nervous system and mental healthy 

Other antioxidants in EVOO can also help if you're struggling with Type 2 Diabetes by improving your glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity. They’re resistant to heat (so you won’t lose any nutrients), are easily absorbed by food, and even help cooked food retain nutrients usually lost!  

Check out our Vegan Stuffed Mushrooms to bask in all the benefits of these powerful and disease-fighting antioxidants! 

Heart-Healthy Holiday Foods: Oats

Oats are a FANTASTIC heart-healthy whole food to incorporate into your holiday meals. They contain vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants essential to your overall health and wellness. By slowing down digestion, and the rate at which these nutrients are absorbed, they also help to control hunger levels leaving you satiated for longer.

In addition, the antioxidants contained within them work to lessen the effects of chronic inflammation commonly caused by cardiovascular disease and diabetes. For diabetes specifically, oats are especially nutritious as they have what's called a low Glycemic Index (GI). This simply means they help prevent spikes in blood sugar and insulin levels after eating.

Enjoy a scrumptious dessert while staying healthy through our Apple Crisp Yogurt Bowl found in the FASTer Way holiday meal guide!

Being serious about your health can be difficult during the holidays, and you may think doing so means depriving yourself of well-loved festive favorites. 

This doesn’t have to be the case!

With the help of our Holiday Meal Guide, you can make drool-worthy feasts for yourself and your family. It’s fantastic for entertaining, giving you the ability to share your healthy lifestyle with all your loved ones and create new dishes that will become family favorites! Better yet, you can start a new wellness tradition, improving not just your quality of life but the lives of those you care about as well! In it, we’ll provide you with easy-to-make holiday recipes and step-by-step directions so EVERYONE can be healthy while eating delicious whole-food-based meals! 

So, boost your metabolism and increase the nutrient intake of those around your dinner table by downloading our FREE Holiday Meal Guide today!

PS…if you’re ready to make delicious whole foods combined with sustainable workouts the pillars of your new lifestyle, then join the next FASTer Way round! It will change your life in ways you never thought possible. (Spoiler alert: you’ll enjoy every bite of the holidays - without setting your goals back!)

The Secrets To Burning Fat Over 50

Does your mood feel as if it’s going haywire after reaching the golden age of 50? Do stairs seem a bit steeper and your joints weaker?  Fat loss harder than ever?

Burning fat and maintaining strength can be difficult during midlife, but newsflash:

This doesn’t have to be YOUR new normal! 

When you hit the over 50 mark, your body’s natural rhythms begin to slow and shift in different aspects. Your hormones are fluctuating and  the metabolism also starts to lose speed and efficiency, which means the exercise or food routines that used to work perfectly fine stop working! 

In other words, you feel frustrated and stuck.

Good news! 

We see your struggle and are here with science-backed principles to bring your body and your health back in sync. It’s time to start working WITH your natural body instead of against it.

Read on to find out how.

Menopause, Hormones, Fat Retention, Oh My!

What are hormones and why are they such a factor when it comes to burning fat over 50?

Hormones are chemical messengers that not only control your metabolism but the way your cells and organs function. They play crucial roles in mood, weight, energy levels, and more! When you have a balanced hormone profile you feel energized, strong, lean, and emotionally uplifted, with each type of hormone housing different responsibilities. 

Consequently, when your hormone profile is knocked askew due to the natural patterns of midlife, it greatly impacts your body’s ability to burn fat and maintain a sense of emotional stability. 

For instance, progesterone acts as a calming neurotransmitter for the brain and as an immune response agent. During perimenopause, the amount of progesterone in your body decreases due to less frequent ovulation. In reaction, various symptoms can occur such as mood swings, difficulty sleeping, decreased stress resilience, and increased autoimmune flares.

How To Start Burning Fat Over 50 

To re-align your hormone profile and re-engage your body for optimal fat-burning power, there are 4 main principles to follow: exercise with an emphasis on strength training, sleep combined with relaxation, participating in Intermittent Fasting, and consuming healthy meals focused on whole food nutrition.

Want to know more? Keep reading!

Exercise And Strength Training

As you age, it's important to remain active, most especially through strength training. Working out with weights and consistently engaging your muscles this way helps to promote various aspects of your overall wellness and physical health such as:

  • Sustaining lean muscle mass 

  • Maintaining overall strength

  • Increasing metabolism efficiency

  • Promoting bone and joint health

  • Re-establishing hormone balance

It’s been shown that after we hit 50, our muscle mass decreases by about 1-2% PER YEAR and our muscle strength declines by about 1.5-5% per year. This process is known as sarcopenia and leads to a slowed metabolism, which generally results in increased fat retention.

BUT, when you prioritize strength training, you’re able to counteract these symptoms in a powerful way! With just 30 minutes a day, you can decrease your body’s insulin levels, the chemical that tells your body to hang on to fat and also increases dopamine in the brain. Increased dopamine acts to reduce stress which in turn helps to improve your overall wellness.

Another fun fact? Strength training is low impact - which means all ages can perform it successfully and safely.

Sleep And Relaxation

Though getting more sleep and keeping more chill may seem counterintuitive to burning fat over 50, they’re actually extremely important for your overall health and wellness. Sleep and relaxation don’t just sound lovely - they play an important role in maximizing positive fat loss results and health outcomes during midlife. 

For instance, in increased amounts, the stress hormone cortisol can create a variety of symptoms such as:

  • Fatigue

  • Depression

  • Cravings

  • Fat retention, especially around the waist

  • Suppressed immune and metabolic functions

However, when you have a commUNITY to lean on like at the FASTer Way, and prioritize sleep every night, you’re laying a strong foundation for physical and mental health. With your stress down and a well-rested head on your shoulders, your fat-burning power and muscle gain can only go up. 

Plus, don’t forget: a stressed body can’t burn fat. 

Take deep breaths, get some sunshine, and use the support of others to celebrate your goals. As we emphasize at the FASTer Way, its progress over perfection that matters!

Burning Fat Over 50 Through Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is a healthy way of consuming your meals within a certain time frame, usually within an 8 hour window, to increase fat loss and boost your overall wellness.

For instance, during fasting, insulin levels drop. Low insulin levels cause fat cells to release stored sugar that’s actively used by the body. This not only encourages fat burning, but helps prevent chronic diseases as well!

Other benefits of intermittent fasting include:

  • Balancing the “hunger hormone” (ghrelin levels): this helps control your appetite and/or cravings

  • Promoting the human growth hormone: this encourages fat burning, lean calorie building muscle, and aids anti-aging in the body

Now, we know not everyone loves the idea of fasting. Many have concerns or even an initial reaction of fear due to notions set by the media. However we’re here to take away that fear and assure you that there’s no reason for anxiety or any other ill-feelings over the process. 

We only offer fitness tactics that look out for your optimal health and wellness!

When done right and with the proper guidance, intermittent fasting is a highly effective way of losing fat and creating lean muscle. (Not to mention it promotes longevity and can help prevent disease.) We’ll show you how to implement the process safely, gradually, and most importantly in a healthy way, until it almost becomes second nature.

Whole Food Nutrition 

Most processed foods, or foods that “don’t have a mother or come from the ground,” as we like to put it, are high in calories but low in vital nutrients like protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. In other words, they’re “empty calories,” and when in the throes of menopause, it's crucial to replace these with nutrient-dense whole foods to promote your overall wellness.

For instance, fiber helps increase estrogen clearance from your body and healthy fats are the building blocks of hormones. Carbs and protein are also imperative to include in your meals when trying to get healthy over 50 and re-balance our hormones. Keep reading if you want to learn exactly how these vital food groups improve your health!

Protein, Protein, and More Protein!

Protein is the most important macronutrient for women 50 and over. as carbs with an amazing ability to build and repair tissues, help increase muscle mass and bone strength, and facilitate hormone synthesis. 

Other benefits of protein include:

  • Curbing cravings

  • Maximize effects of exercise

  • Prevent or reverse muscle loss

  • Combat naturally occurring decrease in estrogen

Burning fat over 50 using Carbohydrates

Carbs are not evil! You heard that right. Carbs are actually extremely important for your health and especially a balanced hormone profile. They help regulate cortisol (stress), melatonin (the chemical that helps you sleep), and hunger hormones. Foods containing carbs such as fruits and vegetables, have key vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants for your body’s health!

Healthy Fats Are Your Friend!

Fats often get a bad rap, but healthy fats are actually extremely important for you overall health! Being the densest macronutrient they help to regulate satiation levels, stopping you from overindulging and keeping you fuller for longer. 

They further support your overall wellness by working to:

  • Support cell growth

  • Protect vital organs

  • Regulate hormone production

  • Transport essential vitamins and minerals

  • Decrease inflammation through high amounts of omega-3

Both types of fat, saturated and unsaturated, provide these benefits and more depending on the type.

However, unsaturated fats are known to be especially conducive to fat loss and a healthy body composition. They’re present within different oils, such as olive, peanut, and canola oil, as well as olives, avocados, nuts, and various seeds. By decreasing inflammation, improving cholesterol levels, and containing a variety of vital antioxidants, such as Vitamin E, unsaturated fats are known to promote longevity and decrease your risk of cardiovascular disease.

Burning Fat Over 50 With The FASTer Way

Trying to burn fat over 50 can be discouraging when you follow outdated advice or rely on methods of the past. After all, there is a LOT to think about. However, we are here to get rid of your stress and help you to re-balance your hormone profile for a healthier, happier, and more energized you! 

Join the next FASTer Way round to get a new lease on your fat loss journey! As a part of our program, we provide customized 30-minute workouts, personal 1-on-1 coaching, community support, daily easy-to-follow meal plans, and more to guarantee your success!

Ready to experience hormone harmony?

Cardio To Burn Fat For Life

You’re a busy, hectic, working mom trying to get that big promotion at work and cardio training is the last thing on your mind. 

You’ve put so much of your energy into your job that your family isn’t as close as it once was. There are no more game nights and you don’t know the name of your child's new favorite superhero.

This happens when we want something so adamantly to the point of tunnel vision. In other words, we want it so badly that we put all our energy into getting it. This can have a domino effect and make other pieces in our life begin to falter.

The concept of balance applies to fat loss and getting healthy as much as it does in life. For instance, you hate your pesky belly fat so you do 1000 crunches a day but never lift a single weight. This will only give you so much success and only in one aspect of fat loss instead of bringing your whole body to a new level of health and fitness. In life we all need balance and FASTer Way is here to give it to you in the form of different cardio training to disperse in your daily, weekly, or monthly workout plans. 

Exercises For Cardio and Balanced Health

When taking on your fat loss journey, there are two main types of exercise to include: aerobic and anaerobic. We implement both types of training in the FASTer Way for maximum results and health benefits! They each play a role in developing strength and stamina, creating a lean body composition, and improving overall health.

Anaerobic Exercise

During anaerobic exercises, your body breaks down simple sugars for brief but powerful energy. The duration of your anaerobic exercise depends on intensity and how long you choose to do it. Most anaerobic sessions last for 10 minutes to 30 minutes, but this is entirely up to you! The harder you work or push yourself, the quicker your body uses up released energy and the shorter it will last.

Different types of anaerobic exercises include:

  • High-intensity interval training (HIIT)

  • Heavy weight lifting

  • Sprints

When you create this high energy demand in your body it will start breaking down those sugars and consequently burn fat like crazy! It’s also endurance-building so your ability to do exercises for longer increases through the heightened tolerance and elimination of lactic acid, the element that makes your muscles tired. Additionally, anaerobic exercises help burn away excess fat, increase bone strength and density, boosts your metabolism, and more.

Each week we provide a laid out plan (and corresponding video workouts) for all levels that include the exact type and amount of to do. This is usually in the form of weight lifting, plyometric exercises, and sprint activities to prioritize a more effective metabolism and lean muscle mass. The more powerful your body’s internal mechanisms, like your metabolism, work the faster you will see success on your fat loss journey.

Aerobic Exercise

Aerobic means “with oxygen,” or producing energy through cardio exercises by burning carbs and fat with the presence of oxygen. Generally, it’s produced slowly but in large amounts during continuous repetitive motion. Picture an exercise you can sustain for 20 minutes to 1 hour, such as walking, jogging, or running, without burning yourself out within the first 10 minutes. During these exercises your heart rate should only experience a moderate increase. 

Types of aerobic exercise include:

  • Running 

  • Swimming

  • Cycling

  • Walking 

  • Rowing 

  • Cardio machines (stair climber, stationary bike, rower, elliptical)

  • Cardio classes (Zumba, Jazzercise, etc.)

The benefits of aerobic exercise include endorphin release, the happy chemical in your brain, improved blood flow, increased heart and lung health, and more! In other words, no matter what stress life may be throwing at you, aerobic exercises remind you to take a deep breath and smile, all while burning fat at the same time.

Our clients perform these or other types of aerobic exercises each week during light cardio warm-ups, cool-downs, and active recovery. This gives you the steps each week to bolster your immune system, take care of your heart, and improve your overall health the FASTer Way.

Join us for the FASTer Way 5K for a Cause to build your cardio!

Stay tuned for 2023’s FASTer Way 5k! Hosted every year on Thanksgiving morning our 5K is for clients and non-members alike. It comes virtually, meaning you can participate from anywhere, or in-person for those who reside locally.

When you register you receive all the bows and trimmings, including a FASTer Way 5K t-shirt, audio for your runs, and a thorough training plan. This event provides a fun and community-oriented way to support not only your body’s cardio needs (especially as the weather cools), but a great cause. Proceeds from the run will be donated to the Ronald McDonald House organization to help families in medical crisis.

The best part? This “race” doesn’t need to be run! You can walk, jog, or sprint for however long you’d like, and at whatever pace works for you.

So mark your calendars and keep your eye on the horizon for this amazing event - further details are on their way!

In the meantime…

For the best plan to get you in top shape and improve your cardio fitness, join our next FASTer Way new client round! We offer a life-changing program using science-backed methods that are guaranteed to work.

Why wait to start living to your body’s fullest potential?

Learn more and get your journey started here.

Sugar Detox: How To Do It The FASTer Way

Are you tired of pesky sugar cravings constantly setting you back on your health journey? Do you feel your sweet tooth is calling the shots more than you're calling them yourself? FASTer Way has a solution for you and that's our 5 Day Sugar Detox! 

Added sugar does a number on your body and your health when not carefully monitored. But at the FASTer Way, we show you how you can still enjoy natural sugars while keeping your cravings at bay to guarantee success in your fat loss efforts.

It’s time to take back control - and we’ll show you how to triumph over sugar without depriving yourself.

First, let’s review some sugar basics so you can understand just how this sweet stuff operates.

The Basics Of Sugar 

Natural Sugar

Sugar naturally occurs in all whole foods that contain carbohydrates, such as fruits, veggies, grains, and dairy. These staples, however, also provide valuable micronutrients. For instance, plant foods contain fiber, essential minerals, and antioxidants; while dairy foods offer protein and calcium. Your body digests these food groups slowly, giving your cells a measured supply of needed energy. When consumed in healthy amounts, they can help decrease the risk of chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and some cancers.

Added Sugar

The issue comes when you overload your body with sugar, specifically added sugar. This type of sugar isn't naturally occurring, but is added to most foods to provide that extra sweetness…which hooks you and keeps your body wanting even more! There are 61 types of processed or refined sugar. That’s right, 61!

We run into it almost daily, as it's present in soft drinks, fruit drinks, flavored yogurts, cereals, cookies, cakes, candy, and most processed foods. This additive even runs rampant in soups, bread, cured meats, and condiments like ketchup.

Why You Need A Sugar Detox

The average person either knowingly or unknowingly consumes 152lbs of refined sugar per year, or just over 25 teaspoons per day. That's a lot of sugar!

This is a scary thought, and when not monitored, can do serious damage to your health let alone your fat loss goals. 

Added or refined sugar can perpetuate or increase your risk of:

  • Cardiovascular disease (heart attack, stroke, high blood pressure, etc.)

  • Fatty liver disease

  • Diabetes 

  • Obesity 

  • Cancer 

Added sugar is processed in your liver, and your body has a hard time breaking it down (because it's not meant to). When your body can’t metabolize something, it usually turns it into fat, which can accumulate and lead to many of the serious issues mentioned above. 

Additionally, one of the most common side effects of increased sugar intake comes from sweetened drinks. Though this liquid may seem innocent enough, such drinks can wreak absolute havoc when it comes to a healthy diet. The processed sugar in them turns off your body’s appetite-control system since the calories aren’t substantial like solid foods. Without that control system, your body doesn’t know when to stop making it all too easy to add on the calories.

Sugar Detox: Re-energize Your Life!

In life you can’t fix what you don’t know is broken, and maybe you can hardly imagine your life without sugar. But what if you did it? What if you’re finally able to kick that sugar monster to the curb while still being able eat luxuriously AND deliciously?

This may seem impossible, as sugar acts similarly to a drug in the sense that it stimulates intense cravings by lighting up the reward center of your brain. However, with the FASTer Way family behind you, and our science-backed strategies at the ready, you can finally succeed.

When you do you’ll feel lighter, more energized, and vibrant. You’ll find your skin has a new glow, your body is craving healthy foods, and there’s an extra pep in your step every single day. Your body won’t be the only thing thanking you either, your mood and mental state will find new life and a healthier way of being throughout your busy day. Who doesn’t want to find a reason to smile more?

The Benefits Of Eliminating Sugar With The FASTer Way!

At the FASTer Way, we believe in whole food magic. Why? Because even if you’re juggling the kids, house, and work, when you eliminate added sugars and focus on whole foods, you move leaps and bounds in your fat loss journey. 

You’re able to improve, bolster, or increase different aspects of your whole body health such as:

  • Micronutrient intake (vitamins, minerals, fiber, other nutrients)

  • Skin quality (improve collagen repair system)

  • Energy (produced by complex carbs, protein, and healthy fats)

  • Cardiovascular system (risk of heart disease decreases by 38%)

Mastering the dos and don’ts with our fitness program not only helps give you the lean body you’ve always wanted, but is an investment into your future health. It brings the promise of family dinners or Disney vacations for years to come when you let the FASTer Way family bring out the best version of you. 

By joining a new client round, you will receive FASTer Way app access, a personal coach hand-picked for how well they suit your needs, and other benefits including:

  • Meal guides packed with mouthwatering dishes

  • Customized 30 minute workouts for daily lean muscle building and fat burning power

  • Guidance on health tactics such as Intermittent Fasting and HIIT Training

  • …And an exclusive group for community connection and support!

So why wait? It’s time to feel light, lean, and in control of your body this holiday season!

Get ready for sugar cravings to become a thing of the past and join our next client round today!

Macro Tracking vs Calorie Counting for Fat Loss

Are you tired of doing “all the right things” and still seeing little to no progress? Is the strictness of an unyielding diet causing you to lose faith or passion in your healthy lifestyle efforts? These are classic frustrations when it comes to many individuals’ fat loss journey, and your team at the FASTer Way to Fat Loss is here to help with macro tracking!

Generally, when it comes to true overall health, it's not how much you eat, but WHAT you eat. Our science-backed macro method follows this philosophy by refusing to put  you on a restrictive diet. Instead, we give you a way to eat not just effectively  towards your fat loss goals, but enjoyably as well. Crazy right? 

Read on below to find out more about macronutrients and our superior macro tracking strategy so you can have your cake and eat it too!

What Are Macronutrients?

Macronutrients are the “large” nutrients that make up most of what you eat, namely: carbohydrates, fats, and protein. Everybody requires a certain amount of each macro every day to properly fuel their body, effectively burn fat, and create lean, calorie-burning muscle. Our macros method targets this individualized ratio of protein, carbohydrates, and fat to help your body and its metabolism run as optimally as possible. Even with the busiest of schedules and a kid on each hip!


Carbohydrates are not evil, as many other weight loss fads and online health techniques may claim. Everything in moderation of course, but this nutrient does quite a lot for your body and it’s detrimental to cut it out of your diet completely. (Best news ever!)

For instance, carbohydrates help provide:

  • Optimal hormone function

  • Fuel for high-intensity interval training

  • Maintenance of gut biodiversity

  • Physiological vitamin, mineral, and fiber needs

When you provide your body with the right amount of carbs at the right time, otherwise known as carb cycling, you tap into your fat stores for energy. This is especially true both during and after a workout. It works by playing off your body’s natural carb depletion and repletion processes, strategically leveraging them to shed the fat from your body like water.

Examples of healthy complex carbs include sweet potatoes, brown rice, bananas, oats, leafy greens, and vegetables. Look to our Fall Meal Guide for some great recipes to incorporate many of these delicious staples around your family’s table!


Now, this may sound counterintuitive, but fat itself won’t make you fat. On the contrary, fat, in healthy amounts and from nutritional sources, has several amazing benefits for your overall wellness. 

This includes:

  • Supporting your metabolism

  • Assisting in cell signaling

  • Bolstering immunity 

  • Regulating hormones

  • Improving mood, body composition, and cardiovascular health

There are multiple sources of healthy fats such as nuts, seeds, avocados, salmon, and nut butter like almond butter. If you’ve been avoiding fats in fear of fluffing up, it’s time to bring them back on the menu.


Protein is a critical component that changes your body composition for optimal overall wellness and fat-burning productivity. It helps build and repair muscle through the replacement of worn-out cells, improves the efficiency of your metabolism, and produces glucagon, a catalyst for fat burning. 

The best part? Its nutritional value doesn’t end there! Other benefits of this building-block compound include:

  • Healthy skin, hair, and nails

  • Strong bones

  • Lasting full-feeling

  • Boosts immune system

There are numerous sources of this wellness-promoting protein. For instance, eggs, chicken, tuna, beans, and tofu all offer fantastic fat-burning advantages along your fat loss journey.

Surprisingly, most women under-consume protein, so knowing your daily requirement and consistently getting enough is key for results.

Why The FASTer Way Macro Tracking Method Is Superior To “Clean Eating”

The FASTer Way macros method passionately follows three different plans of attack to get rid of your fat for good: precision, balance, and strategy. 

Precision: Calorie Quality Over Quantity

Precision involves influencing or hand-picking where your macronutrients are coming from. Each macronutrient holds a caloric equivalent. In other words, become aware of calorie quality instead of being overly concerned with calorie quantity like most traditional diets. 

When done right, this can aid in body composition changes such as lean muscle gain and maintenance as well as general fat loss. In addition, being conscientious about your whole food consumption promotes restful sleep, gut health, stable hormone function, satiation, energy levels, and improved exercise performance. 

Balance In Your Macro Tracking

Our Macros Method heavily emphasizes recognizing and fulfilling ALL your macronutrient needs. In other words, the proper ratio of each macronutrient for you - never eliminating an entire food group.This promotes optimal health, overall wellness, and is the key to success in any fat loss journey.

For instance, if your diet is lacking in protein, your hard-earned muscles will begin to deteriorate and your metabolism lose momentum. If you're falling behind on your carbohydrate intake, you may find yourself feeling quite lethargic and lacking the energy to really give it your all during workouts. However, with our FASTer Way Macros Method, you won’t have to worry about any of this! You can be assured that you’re giving your body the fuel types it needs to thrive. 

Strategy: Finding Food Freedom

As mentioned previously, our macros method doesn’t simply hand you a strict list of yes or no foods. We’ve surpassed that! What’s life without some variety - and treats?

Instead, by applying a level of strategy, you can find out what foods and how much of them to eat under any circumstance. Whether that’s out to eat, on the go, at a party, on a family vacation, or just sitting cozy at home. We don’t do elimination protocols. They’re simply not sustainable, whereas our macro method can give you results for life.

Additionally, with this strategy-based whole food method, you can incorporate all the savory treats and delectable delights you love, guilt free! In other words, you find your way to “food freedom” while still successfully burning away fat.

Start Macro Tracking Today!

Does this program sound like something for you? Do you want to learn more about our superior macro tracking method and take advantage of this game-changing strategy towards your fat loss?

Take our quiz today, get a free meal guide and meal plan based on your goals, and get ready to revitalize your metabolism! 

We’ll help you determine the best whole food balance on your plate for ultimate fat loss success.  

Take The Quiz

How to Start and Scale an Online Wellness Business

Do you feel like you have untapped potential? Do you have a passion for fitness and a desire to share it with others on a much larger scale? Are you ready to change people’s lives while making a significant income? At The FASTer Way to Fat Loss, we give you the tools and resources to find your ideal clients and create a successful online wellness business for years to come.

In addition to a whole community behind you, we provide a full-service business model and framework to scale your business successfully.

Turn your hours in the gym into dollars by becoming a certified FASTer Way coach and a proud leader within your community.

Our Certification Program

Our certification program abides by the same core values we do as a company: integrity, generosity, bold action, excellence, and adaptability. As a certified FASTer Way coach, you’ll be able to align your passions while preventing disease and creating a positive impact in people’s lives. The best part is you won’t have to do it alone!

We help unlock your profit potential through exclusive community support, continuing education, planning resources, digital assets, and more. Our system is based on science, providing you with a program backed by research and hard evidence that guarantees success for your clients. In other words, you can be confident you’re teaching the BEST practices in the industry.

Scaling Your Online Wellness Business

Scaling your business simply means having and implementing a certain set of procedures within your business so it can run and grow as smoothly as possible. These procedures are known as systems and processes. Systems are a task and processes are the steps, tools, people, and strategies used to complete them. They interweave with each other and are what catalyze your business to success.

The best part as a certified FASTer way coach is our built-in scaling infrastructure is done for you. We equip you with marketing and branding assets helping you to grow your audience with our streamlined website. Additionally, you’re given the full assistance of our back office to take care of registration, payments, waivers, welcome emails, client asset delivery, our online portal, and a user-friendly app. All that’s left for you to do as a FASTer Way coach is to bring the clients and support them to success. The rest to do with scaling your online wellness business, including a support system of like-minded professionals and effective marketing strategies, is taken care of by us.

Earning Potential Within Your Online Wellness Business

At The FASTer Way to Fat Loss, we operate with an abundance mindset. This applies to our coaches as well. We believe that those who are driven and want to take bold action deserve to see their income reflect their efforts. One of the best ways to accomplish that is by setting a goal and working backward. Goals provide a business direction, and as a FASTer Way coach, we can help you both establish and achieve them. This includes objectives such as a desired monthly income.

Furthermore, when you become certified as a FASTer Way coach, you gain the opportunity for multiple streams of income. For instance, you have your first-time clients as well as repeat clients, and supplemental income from additional products or merchandise. A referral program is also provided. This gives you the potential to create your own ambassador network, all of which adds to your financial goals and ultimately your scope of impact.

Community And Collaboration

Not only is our back-office team here for you, but as a certified FASTer Way coach, you gain a whole community to keep you knowledgeable and supported. Guided by our CEO, other coaches, and staff experts, FASTer Way doesn’t believe in a one-and-done certification. Instead, we provide ongoing hands-on training in the form of marketing, coaching strategies, fitness and nutrition topics, and other technical resources. Your online wellness business becomes a collaborative effort as doing it on your own can be both complicated and isolating.

When you have a team of industry experts and an online community behind you, it helps you to be an effective coach and greatly expands the impact of your online wellness business. In other words, our certification program provides a done-for-you growth system. This growth applies both as a business owner and as a health expert. This holds value and secures the long-term health of your online business. It also gives you an edge within the field of online fitness coaching and a continuous flow of inspiration to draw from that you can share with potential clients!

Find Out More...

The FASTer Way to Fat Loss coach certification program gives you the tools to establish an effective and wildly successful online wellness business. Turn your hours into dollars while also changing lives and giving back to your community. With ongoing intensive hands-on training and our built-in scaling system, you will have unending support to guarantee your own success.

As a bonus, our brand-new FASTer Way Group Exercise Instructor Certification is being offered for the first time at this event! Become a founding FASTer Way Group X Instructor and stand out in your local community with our proven strategies and professional workouts.

Join our interest list today to get all the exciting details and exclusive access to our next Coach Certification event!

Healthy Fall Recipes To Make For Fat Loss This Season

Cooler weather, back to school, football, and holidays. There’s lots to love about fall, but there can be lots of temptations to let your health goals fall by the wayside, especially fat loss goals. However, FASTer Way to Fat Loss is here to make sure you stick to your fat loss goals all through the holidays with our fall themed meal guide. Whether it’s a Halloween party or a Thanksgiving feast, we’ll show you what staples to eat with these delicious but healthy fall recipes.

Healthy Fall Recipes: The Importance of In-Season Food Items

Many foods, particularly fruits, lose their nutritional value when you purchase them out of season. Not only that, but the juicy and delicious flavor we all love depletes through preservation and processing. When you stick to mostly consuming in-season foods, your diet will thank you with flavor, variety, and a wealth of nutrition. This will greatly help to increase your energy levels throughout the day.

It's best to keep vegetables, fruits, and lean proteins, such as chicken, fish, turkey, beans, or tofu, as the main components of any meal. This is especially true with our healthy fall recipes. For instance, our smoked salmon egg cups are a great in-season option with lean meat, protein, and lots of calcium for a nutrition-packed selection.

Healthy Fall Recipes & Food Items for A Healthy Lifestyle


Pears are a great fall food item packed with fiber, Vitamin C, and flavonoids that give the fruit its natural sweetness. Each medium-sized pear contains about 6g of fiber and only 100 calories. They also contain large amounts of pectin. Pectin is a soluble fiber that attracts water which turns to gel. This gel then slows down digestion which has a slew of benefits, including reducing the risk of various health conditions such as:

  • Blood cholesterol

  • Heart disease

  • Colon cancer

Our Fall Meal Guide takes advantage of this by providing a healthy but savory snack option of pear with walnuts. A simple half of pear combined with ¼ cup of walnuts offers a hearty dose of calcium for those passionate about their holiday fat loss.

Sweet Potato

It's impossible to pass through the cooler season without this golden version of the potato. Packed with Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and fiber it’s a guilt-free nutritious and delicious staple. In addition, sweet potato contains glutathione which is an antioxidant that protects your energy-producing cells. In other words, it’s a great way to put a little extra pep in your step as you go about preparing for all your fall festivities.

Reap all the benefits of this vegetable by looking at our selection of Chicken, Sweet Potato & Broccoli in our healthy Fall Meal Guide!


Kale is a famous superfood, so it’s no surprise that it makes it on our list of foods for healthy fall recipes. This leafy green is packed with a variety of nutrients such as:

  • Vitamin A

  • Vitamin C

  • Calcium

  • Potassium

Additionally, the leaves of the plant themselves are sturdy and strong. In other words, they won’t fall apart when cooked in soups or sauteed. The vegetable as a whole is hardy enough to sustain cold temperatures, generally making it the last item to pull in a garden if being grown at home.


This energy-packed veggie is great as a possible meat substitute due to its rich hearty texture and nutritional value of Vitamin D and B.  The vegetable also contains a chemical called Selenium. This is an antioxidant that helps repair cell damage and thyroids, effectively increasing your metabolism. In other words, mushrooms are a quick and easy way to get loads of nutritional benefits while enjoying your breakfast, lunch, or dinner.

The Mushroom Miso Soup Bowl listed in our meal guide is a great example. Among our healthy fall recipes, this one is packed with calcium, protein, vitamins, and antioxidants to help you on your fat-loss journey. Additionally, it’s a fantastic way to warm up while keeping your metabolism in mind on a chilly fall day.


Oatmeal provides another effective way of warming your bones during the cold season while remaining health-conscious. It has a wide range of vitamins and nutritional values such as:

  • Prebiotic properties

  • Beta-glucan fiber

  • Protein

Beta-glucan fiber is great for both heart and gut health, while the protein in this strain of grain helps stabilize blood sugar and energy levels. Our Vanilla Overnight Oats healthy fall recipe is a great way to reap all the benefits of this food item. You can even add any type of nut or seed to increase the amount of protein and gain a fuller feeling stomach.


Apples are probably the best, easiest, and healthiest fall staple on this list. Filled with natural sweetness, fiber, and antioxidants, they’re great for achieving a fuller feeling for longer. This helps to control portion size and the fiber content helps facilitate healthy digestion. Additionally, the fruit has further benefits due to the high levels of Vitamin C within it. For instance, it offers gum protection and encourages wound healing through increased collagen production.

Our meal guide offers a delicious gut-conscious snack in the form of Apple with Almond Butter. This healthy fall recipe is as simple as it gets, making it that much easier to keep to your fat loss journey even during the Holidays. Keep in mind most of an apple’s nutrients are within its skin. Consequently, it’s best to have them unpeeled for this meal.

Healthy Fall Recipes Wrap-Up

Keeping dedicated to your fat-loss journey can be difficult during the cooler seasons if you’re trying to go it alone. However, FASTer Way to Fat Loss is here to make it easy with this Fall Meal Guide. It includes all the food items mentioned above, so you don’t have to miss out on some of your favorite foods to take care of your body.

If a healthy lifestyle and all-over fat loss is on your wishlist, you’ll love the FASTer Way lifestyle. Our hundreds of thousands of clients can tell you for themselves how we’ve helped them achieve the transformations they’ve always wanted. Our next client round begins soon!

Don’t miss out!

The FASTer Way makes the Inc. 500 List Again!

It’s with great excitement and gratitude that we bring you this announcement…

The FASTer Way has proudly made the Inc. 500 list yet again this year!

We’re incredibly honored to be among the most distinguished companies in the nation, and it’s thanks to your support. Our community is truly exceptional!

The Inc. 500 is composed of the fastest growing private companies in the United States. According to the organization itself, “this prestigious list of the nation's most successful private companies has become the hallmark of entrepreneurial success and the place where future household names first make their mark.”

Our team works tirelessly every day to serve our community with our core values at the forefront:

  • Excellence

  • Integrity

  • Bold Action

  • Generosity

We’re certain that these central values and our passionate community lead the way to our success.

Here’s what our Founder and CEO, Amanda Tress, has to say about this remarkable accomplishment.

“Pacing, perseverance, and consistent growth are paramount to building a start-up that will last, and we’ve proven over the past several years that we are here to stay.

Growth ONLY matters to me when it directly correlates to lives transformed physically, women and men empowered financially, and problems solved in the world. 

I am forever grateful for each of YOU who has played a part in our growth and impact. Be proud - WE are the FASTer Way.” 

Our mission is to empower as many people as possible to get well, prevent disease, and fulfill that purpose with energy. We’ve never been so committed to doing just that.

We look forward to more impact, more lives changed, and more opportunity to serve you with excellence!

New to our program and want to experience the power of the FASTer Way for yourself? Learn more and join our next round below.

Cheers to you, FASTer Way family!

The 5 Foundations of Postpartum Fat Loss

The 5 Foundations of Postpartum Fat Loss

Congrats, mama! You made it through pregnancy and delivery and are now in a whole new phase - postpartum! We know what a special and sometimes fragile time this is as you and baby figure out life together.

If you’re reading this, you may not be feeling quite at home in your post-baby body. You’re likely ready to regain your strength and energy. You may hope to release the stored fat accumulated during pregnancy that has you feeling uncomfortable in your skin or clothes. It’s time to shine some of the spotlight back on your needs and get in tip top shape. Let’s do it!

Important to note: This isn’t about “getting your body back” - you never lost it! It’s about emerging from the postpartum period healthy, fit, lean, confident, and energized. You know…the way you deserve to feel.

There is a set of specific strategies you will want to implement postpartum for best results. Since we’re the experts in helping postpartum women reach their goals, you can rest assured that by following our recommendations, you’ll be on track for phenomenal results.  

Focus on these five foundations to experience unmatched, lasting fat loss postpartum and beyond.

Implement Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent Fasting is one of the most superior ways to do a “deep clean” of your system and your cells, which not only leads to optimal health, but makes your body more receptive to fat loss. 

Postpartum, your body is begging for an all natural reset from deep within. There’s nothing more simple, effective, and holistic than fasting.

IF boasts an impressive resume for postpartum moms with benefits like:

  • reduced inflammation

  • improved sleep 

  • greater mental clarity and focus

  • better digestion, improved gut health biodiversity

  • improved hormone profile - lowers insulin, improves insulin sensitivity, increases human growth hormone, increase norepinephrine

  • maintenance of skeletal muscle mass

  • use of stored fat for fuel 

We recommend compressing meals into a designated number of hours per day. Most effective is a 16:8 protocol (16 hour fasting window, 8 hour feeding window.) For most clients, this could look like eating from 12pm-8pm. 

If you’re breastfeeding, we encourage a gradual fasting protocol, starting with 12 hours and extending from there to assess and minimize changes to breast milk supply. You’ll use fasting as a flexible tool, not a rigid rule.

*Note: IF should not be used as a calorie-cutting mechanism. Ensure you’re meeting your nutritional needs during your eating window. 

New to IF? Get ready to fall in love with how your body and brain runs on fasting. 

FREE VIDEO: Learn the moves I completed as I eased back into fitness postpartum.

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Track Your Macros 

The secret sauce to postpartum fat loss is to consume the proper ratio of carbs, protein, and fat - the three macronutrients.  

That means your calorie counting (and skimping) days are over! It’s time to balance your macros to support fat burning and optimal health.

Opt for clean, whole food nutrition sources of the following three macronutrients: 

  • Carbs are the primary fuel source for the body. Your body needs carbs, but you must find your carbohydrate “sweet spot.” Alternating between a lower and higher carb intake delivers exceptional fat loss and maximum health benefits. 

  • Proteins are the building blocks of lean muscle, and muscle works in support of a firing metabolism. If you’re not eating enough protein, you will start to lose muscle mass, which means you’ll have a slower metabolism and a harder time losing fat and creating a strong, fit body. 

  • Fats support your metabolism, cell signaling, immunity, and hormone production. They can also improve your mood, body composition, and cardiovascular health. 

It’s easy to over or under-consume carbs, which can result in weight gain, or fall short on protein intake, hindering your ability to build lean, calorie-burning muscle. Without your personalized, custom macros, you won’t be able to transform your body to the extent you’d like. Establishing the proper macronutrient balance for you will cause your metabolism to run at its prime. (And you won’t be a hangry mom or have to avoid your favorite treats!) Winning.

Here’s an idea of what a macro balanced and fat loss friendly plate can look like.

Workout Smart!

Postpartum provides an awesome opportunity to start fresh and solidify smart workout habits that can lead to stellar results! Once you’re cleared for exercise, here’s your plan of attack!

  • Focus on getting back into a routine. You may feel out of whack! That’s okay. Just keep showing up and making exercise a habit.

  • Take it easy on the abs. Modify movements like full planks and leg lifts so that you’re not doing more harm than good as your core heals.

  • Get in, get out. 30 minutes is all you need to get in an effective workout. You’re busy and your time can be better spent elsewhere. 

  • Follow a laid out plan with safe progression rather than trying to piece random workouts together on your own.

  • Resist doing more cardio or HIIT. Your body’s muscle mass has already dwindled during pregnancy and postpartum. Overdoing these two modalities will make it hard for your body to develop lean calorie burning muscle mass, which is integral to building a revved metabolism that burns fat.

  • Make strength training the star of the show. Bodyweight, bands, and/or weights are all you need to work with.

  • Don’t underestimate what you can do. Don’t believe that you’re “broken” or weak. Your options are limitless, so bring it on! 

Here’s a sample progression for how you can begin and then advance your workout routine as your body continues to heal and get stronger:

  • Start with bodyweight and work up to light weight, then heavier weight, and then to dynamic movement.

  • For example: bodyweight squats → light weight squat → heavier weight squats → jump squats

Manage stress to lose fat 

Because you can’t be over-stressed and lose fat at the same time. 

Little known fact: hang on to stress..hang onto fat. While some level of stress is normal in motherhood (let’s be honest here), chronic stress levels can cause your body to burn less calories and bring your metabolism to a crawl. You can be doing all the “right” things, but too much stress will hinder your ability to lose fat. Managing stress and creating a lifestyle that allows your body to release stored fat is vital to your results - and your happiness!

Postpartum can be a stressful time, but keep these areas in check as much as possible if you want to achieve results. 


A lack of sleep can make anyone irritable, but for our purposes, sleep deprivation acts as a form of stress on the system and can contribute to additional fat gain, or make it more difficult to lose fat. 

Tips for better postpartum sleep:

  • Prioritize sleep over things that can wait (like folding laundry)

  • Communicate needs (especially to a partner or family member)

  • Sleep when baby sleeps (not always possible, but helpful when it is)

  • Ask for help (others can’t always tell when mom is struggling)

  • Say no to added responsibilities or extra tasks

Self Care 

New moms can easily get lost in the daily tasks and new demands on their time. Although many women see it as an indulgence, self-care is an important part of recovery and has a positive impact on fat loss.

Self-care looks different for everyone. Here are some ideas for self-care you may enjoy: 

  • Stay connected to close friends and loved ones either virtually or for an in person date.

  • Carve out at least 15-30 minutes of “me” time in a way that feels good. (Try a nice bath, reading and tea, face mask, or a leisurely walk, for example)

  • Be kind to yourself and give yourself grace through the process. 

Here are a few pointers to help manage day to day stress: 

  • Pause and take deep breaths until you reach a calm state. 

  • Set boundaries on your time and obligations to preserve your energy and sanity!

  • In the moment, remind yourself that you CAN do this.

  • Lean into your support system. 

  • Block out negativity, whether it comes from certain relationships or social media.

Cultivate a mindset for lasting fat loss

So you don’t stop short or get thrown off track.

Get your mindset in gear, mama. You’ve got goals to accomplish and that means your mental muscles have got to be up to the task! 

Our most successful new moms:

  1. Play the long game. We live in an instant gratification society, but fat loss and health improvements don’t work like that. Shiny object syndrome is not your friend - stay the course so you’re not constantly jumping ship for the next “best” thing. 

  2. Just say NO to comparison. What works for someone else may not work for you.There’s a lot of pressure to “bounce back” and a lot of people online making it look like a cinch. Tune into your body and your goals!

  3. Turn setbacks into comebacks. Setbacks WILL happen. You should do everything you can to set yourself up for success but setbacks are going to occur. When they do, be resilient. Don’t let one missed workout turn into two, or one day of overeating turn into an entire week. Keep picking yourself back up. 

Ready to master your mindset for success?

Focus on what you get to do, not what you have to do, have a deeper sense of WHY than looking good in a bikini or in your Instagram feed, and celebrate the small wins along the way. 

Mama, it’s time to take action and jumpstart lasting fat loss. 

As a new mom looking to become lean, fit, confident, and energized…you’re going to love our approach to reaching your goals after baby. You’ll be blown away by how good you can feel and look when you apply our science-backed, lifestyle strategies. 

Want to reveal your leanest, fittest body yet postpartum? 

Join our next round of the FASTer Way, where you will thrive with our expert support, second-to-none strategies, comprehensive resources, and exclusive client app. 

You’ll learn the cutting edge protocols that have helped thousands of postpartum women burn fat, get fit, and radiate confidence. The best part? It won’t put a huge dent into your day or be just another dreaded thing on your to do list. 

We’re on a mission to help new moms achieve their dream transformations and have the energy to fulfill their purpose to go along with it. Rise to the best version of you and love the skin you’re in!

Peanut Butter and Jam Overnight Oats

Peanut Butter and Jam Overnight Oats

Peanut Butter and Jam Overnight Oats

You can NEVER go wrong with overnight oats!
Save this for your next meal prep day or head over to your FASTer Way App to save it to your favorites! 📲


2 2/3 tbsp - Peanut Butter, natural
1 1/2 tbsps - Maple Syrup, divided
2/3 cup - Unsweetened Almond Milk
1/2 cup - Oats, quick
1 1/2 tsp - Chia Seeds
1 cup - Strawberries, finely chopped


Add half of the peanut butter and half of the maple syrup to a mixing bowl. Slowly whisk in almond milk until combined.

Stir in the oats and chia seeds until combined.

Cover and let sit for at least 3 hours or overnight.

To prepare the strawberries, add chopped strawberries to a bowl with the remaining maple syrup. Stir to coat the strawberries in the syrup then cover and let rest in the fridge until oats are ready.

To serve, add the peanut butter oats to a jar, and top with the strawberries (and their juices) and remaining peanut butter.


CARBS - 71 | FAT - 27 | PROTEIN - 17

Ready to make this delicious smoothie? Grab your FASTer Way protein using the button below!

Burn Fat with Every Bite

There’s no denying that nutrition is the number 1 key to achieving fat loss, but what actually works? By now you’ve probably tried every diet under the sun hoping to finally see results – and maintain them.

We’ve cracked the code on how to create a plate that burns fat, boosts energy, and balances hormones. You can get a taste with our FREE 5-day sample meal guide.

Pineapple Kale Smoothie Bowl

Pineapple Kale Smoothie Bowl



1 cup frozen pineapple

1 frozen banana

1 cup kale

1/4 squeezed lemon

1 TBSP flaxseed

1 scoop FASTer Way Collagen

1 cup unsweetened almond milk


Add all ingredients to a blender

Blend all ingredients until smooth. Add more almond milk, if needed.

Transfer to a bowl. Top with coconut flakes, fresh fruit, nuts, granola, or any other topping of your choice (macros will change depending on what you add!)


One serving

Carbs - 47g | Fiber - 10g | Fat - 7g | Protein - 18g

Collagen is an essential protein in our bodies and is responsible for supporting the skin, bones, joints, and other tissues. Order your premium FASTer Way Collagen today using the button below!

Burn Fat with Every Bite

There’s no denying that nutrition is the number 1 key to achieving fat loss, but what actually works? By now you’ve probably tried every diet under the sun hoping to finally see results – and maintain them.

We’ve cracked the code on how to create a plate that burns fat, boosts energy, and balances hormones. You can get a taste with our FREE 5-day sample meal guide.

Cookie Dough Protein Smoothie

Cookie Dough Protein Smoothie

Cookie Dough Protein Smoothie

Get your cookie fix with this popular twist on everyone's favorite - chocolate chip cookies! Satisfy your sweet tooth while enjoying FASTer Way protein-packed benefits like lean muscle development, metabolism boosting, and workout recovery. You'll love powering up with this dessert-worthy smoothie.


1 frozen banana

2 pitted dates

2 TBS FASTer Way Vanilla Protein


1/2 TSP cinnamon

3/4 cup almond milk

1 TBS dairy-free chocolate chips


Add everything to a blender (except the chocolate chips) and blend. Pour into a glass, sprinkle with chocolate chips and ENJOY!



Carbs - 46g | Fat - 4g | Protein - 15g

Ready to make this delicious smoothie? Grab your FASTer Way protein using the button below!

Burn Fat with Every Bite

There’s no denying that nutrition is the number 1 key to achieving fat loss, but what actually works? By now you’ve probably tried every diet under the sun hoping to finally see results – and maintain them.

We’ve cracked the code on how to create a plate that burns fat, boosts energy, and balances hormones. You can get a taste with our FREE 5-day sample meal guide.