FASTer Way to Fat Loss®

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Intermittent Fasting for Weight Loss

If you’ve tried all the gimmicks and fads in order to lose weight and get healthy, then it’s time for something that actually works! Intermittent Fasting for weight loss is a powerful tool because it helps you burn fat and balance hormones (like insulin) that directly affect your ability to burn fat and lose weight.

Intermittent Fasting isn’t a new concept (it’s actually been around for thousands of years), but using it for weight loss is a new reason to practice it. Intermittent Fasting, or IF, has gained a LOT of popularity over the last few years because it’s 1) simple to do 2) completely free 3) doesn’t require a big lifestyle shift or commitment—while still giving fantastic results both in weight loss and overall health.

How does Intermittent Fasting help me lose weight?

A lot of things are happening in the body during your fast! Your body is working hard to heal, repair, and restore balance, which results in natural weight loss and improved overall health.

We see weight loss because of:

  • Decreased insulin levels (facilitates fat burning)

  • Increased insulin sensitivity (so insulin can do its job!)

  • Increased levels of Human Growth Hormones (facilitates fat burning and muscle gain)

We see improved overall health because of:

  • Increased cellular repair (such as getting waste material out of cells)

  • Improved brain health (encourages growth of new nerve cells)

  • Reduce inflammation and oxidative stress

  • Autophagy (cellular “waste removal” that may help prevent cancer & Alzheimer’s)

  • Reduced insulin resistance (lowering the risk of type II diabetes)

Once you start eating, the body has to stop working on all of this in order to focus on digestion and getting all the nutrition it can out of the food you eat. We simply can’t do both at the same time, which is why IF is so important to a healthy lifestyle of burning fat and balancing the body!

Will IF lower my metabolism?

If you’re concerned Intermittent Fasting will lower your metabolism, then put those worries to rest! Not only does IF NOT lower your metabolism, but it may actually increase it according to two different studies (read about them here and here). If you’ve heard that we really should be eating 5–6 times per day in order to keep our metabolism revved up, you can put those meal prep containers away! It doesn’t increase our overall metabolism, but it DOES prevent you from entering your fasting window, which means losing out on all those benefits.

So Intermittent Fasting is a way for me to eat less every day?

Unless you know you’re overeating on a daily basis, we do not encourage you to limit your caloric intake. We strongly encourage our clients to eat as much as their bodies need on a daily basis! The body NEEDS fuel and undereating is an easy way to undermine your internal systems and processes. Unlike IF, undereating CAN lower your metabolism and prevent you from seeing the results you want.

Intermittent Fasting is a powerful tool that’s shown great results in helping people lose weight and keep it off. It doesn’t require any special equipment or food, and it’s simple to do every day.

“ I was amazed to see how well intermittent fasting and carb cycling worked with my body.  I have tried everything from Atkins, Keto, Beach Body, etc, but NONE of them have worked like FWTFL.  The best part about it is that I do not feel deprived.”

-Lyndi, FASTer Way Client*

*Results may vary from person to person.

Want to see even BETTER results?

Intermittent Fasting is truly amazing, but it’s even better when you combine it with carb cycling, whole foods, balanced macronutrients, and effective exercise. Sound overwhelming? It would be if you tried to put it all together on your own, but that’s where we come in! 

At the FASTer Way to Fat Loss, we’ve done all the hard work for you. We’ve perfected the strategies, asked all the questions, and we’ve even created simple meal plans to make it easy and straightforward for you to live a healthy lifestyle.

So if you’re sick and tired of feeling sick and tired, then see what all the excitement is about!