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FASTer Way Testimonial: Beth

We LOVE this testimonial from Beth at Seersucker and Saddles. It is absolutely incredible to read about the FREEDOM found when you let go of overexercising and undereating! Check out her thoughts on what makes the FASTer Way so special!

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“I’ll speak from my personal experience.  Prior to my wedding, I was a madwoman at Orange Theory.  We’re talking 6 days a week for about three months leading up to the big day.  I’ve always been someone who loves to workout so this was no different although I busted my hump harder than I ever had before–but I still didn’t feel 100%.  And here’s the kicker……after 6 weeks with my very first round of the Faster Way To Fat Loss, I was stronger, leaner, eating more, working out less…I was at an OPTIMAL place.  The proof is in the pudding–check out my very first BEFORE (wedding) and AFTER HERE, Gang….this program W O R K S like nothing I’ve ever seen or done.  It is a lifestyle for me, and I simply couldn’t love the program more.  There are over 1000 seersucker readers who have jumped on the bandwagon and the testimonials and success stories are unreal.  All ages, all sizes, it’s truly been so incredible, inspirational, and empowering to see so many women transform their lives and find something that works.  I cannot stress my love for this program enough…well, hells, I actually can and have within THESE POSTS.”

To read more about Beth’s FASTer Way to Fat Loss experience, click here!



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10 Ways to Thank a Teacher

A teacher truly makes a world of difference in our communities and in the lives of our children. No matter how old we are, we’ll always remember a teacher who has made a positive impact on our lives!


Teachers have had to pivot overnight to a brand new way of teaching and they’ve done an absolutely incredible job of making that transition. They are truly heroes for helping our kids continue to learn at home! We know it isn’t easy to manage a Zoom call with 25 kindergarten kids! 😉

To our wonderful teachers, we say THANK YOU for your hard work and dedication. You’ve kept the wheels turning while supporting students AND parents. We know it hasn’t been easy. During Teacher Appreciation Week, it’s only fitting we share ideas on how to honor all our amazing teachers out there. 

While the celebration may look a little different in 2020, there are still plenty of ways to virtually say “thank you” to the special teachers in your life. And to all you parents out there, check out these tips and let us know which ones you and your kiddos put into action! Remember to tag us at @FASTerWaytoFatLoss and use the hashtag #ThankATeacher!

  1. Send your teacher some flowers- Many flower shops are still open and delivering right to front porches. Consider sending your special teacher a beautiful bouquet of flowers to show your appreciation. A great way to say “I appreciate you” without being there is through a beautiful bouquet of flowers! 

  2. Gift your teacher with a round of FASTer Way- Has your teacher been wanting to give the FASTer Way a try? With our May 11 teacher round right around the corner, there’s never been a better time to give the gift of the FASTer Way! During this special round, teachers will receive 25% off the FASTer Way 6-week program!

  3. Send your teacher a virtual gift card to their favorite store- You can never go wrong with a good gift card! Do you notice your teacher always comes in with a Starbucks coffee in the morning? Send over a virtual Starbucks gift card! Is your teacher a Target fanatic? A virtual Target gift card is the way to go!

  4. Send your teacher a gift card for the spa- After living with the added stress of quarantine and virtual schooling, your teacher deserves some much needed R & R. Gifting your teacher with a spa treatment will be the perfect post-quarantine activity to look forward to! 

  5. Deliver homemade baked goods to your teacher’s mailbox- There’s something so sweet (literally) about receiving a fresh batch of yummy baked goods. Baking up some cookies, brownies, or cupcakes with your little ones and dropping them off in your teacher’s mailbox or on their front porch is a special way to say thank you. You can get creative with the packaging (did somebody say mason jars?!) and include a handwritten note.

  6. Write your teacher a handwritten letter- Never underestimate the power of a good old fashioned handwritten letter! You can tell your teacher how thankful you are for them, how much you miss them, what you love about them, the difference they’ve made in your life, and more! A sweet note written from the heart is sure to brighten up your teacher’s day!

  7. Create message posters and send to your teacher- Looking for an easy way to say “thank you” with a fun, personalized touch? Make message posters with your children and take pictures holding them! Your posters could be drawn on printer paper or spelled out on a letter board. However you choose to do so, you’ll be sending your teacher a fun and creative message that’s sure to touch their heart! Check out these FASTer Way kiddos and their adorable signs!

*Picture from @let_me_eat_my_macros

*Picture from @let_me_eat_my_macros

Moms can do it, too!

*Picture from @cadieclark

*Picture from @cadieclark

8. Design a poster board and put it outside your teacher’s house- Surprise your teacher with a colorful poster to put outside of their house. Your kiddo can color, draw pictures and say things like “the best teacher lives here” or “best teacher ever.” This fun surprise is a surefire way to let your teacher know how much they mean to you!

9. Send a video message to your teacher- Email your teacher a video sending your love and wishes. Let them know what you love about them or give them three reasons why they’re the best teacher! For an added bonus, you could even make up a fun song or dance to include in the video!

10. Send your teacher a gift card to a local restaurant- Even though many restaurant dining rooms are closed right now, delivery and pick-up are still a great option! Not to mention, a night ordering take-out is one less night to have to worry about making dinner!

Do you know a teacher that would love to experience the FASTer Way? Purchase a round as a gift or share the link to register!

Copy and send to a teacher you know:


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It's the Teacher That Makes the Difference

A teacher can truly make the world of a difference; in our lives, in the lives of our children, and in our community. Our teachers have poured out their time, energy, and passion for our children. We can’t thank them enough!


There’s no question that the guidance and support of a teacher is helping keep us all together during this time. Our teachers are taking the lead on virtual school, creating new lesson plans with available digital curriculum, AND teaching our children. Balancing all these things is quite the task!

Now, it’s time we say thank you! Teachers, you’ve done so much for our children and communities. It’s our turn to take care of YOU! We’re offering a special round of FASTer Way to Fat Loss exclusively for all the amazing and deserving teachers out there. 

In addition, we’re highlighting some of our FASTer Way members who are teachers, making a difference in the lives of countless children! You can check out their stories below. And be sure to share this post with all the teachers in your life who are making a difference and invite them to join us for the launch of next week’s teacher round!

Leigh Zanto

“I joined my first round of the FASTer Way during my first year as a teacher. As a first year teacher in a new state with no familiar faces, I was beyond stressed, barely keeping my head above water, trying my best to do everything right, all while chasing 22 first graders around. To be completely honest, I was barely surviving, and I had let stress get the best of me. My nutrition and workouts fell to the wayside. It was about halfway through that year when I finally decided enough was enough, and decided to give the FASTer Way a chance. Not only did this program bring balance and routine to my life once again, it also completely changed my mindset and the way I viewed food and workouts. This program helped relieve some stress that teaching can bring, my energy shot through the roof, and thanks to this program, I was finally able to be my best self for my first graders, which made the second half of the year go so much more smoothly. I loved this program so much that I decided to become a coach! There is nothing like the FASTer Way, and I am beyond thankful that I found this community!”

Emily Esarey

“As a teacher I was used to giving my all to my students and families at school, and then coming home and giving more to my own family. Working out and eating clean were things I wanted to do, but didn't always make time to do well. I relied heavily on my workouts to help me feel like I was making progress, but I was seeing very little change. At school, I was used to having 10 minutes to eat lunch or would just altogether skip it! I knew it was truly my nutrition that was holding me back from achieving my health and wellness goals. I was frustrated, and decided I simply needed to workout more and eat even less. I started doubling up my workouts, pushing my body to its limits, and even ended up in physical therapy from a workout injury. When I found the FASTer Way I was most excited about learning how to fuel my body, but the way it altered my mindset about food was life changing. My whole outlook towards food and exercise changed for the better. I was able to eat more, workout less, and have more energy to give to my family. I became so passionate about living the FW, I became a coach to inspire others. Coaching in this community has married my passions of educating others with health and wellness!”

Jennifer Hardy

“As someone who spends long days at school as a teacher, wife of a school administrator, and mom to three boys, I absolutely LOVE the FASTer Way lifestyle. I have struggled my entire life with my weight (until the FASTer Way). The FASTer Way to Fat Loss is a program that is healthy and sustainable while being very effective. I love intermittent fasting because it takes the pressure off of preparing and eating a healthy breakfast before school and it allows me to enjoy larger meals. The workouts are incredible...short, effective with no dread factor. I also love the eating cycle. I love a couple of low carb days because of the benefits along with the ability to enjoy my favorite higher fat foods, I also love carbs, especially fruit and potatoes, and know I feel best when I consume carbohydrates. The eating cycle works and allows us to consume a wide variety of delicious foods and meals. What is most important to me is the accountability and is a total difference maker in terms of success and feeling like you are part of a community. I am so thankful for the FASTer Way...what it has taught me, the results I have experienced and the opportunity as a coach to inspire and help others reach their goals and feel their best!”

Our TEACHERS ONLY round is filling up and we’re over the moon to be helping so many educators get healthy during such a strange time in the teaching world.

Stress has been high and that usually means unhealthy choices are high as well—but we’re here to help. We’ll guide our teachers toward setting healthy habits that will burn fat, increase energy, and help them deal with the daily stress of teaching from a distance.

And to show our Teacher Appreciation this week, we’re offering this special round for only $150!! That’s 25% off the regular price (a deal we typically save for Black Friday). If you’re a teacher, don’t miss this very special round! And if you’re not, don’t let the teachers in your life miss this—be sure to share this so they can join us!



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5 Tips for Teachers Intermittent Fasting During the Summer Break

Teachers are being asked to do more than ever right now. Even when class is not truly in session due to COVID-19, you are being asked to restructure entire curriculums during a global pandemic to fulfill the education needs of your students to finish out the year. So what happens during the summer when that schedule goes away? You might say “sweet freedom”, but the relaxation from such a structured lifestyle might have you feeling like “well now what?”


The easy answer: now is the time for YOU! If your fitness isn’t getting a passing grade, it’s time to focus on getting well and staying well.

We’re hosting a special program just for teachers with $49 savings as our way of saying thank you for all you do. We’ve written lesson plans for your fitness and nutrition as you enter the summer. Our plans are centered around whole foods, plenty of exercise and intermittent fasting.

Intermittent fasting is safe for everyone and is a great way to lose weight because it doesn’t restrict WHAT you eat but WHEN you eat. Typical schedules range anywhere from 12/12 to 16/8. The first number is how long you go without food and the second number is the window you are clear to eat. We recommend starting slow and working your way up. The benefits of intermittent fasting are vast.  

After you stop eating and your body ends the digestion process, it will enter a state of rest. During this time, it will start repairing itself by healing damaged cells, reducing insulin levels, reducing inflammation and improving cholesterol and blood pressure.


·        Improved sleep

·        More energy

·        Quicker recovery

·        Hormone level increase

·        Better immune system

It’s a bit easier to do intermittent fasting during the school year because teachers are so busy, it’s nearly impossible to grab a snack and munch throughout the day. But during the summer, when your schedule is wide open, it can be easy to relax your eating patterns. Here are a few tips to keep you from falling back into your old habits.

1.      Create a morning ritual – It’s ok to drink coffee, tea or water during the fasting window, so when you wake up, feel free to curl up to a hot mug and start your day. You might enjoy running or walking in the morning, although it’s recommended you do these activities in the daylight. Getting exercise in the sun gives you a dose of vitamin D and melanin, which is known as the happy hormone. If you forgo the early morning activity, try to build in some kind of routine like catching up on local news. Any routine you can build in the morning will distract you from eating until your meal window opens.

2.      Forgive yourself – The FASTer Way doesn’t promote a diet, but a lifestyle change. We put the scale in the closet and don’t focus on numbers because it’s more important how you feel. Sometimes you will break a rule. You will second guess and wish for a mulligan on decisions you make. That’s ok. If you break your fast early on, or want to enjoy a summer food you love, it’s completely fine. Remember, it’s about progress not perfection.

3.      Make your main meal count – Early on, it might feel like forever until your fasting window closes. It will get better with time, but one thing you’ll learn is you should make dinner count. Make sure you feast on nutritious foods that are filling and delicious. Don’t force yourself to choke down foods you don’t like just because it feels like a healthier choice. The more you enjoy your lifestyle, the more likely you are to continue it.

4.      Don’t break your fast with sugar or carbs – After you’ve gone 12-16 hours without food, you’ll want to break your fast with something that will sustain you. Foods like eggs, nuts, oatmeal or avocado are filled with protein and fats for sustainable energy that will burn for a while. The last thing you want is to spike your blood sugar with sweets and bread because you’ll have a crash that creates a roller coaster effect. That’s not sustainable and will deter you from continuing your IF practice.

5.      Make a schedule – It’s summer. We get it. You don’t want to live and die by the hour-by-hour structure you have during the year. But teachers are creatures of habit after all. It helps to have some kind of guide for the day so you can plan your meals. It’s a good idea to pre-make lunches and some healthy snacks like egg salad so you have something to grab in a pinch. 

Are you ready to get rolling? We’re celebrating teachers this week with a special FASTer Way group dedicated to the educators who have helped our children navigate this crazy time. Not only are we offering awesome discount, we’re also providing tips and help to keep you on track this summer and into the fall. Join us on May 11 for our community wide, teacher’s round at the link below!



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Meat-Free Recipes During a Meat Shortage

The impact of the COVID-19 outbreak is still being felt even as we are slowly easing restrictions. Restaurants and bars will be opening soon, but that doesn’t mean the food supply will be back to normal.


Two of the largest meat producers in the United States have shut down, meaning we could soon be facing a meat shortage as we saw in the paper aisle of grocery stores. The government is signing an order to keep many of the meat producers open, but with so much uncertainty, the time to prepare is now. Meat is a great source of iron, protein, B-complex vitamins, and magnesium (which is linked to reduced stress). But there are many other ways to get these nutrients if you look for them.

Many of our tasty recipes are packed with protein-rich meat, but there are other tasty recipes in our meal guides for FASTer Way members and VIP members. They are carefully designed to go with our workout plans and help you burn fat.

If you’re not a member, check these recipes out below and sign up to become part of our community! There are plenty more where these came from.





carbs - 31g | fiber - 8g | fat - 38g | protein - 20g


·        2 cups mixed greens

·        1 tablespoon pumpkin seeds

·        Roasted Tofu:

·        2 (14-ounce) packages extra-firm, water-packed tofu, drained

·        ⅔ cup of gluten-free soy sauce

·        ⅔ cup lime juice

·        6 tablespoons toasted sesame oil

Roasted Vegetables: 

·        3 cups cubed butternut squash (1-inch pieces)

·        3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil, divided

·        4 cups broccoli florets

·        2 red bell peppers, cut into squares

·        1 large red onion, cut into bite-size chunks

·        2 teaspoons Italian seasoning

·        1 teaspoon coarse kosher salt

·        ¼ teaspoon pepper

·        1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar

Citrus-Lime Vinaigrette:

·        ¼ cup olive oil

·        ¼ cup lime juice

·        ¼ cup of orange juice

·        2 teaspoons minced fresh jalapeño pepper

·        ¼ cup chopped fresh cilantro

·        ¼ teaspoon salt

·        ⅛ teaspoon ground black pepper


Roasted Tofu:

1.      PAT tofu dry and cut into ½–¾-inch cubes. Combine soy sauce, lime juice, and oil in a medium bowl or large sealable plastic bag. Add the tofu and gently toss to combine. Marinate in the refrigerator for 1 hour or up to 4 hours, gently stirring once or twice. 

2.      PREHEAT oven to 450°F. 

3.      REMOVE tofu from marinade with a slotted spoon (discard marinade). Spread out on 2 large baking sheets, making sure the pieces are not touching. 

4.      ROAST, gently turning halfway through, until golden brown, about 20 minutes. 

Roasted Vegetables:

1.      PREHEAT oven to 425°F.

2.      TOSS squash and 1 tablespoon oil in a large bowl. Spread out on a baking sheet. Roast for 10 minutes.

3.      MEANWHILE, toss broccoli, bell peppers, onion, Italian seasoning, salt, and pepper in the bowl until the vegetables are evenly coated.

4.      ADD squash to vegetables in the bowl. Toss to combine. Spread the vegetables out on 2 baking sheets, dividing evenly. Roast, stirring once or twice until vegetables are tender and browned in spots, 17–20 minutes. 

5.      DRIZZLE with vinegar.

6.      Citrus-Lime Vinaigrette:

7.      COMBINE all dressing ingredients in a screw-top jar. Cover and shake well.

8.      For entire Salad:

9.      ARRANGE greens, veggies, tofu, and pumpkin seeds in a 6-cup sealable container or bowl. 

10.   DRIZZLE vinaigrette over salad just before serving.

11.   MAKE AHEAD: refrigerate salad and dressing separately for up to 5 days. Add dressing just before serving.

12.   ENJOY!




carbs - 10g | fiber - 6g | fat - 22g | protein - 15g


·        2 cups arugula

·        8 hard-boiled eggs

·        2 avocados, pit, and skin removed

·        1½ tablespoons lemon juice

·        ⅓ cup chopped onion 

·        ½ teaspoon salt

·        black pepper, to taste


1.      ADD all ingredients (except arugula) to a bowl and mash. 

2.      STIR to combine.

3.      SERVE on top of arugula.

4.      ENJOY!




6 SERVINGS (2 muffins) | 25 MINUTES


carbs - 5g | fiber - 1g | fat - 0g | protein - 9g


·        16-ounce container egg whites

·        2 bell peppers, chopped

·        1 cup spinach, chopped

·        Salt and pepper (to taste)


1.      PREHEAT oven to 350°F.

2.      GREASE muffin pan with nonstick cooking spray.

3.      WHISK egg whites, peppers, spinach, and salt and pepper in a large bowl. 

4.      POUR mixture into muffin pan.

5.      BAKE for 15–17 minutes or until the eggs are set.

6.      ENJOY!





carbs - 17g | fiber - 11g | fat - 42g | protein - 17g


·        2 large eggs

·        2 tablespoons chopped onion

·        ¼ jalapeño pepper, finely chopped (optional)

·        1 cup chopped spinach

·        1 tablespoon chopped green or black olives

·        2 teaspoons extra virgin olive oil

·        Salt, pepper, red pepper flakes and/or other seasonings of choice

·        Toppings (optional, not included in macros):

·        Avocado slices or salsa (for topping)

·        Chopped mushrooms 

·        Minced garlic

·        Chopped bell peppers

·        Sliced green onions

·        Chopped chives or parsley 


1.      HEAT olive oil in a skillet over medium heat. Add veggies to skillet and cook for 3 minutes, or until veggies are soft and onions are fragrant. Create two holes in the center of the veggies and crack an egg into each hole. 

2.      COVER with a lid or baking sheet and let sit for 4–5 minutes, or until egg whites are cooked through. 

3.      SPRINKLE seasonings evenly over top. 

4.      TOP with avocado slices or salsa (both optional) and serve warm. 

5.      ENJOY!



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Isn’t everything better in a bowl? We think so too!


Bowls are the perfect way to make sure you're getting in those carbs, protein AND healthy fats. Not to mention, they’re easy to throw together and a great way to use leftovers or veggies before they go bad! 

If you’re short on ideas or ingredients, you can never go wrong with making a big, nutrient-packed bowl to get all those macros in for the day! 

We’re sharing the ULTIMATE GUIDE to making delicious, FASTer Way-approved bowls that are good for you (and taste good, too!). Use this list as a guide for ideas and inspiration as you create your macro-friendly bowl!

We made our bowl with brown rice, baked chicken breast, sauteed kale, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, shredded carrots, roasted corn and sliced avocado. We topped it with coconut aminos, sea salt and black pepper. Now it’s your turn! How will you make your bowl?!



Regular Macro:

  • Brown rice

  • Quinoa

Low Carb:

  • Cauliflower rice (1 cup serving only has 3 grams net carbs!)

  • Roasted veggies


When picking a protein, do a little fridge/freezer inventory and take stock of what you already have! One of the many benefits of bowls is being able to use what you have readily available. Is there leftover steak from last night’s dinner? Or some frozen chicken breast at the bottom of the freezer? Both work great!

  • Chicken breast (baked, grilled, shredded, leftover, frozen, anything works!)

  • Chicken thighs

  • Shrimp

  • Steak (high protein and high fat -- great for low-carb day!)

  • Salmon (another great option for low-carb day!)

  • Black beans (great vegan/vegetarian option!)

  • Chickpeas (vegan/vegetarian)


You can never go wrong starting your macro-friendly bowl with a big pile of leafy greens. You can also add a few handfuls of greens on top of brown rice or quinoa! Greens are full of antioxidants and are a great source of fiber -- the perfect addition to any bowl!

  • Kale, sauteed or roasted

  • Spinach, fresh or sauteed

  • Mixed greens, fresh


This is the fun part! You can really customize your bowl however you like with a variety of available vegetables. You can also mix it up and prepare your vegetables in different ways. You can leave some fresh, sautee them in a pan, or roast them in the oven!

  • Sweet potatoes, roasted

  • Broccoli, roasted or steamed

  • Bell peppers

  • Snap peas

  • Carrots (try including fresh shredded carrots!)

  • Corn, roasted or fresh

  • Red onion, sauteed 

  • Cucumber, chopped 

  • Baby tomatoes, halved


Topping your bowl is like putting the cherry on top! The best part is, you can be as creative or as simple as you want! The options are truly endless!

  • Hummus

  • Coconut aminos

  • Sea salt + black pepper 

  • Everything But The Bagel Seasoning

  • Fresh herbs- try cilantro, dill, basil or parsley!

  • Fresh sprouts- broccoli or bean sprouts

  • Green onion

Healthy Fats

Adding healthy fats to your bowls is a great way to boost up your fat gram goal when you’re needing a little extra to hit those macros!

  • Avocado

  • Drizzle of avocado oil 

  • Seeds/ Nuts 


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How Dairy Secretly Raises Your Anxiety and Stress

The Coronavirus has amplified one major issue: proactive health is so important. Eating healthy, whole foods is the best way to give your body the nutrients it needs to boost immunity against disease. Exercising is the best way to keep your body toned and happy. But there are some extra steps you can take. The FASTer Way isn’t a diet, but there are foods that we avoid.


The FASTer Way program eschews gluten and dairy because these foods are shown to increase inflammation in the body and give you all kinds of discomfort in the gut. We see so many clients come to us after plateauing in their previous programs, and still suffer from joint pain and that bloated feeling. Dairy is a major no-no because it is inflammatory by nature. It disrupts many of your major systems and causes bloating, diarrhea and constipation.

But dairy has another troubling side effect that could be spoiling your mood during the COVID-19 pandemic: increased stress and anxiety. If you’re dealing with stress while stuck at home, you’re not alone. More than half of Americans alone are feeling anxious about the current situation, which is why we’ve provided podcasts and blogs like this one to help you get through it.

But if you are still on a dairy kick, maybe it’s souring you.


The reason is because dairy not only wreaks havoc on your gut, it also can increase your adrenaline, reduce magnesium and alter your estrogen levels.

Why is that? Well, mostly because of what’s injected into cows. The artificial hormones and antibiotics that are meant to increase milk production can have negative effects when you drink them. Even if the milk you drink is certified non-GMO and hormone free, the rules and regulations to get that certification are flimsy.

The drop in magnesium is significant because it’s been shown to increase anxiety in the body. Magnesium is known as an anti-stress mineral and when it’s depleted, stress may go up.

Also, there’s the issue of dairy being cultured. When milk turns into cheese, bacteria break down proteins into biogenic amines. If you are intolerant of dairy, this breakdown can trigger protective histamines, which can aggravate digestion and cardiovascular and nervous systems. If you are susceptible, those histamines can increase your anxiety and disrupt your sleeping pattern.

You could also suffer from swelling, skin reactions and sinus issues like coughing and sneezing.


Ridding your diet of milk is not an easy thing to do right away, but there are plenty of alternatives like almond, soy, cashew and oat milk. Oat milk is relatively new to the game but is a great additive for tea or coffee, staples of intermittent fasting. Oat milk also is high in iron so if you get your protein from places other than meat, it can supplement the iron you’re losing.

You might fear being without calcium. That’s what we’ve been told since we were kids right? Milk helps us build strong bones. But you can get plenty of calcium and other nutrients from vitamin-rich vegetables, fruits and greens. These foods can give you the calcium you need without the hidden stress on your body.

  • Kale

  • Oranges

  • Sesame seeds

  • Dried figs

  • Almonds

  • Oatmeal

The FASTer Way is all about total wellness, not just physical. The mental side of what we eat has a big effect on how we go about our days. We covered a really interesting topic a few weeks ago in our FASTer Way Podcast. The digestion process actually begins before we even eat because our brain triggers what our desires are. It’s worth a listen because changing our lifestyle habits begin with understanding how our body works. Dairy is something ingrained in us from a young age, but finding alternative sources for nutrients could be what’s holding you back from reaching your goals. And that can be stressful all in itself.



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FASTer Way Testimonial: Amy

We want to highlight Amy from A Cup Full of Sass who saw INCREDIBLE results with the FASTer Way To Fat Loss!! It’s amazing what progress can be made when you dedicate yourself to living a healthy and sustainable lifestyle. We are SO proud of Amy! Check out her story below:


“I have been working out consistently and eating clean for a long time now. I was really looking to tone my body and get rid of some of my problem areas. Yes, I have those too. With summer coming, I knew now was the time. I came across The Faster Way to Fat Loss and was intrigued by what I learned. Amanda Tress is the creator and she is amazing! After reading up on the program, I decided this was for me. Let me just say I LOVE this program and I have already seen results in only 4 short weeks! I still have two more weeks to go and I know I’m only going to get better. I plan on signing up for a second round too.

This program is not like the typical program. I don’t even like to call it a program because truly is just a healthy lifestyle. Don’t worry, you CAN eat carbs. You CAN have a treat day (it’s actually recommended every Saturday). You CAN Eat! You can have carbs every day, but there are low carb days and regular macro days. Each exercise is designed to work with the eating schedule. My daily calorie intake is actually hard for me to hit. I always have more than enough food and have never felt hungry. We focus on eating lean meats and lots of vegetables. If you watch my Instagram Stories you will see I share a lot of my food and exercises. Be sure to follow along if you’re not already.

On low carb days, I eat lots of vegetables, salads, and protein. I even make a great low carb egg casserole with turkey sausage and vegetables. On regular macro days, I eat things like fish tacos, a veggie flatbread pizza, quinoa, steel cut oatmeal or an egg sandwich. I always have a vegetable with my meals. I love roasted broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussel sprouts.”

To read more about Amy’s FASTer Way To Fat Loss experience, click here!


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FASTer Way Yoga Mat

How Exercise Boosts Reading Comprehension in Kids

Parents, you are being asked to play new roles these days: teacher and academic advisor. Between work and household responsibilities, you’re having to schedule virtual meetings with teachers, answer homework questions and help your kids get through the rest of the school year without skipping a beat.

Pretty tall task considering most of us haven’t taken a reading quiz once we got our diplomas.

But there is one thing you can do to boost your child’s academic excellence: Exercise together!


There was a reason schools have recess and physical activity as part of the curriculum. It works. Just 12 minutes of exercise a day has been shown to improve young people’s focus and improve their reading comprehension. Physically active kids have also been shown to have a longer attention span to absorb the reading material.

Reading better, in turn, has its own benefits on your child’s body like increased empathy, memory and people skills.

While you’re crushing your fitness goals, burning fat and fulfilling your purpose with energy, bring your kiddos along for a couple of workouts and see the benefits.


Well, first of all when kids exercise they get a boost of endorphins—natural happy hormones in the body—when they do something that requires a burst of energy. Kids aren’t short on energy, but endorphins make you feel better naturally and make you more willing to take on other tasks through the day.


Exercise releases something called “growth factors”, which are proteins required for growth of cells in your body. For your brain, these growth factors increase the number of connections in the hippocampus of your brain, a region in your brain needed for memory. The more connections, the more your brain can retain information and store memories.

A study by Brain Research (1) showed that 9- and 10-year olds who were physically active had larger hippocampi than their peers.

So get them outside and they can’t use the excuse ‘I forgot’ next time you ask them what they read.


Exercise has also been shown to create better rest because you increase your blood circulation, which helps repair damaged cells, and reduce stress (comes in handy for a big test or reading assignment). Kids will also get vitamin D and melanin from the sun, which can turn into melatonin at night. With more rest comes the ability to focus on a reading assignment and retain information.

On top of all that, getting the kids out of the house and exercising can soften the effects of isolation happening right now. Your kids are used to being around dozens (even hundreds for older kids) of classmates every day and learning valuable social skills in the process.

The FASTer Way is all about family and community which is why we’ve provided kids workouts as part of our VIP Membership Digital Studio. We offer it because we know you have so many other things to take care of, you can’t always brainstorm new things for your kids to do. Just put on your workout clothes and start one of our virtual studio routines made for them and you can work together and bond. Kids can benefit from our whole program by eating better, learning how to cook and even yoga (although it might not be easy to get them focused on breathing and slow movements).

It’s been a tough few weeks but exercise is the key, friends. Keep moving, staying positive and we will get through this together!




FASTer Way Kids Shirt


FASTer Way Girls Tank


No-Bake Snacks to Make with Your Kids

We’re always on the lookout for simple, creative recipes to make with our kiddos.


If you’re looking for a quick midday snack or fun weekend activity, give these recipes a try! The recipes we’re sharing are made with pantry and fridge staples, require no baking and can easily be swapped out for what you may have available! It is fun for kids and stress-free for parents (talk about a win-win)!

Be sure to let us know if you try any of these recipes and tag us in your social media posts @FasterWaytoFatLoss. We know your kids (and you!) are going to love them! We love seeing you in the kitchen with your little ones!


Apple Donuts

Who says donuts can’t be healthy! These sweet, hand-held tasty treats are sure to be a hit with little ones. Your kiddos can choose their own toppings and make dozens of yummy combinations!


Yogurt of choice 

Peanut Butter

Optional Toppings 

Chopped Fruit

Chocolate Chips

Dried Fruit

Shredded Coconut



  1. Slice apples into thin rings and remove core

  2. Spread yogurt or peanut butter on one side of the apple

  3. Top with desired toppings

  4. ENJOY!



Charcuterie boards are all the rave these days. Why not make a kid-friendly one for our kiddos to enjoy? We’re sharing two different options for you. What you’ll need, how to assemble and ingredient inspiration! These boards would be great to enjoy on a family movie night or as an afternoon snack for all your kiddos to share!

What You’ll Need:

Cutting board or platter



Sweet and Salty Grazing Board Ideas

Apple slices

Banana pieces


Peanut butter


Chocolate chips

Yogurt covered raisins



Banana chips

Dried fruit


Protein-Packed Grazing Board Ideas

Hard boiled eggs

Turkey slices

Cheese sticks

Carrot sticks

Celery sticks


Peanut butter

Turkey jerky

Pretzel chips


  1. Prepare all ingredients for the board by cutting larger items into smaller pieces.

  2. Place small items or dips into bowls

  3. Arrange larger ingredients and bowls onto the serving platter.

  4. Fill the remaining space as desired (remember, this doesn’t have to be perfect!)

  5. Enjoy!


Healthier Peanut Butter Cups (Makes about 12 PB cups in mini muffin tin)

A sweet treat with just four simple ingredients? Yes please! Say no to all those crazy chemicals in your kid’s peanut butter cups. You can create your own AND control the ingredients in them! These little treats are simple, yummy, and store well in the fridge or freezer.

1 cup chocolate chips, melted

½ cup peanut butter (creamy or crunchy)

½ tablespoon coconut flour

½ tablespoon maple syrup


  1. In a small bowl, combine peanut butter, coconut flour and maple syrup. Set aside.

  2. In a microwave safe bowl, melt chocolate chips in the microwave on low, in 30 second intervals, taking care to not overheat. Repeat and stir until fully melted.

  3. Line mini muffin tin with muffin liners. (Regular size muffin tins would work too!)

  4. Spoon an equal amount of melted chocolate onto the bottom of each muffin tin, using approximately half of the full amount of chocolate.

  5. Spoon an equal amount of peanut butter mixture into the middle of each muffin tin.

  6. Top each muffin tin with remaining melted chocolate. 

  7. Put into the freezer for 10 minutes or until chocolate is set.

  8. ENJOY!

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Banana Boats

These little snacks are sure to satisfy your kiddo’s sweet tooth! With just two base ingredients, this snack is easy enough to make any time of day. Your kids will love topping their banana boat with the ingredients of their choice!


Peanut butter

Optional Ingredients for Topping

Chocolate chips






  1. Slice bananas down the center. Arrange onto a plate or platter with the cut side facing up.

  2. Spread peanut butter down center of banana

  3. Add desired toppings and enjoy!



FASTer Way Girls Tank


FASTer Way Kids Shirt


How What You Wear Affects Your Workout

A positive mindset is everything, but having one is easier said than done right now. Stress and anxiety is at an all-time high and we know it takes a little extra to stay motivated.


Our science-backed FASTer Way to Fat Loss program that is proven to burn fat and build lean muscle, but we also know that a positive mindset makes a huge difference! Don’t the positive people around you make you want to push yourself more?

These are crazy times and it can be hard to do it all yourself during quarantine. We’ve touched on this subject and provided tips to handle anxiety and stress positively, but with so many people still at home, self-image feels like less and less a priority.

Let’s be honest, social distancing has really limited our wardrobes. Most people have narrowed their daily outfits to pajamas and more pajamas. Wasn’t there something about getting dressed to go to the gym or get on your bike?

It can be hard to change out of those jammies after the breakfast routine when you are working from home and taking care of the kiddos. Before you know, it’s 2:30 and it’s tempting to squeeze your workout in with whatever you have on.


Does what we wear on the outside affect our attitudes on the inside?

Short answer, yeah. What we wear DOES impact our performance. That’s where the phrase “dress for success” comes in. A Journal of Experimental Social Psychology study (1) discusses how your clothes can influence your attitude for the day. Think about it, when you went to the gym in your stretchy pants and cute graphic tee, didn’t you feel like you were going to crush your workout?

"When you put on new fitness gear, you begin to get into character like an actor putting on a costume for a performance," Dr. Jonathan Fader, New York Mets sports psychologist, said. "As a result, you expect to have a better performance, making you more mentally prepared for the task."

When you wear your exercise outfit, you create a superhero character capable of tackling any workout. You create a space in your mind designated for you and your goals. Not to mention how much more comfortable you are than in your baggy cotton tee you’ve been wearing for two days.


Wearing the right gear for your workout also has physical benefits too. Think about it. You wouldn’t wear your raggy tennis shoes on a mountain hike. We have access to so much custom gear made for niche activities because they are engineered to prevent strain, overheating or fatigue. Cotton, for instance, retains moisture and leaves you feeling heavy and icky. Halfway through the routine, you’ll feel fatigued and that memory will stay with you next time you think about doing a virtual workout. Wearing appropriate gear gives you more flexibility, range of motion and comfort.

You don’t have to spend a ton to get performance gear that puts you in the zone. Our FASTer Way Shop is filled with curated items specifically designed for our program with discounts for new, VIP members, and our kiddos! We have NEW black tank tops that will show off your tone during our new bonus VIP Challenges. The racerback design and sweat-wicking fabric keeps you cool and comfortable no matter how hard you hit your HIIT. We also spread positivity with our Progress Over Perfection V-neck shirts.

If you’re gearing up for our awesome new VIP Member challenges, you’ll LOVE the way you feel in gear suited for fun little exercise twists.

We want you all to look good, feel good and be well!



FASTer Way Black Tank Top

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Ladies Joggers


Healthy Eating Habits to Follow If You’re a Healthcare Worker

As a healthcare worker, your day is nothing but routine, so it’s hard to get onto a healthy eating schedule. Here are a few habits you can get into.



So how do you eat healthy when you’re in the healthcare industry? Well, for one, skip breakfast! Everyone is conditioned to grab a bite in the morning but it’s actually pretty easy one you get the hang of it. Our program endorses intermittent fasting as a lifestyle because of the dramatic effects it can have inside and out. It’s backed by science and so helpful getting over that plateau. And it’s not as tough as you think. Start slow by ending your meals at 8pm and don’t eat anything until 8am. This is a window that’s easiest because you’ll be sleeping anyway and you can start slow. Gradually, you can work your way up to a 16-window (if you’re hesitant to get started, try our intermittent fasting guide for healthcare workers). With intermittent fasting, you can sip on coffee or tea to get you through before having a snack around 10am.

Secondly, while the cafeteria or food shop is convenient, most of what they offer is processed and high in sugar and carbs. A study (1) by the American Journal of Preventive Medicine found that when hospital employees eat unhealthy foods from the cafeteria, it carries over to outside of work. When you’re a member of the FASTer Way program, you’ll have access to meal plans with macros clearly labeled. You’ll know exactly what’s in these meals so you don’t have to keep nibbling from the snack drawer all day.


Another key is taking time to go to the grocery. After three 12-hour shifts in a row, a day off is needed for a snooze fest to relax and recharge. Shopping is sometimes the last thing on your mind. But those who have fresh, whole foods at home are more likely to stick to a healthy plan than those who don’t. On your breaks at work, make a shopping list full of healthy ingredients. Take advantage of your days off by checking off your grocery list and then preparing meals ahead of time.

If you’re worried the grocery will be out of fresh foods, fear not. We’ve got you covered with Healthy Foods You Can Still Find at the Grocery.

As a healthcare worker, you already know the benefits of a healthy diet, and how the COVID-19 crisis is most adversely affecting those with underlying health issues like high blood pressure and diabetes. A good diet has been shown to improve memory (important for your line of work), better sleep and a positive attitude. A friendly mood serves your patients and co-workers, so get in the habit now and see the benefits when you are stressed and tackling task after task.


Studies also show that it’s beneficial when someone starts a healthy eating program at work. Co-workers tend to join in and it can have a ripple effect. The end result is less absenteeism, higher productivity and less expensive for the company you work for.

If you have a friend or family member in the healthcare industry, pass the good message along about how The FASTer Way to Fat Loss is helping people burn fat, reduce stress and be well.

Many of you already know this and are living proof that The FASTer Way program transforms lives. We challenge you to take the next step and join our VIP program where you’ll get advanced coaching, meal plans, fun challenges and discounts in our FASTer Way Shop. Six weeks is a great start for healthy living but sometimes it takes more time to turn around a true lifestyle.



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FASTer Way Black Tank Top


***NEW CLIENT*** Success Planner


Healthcare Workers, We Say Thank You!

The last month, we’ve seen so much good in the world around us. Neighborhoods coming together. Families and businesses donating to those in need (1). And heroes on the front lines of this medical crisis stepping up, sacrificing their own health and safety to care for others.

Healthcare workers have worked tirelessly to keep the COVID-19 impact as low as it can be, and they’ve sacrificed their own well-being to do it. Many in the healthcare industry are part of our FASTer Way community and we wanted to say THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts for all that you do. THANK YOU to those of you who are not part of our community.

And we’re putting our money where our mouth is as we close out April.

We’re dipping into our core value of generosity and thanking you the best way we know how. We’re hosting a very special round of the FASTer Way to Fat Loss for Healthcare Workers! This one is specifically for healthcare workers and it starts April 27. Not only that, but we are also offering a very special discount! This round will be just $99—a $100 savings!!

You are fulfilling your passion by taking care of us. We want to take care of you.

We are thrilled to offer this amazing round, filled with daily 30-minute workouts, meal plans, coaching and support. We want to give back to all of you who are giving so much already. Our special healthcare workers round is launching on April 27 and we don’t want anyone to miss out on this very special round OR discount!

Proper nutrition and intermittent fasting can help us burn fat and lose weight, but they can also:

·        Boost the immune system

·        Increase energy

·        Reduce brain fog

·        Improve sleep

We’re so passionate about helping our healthcare workers, they don’t just deserve these benefits—they need them!

We’re also producing additional resources for FREE. We just published an article on the FASTer Way blog called How to do Intermittent Fasting if You’re a Healthcare Worker. Feel free to share this valuable information with your followers! Check out our daily blog for more resources like how to handle stress, how to sleep better and create a better routine when you’re at home.

If you’re not a healthcare worker, feel free to spread the word so your healthcare working friends and family can take advantage of this amazing deal.

Start sharing this week with your friends, family, and followers—let’s help our doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals stay healthy and boost their immunity! Thanks for helping us spread the word. We are THRILLED to support the frontline workers who are getting us through this tough time.

They do so much to take care of us, let’s do our part to take care of them.

Our healthcare workers deserve our gratitude and so much more. THANK YOU for helping us spread the word so we can help our healthcare workers get well, prevent disease, and fulfill their purpose with energy!



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FASTer Way Black Tank Top


***NEW CLIENT*** Success Planner



Since we have all been home more than usual lately, we’re looking for creative and simple ways to keep our kiddos active and engaged. 

Parents, do you need something to add to your child’s daily rotation of playing outside, homework, crafts, and screen time? Look no further! We’ve got your back with easy and healthy kid-friendly recipes for you to create with your kiddos!

Parents, do you need something to add to your child’s daily rotation of playing outside, homework, crafts, and screen time? Look no further! We’ve got your back with easy and healthy kid-friendly recipes for you to create with your kiddos! 

We LOVED seeing your pictures and videos trying our last batch of kid recipes. Your little chefs did a great job helping out in the kitchen - and they are pretty cute too!

Now, grab your apron and a few mixing bowls because it’s time for some kitchen FUN! Be sure to tag @FASTerWaytoFatLoss in all your pictures and videos trying these new recipes! 


Rice Cake Critters

These little healthy critters are a perfect mix of fun for kids and simple for parents! 

  • Rice cakes

  • Peanut Butter

  • Strawberries, sliced 

  • Bananas, sliced

  • Blueberries

  • Chocolate chips

  • Slivered almonds 


  1. Arrange rice cakes in a single layer on a plate or serving dish.

  2. Spread peanut butter on top of rice cakes.

  3. Assemble fruit on top of rice cakes to create owl, bear, kitty, and pig faces!

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Oatmeal Balls 4 Ways (Makes total of 12-15 oatmeal balls)

These small snacks, packed with whole-food ingredients, are sure to be a hit with your little ones! 

Ingredients for base

1.5 cups rolled oats

⅓ cup plus 1 tablespoon peanut butter 

¼ cup maple syrup (can reduce amount if preferred less sweet)

Pinch of sea salt

Ingredients for specialty flavors:

Double Chocolate Chip

½ teaspoon cocoa powder

1 tablespoon chocolate chips

Banana Bread

¼ medium-size ripe banana, mashed

1 tablespoon extra oats

⅛ teaspoon cinnamon 

1 teaspoon walnuts or pecans, chopped finely


¼ teaspoon cinnamon 

⅛ teaspoon vanilla extract

For coating: 1 teaspoon coconut sugar + ½ teaspoon cinnamon

Peanut Butter + Jelly

½ teaspoon peanut butter (additional to base)

⅛ teaspoon fruit jam (for each ball)


  1. In a large bowl, combine all base ingredients and set aside.

  2. Divide base equally between four bowls.

  3. Add additional ingredients for specialty flavors to each bowl (see below).

  4. Roll into balls and allow to set in the fridge for 15 minutes.

  5. ENJOY!

  • For double chocolate chip: Add ½ teaspoon cocoa powder, 1 tablespoon chocolate chips. Mix until fully combined.

  • For banana bread: Add mashed banana, 1 tablespoon oats, ⅛ teaspoon cinnamon, 1 teaspoon chopped nuts.

  • For snickerdoodle: Add ¼ teaspoon cinnamon and ⅛ teaspoon vanilla extract. Combine remaining ½ tsp cinnamon and 1 teaspoon of coconut sugar in a small bowl. Roll oatmeal balls in cinnamon sugar mixture.

  • For peanut butter and jelly: Add ½ teaspoon of peanut butter and stir. Scoop out oatmeal ball and flatten in your hand. Add ⅛ teaspoon fruit jam* in the center of the mixture and roll into a ball. *Option: substitute 1 teaspoon of chopped dried fruit for fruit jam


Vegan “Ice Cream Cone” Waffles (Makes 4 full waffles or 16 “cones”)

Your kiddos will love starting off their day with this fun treat! These vegan waffles are flourless, contain no added refined sugar, AND are in the shape of an ice cream cone (what kid wouldn’t love that?!)

Dry ingredients

2 cups oat flour (make your own by blending dry oats in a food processor or blender!)

2 teaspoons baking powder 

½ teaspoon baking soda

Pinch of salt

½ teaspoon cinnamon

Wet ingredients

1 cup unsweetened almond milk

1 medium mashed banana 

2 ½ tablespoons maple syrup

1 teaspoon vanilla extract 

For “ice cream cone” waffle shape


Raspberry or strawberry to top “cone”


  1. Preheat waffle iron to medium-high heat.

  2. In large bowl, combine dry ingredients and set aside.

  3. Combine wet ingredients.

  4. Slowly incorporate wet ingredients into dry ingredients and stir until just combined.

  5. Spray waffle iron with non-stick spray and pour batter into hot iron.

  6. Cook 3-4 minutes OR until fully cooked through.

  7. Let cool on wire rack.

  8. To make ice cream cone shape: Cut cooled waffles into long triangles. Set on plate and arrange sliced bananas on top of the waffle to look like ice cream. Add a few sprinkles on top of banana and top with raspberry. 


Turkey Pinwheels (Makes about 6-7 pinwheels per tortilla)

Quick, easy, AND healthy? YES PLEASE! Deli turkey can easily be swapped for other meats such as ham or chicken; and toppings are easily customizable to your child’s liking!

  • Whole wheat wrap or flatbread

  • Deli turkey (or deli meat of choice)

  • Hummus

  • Yellow mustard

  • Lettuce 

  • Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Spread hummus and mustard on tortilla or flatbread.

  2. Add turkey, lettuce, salt and pepper.

  3. Tightly roll tortilla/flatbread up.

  4. Slice into equal pieces and ENJOY!


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FASTer Way Black Tank Top


FASTer Way Yoga Mat


How to Do Intermittent Fasting If You’re a Healthcare Worker

You sacrifice. You care for us. Right now, as a healthcare worker, you are on the front lines of an unprecedented pandemic and are putting your community ahead of your own health.


With a hectic schedule, thinking of yourself can easily be put on the backburner. But you don’t have to take on a stringent diet or restrictive plan to improve your wellness. You can start with intermittent fasting as a natural way to improve your metabolism, immune health and reduce joint pain. It’s a step you can take that produces incredible results. And you can easily fit it into your schedule whether you have a consistent schedule or take shifts.

To help those in our community, we created the FASTer Way to Fat Loss for Healthcare Workers program which makes it easy to get started at a fraction of the regular price. It’s our way of spreading generosity to those who have already given so much.

If you want to learn more, we also created this handy guide.


Good place to start, no?

If you’re a healthcare worker, you already have an understanding of the body, but we do have a whole breakdown here.

IF is basically creating two windows: one where you can eat and one where you eat nothing at all. Typical windows of fasting are in 12-, 14- or 16-hour increments, depending on your comfortability.

The reason to fast is this: When we eat, the food is broken down by our digestive systems for use in our bodies. Carbs and sugars are burned right away for energy, and any of it we don’t use gets stored as fat. Insulin is what puts sugar into fat cells. When we don’t eat for a period of time, our insulin levels go down and the excess sugar is released and burned off, so we lose weight.

Fasting also improves the immune system because it’s not busy scanning all the food we put into our gut, so it can spend more time attacking threats and repairing.

It does more for your body than just burning fat. Science-backed research also shows IF improves metabolism, lowers blood sugar and inflammation, repairs damaged cells and removes toxins from the body. Some people have shown to have an improved metabolism even before they lose a single pound.

It is a mind shift but it’s so worth it!

Like with anything, timing is key. Research is showing that the timing of the fast is important (1) so if you can fit it around your daily routine, you’re more likely to stick with it.


It might seem like it’s impossible to have a healthy lifestyle when you’re just trying to keep it together. With a hectic work schedule, it’s easy to eat at irregular times and grab anything you can snack on but IF makes things a lot more straightforward. You won’t be looking for windows to eat high-carb or high-sugar snacks to fuel you and your body won’t be going through chemical swings. You need to focus on your work without being pulled by food during a crash.

There ARE approved things you can consume during your fast window like coffee, tea and water. These beverages can curb any lingering hunger without busting your routine. You will be hungry at first, no doubt. It isn’t a super easy thing to master right away, which is why we recommend starting slow with a 12/12 fast early on and slowly work up to 16/8. But after a few days, you’ll notice you have less hunger alerts and a decreased appetite because your body is back in sync.

Another huge benefit is improved sleep! Your body all along has evolved to go with the natural ebbs and flows of day to night. We muck it up by eating late before bed or right away when we wake up. You’ve probably mixed and matched every weird late-night snack out there, but no matter the nutritional value, your body isn’t at rest if you’re digesting.  

When you finally get your body back to a natural flow, you’ll be surprised how much more energy you have during the day.


We are big believers in skipping breakfast and this is also a great recommendation for healthcare workers on the front line. The morning is typically the busiest time and you may feel you need the energy at first, but after a few days, your appetite will change, and you’ll be so busy you won’t even notice. Try to make it through the morning with just coffee and tea and then take your first meal at around noon (whenever you have a break). Then follow up with another snack around 3pm before consuming your biggest meal whenever you have another break, or your shift is over.


Depending on where you work, your schedule could vary. If you are in an office, it’s probably more predictable. If you are in a hospital, on the front lines or are doing shift work, it’s probably different by person. But this is a general guide of what IF would look like if you do a 12-hour work shift several days per week.

Skipping breakfast is the biggest adjustment, but if you are involved in procedures early in the morning, you are probably too busy to eat and will adjust pretty quickly. We recommend drinking something if you get pangs and your hunger will usually go away. Over time, those pangs will subside completely.

The schedule below is based on a 16/8 protocol, but if it seems like too much, you can always scale it back to 12/12 to begin.

  • 7am: Tea or water

  • 9am: 16 oz water, black coffee

  • 11pm (or breaktime): Lunch or snack

  • 3pm (or breaktime): Snack

  • 7pm: Dinner


As a healthcare worker, you are exposed to so many different patients during the day with unpredictable schedules and workloads. IF gives you something predictable and controllable to keep your body from pulling itself towards quick-burning snacks and draining your immune system. Whether you’re in an office setting or right in the thick of it, we know how physically and emotionally draining it can be!

Intermittent fasting is NOT a diet, but you will see improved results when you combine nutrition strategies. In the FASTer Way to Fat Loss, we use IF with whole-food nutrition, carb cycling, balanced macros and workouts. We keep it simple for all our members with weekly meal plans, community help and workouts.

We have a passion for showing gratitude and as a healthcare worker, you are sacrificing your health and wellness for our community. You give everything to us and we want to give back to you. We want you to have the energy to keep doing the job you love and live a healthy lifestyle even when that seems impossible. It IS possible. That’s why we’re offering the FASTer Way to Fat Loss for Healthcare Workers. program includes video training, nutrition recommendations, workouts and community support. We’re here for you! It’s time to think of your wellness and for your families! If you know a healthcare worker looking for a way who would benefit from our program, pass this article along and help us reach them with words of encouragement and hope!


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FASTer Way Black Tank Top


***NEW CLIENT*** Success Planner


Resistance Bands vs. Free Weights: What’s Right for You?

If you’ve noticed, we are adapting to the change in our community by offering workout videos with resistance bands instead of free weights. Due to the Coronavirus outbreak, many of those in our community have limited options and no access to the gym. The free weights that our videos have featured so prominently are suddenly out of reach. So we’re adapting and extending our core value of generosity!

We’re offering discounts throughout FASTer Way Shop, including special pricing on different sizes of bands. The FASTer Way Shop has bands of all sizes, including packs of 3 Mini Resistance Bands with ratings up to 12 lbs.

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We know so many of you are struggling and don’t have access to gym equipment. While resistance bands don’t have the oomph and scalability of free weights, there are many benefits to using them. Here’s why we made the switch during the Coronavirus pandemic.


Resistance bands give you tension that builds progressively the more you stretch them. So you can increase or decrease the “weight” depending where you are in the workout. They also help you gain more power and speed because you’re getting resistance through the entire movement.

Another major benefit of resistance bands is they aren’t bound by gravity. Free weights only pull in one direction – down – which means it’s on you to put your joints and muscles in the proper position to balance against it. Resistance bands give you a more free range of motion and you can get a variety of pull. You can target muscles all over your body with just a couple of positioning tweaks and do hundreds of workouts you can’t do with weights.

Free weights are the most-commonly used because they build power and strength in your muscle groups. This is partially due to the fact that at some point during your exercise move, you will relax and the dumbbell will feel weightless. Then you can reload and power through the weight.


A 10-lb. dumbbell is a 10-lb. dumbbell. It will be a 10-lb. dumbbell if you’re doing curls, lunges, butterflies, hopscotch or tic tac toe. It is what it is.

Because of progressive resistance, a band rated for 20 lbs. is a lot more versatile because it depends on how much you stretch it. If you only need about 5 lbs. for a light warm up, you can adjust your pull and ramp up from there. This makes it great for doing a variety of workouts without having to drop off and pick up new weight.


The most obvious benefit is probably also the greatest right now. Instead of finding space in your garage or lugging them around the house like you do weights, resistance bands weigh next to nothing and can be stored in a drawer. And with so many of us doing our workouts from home, it’s a major benefit for the time we are in.

You can also take them with you on walks or runs to keep your muscles toned as you go. Burning fat with our awesome virtual team is so much fun, but it’s important to get outside and get some fresh air. Not only will you get a healthy dose of vitamin D, the sunlight will give you a healthy burst of serotonin, which can turn into melanin for a more restful sleep at night.


·        Enhances your posture

·        Increases circulation

·        Increases flexibility

·        Decreases chance of injury


These are great exercise routines to do in between FASTer Way workouts.

Monster Walk – Tie band together and wrap around your thighs, just above the knees, and bend down about 40 degrees. Keep your trunk posture tight and sidestep with knees separated. Go about 10 steps and then return to your starting point.

Leg extensions – This requires a little balance as you are going to stand on one leg and push the other out.

Hold the band in both hands and use one foot to step in the middle, creating a jump rope look. Keep your foot down on the band. Shift your weight onto the leg holding the band. Use your other leg to stretch out to the side and back. Keep your trunk tight and feel the burn in the leg you’re standing on.

Bent over row – Step on the band with one foot, holding the ends with both hands. Place your other foot behind you and lean forward on your front foot. Your weight should be on your front foot. Keep your core tight and begin pulling on the band. Your shoulder blades should squeeze together like you’re rowing a boat. Do this 10 times and repeat as needed.


The stronger you get, the less you will need resistance bands for a full workout. That’s because at some point, if you progressively load your band it will break. It can only go so far. So once your muscles are toned and past the band rating, you’ll want to move on to free weights to keep building strength.

The FASTer Way to Fat Loss is all about burning fat and building muscle tone, so if you have access to dumbbells, keep them in your routine.


Of course! If you have access to both, you can start your workout with a band and move to weights as needed. Or you can do something called variable resistance where you attach a band to weights for squats, sprints, etc. Just tie a weight to the band and exercise normally. It’s the best of both worlds.

There are so many frontline workers doing late shifts and odd hours to help the communities around them and resistance bands are also a great item to take with you to stretch and get a little exercise wherever you are. If you know someone who could benefit from our resistance band workouts, pass this article along so they can learn about the awesome community we’re a part of. We want to be the light that helps everyone move forward with positivity and energy. 



FASTer Way Resistance Band



FASTer Way Black Tank Top


FASTer Way Yoga Mat

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April is Stress Awareness Month. Here’s What You Can Do.

April is Stress Awareness Month and April 16th is Stress Awareness Day.

How is that for timing?

Anybody out there feeling stressed and anxious? You may have noticed how many resources we have been providing to deal with the times. We think it’s so important because the mind and body are connected. When you feel good, you lower your cortisol levels and get out of the “fight or flight” mode. We’re learning that the Coronavirus has a greater impact on people with underlying health issues, so tackling stress and anxiety is a huge step in achieving wellness.

It’s important to remember why we want to reduce stress:

Impacts of Stress on Your Body

  • Heart problem

  • High blood pressure

  • Obesity

  • Diabetes

Impacts of Stress on Your Relationships

  • Withdrawal

  • Outbursts

  • Short temper

  • Irritability

Impacts of Stress on Your Routine

  • Insomnia

  • Exercising less

  • Avoiding social gatherings

Obviously, no one could have predicted the COVID-19 pandemic, but we have an opportunity to stop and think about how to manage the anxiety. Even before the outbreak, a survey (1) showed 83% of American workers felt stress on a regular basis. Now that unemployment is up and many families are hunkering down together, what do you think that number is now? We want you to manage stress effectively. So that you can shift your body into fat burning, tone-building mode. You can do this!

Fear not. You don’t need to run out and grab a stress ball. Here are some exercises you can do to relieve stress at home.

1.  Yoga – Aside from the mental benefits of yoga, it also has a lot of physical benefits too. It can reduce inflammation, increase flexibility and muscle tone and give you a better sense of worth (you ARE worth reaching your goals). We recommend starting slowly, just 15-30 minutes a week, before eventually increasing to an hour a week. Need help getting started? Read this.

2.  Treat yourself – The FASTer Way isn’t a diet and isn’t about restricting your food until you’re blue in the face. Our 6-week cycle has days built in reminding you to have a treat if you want it. Yes, picking up bad eating habits during this time can impede your progress, but a little pick me up on schedule is fine! Go ahead and have that tasty menu item (or chocolate) you love. It’s ok.

3.  Bike riding – When you’re done with your FASTer Way exercise, getting outside can provide a nice alternative. The fresh air can give you a boost of endorphins, a feel-good chemical that naturally occurs in the body. Plus getting in the sun can give you all day effects, boosting vitamin D for immune health and serotonin, which can convert into melanin for a better night’s sleep. Bike riding is easier on the joints too, so you can get the cardiovascular exercise without the extra physical stress on your lower half.

4.  Walking – For those living in apartments or big cities, it can be difficult to just pick up a bike and go. Walking at a brisk pace is still a great way to get some extra exercise in and absorb that much-needed sunlight.

5.  The FASTer Way to Fat Loss program – We’ve seen the difference every single day in our members because of the community. When you’re at home, it can be easy to get caught up in your own story and lose sense of the outside world. But when you are consulting coaches, being part of a group and interacting with others going through the same thing you are, it can be empowering.

6.  Sleep – Rest and regeneration help the body’s immune system restore damaged cells and attack harmful invaders. Not getting enough sleep can make you irritable and unable to manage stress effectively. You need to sleep.

7.  Gardening – Being outside for exercise is great for your heart health but relaxing in the sunshine is just as good. Tending to plants and seedlings gives you something to nurture and care for and can restore a sense of control. Plus, gardening can increase your self-esteem and self-worth as you see the fruits of your labor.

8.  Art project – Painting and art is something many adults give up on because they are never satisfied with the end result or they don’t have the time to finish. But like exercise, it’s all about the journey. Art projects force you to be patient and take your time. It also distracts you and forces you to be with your thoughts at the same time. It can be soothing and relaxing to focus on a project while also thinking ‘how did my day go?’ and ‘how am I feeling?’

9.  Journaling – Sometimes, you just need to put pen to paper and jot down how you are feeling. What happened today? What did you think would happen and what actually happened? Many times, it’s the fear of the unknown that keeps us up at night and evaluating what actually happened can restore a sense of control and peace. Plus, you’ll notice patterns and triggers you can better avoid in the future.

Let’s attack our anxieties and stressors with exercise and positive thinking this month. Let this be the month you set goals and realize you are worth it! The FASTer Way community is here to support you with encouragement and stories of hope. Karma is an amazing thing and we believe when you lead your communities with generosity, it creates self-worth inside you and helps you realize you can do anything you put your mind to.

These are crazy times and there is plenty to be stressed out about. But you can control your nutrition. You can control the work you put in. You can control your fasting. Hope is right in front of you, guys! Let April be the month you crush your fears and doubts and control your anxieties. Let it be the month you get closer as a family. And when the world was at its most anxious, you were at your best!




FASTer Way Yoga Mat


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Benefits of Taking Your Workouts Outside

Is your quarantine workout routine getting stale? Tired of staring at the walls all day? It’s time to take it up a notch and switch it up a bit!


At the FASTer Way, our workouts are designed to beat the boredom with a unique program every day. No matter if you are getting your heart rate up with a HIIT workout, targeting muscles with strength training, or stretching out with yoga, there is a workout to fit your mood. With daily LIVE workouts and tons of great options, it is easy to keep moving with the FASTer Way. But you can level up the positive effects of exercise by changing your view!

Many of us have been cooped up at home for the past few weeks, or with restricted access to places we frequented regularly. Not to mention, if you’re used to going to the gym to get that workout in, moving your workout to your living room can be quite the adjustment. You may find yourself less motivated to get your workout done in the comfort of your living room … We totally get it! 

If you’re looking to switch it up and give your workouts a breath of fresh air (literally), take your workout outside! Exercising outside can give your mind and body a well-deserved break from the norm of staying inside the house. 

There are many benefits of taking your workout outside. Exercising outdoors provides all the physical benefits of indoor exercise (blood flow, improved cardiovascular health, improved strength, flexibility, endurance, etc.) but with the added bonus of sunlight! Vitamin D, sometimes called “the sunshine vitamin,” is produced naturally by our skin when exposed to sunlight. Adequate Vitamin D exposure is imperative to both our overall health and well-being. Imagine how motivated and energized you’ll feel on a warm spring day when you take your workout outside!

Some of the benefits of Vitamin D include:

  • Improved immunity

  • Helps body fight disease

  • Boosts mood

  • Reduces stress

  • Improves sleep

  • And so much more!

Working out with nature or in a fresh air environment makes the experience more enjoyable. Outdoor exercise incorporates natural light and stimulates your senses, which creates a salutogenic effect - reducing emotional and physiological stress and encouraging healthy behaviors. And we could all use less stress right about now, right?!

If you can’t get outside, no worries! Open a window for some fresh air and do your workout near a window. You’ll be amazed at how even this small adjustment can bring revived energy to your workout.

Here are some great ways to incorporate the outdoors into your workout:

  • Use a park bench for step-ups and tricep dips.

  • Give your knees a break by using a tree or playground ladder for incline/decline pushups.

  • SPREAD OUT! One of the best parts of the outdoors is OPEN SPACE! Switch up your HIIT workout with outdoor sprints or expand your reach in skater lunges and broad jumps. 

  • Go on a warm up/ cool down walk up and down your driveway.

  • Grab your yoga mat and do a FASTer Way yoga workout under the sun.

  • Switch up your active recovery day and get active outside! Go on a walk or ride your bike.

Thanks to our quick and effective 30-minute workouts, there’s no need to spend hours on your workout or lug heavy equipment back and forth from the living room to the backyard. You can get creative and use the outdoor space around you to crush that workout. The next time you are feeling ho-hum during your day, grab your bands, a set of dumbbells and head outside! 

Ready to nail down your daily workout routine and feel better than ever? Come join us! Registration is open for our next round of FASTer Way to Fat Loss starting June 1.



FASTer Way Resistance Band


FASTer Way Yoga Mat


Beginner’s Guide to Starting Yoga in Your Home

So many people are at home with stress, anxiety and worry about what lies ahead. We’ve found lots of them are seeking to do yoga at home, which is why we provide virtual yoga workouts once a week as part of our new client and VIP Membership plans. We can’t sing the praises of intermittent fasting, carb cycling and exercise enough, but rest and yoga are important elements too.


Yoga has a way of slowing the world down and connecting yourself to you. And isn’t that what it’s all about? You are worthy of a healthier lifestyle. You are worthy of achieving goals. You are worthy of forgiveness, even if it’s you who has to do the forgiving. None of us have been perfect during this crazy Coronavirus pandemic, and that’s ok. It’s about progress, not perfection. Yoga allows you to re-center yourself, build trust and become more accepting. That’s the first step in becoming stronger, more courageous and more confident.

Can it help you?


Just one hour a week of disciplined yoga has shown to affect the body’s ability to re-energize and burn fat. It lowers your resting heart rate and INCREASES your intake of oxygen. Plus, it helps center the mind and reduce the stressful thoughts swirling around. Yoga has also shown to change your nervous system from “fight or flight” to “rest and digest”

It has also shown to improve eating habits! A Harvard study in 2015 (1) showed that people who practiced yoga were more mindful eaters because they were more aware of how their body was feeling. Here are a few other benefits:

  • Sharpens attention and focus

  • Calms nervous system

  • Restores self-confidence

  • Improves performance

  • Lowers blood pressure

  • Lowers cholesterol

  • Lowers triglyceride levels

  • Improves immunity

  • Improves posture

  • Builds muscle tone


The goal isn’t to overwhelm yourself with memorization and poses, or to burn you out physically. It’s to challenge yourself while also bringing your mind to a peaceful place. This is where you accept how you are feeling, take what is right in front of you and move more easily. Here’s how you can get started (you actually don’t need a whole lot).

1.  Find a quiet, serene place – Honestly, this might be the toughest step with many people at home with families or sharing a small apartment. Some of you might need to go outside and find a quiet place under a tree. Either way, your space should be peaceful, open and designated for yoga.

2.  Yoga mat – If you don’t have one, our soft, lightweight FASTer Way Yoga Mat is double-sized with a non-slip texture. Rather ease into it? You can always use a blanket or cushion temporarily. Be creative. Yoga is all about being comfortable and in your element.

3.  Set a time – Doing yoga in the morning is recommended because you start the day with peace and energy and sets you up for the day ahead. But each person is different, and these are weird times. Pick the time that is best for you so you can’t use it as an excuse to stop.

4.  Start slow – We want everyone to love the benefits of yoga and not give up. If you try to overdo it, you might try poses your body isn’t ready for and get discouraged. Listen to your body and what it’s telling you. Enjoy the early stages as you get to know it. Mind and body are connected and the more you find peace and serenity in yoga, the more you will enjoy it.

5.  Try the FASTer Way program – We have yoga workouts ready to go with guided videos once a week. Our 6-week course is filled with exercise and meal plans geared towards getting the most out of your routine. We have tons of resources and tips from real coaches to help you on your journey and want to help you succeed!

6.  Wear something comfortable – The best outfit to wear for yoga? Whatever you feel most comfortable in! When you do your sessions from home, you can wear whatever you like. Something loose fitting and light is best, even pajamas. We have tons of comfortable FASTer Way gear that will keep you motivated and feeling good throughout your session.

7.  Don’t focus on names – For beginners, getting down the names and poses can seem important, but it isn’t! What’s important is you go through the motions a few times, get better in tune with your body and enjoy each minute. The names and repetition will come later.

8.  Make yoga part of your fast – Another reason it’s recommended to do yoga in the morning is you can do it before you eat, which increases benefits. We love intermittent fasting because of the many health benefits it provides (to get up to speed, check out this blog). The upshot: IF gives your body the ability to focus on things other than digestion and intake. Your immune system stops analyzing food, your body switches to fat burning mode and your repair system improves organ function.

Yoga also benefits from an empty stomach because your body can focus on stretching, blood flow and repair.


Yoga is about being present and accepting the moment. How do you feel? Allow your emotions to come out. Maybe you are feeling upbeat and energetic or slow and lethargic. Maybe you have a million thoughts racing around or maybe you are in a bit of physical pain. Accept your feelings and slow down. Breathes. Focus on your breath.

Yoga is all about YOU! Stick with it and you’ll love the results. We’ve got lots of resources and podcasts with tips to help you through these stressful times. Being part of a community is what the FASTer Way is all about. If you know someone who could use a mood boost, pass this blog along and invite them to join you in the FASTer Way to Fat Loss program!




FASTer Way Yoga Mat


FASTer Way Mini Resistance Bands


How Intermittent Fasting Can Protect You Against COVID-19

We’ve all seen the news. Every day it seems there’s a new breakthrough or a lead to stop the Coronavirus outbreak across the globe. And while there are some interesting medical trials, there is one fact we can’t get away from: most of the serious sufferers have underlying health issues.

Friends, it’s more important than ever to focus on your health and wellness to prevent disease before it even begins. The FASTer Way to Fat Loss believes in Intermittent Fasting as a lifestyle choice not only to burn fat, but to also help your body rest and repair.


We sat down with Dr. Matt Ferenc to discuss the immune-boosting qualities of intermittent fasting and how it can help protect us against COVID-19. Ferenc is an ER physician in Florida who spoke on the FASTer Way to Fat Loss podcast at the beginning of the pandemic.

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To understand why IF is beneficial during these times, it’s important to know what it does for our immune system in general. Most of our immune system is in our gut and is always looking towards our food for targets. When we’re constantly eating, our immune system is constantly at work. When you do IF, you give your immune system a break so it can work in other parts of the body.

When we are not digesting, the immune system is exploring for cancer cells, damaged cells and disease.


Coronaviruses have been around for a long time but this particular strain is so new and so contagious that it has quickly crossed continents. It has been compared to the 1918 Spanish Flu, but the difference today is travel. Modern technology allows us to cross the globe without a thought and so many people are interacting with each other. That wasn’t the case in 1918 or any time before.

 This virus is also very “sticky”. It clings to cells in your body and travels all around. So it’s important to build up your body with a force that can fight it off once it’s in your system. Social distancing, wearing masks and gloves and staying home are doing a good job of slowing the spread, but it’s vital that we also protect ourselves on the inside.


The numbers don’t lie. 60% of the ER patients you see are suffering from lifestyle-related illness like heart disease and stroke. Dr. Ferenc believes everyone should be participating in some sort of IF program because it prevents these underlying issues, decreasing your risk if you are exposed.

If you are new to IF, check out our guide with tips and information to get started and build your way up.


  • Creates younger blood vessels – When you fast for a period of time, your body absorbs all the nutrients from what you ate, then starts looking elsewhere. Some research shows when your body gets to the end of the fast period, it starts sending signals to your blood vessels to start regenerating. Your lungs, heart and brain also start regenerating to create more elasticity.

  • Can extend life expectancy – Our chromosomes have something called Telomeres that shorten every time we produce new cells. Telomeres can only shorten a finite number of times before cell regeneration stops. This is aging. Intermittent fasting can help because when your body is in fast mode, it can signal Telomeres to stop shortening, thus extending the life cycle of your cells.

  • Goes after your body fat as a source of fuel



The beauty of intermittent fasting is you can begin Day One. You can wake up today and start on a program. We recommend reading this helpful guide to get started because it is a transition and a slow start will make it more likely you continue. We especially recommend going slow if you have a pre-existing condition like hypertension or diabetes. But we also recommend joining our 6-week program filled with motivational material, workouts, meal plans and a network of members to keep you going.

The silver lining in the COVID-19 pandemic is people are starting to realize how important it is to live healthy and prevent disease. We want all our members to achieve the health goals they’ve been putting off and the motivation is on every channel right now. Viruses like COVID-19 will always be a part of our life, just like influenza is. We can wash our hands, wear masks and sanitize every day, but there is nothing like a healthy immune system.

Don’t forget, it’s always best to consult your doctor, especially if you’re taking any medications, are pregnant, breastfeeding, or wish to become pregnant, or have a chronic condition, such as heart disease or diabetes.


FASTer Way Yoga Mat

FASTer Way Water Bottle- Black