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Mindset: The Game-Changer in Your Weight Loss Journey

Discover why lifting heavier isn't always the key to a sculpted physique. Dive into the FASTer Way to Fat Loss program's unique approach to holistic health, strength, and body transformation. Start your journey today.

Unlocking Deep Rest: Top Tips for Optimal Fat Loss

Seeking a true fitness transformation? With the FASTer Way, it's not just about shedding pounds—it's about evolving. Let our certified coaches guide your journey, making every goal not just a dream but a reality. Dive deep and see why the right coach can be your game-changer

Discover the Secret to a Longer Life: Thrive Together with a CommUNITY Approach

Did you hear the news? The latest health study shows people with a community, a friend, a group, a tribe, whatever you want to call it, live longer lives. Specifically, connecting in a social group can help you navigate and stick to healthy behaviors like physical activity and a better diet. Research also shows when you’re in a group, the impact of stress can be lessened. Who doesn’t want that? 

With a heightened sense around mental health and solutions to help those who struggle with it, we can’t ignore that finding outlets in our own personal lifestyles and social circles can be advantageous. 

It’s no surprise then, that the FASTer Way to Fat Loss has built its program around the idea of commUNITY. When you do your HIIT workout, or follow the day’s meal guide plan, you’re sharing the same experience with tens of thousands of people who are all in it together. To date, over 327,000 lives have been transformed, a testament to the power of community support. When we talk about the mental well-being that a solid community provides, it's not just a feel-good factor; it's a cornerstone of sustained success. And often, members realize this community was the missing piece they never knew they needed until they began on their FASTer Way journey.

The Power of Accountability

Still doing it alone and not seeing results in your health transformation? Get plugged into a group! We have coach groups, community groups, social media accounts, you name it, it’s there for you. We WANT you to connect where it’s comfortable for you. Research from the Dominican University of California has shown that when individuals set goals, share them, and maintain regular check-ins, their success rate soars to 76%. Nobody said it has to be a big group. At the FASTer Way, our unique one-to-one coaching taps into this power of not doing life alone. You don't just get expert advice; you gain an accountability partner – someone as invested in your success as you are. Tell me what gym gives you access to a personal trainer you can connect with at any time!

Celebrating Each Step Together

In the FASTer Way family, every part of your journey matters — from the challenging plateaus to the exhilarating highs. Every leap forward, every obstacle overcome, and yes, even those tiny wins you think no one notices? We see them. We celebrate them. Because it's our shared celebrations, heartfelt cheers, and the unstoppable spirit of encouragement that fuel our collective drive, reminding us that each personal win lifts us all higher. EVERY Friday, we celebrate WINS no matter which group you’re in - big, small or in between. 

The VIP Experience

We do have one extra special experience in the FASTer Way and that’s our VIP community. Once you go through a six-week round, you hop right into a monthly VIP group. A space where dedication meets advanced strategies, the VIP membership offers elevated training, exclusive content, and an even tighter-knit community. It's the perfect platform to dive deeper into your goals – with unmatched results in commUNITY!

Your Best Version Awaits... with the FASTer Way Family

Sure, longevity can be attributed to lots of things, diet and exercise being two main factors, but we absolutely can’t ignore that having strong relationships is right up there on the list. Imagine a future where you're not only healthier, more energetic, and more confident, but also part of a family that genuinely celebrates every step of your journey. This isn't a distant dream. It's a tangible reality, waiting just a click away. 

FASTer Way: Timesaving Wellness Tips for Back-to-School Moms

Back-to-school season is in full swing! That means school supply shopping, carpooling arrangements, and the inevitable homework planning. Hey moms, sound familiar? We know the drill: Just as you check one task off, another three magically appear.

In the midst of this hustle, personal health and wellness often slide to the bottom of our to-do lists. It's an unfortunate truth that many women, swept up in their responsibilities, overlook their own well-being. The drive to prioritize others often eclipses the importance of self-care. However, as the National Institute of Health rightly points out: considering women's longer average lifespan, prioritizing our health isn't just a self-indulgence—it's essential!

But how do you prioritize YOUR fitness and health, especially when every hour seems spoken for? The FASTer Way to Fat Loss has some ideas on how to help.

Unlock Morning Energy: The Magic of Intermittent Fasting

Morning routines are essential for a streamlined, stress-free start to the day. Pack lunches the night before, lay out your clothes, and set your coffee maker timer. What about breakfast for you? Consider intermittent fasting. Many in our FASTer Way community rave about its benefits, noting improved focus and simplified mornings.

By aligning your eating patterns with your body's rhythm, you can optimize fat loss and give yourself an energetic start.
Dinner in a Dash: Boost Nutrition in Just 15 Minutes

Like with breakfast, planning is key for dinner. Spend a few hours on Sunday batch cooking proteins, chopping veggies, and prepping sauces. This investment will save you from the lure of drive-thru dinners during the week. And here's a bonus: the FASTer Way offers a meal guide packed with 15-minute recipes. For a taste of what to expect, imagine a zesty chicken stir-fry or a hearty quinoa salad. These nutritious dishes are tried-and-true family favorites, ensuring that dinner remains a delightful experience, even on the busiest days. Say goodbye to dinner-time decision stress!

HIIT Workouts: Elevate Energy in Just 30 Minutes

The Centers for Disease Control advises adults get 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity each week. But with extracurricular activities, school events, and work projects filling up your calendar, finding time every day might seem impossible. Enter HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training). Our FASTer Way HIIT workouts offered twice a week, combine cardiovascular intensity with strength training, all wrapped up in 30 minutes or less. Try one out – you'll leave feeling invigorated and empowered!

Mindful Motion: Fitness Meets Mindfulness

Have you had your 'me time' today? In the FASTer Way, we believe that workouts can be more than just physical. By setting intentions before each session, you turn your exercise routine into a moving meditation, forging a deep connection with yourself. Our founder, Amanda Tress, always emphasizes intentionality and positivity. Change your perspective from "I have to work out" to "I get to work out" and feel the difference in motivation. And if you ever need guidance, our dedicated coaches are always here to provide personalized support.

Rest: Your Powerhouse for Revitalized Strength and Energy

Yep, you need rest. Not just locked in the bathroom kind of rest, either. True rest is more than just taking a break—it's about genuine mental and physical rejuvenation. After a workout, your muscles need time to heal and become stronger. And mentally? Regular rest is the best defense against burnout. With the FASTer Way, we emphasize the importance of rest in building lasting, healthy habits – ensuring you face each day with unparalleled energy and enthusiasm.

FASTer Way Community: More Than Just a Program

Become a part of a community that offers:

  • Support: Receive daily one-on-one guidance from a certified coach.

  • Unity: Connect with experts and moms who truly understand.

  • Achievements: Celebrate every high, navigate every low, together.

  • Lifestyle: An emphasis on daily well-being and longevity.

Meet Alyssa, a FASTer Way Client:

"With school-age twins and a packed work schedule, self-care seemed impossible. But FASTer Way's workouts are a revelation! Now, in just 30 minutes, I'm pumped for the day. The FASTer Way App with structured meal guides have alleviated so much stress, allowing me more time with my boys and setting a healthy example!"

Back-to-school can still mean wellness front and center. The FASTer Way isn't just a program—it's a lifeline for moms like you. And for the dads? We haven’t forgotten you. Our specialized men's program ensures you’re equally equipped to tackle life and reach your goals!

Are you ready to embrace the change? Dive into the FASTer Way family now, unlock exclusive resources, and initiate a wellness journey that syncs seamlessly with your life. Remember, an empowered mom shapes a happy, healthy family. Join us, and together, we'll pave the way for a brighter, healthier tomorrow for you and your loved ones. 💪🌟

Our upcoming FASTer Way round is filling up rapidly – enroll now!
Special Offer: Returning clients, grab an exclusive $40 off using code RESTART

Unleashing the Power of NEAT: Your Secret Weapon for Summer

Make Fat Loss NEAT and Easy!

It's a radiant summer day, and you're filled with the determination to enhance your well-being. Perhaps you're thinking about shedding a few winter pounds, aiming for a leaner silhouette, or just pursuing a balanced and healthier lifestyle. 

Here's the good news - your path to fitness doesn't have to be daunting, grueling, or rigid.

There's a fast, yet sustainable, track to fat loss, and it's more straightforward than you think. 

Introducing the concept of Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis, or NEAT, a fantastic component of The FASTer Way to Fat Loss and your new ally for possibly the best summer health ever!

Want to know how this method can help you tone up in ways you’ve only dreamed of?

Keep reading to discover the mechanics behind this slimdown secret that offers both sustainability AND success!

So, What Exactly is NEAT?

Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT) is the energy you expend for everything you do when you're not sleeping, eating, or engaging in structured exercises. Actions as simple as standing, strolling to the local market, pruning your beloved roses, or even your habitual desk fidgeting are all considered NEAT.

The Crucial Role of NEAT in Fat Loss

The beauty of NEAT lies in its unsuspecting impact on fat loss. Ever wondered about those fortunate individuals who seem to devour everything and yet, maintain their figure? It's their high NEAT levels silently fighting off those extra calories. Upping your NEAT activities can significantly boost your daily calorie expenditure, assisting you in maintaining a calorie deficit, which, in turn, propels fat loss.

Here are the Top 3 Benefits of NEAT:

  1. Effortless Fat Loss: By increasing NEAT, you're burning more calories throughout the day without the heavy sweating and panting that comes with high-intensity exercises - though pairing the two together is what unleashes true fitness power.

  2. Boosted Metabolism: A higher activity level during the day means a revved-up metabolism, enabling you to burn more calories even while at rest.

  3. Improved Heart Health: Consistent physical activity, including NEAT, contributes to better cardiovascular health by improving blood circulation and reducing the risk of heart diseases.

Increase Your NEAT This Summer

Now that you’re acquainted with the exceptional benefits of NEAT, let's discuss some easy and practical ways to boost your NEAT, particularly during the summer season.

  • Gardening: With the warm weather, summer is the perfect time for some outdoor activities. Gardening can be a great way to burn those extra calories while nurturing nature and creating a beautiful environment around you.

  • Walking: Trade your car rides for pleasant walks. Be it a quick trip to the local store, a joyful dog-walk, or a tranquil stroll along a park trail, the steps add up!

  • Cleaning: Summer cleaning can be an excellent way to increase your NEAT. It might not be the most glamorous task, but your body and home will thank you.

  • Beach Activities: If you're fortunate to live near a beach, indulge in exhilarating beach volleyball games, playful frisbee tosses, or take a long, calming walk along the shore.

  • Cooking: Instead of resorting to takeouts, don your chef's hat. Cooking not only elevates your NEAT but also allows you to monitor the ingredients, ensuring a balanced and nourishing meal.

Get NEAT With The FASTer Way!

Now that you're privy to the magic of NEAT and its potential to aid your fat loss aspirations, it's time to take it up a notch. We extend a warm invitation for you to join The FASTer Way's next round!

Through our program, you’ll gain access to guided 30-minute workouts, one-on-one coaching with one of our Certified Coaches, personalized nutrition, whole food based meal plans for every day of the week, and so much more!

Seize the summer, seize the opportunity to get lean and strong! See how fat loss can be more achievable than ever with The FASTer Way to Fat Loss.

The time for a new approach is NOW!

Make this summer the landmark of your wellness evolution!

Beginner's Guide to Effective Workouts: Results the FASTer Way

Make Workouts Successful and Sustainable!

Imagine a version of yourself that radiates confidence, feels strong and vibrant, and effortlessly embraces a healthy lifestyle. 

A version where your fitness journey becomes a transformative experience, filled with support, guidance, and a warm community cheering you on every step of the way. 

Though starting a new fitness routine can seem overwhelming, remember, every fitness guru was once a newbie. 

So, buckle up, because today is the day you embark on an incredible adventure with the FASTer Way to Fat Loss! 

To ease your journey, we're going to reveal insider tips, tricks, and guidelines for beginner workouts so individuals like you can conquer their fitness goals. Time to unlock your power within and discover a path to lasting transformation. 

So, let's dive in and unleash your extraordinary potential!

Balance and Basics

As a beginner, the array of exercises available can seem intimidating.

No worries—focusing on the basics and including variety can lead to great strides! 

To get the most out of your fitness journey, it's important to create a balanced workout routine that combines different types of exercises. Aim for a mix of cardiovascular activities, strength training, and flexibility exercises. This balanced approach will help you burn calories, build lean muscle, and improve your overall fitness level. 

The FASTer Way program provides a structured plan that incorporates all these elements, ensuring you get a well-rounded workout experience. The best part? You only need 30-minutes a day to complete our all-inclusive, guided workouts! 

Goals and Consistency

Before lacing up your sneakers, it's essential to know where you're headed. Your first step for a successful fitness journey is goal-setting. Think of attainable, realistic fitness goals to guide your progress. Be gentle with yourself—these goals should promote gradual improvements rather than drastic, unsustainable changes. This will help you stay motivated and focused on your progress.

At the FASTer Way, we offer tracking tools through our exclusive app that provide different functional benefits, such as:

  • Monitoring workouts and saving favorite, coach-guided sessions

  • Recording measurements for continued motivation

  • Celebrating each milestone along the way through progress pictures and community support

  • And more!

Once you've set your goals, the mantra for your journey is consistency. It's the backbone of any successful fitness routine. Stick to your workout schedule and make it a non-negotiable part of your routine. On days when motivation is low, remind yourself of your goals and the incredible transformations that await you!

Consistency outweighs intensity, so remember that regular, moderate workouts are more beneficial than sporadic, intense sessions. You're building a habit, and like Rome, it won't be built in a day. Embrace the process and celebrate each small victory—they all add up!

Proper Form and Proper Rest

As a beginner, it's crucial to prioritize proper form and technique during your workouts. Learning the correct way to perform exercises not only prevents injuries but also ensures that you target the right muscles and maximize your results. Your body is your guide during this process. Listen to it. It will tell you when to push harder, slow down, or take a break. Pay attention to any signs of excessive strain or discomfort and modify exercises accordingly. In addition, take rest days when needed to allow your body to recover and prevent overtraining. 

Remember, it's perfectly okay to have off days—embrace them as part of your journey, not as setbacks!  At The FASTer Way, we promote a balanced approach that encourages both challenging workouts and proper rest to optimize your progress.

Need some help? Not sure what the proper form is and don’t want to cause yourself any injuries?

Take advantage of the instructional videos and guidance provided in the FASTer Way program to learn and refine your form! As a FASTer Way member you can even reach out to your assigned personal coach or the community for assistance and support.

Effective Workouts The FASTer Way!

Congratulations on taking the first step towards a healthier, fitter you! By implementing these tips and guidelines, you'll be well-equipped to make the most of your workouts as a beginner. 

Embrace the support of our incredible community, stay consistent, and believe in yourself.

If you're ready to experience a transformative fitness journey and unlock your true potential, we invite you to join the next FASTer Way round! Embrace being a beginner and get started! Your future fitness self will thank you.

Click the button below to secure your spot and start your fitness transformation! 

We can't wait to welcome you with open arms and guide you towards a stronger, healthier, and happier you!

Embrace the Power of Fresh Summer Produce for Whole Food Nutrition

Fresh Summer Produce, Deliciously!

Welcome to the summer edition of whole food nutrition! 

As the weather heats up, nature blesses us with an abundance of vibrant and nutrient-rich fresh produce - and it's time to take advantage of all that natural goodness

Did you know that you could support lean muscle growth and fat burn while eating deliciously? By sticking to healthy summer whole foods that are fresh for the season, you can enjoy every bite you take WITHOUT feeling guilty!

In this article, we'll explore the benefits of incorporating fresh summer produce into your diet and how the FASTer Way can bring these foods to your table with ease. 

Get ready to discover a world of delicious flavors, nourishment, and fat loss potential! 

The Season's Bounty of Fresh Summer Produce

Summer is a time when gardens flourish, farmers' markets thrive, and supermarkets overflow with an array of fresh fruits and vegetables. 

Here are some of the star performers of the season:

  • Juicy Berries: Dive into the sweetness of strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries. These vibrant gems are packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and fiber that contribute to heart health and support digestion.

  • Crisp Greens: Savor the refreshing crunch of lettuce, spinach, and kale. These leafy greens offer an abundance of vitamins A, C, and K, along with iron and calcium, for radiant skin, strong bones, and improved immune function.

  • Colorful Bell Peppers: Add a pop of vibrant colors to your meals with red, yellow, and green bell peppers. Rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, these peppers promote collagen production and aid in reducing inflammation.

  • Hydrating Cucumbers: Stay cool and hydrated with the crispness of cucumbers. They are low in calories, high in water content, and rich in vitamins and minerals that promote hydration, aid digestion, and support healthy skin.

  • Sweet Corn: Indulge in the natural sweetness of corn on the cob. This summer staple is a great source of fiber, B vitamins, and antioxidants, offering benefits for digestion, energy production, and overall health.

The Benefits of Fresh Summer Produce

Incorporating these seasonal delights into your meals comes with a host of health benefits that can skyrocket you to your best wellness yet!

When food is in season, you gain access to all sorts of extra health benefits, such as:

  • Enhanced Nutrient Profile: Fresh summer produce is picked at its peak, ensuring optimal nutritional content. Enjoy a wide range of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytochemicals that support overall health and well-being.

  • Hydration Support: Many summer fruits and vegetables have high water content, helping to keep you hydrated during the hot months and promoting healthy skin, digestion, and organ function.

  • Body Composition Management: Fresh produce is low in calories and high in fiber, making it a perfect choice for weight loss or maintenance. Enjoy the abundance of nature while nourishing your body and supporting your weight loss goals.

  • Increased Energy Levels: Nutrient-dense foods provide the essential fuel your body needs for optimal energy production. Enjoy the natural sugars, fiber, and vitamins present in fresh produce to keep you energized and fueled throughout the day.

Fresh Summer Produce: The FASTer Way!

Embrace the vibrant flavors and incredible health benefits of fresh summer produce to change the way you live and feel every day. 

From increased energy to improved mood, by incorporating locally sourced, in-season fruits and vegetables into your diet, you'll nourish your body, support fat loss efforts, and optimize your overall well-being. 

Want to take full advantage of the transformative power of whole food nutrition and fresh summer produce? Join the next FASTer Way round to take back the reins on your wellness! 

With our comprehensive meal guides featuring summer’s nutritional treasures, expert coaching, effective workouts, and a supportive community, you'll have the tools and resources needed to achieve your health and wellness goals. 

Don't miss out on this opportunity to nourish your body, fuel your workouts, and experience the joy of optimal well-being!

Summer Fun and Fitness: Stay On Track During Vacation

Maintain Your Wellness During Summer Vacation

Summer is right around the corner, and we know what that means — vacations, beach trips, family gatherings, and a whole lot of fun.

But amidst all the excitement, it's easy to lose sight of our fitness and wellness goals.

What if there was a way to have it all? Fun, fitness, and much-needed vacation time all wrapped up in one awesome package?

We bring you our 5-Day Summer Slimdown so you can finally kick back and relax WITHOUT feeling guilty.

Keep reading to learn more about this life-changing program, as well as other tips and tricks to ensure you can maintain your wellness while having your summer fun too!

Balance Is Key

The first rule of maintaining wellness during summer vacation is balance. While it's important to relax and indulge a bit, it's equally important to keep your health in mind. Aim for nutritious meals most of the time, but don't feel guilty about enjoying that ice cream cone or barbeque burger. The FASTer Way's lifestyle isn't about restrictions; it's about balance and sustainability! 

If you go all or nothing, never allowing yourself to have even a single piece of chocolate ever again, you're more likely to fall off the wellness wagon and hinder or altogether stop your chances of fitness success in the future. However, when you embrace balance, not only does it make your wellness easier to maintain, but it makes it more enjoyable as well! At the FASTer Way we don’t do “cheat days”, instead we do “treat days” and pair them with intense leg day workouts so you can put those extra calories to good use.

Stay Active, Stay Fit

Vacations don't have to mean sitting idle. Make your summer fun and fitness go hand in hand by choosing activities that get your heart rate up. Beach volleyball, swimming, hiking, or even a morning jog in a new city can make fitness fun! At the FASTer Way, not only are our guided workouts available at the click of a button through our exclusive app, but they only require 30-minutes of your day. So before you take a dip in the pool,  take a quick 30-minutes to remain proactive about your health! Your relaxing poolside time will feel all the better!

The FASTer Way on the Go

Remember, the FASTer Way to Fat Loss is designed to fit into your lifestyle, even when you're on the go! Whether you're on a beach or in a hotel room, our workouts can be done anywhere. And, our coaches are always here to help you stay accountable, even on vacation. You can even reach out to them or to our supportive online community anytime! No matter where you are, the FASTer Way will be there for you!

Mindful Eating

Eating out while on vacation can be one of life's great pleasures, but it doesn't have to derail your nutrition goals. Choose wisely, prioritize whole foods, and most importantly, enjoy your meals without guilt. Remember, the FASTer Way's approach is about fueling your body, not restricting it. Eating healthy doesn’t mean you can’t eat deliciously! Leveraging Intermittent Fasting while on vacation can be a gamechanger, too!

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

Hydration is even more critical during the hot summer months. Keep a water bottle handy at all times and try to consume half of your body weight in ounces each day. This simple step can go a long way in keeping you energized and feeling great all summer long.

Summer Fun and Fitness The FASTer Way!

Missed a workout? Indulged a bit too much? That's perfectly okay! 

One of the best things about the FASTer Way is its flexibility, especially when on vacation. Don't beat yourself up; just get back on track the next day. Remember, wellness is a journey, not a destination.

With our program, staying fit while enjoying your summer vacation is entirely possible using the right mindset and the right strategies. This season, let's embrace the flexibility and joy that comes with the FASTer Way lifestyle.

Join us for the FASTer Way's 5-Day Summer Slimdown starting June 19! You'll get a step-by-step plan via our exclusive app, ongoing support in our community group, and all the tools you need to stay on track while enjoying your summer vacation.

Your summer fun and fitness are just a click away!

Beat the Bloat and Get Fit This Summer The FASTer Way

Get Ready For Flat Tummy Summer!

Are you ready to achieve your summer fitness goals and say goodbye to bloating? 

With the warm weather upon us, it's the perfect time to take control of your health and feel confident in your own skin. 

In this article, we'll explore how our highly anticipated 5-Day Summer Slimdown can help you reduce bloating - and jumpstart overall fat loss, to boot!

Get ready to embrace a healthier, bloat-free summer!

Understanding Bloating and Its Impact on Your Goals

Bloating can be an uncomfortable and frustrating issue that affects many individuals/It can make you feel sluggish, uncomfortable, and self-conscious. Understanding the causes of bloating is crucial in addressing this issue effectively. 

Common factors contributing to bloating include:

  • Poor Digestion: Slow digestion and inadequate nutrient absorption can lead to bloating and discomfort.

  • Food Sensitivities: Certain foods, such as gluten or dairy, can trigger bloating in individuals with sensitivities.

  • Fluid Retention: Hormonal changes, excessive sodium intake, and dehydration can contribute to water retention and bloating.

  • Gut Health Imbalance: An imbalance of gut bacteria and digestive enzymes can disrupt the digestive process and result in bloating.

The FASTer Way to Beat Bloating

The FASTer Way to Fat Loss is a comprehensive program that focuses on nutrition, such as intermittent fasting and  carb cycling, paired with effective workouts. By implementing the principles of the program, you can reduce bloating and improve your overall well-being. 

Here's how The FASTer Way can help:

  • Balanced Nutrition: The program emphasizes whole, unprocessed foods, which are easier to digest and less likely to cause bloating - not to mention help your body naturally burn away fat like never before!

  • Intermittent Fasting: By incorporating intermittent fasting into your routine, you provide your digestive system with regular breaks, promoting improved digestion and reducing bloating.

  • Holistic health: Lifestyle factors such as stress management, hormone regulation, and proper sleep can have positive outcomes on bloat reduction!

  • Guided Workouts: The FASTer Way emphasizes strategic and guided 30-minute workouts that help you to build lean muscle and optimize your body’s metabolic processes for increased fat burn.

Join the 5-Day Summer Slimdown 

Are you ready to kick-start your journey towards a bloating-free summer? 

Join The FASTer Way's 5-Day Summer Slimdown starting June 19!

This challenge offers a glimpse into the transformative power of The FASTer Way program. During the challenge, you'll receive daily meal guides, 30-minute workouts, and mindset - all specifically tailored to reduce bloating and optimize your results. 

Plus, you will have daily trainings from our team of experts to help you create lasting change - and the community support to keep you motivated and on track!

By the end of the 5 days, you'll feel lighter, more energized, and slimmer around the waistline!

This summer, don't let bloating hold you back from achieving your fitness goals. 

Join The FASTer Way's 5-Day Summer Slimdown to jumpstart your journey towards a bloat-free summer. 

Fitness Tips for Dads: Your Path to Transformation

Find Your Fitness This Father’s Day

Remember looking at photos from your bachelor days - those moments when you felt invincible, full of energy and vitality? Or when you caught your reflection and felt a sense of confidence?

It's time to bring that guy BACK, not just for you, but for your family.

Fitness is more than just losing a few pounds or gaining muscle mass - it's about reclaiming your energy, self-confidence, and overall well-being. It's about being the active, energetic dad your kids want to play with and the role model they aspire to become. 

This is where The FASTer Way comes in! With transformative fitness tips for dads, we can help you seamlessly weave health and fitness into your busy life.

Keep reading to learn how to prioritize your wellness and improve longevity so you can make the most of family moments and be the best dad you can be.

The Power of a Healthy Dad

In the grand adventure that is fatherhood, your days may be filled with the joys of raising children, juggling work, and spending quality time with your family. Amidst all the laughter, meetings, bedtime stories, and parent-teacher meetings, it's easy to forget about the one person who also needs your attention – YOU!

Fathers often put themselves last, making sure every family member is taken care of before they think of their own needs. 

However, to be the pillar of strength for your family, you must prioritize your health and wellness

Practical Fitness Tips for Busy Dads

Stepping onto the path of fitness doesn't have to be daunting or time-consuming. Here are a few simple, effective fitness tips for dads that can be easily incorporated into your daily routine:

  1. Start with Small Changes: Don't aim for a radical overnight transformation. Instead, incorporate small, sustainable changes into your life - choose stairs over the elevator, add a vegetable to each meal, or start a habit of walking your dog daily. At the FASTer Way, we’re all about starting small and establishing sustainable habits to ensure success in your fitness journey!

  2. Schedule Your Fitness: Treat your workouts as critical appointments that can't be skipped. Schedule them in advance, ensuring you have a dedicated slot for your health every day - with the FASTer Way all you need is 30-minutes a day to complete our guided, muscle building, and fat burning workouts!

  3. Include the Family: Fitness can be a family activity. Plan family hikes, start a weekend tradition of soccer games, or challenge your kids to a dance-off. These activities not only keep you fit but also strengthen family bonds. Having support such as this can be the linchpin that determines your success - at the FASTer Way, we offer an entire online community to keep you going even on your hardest days.

  4. Prioritize Nutrition: Your diet is as crucial as your workout. Stay hydrated, include a balance of proteins, carbohydrates, and healthy fats in your meals, and don't forget to have plenty of fruits and veggies. Meal planning is also a hugely effective way to ensure you’re fueling your body with the nutrients it needs - no more mindless snacking or every day calorie-bomb meals! At the FASTer Way, we provide weekly meal guides put together by our nutritionist experts so you can not only eat properly, but deliciously.

  5. Rest is Key: Your body needs to recover from the physical demands of exercise. When you exercise, you’re actually tearing muscle and that muscle needs time to reknit and rebuild itself stronger than ever. Ensure you're getting a good night's sleep and giving yourself rest days between intense workouts. 

Enter the FASTer Way to Fat Loss

If you're searching for a holistic approach to fitness that's designed to cater to your lifestyle, look no further than The FASTer Way to Fat Loss. Our program is scientifically backed and combines effective strategies from intermittent fasting, carb cycling, and 30-minute targeted workouts. We provide a comprehensive roadmap to your fitness journey, tailored to your needs and schedule and complete with your own personal FASTer Way coach.

As a part of the FASTer Way family, you join a supportive community of fathers who share similar goals - a commitment to becoming healthier, stronger, and happier for their families.

The Transformation Begins Now!

Your journey to becoming a fitter, healthier dad is about more than just physical change. It's about the emotional and mental strength that comes with taking charge of your health. 

It's about the pride that beams from your children's eyes when they see their dad, their superhero, achieving his goals.

Becoming this role model doesn't require perfection, but persistence. As we say at The FASTer Way, progress over perfection!

So, are you ready to make a change and set a powerful example for your family? Are you ready to empower your life with energy, health, and happiness? 

Enjoy $50 off our June 12 round using code FATHER50 at checkout.

It’s time to ditch the dad bod for good and become the strongest, healthiest, and most energetic self you can be!

Summer Fitness Tips For Ultimate Fat Burn

Embrace the Sunny Season: Top Summer Fitness Tips for a Healthier You!

As the sun beams down and temperatures rise, it's time to shed those winter layers and embrace the joys of summer! 

Whether you're planning beach vacations, poolside parties, or simply looking to make the most of the beautiful weather, this is the perfect time to focus on your fitness goals. 

In this article, we'll share some sizzling summer fitness tips that will not only help you stay in shape, but also enhance your overall well-being.

We’ll also introduce you to the FASTer Way 5-Day Summer Slimdown and show you how it can be your summer fat burning secret weapon!

Embrace Outdoor Workouts

Bid farewell to the confines of the gym and take your fitness routine outside! Summer provides a fantastic opportunity to soak up some Vitamin D while enjoying a wide range of activities. From brisk morning jogs along the beach to outdoor yoga sessions in the park or one of our powerful leg routines for ultimate fat loss power, the options are endless. By incorporating outdoor workouts into your routine, you can burn calories, improve your mood, and reap the benefits of fresh air and sunshine.

During the FASTer Way 5-Day Summer Slimdown, we offer a comprehensive approach to fitness, including 30-minute workouts suitable for any fitness level. You can easily take these workouts outside with your own bodyweight our bands!

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

With heat on the rise, it's crucial to keep yourself hydrated. Adequate water intake not only helps regulate body temperature but also supports proper digestion, boosts energy levels, and aids in fat loss. Make it a habit to carry a water bottle wherever you go and aim to drink at least eight glasses of water each day. You can also add a splash of flavor with sliced fruits or herbs for a refreshing twist.

During the FASTer Way 5-Day Summer Slimdown, we provide the guidelines you need to ensure you stay adequately hydrated during your time with us, including access to our all-inclusive app equipped with your very own water tracker!  With regular reminders and helpful tips, we help keep you accountable and ensure you meet your water intake goals.

Fresh and Colorful Summer Eats

Summer brings an abundance of delicious seasonal produce, making it easier to select healthier food choices. Load up on fresh fruits like watermelon, berries, and peaches, and indulge in a rainbow of vegetables like tomatoes, bell peppers, and leafy greens. These nutrient-packed delights not only keep you hydrated, but also provide essential vitamins and minerals for a vibrant summer glow.

Not sure how to create the best meals on your own?

Join the FASTer Way 5-Day Summer Slimdown for a comprehensive nutrition plan that focuses on whole foods and balanced meals. With our meal guide, you can learn how to incorporate seasonal produce into your diet, make smarter food choices, and create nourishing meals that fuel your body for optimal performance!

Get More Summer Fitness Tips The FASTer Way

Summer is the perfect time to focus on your fitness goals and make the most of the beautiful weather. By embracing outdoor workouts, staying hydrated, and enjoying fresh and colorful summer eats, you can achieve a healthier and happier you.

And when it comes to an effective and sustainable program that can support you on your fat loss journey, the FASTer Way 5-Day Summer Slimdown is here to help! 

During these compressed, yet life-changing 5 days, you’ll experience flexible workout plans, a comprehensive meal guide, daily educational trainings, app access, a science-backed overall wellness approach, and so much more.

You’ll finally have the tools and support you need to reach your fitness goals this summer and beyond!

So, let the sunshine inspire you to take action and embark on your transformational journey with the FASTer Way’s 5-Day Summer Slimdown starting June 19!

Space is limited!

Embrace the sunny season and get ready to experience a healthier you!

5-Day Summer Slimdown For Poolside Confidence

Discover the 5-Day Summer Slimdown: The Key to Your Best Summer Body Yet!

There are few experiences more frustrating than trying to make sense of the latest fad diet, wandering aimlessly through the gym, or pushing yourself through yet another soul-crushing workout, only to see no progress. 

We've all been there—heck, you may be there right now. Fitness can be a tricky labyrinth to navigate alone, but what if we told you there's a jumpstart program that actually simplifies this journey?

We’re talking about our 3rd annual 5-Day Summer Slimdown program starting June 19

Now, you may ask, "what can I really accomplish in five days time??" 

Well, here are the top 4 reasons the Summer Slimdown can change your fitness narrative and may be just the wellness introduction you need to finally see results!

1. Customizable and Comprehensive Nutrition

Unlike diets that urge you to eliminate entire food groups, the FASTer Way to Fat Loss believes in a balanced approach to eating. During these five days we’ll show you the power of whole foods, incorporating delicious variety and easy substitutions for specific dietary needs. You'll be provided with customizable meal plans that suit your lifestyle, dietary preferences, and goals, all within the touch of a button on our premium app. Say goodbye to restrictive diets and hello to wholesome, satisfying meals!

2. Efficient and Effective Workouts

Workouts don’t have to feel like punishment. With the 5-Day Summer Slimdown, you’ll engage in exercises that are exciting, varied, and—most importantly—effective. We’re talking fat-busting workouts that only require 30-minutes of your day, making them doable for even the busiest of moms. The best part? These workouts are adaptable to all fitness levels and can be done at the gym or in the comfort of your own home. Through our comprehensive app, you can even save your favorites right to your phone!

3. Digital Community Support

Join the 5-Day Summer Slimdown and experience the power of an encouraging online community who understand the challenges and rewards of the fitness journey. In addition to sharing triumphs and concerns, you'll foster relationships with others on the same path. With Certified Coaches and our expert team, you'll receive guidance, answers to your questions, and cheers for your successes throughout this summer body transformation program. Embrace the support of our online fitness community through our all-inclusive app and kickstart your journey today!

4. Empowering Education

The FASTer Way to Fat Loss's 5-Day Summer Slimdown program offers more than just a temporary solution to fat loss. Through daily bonus trainings led by the program's founder and the expert FASTer Way team, participants gain invaluable education that equips them with the knowledge needed to develop long-term, sustainable habits.

These trainings delve into various aspects of fitness, nutrition, and mindset, empowering individuals to make informed choices and establish a foundation for lasting success on their health journey. You’ll discover proven methods to jumpstart fat loss and achieve the results you've always dreamed of.With this emphasis on education, participants not only see immediate results but also acquire the tools to maintain their progress well beyond the 5-day program.

Slim Down This Summer With The FASTer Way!

No more second-guessing what's right for your body, no more workouts that leave you feeling drained and unmotivated, and no more going it alone. 

It's time to flip the script on your fitness journey and finally make it a fit and fun summer season.

Wouldn’t it be great to fall in love with trying on new bathing suits again? 

The FASTer Way to Fat Loss's 5-Day Summer Slimdown is more than a fitness program; it's a lifeline to the healthier, happier, and more confident you this summer. 

Ready to take the plunge? 

Join us on June 19 and let’s make this summer the one where you unleash your full potential!

Body Transformation Success: Achieving Your Dream Physique

The Ultimate Guide to Achieving Your Body Transformation Goals

Are you tired of feeling self-conscious about your body? Do you dream of achieving your ideal physique but struggle to make progress?

Body transformation is about more than just burning fat; it's about changing your lifestyle and mindset to become the healthiest, happiest version of yourself!

In this article, we'll explore the benefits of body transformation and provide you with effective strategies to achieve your goals.

Whether you're new to fitness or a seasoned athlete, our tips and tricks are sure to help you on your journey.

So let's get started!

The Key to Successful Body Transformation

Successful body transformation requires a combination of proper nutrition and exercise, along with a positive mindset and consistent effort.

Keep reading to find out what you can do to ensure your own success!

Setting Goals and Creating A Plan

If you're looking to transform your body, setting a goal and creating a plan is one of the first steps to achieving success. Without a clear goal in mind, it can be easy to lose motivation and give up before you see any significant results. Start by setting a specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goal. This could be anything from dropping 5lbs of fat before your wedding day to running a 5K in 4 months. Once you have your goal in mind, create a plan that outlines the steps you need to take to achieve it. This should include things like meal planning, exercise routines, and tracking your progress.

At the FASTer Way, we set all this up so you don't have to, complete with meal guides, one-on-one training with a Certified Coach, and so much more! By setting a goal and creating a plan, you'll be able to stay focused and motivated on your body transformation journey, ultimately leading to long-term success.

Motivation and Consistency

Achieving a successful body transformation is not an easy feat. It requires a lot of dedication, hard work, and consistency - don't let that stop you! At the FASTer Way, we have an entire online community filled with like-minded individuals ready to cheer you on no matter what roadblocks you may hit. Use this as a tool to help you maintain a positive mindset and have the willpower to stick to your plan for real results.

Additionally, remember to also celebrate small victories along the way to keep you motivated and to remind yourself of how far you've come. These small victories can be anything from running for an extra minute on the treadmill to adding an extra rep to your workout routine. By staying motivated and consistent, and celebrating small victories along the way, you can achieve your body transformation goals and experience the many benefits that come with it. Remember, it's not just about the physical changes, but the overall improvement in your quality of life.


Nutrition plays a crucial role in body transformation. A balanced and sustainable eating plan is essential to achieve your fitness goals. Consuming foods rich in lean proteins, complex carbohydrates, healthy fats, and fiber is vital for building lean muscle mass and shedding unwanted fat. It's important to avoid fad diets that promise quick results, as they are often unsustainable and can be harmful to your health. Instead, focus on creating a healthy relationship with food and making long-term lifestyle changes - at the FASTer Way, we provide weekly meal guides and various eating strategies so you can enjoy food freedom while supporting your fitness efforts!

Hydration is also critical for a successful body transformation. Drinking enough water helps to flush out toxins, aids in nutrient absorption, and keeps you feeling full, reducing the likelihood of overeating.

Creating a healthy and sustainable eating plan, coupled with proper hydration, will not only help you achieve your body transformation goals but also lead to overall improved health and wellbeing.


When it comes to body transformation, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of which exercises are best. However, there are a few key things to keep in mind when building your workout routine.

First and foremost, any exercise that you enjoy and can stick to consistently is going to be the most effective for transforming your body. Whether that's running, weight lifting, yoga, or dance, find something that gets you excited to move your body and commit to doing it regularly. At the FASTer Way, we make sure to keep our workouts FUN and full of variety, with guidance from one of our expert coaches and different styles or adaptations for different fitness levels, all you need is 30-minutes a day!

That being said, a combination of resistance training and cardiovascular exercise is going to be the most effective for burning fat and building the lean muscle of your dreams. Resistance training helps to build lean muscle mass, which can increase your metabolism and help you burn more calories at rest. Cardiovascular exercise helps to burn calories and improve your overall fitness level.

Some specific exercises that are great for body transformation include:

  • squats

  • deadlifts

  • lunges

  • push-ups

  • pull-ups

  • HIIT (high-intensity interval training) workouts

It's important to remember that everyone's body is different, so what works best for one person may not work as well for another. Body transformation takes time and effort - be patient, be kind to yourself, and trust the process.

Tracking Progress

Tracking progress is a powerful tool when it comes to achieving a successful body transformation. Not only does it help you stay motivated and focused on your goals, but it also allows you to see the progress you've made and make adjustments to your plan if necessary.

There are many ways to track progress, including taking photos, measuring your body composition, tracking your workouts, and keeping a food journal. By tracking your progress consistently, you can identify areas where you need to improve and celebrate your successes along the way - at the FASTer Way, you can use our all-inclusive app to make cataloging your progress easier than ever, complete with a food log, progress pictures, water tracker, and more!

Rest and Recovery

Rest and recovery are often overlooked when it comes to body transformation, but they are crucial components of a successful fitness plan. When you exercise, you create small tears in your muscles, and rest allows your body to repair and rebuild those muscles stronger than before. Recovery time also allows your body to replenish its energy stores and reduce the risk of injury. Adequate sleep is also essential for rest and recovery as it allows your body to repair and regenerate damaged tissues. So, make sure you include rest days in your workout routine and prioritize getting enough sleep. Remember, the key to transforming your body is to find a balance between challenging yourself and allowing your body time to rest and recover.

Stress also affects the body in many ways, including increasing cortisol levels which can lead to excess fat gain, decreased muscle mass, and inflammation. It's important to manage your stress as part of your rest and recovery. This can be done by practicing mindfulness, getting adequate rest, and participating in stress-activities such as yoga or meditation.

Body Transformation The FASTer Way!

Body transformation may not be an quick journey, but it's a rewarding one that's worth your time and dedication.

By focusing on proper nutrition, exercise, and rest, you can achieve your goals and transform your body. Keep yourself motivated by tracking your progress and implement calming practices to help reduce stress - you'll see results happen before you know it!

Looking for some help? A little overwhelmed by all that goes into a success-guaranteed fitness plan?

Don't worry, we got you!

At The FASTer Way to Fat Loss, we provide a comprehensive program that can help you achieve your body transformation goals with real results. Enjoy delicious meal plans, guided 30-minute workouts, one-on-one coaching and so much more!

Join the next round today and take the first step towards a healthier, happier you.

Healthy Mindset: 3 Steps to Guaranteed Results

Why a Healthy Mindset is Key to Your Overall Health and Wellbeing

Developing a healthy mindset can make or break the ongoing success of your wellness journey.

However, thinking positive is easier said than done - good thing you found us!

At the FASTer Way, we can help address the root causes of negative thinking patterns and bring you the success you've been searching for. Through the support of our comprehensive program, you'll gain the tools you need to shift your focus on your triumphs instead of your failures.

In this blog post, we'll outline three steps to help you develop positive habits and cultivate a healthy mindset that will support your personal growth and success.

So keep reading and find yourself the dose of positivity you've been needing!

Step 1: Identify Your Current Mindset

It's important to identify your current mindset in order to develop a healthy one that supports your goals. Take time to reflect on how you think and feel about yourself, your abilities, and the world around you. Are there patterns of negative self-talk or limiting beliefs? For example, for  busy moms, it's easy to rag on yourself when you feel responsibilities coming at you from all angles, but don't let that become your whole mindset! Acknowledge them without judgment and focus on cultivating a new perspective. Remember that a healthy mindset is not just about being happy all the time, but rather having resilience and adaptive coping skills when faced with challenges.

What is a Healthy Mindset?

Positive thinking and affirmations are essential in cultivating a healthy mindset. This involves training the mind to focus on the good things, even amidst challenges - if you're struggling to do that last push-up, remind yourself of the other 9 you already did!

You can help change your thinking to a more positive outlook by using mindfulness and gratitude. Mindfulness and gratitude practices involve being present in the moment and appreciating what you have rather than focusing on what you lack. These practices help you to celebrate small wins, effectively reducing stress levels and promoting whole-body wellness with just your thoughts!

Assess Your Current Mindset

Assessing your current mindset is the first step towards developing a healthy and positive outlook on life. Take some time to reflect on your thoughts and emotions when you have a hard day, and identify any negative patterns or beliefs that may be holding you back from picking up those weights. Remember that having a healthy mindset doesn't mean always feeling happy or optimistic, but rather being able to manage roadblocks with resilience and self-awareness.

Step 2: Practice Gratitude

Developing a healthy mindset cannot be achieved overnight, but practicing gratitude can help you get there! Gratitude means being thankful and appreciative of what you have in life and what you have achieved. By focusing on the present moment and acknowledging the good of what you've accomplished, it's easier to cultivate a positive outlook.

To practice gratitude, start small by writing down three things you're grateful for every day or expressing appreciation towards someone who positively impacted your life recently. Over time, this simple exercise can make a significant impact on your overall mindset and bring you unbeatable fitness success!

How to Practice Gratitude

Maintaining a grateful mindset can be difficult when you have parent-teacher conferences, soccer games, and work all sitting on your plate. However, there are simple ways to cultivate gratitude and reap its benefits - at The FASTer Way, we keep it simple so you can achieve success!!

Gratitude Journal:

  • Start by setting aside time each day to reflect on what you're thankful for - maybe you busted out an extra push up set or finally got down the perfect squat form!

  • Write down at least three things each day that you appreciate.

  • Make writing in your gratitude journal a habit by doing it consistently.

Mindful Appreciation Exercises:

  • Take time to notice small things around you, like the beauty of nature or someone's smile.

  • Practice deep breathing while focusing on feelings of appreciation.

  • Try meditation focused on cultivating gratitude.

By incorporating these practices into your daily routine, developing a healthy mindset with guaranteed results is possible. Remember, expressing gratitude not only improves mental health but also increases overall happiness levels.

Step 3: Surround Yourself with Positivity

Surrounding yourself with positivity is crucial when developing a healthy mindset. The people, events, situations, and community we surround ourselves with can have a significant impact on our emotional and mental well-being, which by consequence affects our physical well-being. Therefore, it's essential to surround yourself with people that are supportive of your wellness journey and can help you move forward when you feel stuck.

At The FASTer Way, we provide an online community filled with like-minded individuals that offer motivation, encouragement, and inspiration to keep you going all the way to success!

Why Surrounding Yourself with Positivity is Important

Negativity can have a serious impact on your mental health. Constant exposure to negative thoughts and emotions can lead to feelings of depression and anxiety - plus cause you to stop short on your goals!On the other hand, surrounding yourself with positivity and positive people can help reduce stress and anxiety levels while keeping you motivated on your health journey. It improves your overall physical health as well by boosting your immune system and decreasing inflammation.

Finding Your Healthy Mindset The FASTer Way

Developing a healthy mindset is key to achieving success in any wellness journey.

By incorporating practices such as gratitude journaling and surrounding yourself with the right community, you can improve your mental AND physical well-being.

At The FASTer Way to Fat Loss, we provide a comprehensive program that includes support from our online community, nutrition guidance, and effective 30-minute workouts to help you achieve your goals.

Join our next round and start your journey towards a healthier you.

Don't wait, take the first step today!

Top Fitness Myths That Are Stopping Your Success

Busting the Top Fitness Myths: What You Need to Know for Real Results

Are you struggling to achieve your fitness goals despite putting in hours of effort and sacrificing your favorite foods?

It's time to debunk some of the most common fitness myths that might be hindering your progress!

From restrictive diets to excessive cardio, there are many misconceptions about fitness that can lead to frustration and disappointment.

In this article, we'll explore the top fitness myths that may be stopping your success and provide you with the tools to overcome them.

Let's get started!

Myth #1: 1200 Calorie Diets are the Key to Fat Loss

While it may seem like cutting calories is the way to go, restricting your daily intake to a 1200 calorie target can actually be detrimental to your health and fitness goals.

Here's why:

  1. Our bodies require a certain amount of calories to function properly. This includes basic bodily functions like breathing, digestion, and circulation. By greatly reducing your calorie intake, you're depriving your body of the necessary fuel it needs to perform these functions optimally.

  2. A 1200 calorie diet is often unsustainable and can lead to a cycle of binging and restriction. When we excessively limit our food intake, we're more likely to experience intense cravings and ultimately give in to temptation. This can lead to overeating and weight gain, undoing any progress made.

  3. A 1200 calorie diet can slow down your metabolism, making it harder to burn fat in the long run. When we drastically reduce our calorie intake, our bodies go into "survival mode" and start conserving energy. This means that our metabolism slows down, making it harder to burn calories and lose weight.

So what should you do instead? Focus on consuming nutrient-dense foods that fuel your body and support your fitness goals. This includes lean proteins, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates. At the FASTer Way, we provide weekly meal guides that allow you to eat the foods you love AND support your wellness goals!

Myth #2: Excessive Cardio is the Best Way to Burn Fat

When it comes to burning fat and building lean muscle, there are countless myths and misconceptions that can hinder our progress. One of the most common misconceptions is that excessive cardio is the best way to burn fat and tone your body. However, this couldn't be further from the truth.

While cardio can burn a significant number of calories in the short term, it's not as effective as strength training when it comes to long-term fat loss or spot reduction. Strength training builds muscle, which increases your resting metabolic rate (the number of calories you burn at rest). This means that even when you're not working out, your body is still burning calories.

Excessive cardio can lead to a number of negative side effects, such as:

  • muscle loss, which slows down your metabolism and ultimately makes it harder to burn fat in the long run

  • increased cortisol levels (the stress hormone), which can cause pain from inflammation and insulin resistance

  • boredom and burnout that can decrease motivation levels and cause you to give up fitness goals altogether

Instead of spending hours on the treadmill or elliptical machine that can be monotonous and unsustainable, incorporate strength training into your workout routine. This can include weight training, bodyweight exercises, or resistance band workouts.

At the FASTer Way, we provide guided 30-minute workouts that you can save right to your phone from our transformative and all-inclusive app - no more exercising all day and seeing zero results! These workouts offer strength training, resistance training, and so much more that can all be adjusted by intensity so you're able to get your sweat on no matter your current fitness level or equipment set up!

Myth #3: You Should Feel Guilty About Eating "Bad" Foods

If you've ever felt guilty about eating "bad" food while on your fitness journey, it's time to release that for good! The stigma surrounding "bad" foods can actually hinder your progress.

First, it's important to understand that no food is inherently bad. Yes, some foods are less nutrient-dense than others, but that doesn't mean you should feel guilty for enjoying them. In fact, allowing yourself to indulge in moderation can actually help you stick to your fitness goals in the long run - at the FASTer Way we call it our Treat Day and put the extra calories to work through a leg intensive workout!

Depriving yourself of the foods you love can lead to feelings of resentment and ultimately cause you to give up on your fitness journey altogether. So instead of "cheat days" and wallowing in feelings of guilt, find your FOOD FREEDOM through FASTer Way's weekly meal guides and strategic treat days. Time to have your cake and eat it too (literally, because we love cake!).

The FASTer Way to Fat Loss: A Different Approach

Life is all about balance.

By avoiding common mistakes such as extreme calorie restriction, excessive cardio, and food guilt, the FASTer Way focuses on a sustainable and enjoyable approach to your fitness.

Incorporating strength training and weekly meal guides, we offer a personalized and all-inclusive approach to fitness that can help you achieve your goals without sacrificing your mental or physical health.

So, if you're tired of feeling frustrated and stuck in your fitness journey, join the next 6-week round of the FASTer Way for LASTING results without extremes or fads. Don’t let the diet industry fool you any longer!

Register today while we still have spots left.