FASTer Way to Fat Loss®

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20 Random Acts of Kindness During the Coronavirus – and Throughout 2020!

We could all use a little pick me up these days, so let it begin with you. If you’re feeling down, channel your energy into your community and be the light not just now but throughout the year. This is a time for us all to count our blessings and cherish the things that are really important.


In fact, studies have shown that doing kind things for others can boost oxytocin in your body. It’s a love hormone that plays a role in friendships and bonds with others. Increases in dopamine and serotonin have also been linked to selfless acts of kindness to others.

Make someone’s day by completing as many of these Random Acts of Kindness. We’ve tailored it to challenges that are safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. You don’t have to do them all at once, but the goal is to finish as many as you can by 2020. Be sure to tag @thefasterwaytofatloss and use the hashtag #KindnessTheFASTerWay so we can see the kindness in action! Let’s fill our communities with kindness starting today!


1. Order food for your local hospital

2. Contact your local animal shelter and ask them what supplies they need, then order them online

3. Call a friend or family member and give them advice on how to a chore or project

4. Send a letter or care package to a soldier who is deployed

5. Let someone go ahead of you in line (six feet away, of course)

6. Send a hand-written note to a loved one

7. Write an encouraging message in sidewalk chalk in front of your home for passersby

8. Leave a positive review for a local business

9. Order an e-book to a young student in your neighborhood

10. Order food for your local police and fire station

11. Give someone a genuine compliment

12. Help a senior citizen by doing some yard work for them from a safe distance. Make sure to wear gloves!

13. Pick up the tab for the car behind you in the coffee drive thru

14. Drive by your teacher or student’s home with signs saying you miss them.

15. Send a care package with toiletries, medicine and food to a loved one

16. Order flowers for a friend

17. Order greeting cards for hospital patients with a special message typed on them.

18. Teach someone at home a new skill that only you know

19. Ask someone how their day is going

20. Make a list of things you love about a friend or family member and give it to them to read


Remember, this list is just a helpful guide to get the ball rolling. There are many more ways you can help a neighbor or loved one in need. 2020 has already been such a challenging year, but we believe it WILL get better and our relationships will be stronger for it. If you know someone who is struggling with weight loss goals, or just trying to keep it together right now, our blog page is filled with health tips, advice and facts to help everyone make it through this crisis.

Acts of kindness are shown to boost your mood but it’s only short-term gain if you aren’t repeating them. Get into the habit of helping others and you won’t even need a sheet for 2021!

One of our core values is generosity, so let’s show the community what it means to be a part of the FASTer Way!