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FASTer Way Snack Ideas

In our FASTer Way family, we work with busy parents, professionals, and students who are striving to improve their overall health. While many of them eat meals on the run, snacks are often essential to ensure our clients are hitting their daily macro goals. Not sure where to start with planning or packing your snacks on the FASTer Way? We’re here to help!

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Changing Your Mindset

The FASTer Way program emphasizes balancing macros (carbs, fat, and protein) at each meal, with the exception of a piece of fruit here or there. We always focus on whole foods to get the very best in nutrition, but sometimes clean pre-packaged snacks are a must. 

In planning some snack options, it’s helpful to change your mindset. Prior to the FASTer Way, your snacks may have consisted of whatever you could grab from the vending machine or a leftover donut from the breakroom. Instead, think of snacks as a mini-meal. Whether that means a clean protein bar, or packing some organic deli meat with veggies to enjoy on the run, prioritize balanced macros.

Another mindset shift to make is in regard to portion control. Mindless grazing is always a temptation in snacking. While we don’t mandate exact measurements for everything you eat (nor do we think that’s healthy for your mental state), instead of plowing through a bag of beef jerky, shoot for limiting yourself to one serving size. Changing the way you think about snacks will help you be more intentional with your macros and ultimately help you reach your daily goals.

Snack Ideas

You’ve changed your mindset about what a snack is and how much to have. But what in the world should you eat?? We’ve compiled a list of some of our favorite clean snacks. Consider combining two or three of these for a balanced mini-meal snack.

  • Clean beef jerky

  • Nuts

  • Veggies (carrots, celery, tomatoes, or cucumbers) with hummus

  • Berries

  • Smoothie with almond or coconut milk and 1 cup frozen berries

  • Hard-boiled egg

  • Clean protein bar (Larabar, RX Bar, Perfect Bar)

  • ½ avocado topped with Everything But The Bagel seasoning

  • Lean organic meat (turkey or chicken)

  • Edamame

  • Apple with peanut or almond butter

  • Oatmeal with honey

What are your favorite FASTer Way snacks? Share with us in the comments!

If you’re not a FASTer Way client yet and you’d like to learn more about our strategies, check out these articles!

Intermittent Fasting and Carb Cycling 101

What are Macros and Why do we Track them in the FASTer Way?

How to Make the Most of Your Leg Day

5 Tips for Eating Out on the FASTer Way

Something we tell all of our clients is that the FASTer Way is truly a lifestyle, not a diet. Focusing on whole-food nutrition while still getting to enjoy your favorite treats is what separates the FASTer Way from any other nutrition plan on the market. We know that life doesn’t stop just because you’re on the FASTer Way, and chances are you’ll be eating out at restaurants over the course of the program. Choosing what to order can feel overwhelming for our new clients, but it doesn’t need to be! 

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Here are 5 tips for eating out on the FASTer Way:

  1. Check the Restaurant Menu Ahead of Time

Have a game plan in place. If you have a say in where to eat, prioritize restaurants with grilled, blackened, or baked protein options. Check the restaurant menu and enter your meal macros to help you plan for the rest of your day. 

2. Have a “Mini-Meal” Before Going to the Restaurant

A game plan is only as strong as your mental state. If you get to the restaurant feeling hangry, you might throw your game plan out the window and order whatever sounds good in the moment. Instead, have a mini-meal before you go out. Prioritize protein and veggies. It doesn’t need to be fancy—something as simple as organic deli meat with carrots and hummus will do the trick!

3. Pass on the Bread or Chips

We’ve all been there. You get to the restaurant with a game plan, and you’re not starving because you had a mini-meal beforehand. But then the waiter places the huge basket of bread or tortilla chips in front of you. GAME OVER, right? Wrong! Make the decision easy and pass on the bread and chips altogether. Focus on drinking lots of water while waiting for your meal. 

4. Double Up on the Veggies

Don’t be afraid to customize your meal to work for your lifestyle. Replace a non-compliant side with extra veggies, or double up on salad (dressing on the side) and steamed veggies. They’ll fill you up and provide lots of vitamins and nutrients.

5. Remember Your Why

Look around the table. The people you see are usually the reason you’re there. Are you celebrating a special event? Catching up with a friend? Sitting down with your family at the end of a busy day? Don’t let the food steal the show. Remember your why, and focus on the relationships.

You’re not a client yet, but you’d like to know more? Check out these helpful articles!

Intermittent Fasting and Carb Cycling 101

Why We Track Macros Instead of Calories

FASTer Way to Fat Loss FAQs

Let’s hear it—what tips would you add to the list for eating out on the FASTer Way?