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5 Fasting Tips for Fat Loss Success

Intermittent Fasting Made Easy: Simple Tips to Make the Most of Your Fast

Are you looking to jumpstart your fitness journey AND improve your metabolic health?

Instead of struggling with methods that either aren't giving you the results you want or aren't sustainable, it's time to start practicing effective fat loss strategies for the guaranteed success of your wellness!

Fasting, or intermittent fasting, has been shown to have numerous benefits, including burning stubborn fat, improving insulin sensitivity, and reducing inflammation. Intermittent Fasting’s benefits are both physical and psychological, so you can handle all life has to throw at you.

However, fasting can be misused when beginners attempt it without the proper guidance.

We've compiled the top 5 fasting tips from the FASTer Way to help you succeed in your fasting journey.

Whether you're new to the strategy or a seasoned pro, these tips will help you achieve your goals and improve your overall health like never before!

What Is Intermittent Fasting (IF)?

First, let’s go over what Intermittent Fasting is.

Intermittent fasting (IF) is a popular eating plan or pattern where you cycle between periods of eating and fasting. The FASTer Way to Fat Loss program utilizes a form of IF called time-restricted eating (TRE), where you restrict your eating to a specific window of time each day. This method typically involves a fasting period of 16 hours daily, with an eating window of 8 hours. By reducing the number of hours you eat each day, you can potentially improve your insulin sensitivity and maximize your body's fat for fuel ratio.

Keep reading to find out the 5 best tips when it comes to starting your fasting journey!

Tip #1: Start slow and listen to your body

Starting slow and listening to your body is crucial when beginning your fasting journey. Your body needs time to adjust to the new eating pattern, and trying to jump into a longer fasting period right away can lead to discomfort, headaches, and other side effects. This is why, at The FASTer Way, we primarily start small and begin with a shorter fasting window, such as 12 hours. You can then gradually increase it over time.

By not jumping ahead of yourself too soon, you actively prevent negative side effects and help your body adapt to the new eating pattern in a healthy way. Additionally, paying attention to your hunger and satiety cues can help you determine the optimal fasting and eating windows for your individual needs.

Tip #2: Stay hydrated and nourished

Staying hydrated and supporting proper nutrition is crucial when practicing intermittent fasting as it helps replenish essential vitamins and minerals that get lost. Drinking plenty of water, adding electrolytes when possible, and consuming nutrient-dense foods during your eating window can help support your body's natural detoxification processes and keep you feeling full and satisfied. It's best to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water per day to promote sufficient hydration and fuel your body by focusing on consuming whole foods such as vegetables, nuts, fruits, lean proteins, and healthy fats before or after your fast.

Avoid processed and sugary foods, as they can disrupt your fasting and cause spikes in blood sugar levels. Instead, nourish your body with crucial macronutrients your body needs such as carbohydrates, healthy fats, and protein. By infusing your body with the right foods and fluids, you can support your overall health, increase energy levels, and improve your fasting results!

Tip #3: Keep yourself busy

Fasting is an adjustment during the first few days when your body is getting used to the new eating pattern. To help prevent boredom and food cravings, it's important to keep yourself busy and distracted. Engage in activities that you enjoy, such as reading, exercising, or spending time with friends and family. Try to avoid situations that may trigger overeating, such as watching TV or scrolling through social media.

By keeping yourself occupied and focused on other things, you can make it easier to stick to your fasting plan and achieve your goals. You can even reach out to friends and family if you find yourself struggling - at The FASTer Way we have an entire online community of like-minded individuals and your own personal coach to help keep you motivated along the way! Your body will come to thrive while fasting!

Tip #4: Find a fasting method that works for you

There are several different types of fasting, each with its own unique benefits and challenges. The most popular type is intermittent fasting (IF), which involves alternating between periods of fasting and eating - this is also what we mostly commonly use at The FASTer Way, though a personal trainer will help provide what method is the best match for YOU! Another option is alternate-day fasting, where you fast every other day and eat normally on non-fasting days.

Finally, there is extended fasting, which involves fasting for longer periods of time, usually 24 hours or more. Each of these fasting methods can be effective for fat loss and improved metabolic health, but it's important to find the one that works best for your individual needs and lifestyle.

Tip #5: Focus on overall health, not just fat loss

While fasting can be an effective tool for fat loss and improved metabolic health, it's important to remember that it's just one part of a healthy lifestyle. By focusing on overall health, such as regular exercise, adequate sleep, stress management, and nutrient-dense foods, you can maximize the potential benefits of fasting. In addition, studies have shown that fasting may have anti-aging effects and improve cognitive function, among other benefits.

So, while fat loss may be a motivating factor for trying fasting, don't overlook the other potential benefits for your overall health and wellness. At The FASTer Way, we emphasize whole-body health and care about more than just addressing what you see in the mirror, but supporting various physiological functions so you can feel good both inside AND out!

Fasting With The FASTer Way!

It's time to implement science-backed strategies that work and provide guaranteed results for your wellness!

Fasting can be a powerful tool for improved health and fat loss, and with these top 5 tips from the FASTer Way, you can make your fasting journey a success.

Biting for more information? Still have questions about the process?

Learn more about intermittent fasting and implement it under the guidance of your Certified Coach by joining our next round at the FASTer Way

You’ll gain access to guided 30-minute workouts, personalized one-on-one coaching from a certified FASTer Way Coach, delicious whole food based meal plans, and eating strategies- like intermittent fasting and carb cycling- to help you find freedom in your fitness. No more deprivation diets or unsustainable one-shot wellness plans, but a customized health roadmap so you grow organically and change your life for the better.

So what are you waiting for?

Sign up now to take the first step towards the best version of you that you can be!

FASTer Way Podcast

Tune in to this week’s episode with Le Bergin and Mia Votapka on What Supplements They Take and Why

Should you take FASTer Way collagen and protein supplements? FASTer Way to Fat Loss Pro Trainer Le Bergin, and Registered Dietitian Mia Votapka, reveal their personal supplement list and share advice on how to find supplements that work for you.

Tune into this week’s podcast now!

We know optimizing your nutrition can be confusing. There is so much information out there and many products to choose from. But what’s right for YOU? There’s never been an easy answer.


Introducing FASTer Way Wellness, an elevated line of premier women’s supplements customized for the unique needs and goals of our FASTer Way community. Made with only the highest-quality ingredients, FASTer Way Wellness supplements are: Daily Free, Gluten Free, Non GMO, Soy Free, and more!

FASTer Way Wellness supplements are the secret weapon that will give you the ultimate advantage for reaching your fitness and nutrition goals. Designed specifically with you in mind, it’s the next generation of whole food nutrition you can trust, so you can live your best life with energy and purpose.

Want to hear more? Join the interest list below to get more information about our FASTer Way Wellness launch!

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5 Tips for Teachers Intermittent Fasting During the Summer Break

Teachers are being asked to do more than ever right now. Even when class is not truly in session due to COVID-19, you are being asked to restructure entire curriculums during a global pandemic to fulfill the education needs of your students to finish out the year. So what happens during the summer when that schedule goes away? You might say “sweet freedom”, but the relaxation from such a structured lifestyle might have you feeling like “well now what?”


The easy answer: now is the time for YOU! If your fitness isn’t getting a passing grade, it’s time to focus on getting well and staying well.

We’re hosting a special program just for teachers with $49 savings as our way of saying thank you for all you do. We’ve written lesson plans for your fitness and nutrition as you enter the summer. Our plans are centered around whole foods, plenty of exercise and intermittent fasting.

Intermittent fasting is safe for everyone and is a great way to lose weight because it doesn’t restrict WHAT you eat but WHEN you eat. Typical schedules range anywhere from 12/12 to 16/8. The first number is how long you go without food and the second number is the window you are clear to eat. We recommend starting slow and working your way up. The benefits of intermittent fasting are vast.  

After you stop eating and your body ends the digestion process, it will enter a state of rest. During this time, it will start repairing itself by healing damaged cells, reducing insulin levels, reducing inflammation and improving cholesterol and blood pressure.


·        Improved sleep

·        More energy

·        Quicker recovery

·        Hormone level increase

·        Better immune system

It’s a bit easier to do intermittent fasting during the school year because teachers are so busy, it’s nearly impossible to grab a snack and munch throughout the day. But during the summer, when your schedule is wide open, it can be easy to relax your eating patterns. Here are a few tips to keep you from falling back into your old habits.

1.      Create a morning ritual – It’s ok to drink coffee, tea or water during the fasting window, so when you wake up, feel free to curl up to a hot mug and start your day. You might enjoy running or walking in the morning, although it’s recommended you do these activities in the daylight. Getting exercise in the sun gives you a dose of vitamin D and melanin, which is known as the happy hormone. If you forgo the early morning activity, try to build in some kind of routine like catching up on local news. Any routine you can build in the morning will distract you from eating until your meal window opens.

2.      Forgive yourself – The FASTer Way doesn’t promote a diet, but a lifestyle change. We put the scale in the closet and don’t focus on numbers because it’s more important how you feel. Sometimes you will break a rule. You will second guess and wish for a mulligan on decisions you make. That’s ok. If you break your fast early on, or want to enjoy a summer food you love, it’s completely fine. Remember, it’s about progress not perfection.

3.      Make your main meal count – Early on, it might feel like forever until your fasting window closes. It will get better with time, but one thing you’ll learn is you should make dinner count. Make sure you feast on nutritious foods that are filling and delicious. Don’t force yourself to choke down foods you don’t like just because it feels like a healthier choice. The more you enjoy your lifestyle, the more likely you are to continue it.

4.      Don’t break your fast with sugar or carbs – After you’ve gone 12-16 hours without food, you’ll want to break your fast with something that will sustain you. Foods like eggs, nuts, oatmeal or avocado are filled with protein and fats for sustainable energy that will burn for a while. The last thing you want is to spike your blood sugar with sweets and bread because you’ll have a crash that creates a roller coaster effect. That’s not sustainable and will deter you from continuing your IF practice.

5.      Make a schedule – It’s summer. We get it. You don’t want to live and die by the hour-by-hour structure you have during the year. But teachers are creatures of habit after all. It helps to have some kind of guide for the day so you can plan your meals. It’s a good idea to pre-make lunches and some healthy snacks like egg salad so you have something to grab in a pinch. 

Are you ready to get rolling? We’re celebrating teachers this week with a special FASTer Way group dedicated to the educators who have helped our children navigate this crazy time. Not only are we offering awesome discount, we’re also providing tips and help to keep you on track this summer and into the fall. Join us on May 11 for our community wide, teacher’s round at the link below!



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Top 5 Tips: How To Survive Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent Fasting is the talk of the fitness industry and you really want to try it out… but you’re not sure where to start? Use these Top 5 Tips for surviving (and thriving through!) IF as you begin this new aspect of your health journey!

As you know, the FASTer Way to Fat Loss is based on several cutting-edge nutritional strategies: Intermittent Fasting, carb cycling, and macro counting. However, the key distinguishing factor is our emphasis on fasting.

While fasting may sound a bit intimidating, most of our clients find that it’s actually much simpler than they thought it would be. In fact, it usually ends up being one of their favorite things about the program!

If you aren’t familiar with this trending term, here’s a deeper dive into why we use it as a highly effective strategy to burn fat throughout the program. Intermittent Fasting isn’t a diet or quick fix, it’s a lifestyle that incorporates periods of eating with periods of withholding food. There are several ways to practice Intermittent Fasting, but in the FASTer Way to Fat Loss, we suggest the 16/8 protocol. This means each day you will fast for 16 hours and consume all your food for the day in an 8-hour window. We do not cut calories, we simply eat them in a shorter window during the day.

Why Try Intermittent Fasting?

Intermittent Fasting is a powerful nutrition strategy on its own, but when combined with balanced whole-food nutrition, carb cycling (another natural, highly effective fat-burning strategy), plus strategic workouts that maximize the fat loss cycle, you’ll experience results you never dreamed you’d achieve. You’ll reduce inflammation, maximize your metabolism, and naturally detoxify your body, just to name a few. 

You may be thinking I’ve tried all the diets and quick fixes, I’m sure this won’t work either. Friend, no matter how many other programs have failed you, you can still experience incredible fat loss, improved health, increased energy and so much more—when you start giving your body what it needs. The FASTer Way to Fat Loss has helped more than 115,000 women and men regain the health and confidence they thought they’d lost. 

But how do you survive Intermittent Fasting when you’re brand new? Here are a few tips!

Start Slowly

We practice 16/8 Intermittent Fasting: 16 hours of fasting, 8 hours of eating. However, if you’ve never fasted before, you don’t have to start with such a big fasting window. We highly recommend starting with a 12-hour fast. Cut off your eating at 7 or 8 pm, then don’t eat breakfast until 12 hours later. You can gradually increase the length of your fast an hour at a time, until you reach the 16-hour mark. In addition, don’t feel as though you have to start fasting every day. We recommend starting with Sundays. Cut your eating window off at 7 pm on Saturday night, then don’t eat anything until late-morning (or after church!) on Sunday. This will help you dip your toe into the Intermittent Fasting lifestyle without feeling overwhelmed.

Stay Hydrated

It’s really important to stay hydrated during your fast. In addition to water, it is totally acceptable to drink black coffee, herbal teas, and BCAAs (branched-chain amino acids—choose a clean brand!). Use these to get through your fast with ease and to keep your mind from wandering to the various snacks in your pantry! Did you know the same signal that tells us we are hungry is the same signal that tells us we’re thirsty?  True story! Understanding this will help when you feel those initial hunger pangs. Many of our clients reduce or eliminate their hunger signal just by adding in a few extra ounces of H₂O when they feel the urge to eat throughout their fasting period.

Stay Busy

The best tool for making it through your fasting period is to stay busy. In fact, productivity is one of my favorite side effects of Intermittent Fasting. Because you aren’t worried about fixing your next meal (or scarfing down a quick snack) you can focus on work and getting things done. Plus, staying busy keeps your mind from thinking about food and helps you get through your fasting period with ease!

Find Accountability

As day-to-day life leaves you feeling in a rut, overly busy, or just full of excuses (yes, we know the feeling!), it’s easy to fall back into old habits. A strong support system can make all the difference. Try it with a friend, family member, or even your spouse. You can share your struggles, thoughts, or even just motivate each other. But guess what? Through the FASTer Way, you’ll also be greeted with a community of thousands of others that took that initial step to lasting health, just like you. We will celebrate your wins and, on the hard days, we’ll encourage you and remind you why you started. But that’s just it. YOU HAVE TO START! So grab a colleague, your bestie, or a neighbor and go!

Put It All Together

Intermittent Fasting is a highly effective strategy, but when you combine it with whole foods, balanced macros, effective workouts, and carb cycling, you will become a fat-burning machine! Learning these other key strategies—which make the FASTer Way the most effective program in the marketplace today—is critical when it comes to taking back control of your health and weight through a sustainable lifestyle.

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““FASTer Way has completely changed my life! Truly. When I started I felt lethargic. I was constantly out of breath, tired, and had no control over my appetite. While FASTer Way has allowed me to lose the weight and exhaustion, I gained a few things as well. I gained a community of women that hold me accountable, a newfound confidence in myself, the ability to get rid of clothes bc they’re too big (hallelujah), and a toned figure. I can’t be happier with the progress I’ve made, and am still making. FASTer Way all the way!”⁣” –Martha, FASTer Way Community Member*

Because the benefits of Intermittent fasting are so phenomenal, our clients now understand how to burn fat effectively and feel their absolute best. The overall improvement in health, energy, and productivity makes this strategy a lot simpler to implement you might expect. In fact, most people are not usually hungry at all during the fasting window AND find that the longer they practice IF, the more accustomed to their bodies become! 

*Results may vary from person to person.

FASTer Way clients know the power of Intermittent Fasting. Try it out for yourself! Check out the next round of the FASTer Way to Fat Loss and learn how to lose that stubborn weight, find more energy, and feel like YOU again!

Is the Keto Diet Right for Me?

We’re here to breakdown the good, bad, and ugly of the ketogenic diet to help you make an informed decision for your health.

Intermittent Fasting: Fad or Fact?

Intermittent Fasting isn’t a new concept, but it’s a fast-growing trend in both the health and fitness industries.  The physical results are impressive, but when you look at the health benefits, it’s no wonder everyone is getting on board with this strategy!

The act of fasting, or abstaining from food for a set time, is an ancient practice. Indeed it is still an important part of many cultures and religions today. It is used for bringing mental focus and spiritual clarity. However, fasting specifically for physical health, is a relatively new concept and it’s spreading fast because the results speak for themselves.  

After learning about the idea of Intermittent Fasting for fitness reasons, I decided to start trying it out 3 years ago. I experimented with different protocols and strategies to see what truly gave the best results without compromising health or safety.  I dialed in what was working best for myself and my clients; the results have been absolutely incredible!

Intermittent Fasting isn’t complicated, but many people simply aren’t sure what it is or the right way to do it. With the rising popularity of “IF” (as it’s referred to in the industry) has also come misinformation, and a lack of specific training in how to follow a healthy Intermittent Fasting strategy.