FASTer Way to Fat Loss®

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Healthy Weekends Survival Guide: How to Maintain Your Wellness

Weekend Warrior: Stay on Track with Your Fitness Goals

We all look forward to the weekends - a time to relax, unwind, and enjoy some much-needed downtime. However, for many of us, maintaining healthy weekends can also become a roadblock to our fitness progress.

The temptation to indulge in unhealthy snacks, skip workouts, and sleep in can be difficult to resist - plus, the cookies in the cabinet just won't stop staring at you, right?

But fear not!

With the right mindset and strategies, you can maintain your wellness even on the weekends!

Keep reading to learn the best tips and tricks in the business for keeping yourself on track and thriving during your weekends - time to find food freedom with fat-busting tactics like leg day treats from the FASTer Way!

Plan Ahead for Success

Engaging in meal prep and planning out healthy dishes for the weekend ahead of time is a great way to keep your wellness on track, stress-free! It will not only save you time and money, but also ensure that you have healthy options readily available so you don't go grabbing for fast food or processed snacks. Stock up your fridge and pantry with fresh fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy whole food munchies like nuts, seeds, and hummus.

In addition, when you have your meals planned in advance it makes it that much easier to establish a dedicated grocery list and stick to it. This is a great tool and motivator to avoid temptation at the grocery store. Even better, keep your meals and snacks interesting by trying new recipes or flavor combinations - at the FASTer Way we provide a wide range of whole food deliciousness in our meal planning recipes just waiting for you!

If you decide to indulge in something less healthy, don't beat yourself up about it - everyone deserves some treats - just get back on track with your healthy habits at your next meal or workout. Remember, the key to success is consistency, NOT perfection.

Stay Active

Incorporating physical activity into your weekend plans is crucial to keeping your fitness progress going strong. This could be as simple as going for a walk, hike, or bike ride, or trying out a new fitness class or workout routine.

At The FASTer Way, our clients enjoy weekend leg day treat! By participating in heavy, lower body-focused, strength training activity, your body experiences a higher calorie expenditure than on other strength training days. As a result, it's primed and ready for more food, particularly more carbohydrate rich food! The possibilities for your favorite treat are endless, but read on for an important follow up tip.

Indulge in Moderation

Depriving yourself of the foods you love entirely is never the way to go and arguably a recipe for disaster. It can lead to unhealthy binge eating habits, not to mention mood swings, energy depletion, and reduced self-esteem or feelings of discouragement. Instead, focus on portion control and savoring each bite mindfully.

One helpful tip is to choose one treat per day and make it count - like on FASTer Way LEG DAY when your calorie burn is at its highest! Whether that's a small piece of dark chocolate, a scoop of your favorite ice cream, or dinner out with friends and family, make sure it's something you truly enjoy and savor it slowly.

Another way to indulge in moderation is to make healthier versions of your favorite treats. For example, try baking sweet potatoes wedges instead of french fries or making a homemade pizza with whole wheat crust and fresh veggies. At The FASTer Way we provide a wide range of delicious and healthy recipes, including desserts, to help you satisfy your cravings without derailing your progress!

Get Enough Sleep

Another important aspect of maintaining your wellness on the weekends is getting enough sleep. It can be tempting to stay up late or sleep in, but this disrupts your body's natural sleep cycle and can leave you feeling groggy and unfocused, as well as raise excess fat gain through increased cortisol (stress hormone) levels. Aim to get 7-8 hours of sleep each night to feel refreshed and ready to tackle the day.

If you struggle with falling asleep or staying asleep, try implementing a relaxing bedtime routine such as reading a book, taking a warm bath or shower, or practicing deep breathing exercises. Avoid electronics before bed and create a calming environment in your bedroom.

Take Care of Your Mental Health

Practice self-care and take time to relax and de-stress on the weekends. This can be in the form of meditation, yoga, a relaxing bath, or simply enjoying a good book. Taking care of your mental health is just as important as physical health, and the two are closely intertwined. Make sure to also set boundaries and prioritize your own needs. Don't over-commit to social events or obligations if it will leave you feeling drained or stressed - it's okay to say no!

Connecting with friends, family, or simply those on the same wellness journey as you - like those in the FASTer Way community - is also a great way to help progress in your wellness journey over the weekend. This social connection is not only important for mental health, but it helps to provide accountability and support during a time that it's easy to lose sight of your end goal. Remember, maintaining your wellness is a holistic journey that involves taking care of your physical, mental, and emotional health.

Keep up the good work and don't forget to celebrate your progress!

Enjoy Healthy Weekends With The FASTer Way!

Weekends don't have to derail your fitness progress!

By prioritizing sleep, mental health, and staying connected with like-minded individuals through communities like the FASTer Way, you can enjoy healthy weekends and continue making strides towards your wellness goals.

Join our next round of the FASTer Way to see how our leg day treats and other strategies can help you reach your FULL FITNESS POTENTIAL - with your favorite foods on the menu and a healthy lifestyle that doesn’t leave you constantly “falling off the wagon”!

Remember, small steps lead to big progress. Keep pushing yourself and trust the process.

We can't wait to support you on your journey!