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Protein Powder Audit: The toxic ingredients that could be lurking in your protein powder!

Getting adequate protein is one of the best ways to promote your health and facilitate fat loss. After all, among its superpowers, protein helps build lean muscle, assists in key metabolic processes, creates strong bones, and more!

At FASTer Way, we prioritize consuming protein from whole food sources, however, supplementing with a high quality protein powder can help ensure you’re getting ample protein to fuel your goals.

But, many protein products on the market contain sneaky ingredients that you want nothing to do with. And, if you’re drinking a protein shake daily, these toxic ingredients can add up and accumulate negative side effects!

Beware of protein powders with the following on their ingredients list:

  • Dextrins/Maldextrin can raise glycemic load, contributing to fat storage.

  • Artificial sweeteners may result in headaches, depression, and weight gain.

  • Casein and whey protein concentrate are difficult to absorb and can cause bloating and gastrointestinal distress.

  • Skim milk powders/milk solids are used as cheap bulking ingredients that can lead to bloating and constipation. 

Unfortunately, many protein powders have even been found to contain heavy metals and BPA. That’s a big NO from us. 

Protein is an integral part of your diet, and you shouldn’t have to choose between the physique of your dreams and your health. 

That’s why we designed a premium protein supplement that will amplify your results without putting your health in harm’s way. With FASTer Way Protein, you can rest assured that you’re powering up with nothing but the best!

For the highest quality protein powder available, try FASTer Way protein! You won't find a cleaner, more easily digested, and delicious option on the market.

We can’t wait for you to ignite results and take your health to new heights with FASTer Way protein!

Here’s what’s new in the FASTer Way Shop:



How Stress Causes Belly Fat, and 4 Ways to Control It

Is there anything more frustrating than stubborn belly fat? We’ve all been there: You’re eating right, working out, fasting, crunching, doing everything in your power to burn the fat in the one place you want it gone from most — your belly! — but it just won’t go away.

There are a number of factors that contribute to stubborn belly fat. But there’s one that flies under the radar that you’re likely overlooking.


Cortisol is a hormone that’s often called “the stress hormone” because it’s produced by your adrenal glands when you are under stress. The release of cortisol triggers your body’s fight-or-flight responses, causing your body to pause its normal functions to focus on producing more energy to help you combat what it perceives to be a threatening situation.

Cortisol is an important hormone, and we do need some. It helps us wake up in the morning and be alert. However, excess cortisol can result in weight gain or difficulty burning fat because it deregulates your metabolism. The negative effects of this are compounded by stress-induced factors like increased appetite and emotional or impulsive eating. So the key is to find the sweet spot in cortisol levels — not too much, not too little.

Here are a few tips to help you control your cortisol, instead of letting it control you.

Strength Training

A recent study shows that strength training can significantly reduce stress and anxiety in adults. One of the main reasons for this is because regular exercise gives all that energy produced by your elevated cortisol levels something to do. 

Physical activity can trigger the production of your brain's feel-good neurotransmitters (endorphins). You may have heard this described as a “runner’s high,” but strength training can produce the same feeling, alleviating the contributing factors of stress and anxiety.

There is also a meditative component to strength training. By focusing on individual tasks and movements, it’s difficult for the mind to occupy itself with the stressors and irritations that either lay ahead or that you’ve experienced that day. 

Throw in the increased confidence that comes with regular strength training in the form of a slimmer, more toned body, and it’s easy to see how incorporating strength training into your routine can alleviate stress and anxiety.

Focus on Whole Foods

Whole foods are foods that either come from the ground or have a mother. Meat, vegetables, fish, fruits, and plant-based proteins are all whole foods. Focusing on whole food nutrition eliminates processed foods including those with gluten, dairy, and added sugars — things that cause inflammation and zap you of all your energy — from your diet.

You’ve heard the term “sugar rush.” That’s because sugar gives your body quick energy to burn off. When you’re stressed, you’re compelled to reach for a sugary snack first because your body is craving that quick energy. This sugar is often stored as fat, mostly belly fat, which, as we know, can be notoriously difficult to shed. This creates a vicious cycle that starts with stress, moves to sugar cravings and weight gain, and perpetuates itself in the form of more stress and weight gain.

If you start with a diet anchored in whole foods and lean into that during stressful times, you can break that cycle, giving your body the fuel it truly needs rather than what your excess cortisol makes you think it needs.

Avoid Alcohol

Mindful eating is important, but it’s really about mindful consumption

This goes for alcohol as well. 

In addition to negatively impacting your sleep, metabolism, and other critical bodily functions, alcohol consumption increases cortisol levels, which brings on all the negative effects of heightened cortisol. Pair this with the fact that it’s easy to reach for a drink as a mechanism to cope with stress, and the effects can quickly be compounded.

We like a margarita every now and then, too. But as with anything, it’s best in moderation, and definitely not as a way to cope during stressful times.

Get More (and Better) Sleep

A lack of sleep can make your body feel like it’s in distress, triggering cortisol production. Getting the recommended seven to nine hours of sleep each night can help lower cortisol levels, strengthen your immune system, allow your body to recover post-workout, and even reduce anxiety.

There are a number of simple steps you can take to get more (and higher quality) sleep, including reducing alcohol consumption, eating whole foods, and sticking to a routine. 

When trying to burn fat, lose weight, get healthy, or reduce stress, there are rarely short-term quick fixes. That’s why crash diets and drastic measures rarely work. They’re simply unsustainable.

At the FASTer Way, we have created a program comprised of science-backed strategies that, when paired together, make up a healthy, sustainable lifestyle. If you’re stressed, or you’ve had trouble shedding stubborn belly fat, or if you just want to live with more energy and confidence, join us for our next 6-week round. We’ve helped over 250,000 people burn fat, prevent disease, and fulfill their purpose with energy. 

Click the button below to experience it for yourself! Our next round begins SOON!

Here’s what’s new in the FASTer Way Shop:



Your Sleep Habits May Be Making You Fat

If one of your goals is to burn fat and lose weight, there may be one key factor you’re not paying enough attention to.


According to the Center for Disease Control, more than one in three Americans is sleep-deprived, meaning they get less than seven hours of sleep per night. Lack of sleep (or low-quality sleep) does more than just make us feel groggy the next morning. There are much deeper consequences that even a morning latte can’t fix!

When You’re Tired, You’re Hungry

Lack of sleep is just one factor that can lead to obesity or one’s inability to burn fat. That’s because it directly affects hunger levels.

There are two primary hormones that control hunger: ghrelin, which tells your brain that you’re hungry, and leptin, which lets your brain know you’re full.

When you get less than six hours of sleep, your ghrelin ticks up and your leptin levels drop. This results in your stomach telling your brain that you’re hungry when you’re not. The less sleep you get, the further this crossing of hormones is compounded and the stronger the hunger pangs. 

Getting at least seven hours of sleep will help you keep these two critical hormones in check so you’re not tricking your brain into thinking you’re hungry when you’re not.

Quality Matters, Too

Circadian rhythms are the 24-hour cycles that are part of your body’s internal clock. It basically runs in the background to carry out your body’s essential functions.

One hormone regulated by our circadian rhythms is human growth hormone (HGH). This hormone, which aids in repairing muscle and tissue, allowing your body to recover after a workout, is generally released between 10 p.m. and 2 a.m. So if you are not going to sleep until 10 p.m. or later, you’re depriving your body of some of its most crucial recovery hours.

This doesn’t mean you can just slide into bed at 9:50 p.m., conk out and start your recovery. Remember, it’s not just the sleep itself, but the quality of that sleep. Ideally, you want to be in REM sleep — the part of the deep sleep cycle during which rapid eye movement (REM) occurs — during that 10–2 window. This will allow your body to generate more HGH while also maximizing its recovery benefits.

According to the Cleveland Clinic, REM sleep arrives about an hour and a half after you go to sleep. The first REM period lasts about 10 minutes. Each REM stage that follows gets longer and longer. 

So you should aim for your sleep to peak between the hours of 10–2.

Sleep Your Way Past a Plateau

If you’re not getting enough sleep, and enough deep sleep, then you’re not recovering effectively from your workouts, which negatively affects your ability to perform in your next workout. This is one of the reasons many people struggle to see consistent results. 

Plateaus happen faster. Frustration sets in. 

Combine this with the appetite dysregulation that occurs because your ghrelin and leptin signals are getting crossed due to lack of sleep, and it’s nearly impossible to stay motivated and consistent, regardless of your health and fitness goals.

It has nothing to do with your desire.

It’s a sleep issue.

A lack of sleep can also make your body feel like it’s in distress, triggering production of the stress hormone cortisol. This can result in inflammation in the form of water retention. So you may feel like you’ve gained weight because your pants are tighter or your fingers and feet feel puffy, but it’s really just the result of inflammation due to a lack of sleep and poor recovery.

So … What Can I Do?

There are a few simple things you can do to help improve your sleep: 

  • Skip the nightcap: Avoid drinking alcohol within four hours of going to sleep.

  • Power Down: Avoid blue light (phone, computer, television) close to bedtime. As your bedtime gets closer, slowly eliminate or dim the lights in the house. This will signal to your body that it’s almost time for bed, so when you hit the pillow, your body knows what to do.

  • Be Consistent: Try going to sleep at the same time each night and waking up at the same time each morning. As with anything else, consistency is key.

  • Stay on Schedule: Try intermittent fasting, which is simply an eating schedule. That, combined with meal-prepping, will provide a structure for you to follow, giving you another line of defense against cravings and that tricky ghrelin-leptin imbalance.

  • Eat an Early Dinner: Closing your feeding window at least two to three hours before bed will help prepare your body for restorative sleep. Your body will be available to switch into scrub-and-repair mode because it won’t be busy digesting food.

  • Eat Whole Foods: Avoiding high-fat foods (especially close to bedtime) and replacing processed foods with whole foods in your diet will help regulate your digestive tract, making it easier for you to sleep and to regulate your hunger hormones.

  • Control What You Can Control: Life is hard. We know! There’s work, kids, dishes, laundry — it’s always something. At the FASTer Way, we preach Progress over Perfection. If you’re having trouble staying consistent in your routine, or if you get off track for a day, simply start again!

If you’re having trouble burning fat and losing weight, take a look at how you’re sleeping. You’ll find a lot of answers, many of them simple to implement. It doesn’t have to be so hard!

If you’re looking for more simple strategies to help you burn fat, lose weight and live a healthy, more confident lifestyle, come join us in our FASTer Way to Fat Loss 6-week program. We combine some of the simple strategies referenced above with other science-backed techniques that result in a healthy, sustainable lifestyle that’s different than the crash diets that simply don’t work.

Paired with easy-to-follow meal plans and effective 30-minute workouts that give you the freedom to spend less time on food and exercise and more time on the things you love, these strategies can help turn your body into a fat-burning machine! 

Click the button below to find out for yourself.

Until then, sleep tight!

Here’s what’s new in the FASTer Way Shop:



Intermittent Fasting: What It Is, and How It Works

Intermittent Fasting has quickly become one of the most popular trends in health and fitness. It has risen in popularity in recent years as people have used it as a simple strategy to burn fat, lose weight, and anchor an overall healthy lifestyle. 

You’ve probably heard the term Intermittent Fasting and have wondered what it is and why so many people are raving about it. Here, you’ll learn what Intermittent Fasting is and how to utilize this simple, free strategy to improve your health and accelerate your fitness goals.

What Is Intermittent Fasting?

Intermittent Fasting is not a diet. It’s simply an eating schedule. 

Your body is always in one of two states: fed or fasted. In the fed state (any time your body is digesting food), your body’s insulin levels make it difficult to burn fat. However, in the fasted state (8-12 hours after your body finishes digesting), your insulin levels are lower and your body is better able to reach into fat stores for energy. 

That’s why so many people are using Intermittent Fasting as an effective strategy to burn fat and lose weight.

The Science Behind Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent Fasting encourages the body to burn fat while maintaining lean muscle mass. During a fast, insulin levels drop while levels of human growth hormone and norepinephrine rise. At the same time, cells switch from using glucose as the primary fuel source to using fat. This combination of changes can aid fat loss, as well as a host of other benefits.

Here’s how it works: After you eat, your body works hard to digest your meal. As you break down your meal in your digestive tract, nutrients are released into your bloodstream. That means your body often has excess fuel, and that excess gets stored as fat. 

When you fast, your body has to rely on its energy stores by burning fat and glycogen. So, through Intermittent Fasting, cells switch from using glucose as the primary fuel source to using fat, training your body to burn fat instead of storing it.

What Are the Benefits?

As Intermittent Fasting grows in popularity, more and more studies are being conducted to determine what benefits it may have and the extent of those benefits. 

According to the Cleveland Clinic, research shows that fasting can help lower blood pressure, reduce cholesterol and control diabetes. Other research shows that Intermittent Fasting can lower cholesterol, slow the progression of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases and reduce cancer risk — all in addition to helping people shed unwanted fat and lose weight.

Additional benefits of Intermittent Fasting include (but are not limited to):

  • Improved hormone profile

  • Maintenance of skeletal muscle mass

  • Decreased blood glucose levels

  • Decreased insulin levels

  • Increased insulin sensitivity

  • Increased lipolysis (breakdown of fats) and fat oxidation

  • Increased growth hormone levels (preserves muscle mass) 

How Do I Get Started with Intermittent Fasting?

You already fast intermittently each night while you sleep. That’s why the first meal of the day is called “breakfast” — because it breaks your fast. Intermittent fasting can be as simple as extending your overnight fast for a few more hours until lunchtime.

There are several different Intermittent Fasting protocols; however, the method recommended in the FASTer Way program is the daily 16:8 method. This protocol calls for 16 hours of fasting per day with an eight-hour eating window. This allows your body to reset daily without feeling too restricted, which makes it a strategy that’s easy to sustain long-term. 

If you want to learn more about Intermittent Fasting and how you can effectively implement it into your lifestyle, take our Intermittent Fasting quiz. Here, you’ll find out what the right fasting protocol is for you and you’ll receive our free Intermittent Fasting guide, which includes tips and strategies to help you enjoy the benefits of a healthier lifestyle through Intermittent Fasting.

Here’s what’s new in the FASTer Way Shop:



From College Athlete to FASTer Way Certified Coach

From College Athlete to FASTer Way Certified Coach

From College Athlete to FASTer Way Certified Coach, with Nicki Entenmann

Nicki Entenmann is one of our most successful FASTer Way Certified Coaches. She has helped transform thousands of lives, empowering her clients to live their lives with purpose and energy using the FASTer Way method.

In this episode of the FASTer Way to Fat loss podcast, Nicki shares her personal journey from college basketball player, to mother, to FASTer Way coach, along with the struggles along the way and how the FASTer Way changed her life.

Here’s how Nicki describes who she was before she found the FASTer Way:

I didn’t recognize the person that I was. I wasn’t fulfilled. I had spent most of my life yo-yo dieting, restricting, starving. And ultimately, this led me to a very unhappy and unhealthy place. I was searching for a purpose. I was begging for balance. I was tired of waiting for the perfect body to start living. And I was really done depriving myself. I knew I was ready for more. I knew I deserved more. 

“So I had discovered the FASTer Way ... during this very, very dark time. And it truly has changed my life — not only from a physical, but also from my mental standpoint, a professional standpoint, and financial standpoint. It has truly given me so much life and joy.
— Nicki Entenmann

Nicki’s transformation has been truly incredible. In just three years, she has gone from unhappy, unhealthy and unfulfilled, to running a thriving business as one of the top-earning FASTer Way coaches, on pace to bring in over half a million dollars this year.

In this episode, Nicki also discusses:

  • Nutrition and fitness myths she learned during her life as an athlete

  • How she lost weight by focusing on nutrition and her health instead of getting skinny

  • The moment she knew she wanted to be a FASTer Way Certified Coach (hint: it happened quickly!)

  • Her favorite client success stories

...and so much more!

We hope you enjoy this conversation with Nicki Entenmann.

If you’re interested in learning more about the FASTer Way Coach Certification program, click the button below to download your FREE information packet.

FASTer Way Podcast

Tune in to this week’s episode with Le Bergin and Mia Votapka on What Supplements They Take and Why

Should you take FASTer Way collagen and protein supplements? FASTer Way to Fat Loss Pro Trainer Le Bergin, and Registered Dietitian Mia Votapka, reveal their personal supplement list and share advice on how to find supplements that work for you.

Tune into this week’s podcast now!

We know optimizing your nutrition can be confusing. There is so much information out there and many products to choose from. But what’s right for YOU? There’s never been an easy answer.


Introducing FASTer Way Wellness, an elevated line of premier women’s supplements customized for the unique needs and goals of our FASTer Way community. Made with only the highest-quality ingredients, FASTer Way Wellness supplements are: Daily Free, Gluten Free, Non GMO, Soy Free, and more!

FASTer Way Wellness supplements are the secret weapon that will give you the ultimate advantage for reaching your fitness and nutrition goals. Designed specifically with you in mind, it’s the next generation of whole food nutrition you can trust, so you can live your best life with energy and purpose.

Want to hear more? Join the interest list below to get more information about our FASTer Way Wellness launch!

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Fall With The FASTer Way!

Fall With The FASTer Way!


What’s your favorite thing about fall?

Is it the sweater weather, colorful leaves, warm drinks cozied up by the fire, or all things pumpkin?

Fall is a glorious time of the year, and we love everything about it…

But it’s about to get even better.


Because we are kicking off an epic Fall With the FASTer Way that will have you in the best shape and in the best spirits ever.

There’s never been a better time to be part of the FASTer Way community as we take your health and fitness to a whole new level this season.

Here’s a glance at what you can look forward to as you ring in fall with the FASTer Way.

When you ring in Fall with the FASTer Way, you will:

  • Have the FASTer Way at your fingertips like never before with the release of our brand new client app!

  • Optimize your health and fitness one scoop at a time as we launch our Wellness Line with FASTer Way Collagen and Protein Powder!

  • Become a purpose-powered runner with our Annual 5k for a Cause! 

  • Thrive with energy from within and kick cravings to the curb with our Sugar Elimination Challenge!

Fall is our favorite because it provides us a chance to solidify healthy habits as we head into the holiday season, and gives us the opportunity to achieve our best health heading into the new year. 

We’re so excited for a fall season of health, wellness, fitness, and longevity! We’re committed to bringing you the very best and supporting you every step of the way! 

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A Call for Prayer, and Action

A Call for Prayer, and Action

By Amanda Tress

There is so much pain, division, fear, tragedy and loss in our world right now. My heart is heavy this week as I think of my team members, friends and loved ones who are impacted both directly and indirectly, in addition to those around the world who are suffering. 

In addition to the illness, loss and crises in the U.S. and abroad this week, Haiti was also hit by a 7.2 magnitude earthquake. Our vice president of operations and programming, Kareen Turner, has family members who were directly impacted by the earthquake, as her family's birthplace was tragically the epicenter of the earthquake. 

If you’re anything like me, you want to do something tangible to help those in need. You want an action plan with steps you can follow in order to make a positive difference for those who are suffering. 

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Here at The FASTer Way, we do too.

That’s why I am challenging our FASTer Way community to take action and to help those who are in desperate need of hope in Haiti and across the world. 

Here’s what we will do:

Fast: Fasting is not just a key to the FASTer Way to Fat Loss formula. It can also reduce mental fatigue and restore a sense of control during times of uncertainty. Fasting also gives us an opportunity for prayer, meditation and reflection, regardless of religious background or worldview. While you fast, take a few minutes to reflect and express gratitude for your blessings. It’s so easy to forget how fortunate we all are.

Move: When it feels like you’re carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders, there’s no better way to feel lighter and freer than by getting up and moving. Whether it’s a HIIT workout or just getting outside and going for a walk, take the time to get moving. If we are energized and focused, we will have more ability to help those around us. 

Give: Finally, we are going to tangibly help those who are in need right now.

I have personally launched a campaign to benefit the 1.2 million people in Haiti who were rocked by a 7.2 magnitude earthquake, killing more than 2,000 people (and rising) and leaving tens of thousands more homeless. It’s just one way that we here at the FASTer Way can provide some positivity, help, and hope to a community that has been devastated by yet another natural disaster.

You can also help by making a contribution to an organization that is directly supporting this community, like The Center for Disaster Philanthropy (CDP). To learn more and donate to the CDP, please click the button below.

Every single bit helps.

We can fast, pray, and reflect — as we should. But we also must act.

We challenge you to join us as we do just that. 

Together, we can help change the world.



Macros 101

You’re seeing it everywhere these days, but you just aren’t sure what “macros” are or why they should matter to you.  Eating the correct macros is a powerful (and FREE!) strategy to help you leverage better nutrition for better results.

We all want to be lean and strong, but if you thought you had to be lucky or have a fast metabolism to make it happen, then today IS your lucky day!  You can start slimming down and toning up right now simply by tracking your macros. All it takes is an app (you can download at no cost) and a few minutes every day to dial in your nutrition and start seeing results.  

Some of the biggest questions most people have are: What exactly ARE macros? Why are they so important? How will they help me live a lifestyle where I don’t have to give up treats forever??

Macros are changing things in the fitness world, and we want you to know how to reap the benefits!

What Are Macros?

The word “macro” is short for macronutrient.  Macros consist of:

  • Carbohydrates

  • Proteins

  • Fats  

Macros are important because they’re the basic building blocks of our food.  They’re the nutrients our body needs in large quantities. They're our fuel! But to fuel our bodies the best way possible, we need to consume our macros in the correct proportions.


Our FREE Beginner’s Guide to Macros includes a macro breakdown for a normal day, plus a sample 5-day meal plan.  It’s a great starting point, especially if you are new to tracking your macros.


There are many free apps that will help you track your macros, particularly MyFitnessPal. It’s simple to use and makes tracking your food easy and straightforward.  Simply add your food in every day and you’ll receive a breakdown of your macronutrients AND your main micronutrients.  This is a helpful tool to stay on track with your goals and start making real progress.

Pro Tip: There is a paid version of MyFitnessPal, but you don’t need to upgrade unless you want to… the free version will track your macros just fine.


Counting calories and “eating clean” just aren’t effective strategies for losing fat.  You need to eat your macros in the correct ratios if you want to really crush your goals. But this strategy goes beyond losing fat; it will help you overcome those dreaded plateaus, it will fuel your body correctly, and you’ll never feel hungry!

The obvious problem we face when we don’t track our macros is that we’re over-consuming some (usually carbs or fat) and under-consuming others (usually protein).  When we don’t fuel our bodies correctly, we end up compensating for the imbalance by storing the excess, which, of course, is turned to fat.

Pro Tip: Eating fat doesn’t make you fat!  Your body NEEDS dietary fat, and when it doesn’t get enough, it doesn’t function properly.  Be sure to hit your fat goals, along with your carbs and protein, and you’ll start seeing progress instead of plateaus.


Low-carb diets are really popular in the health and fitness industry right now.  People are flocking to them because they’re seeing great results...initially. There are a couple of problems that tend to get swept under the rug, though.

First, the body (including our organs) runs on sugar.  When we deprive our bodies of their preferred fuel source all the time, it can have a negative effect (women especially should monitor thyroid function and watch for signs of hypothyroidism and adrenal fatigue).  

Second, it’s not sustainable for most people.  Know anyone who tried the Keto diet? Me too. Know anyone who’s STILL on the Keto diet?  Me either. It’s simply too restrictive to sustain long-term, which means most people just won’t stick with it.

If you’re looking to leverage the benefits of a low-carb diet without any of the drawbacks, try carb cycling!  With strategic low-carb days cycled throughout the week with planned regular-carb days, you’ll see the fat loss you want without the risk.


To see the most incredible results you’ve ever had, it’s important to put all the pieces together correctly.  Understanding macros is first, and then adding carb cycling will take your results to the next level—but when you pair these strategies with Intermittent Fasting and effective workouts, you will transform in a way you never thought possible.  

Learn how to implement all these changes in a simple, straightforward way in the cutting-edge program FASTer Way to Fat Loss®.  You’ll learn and implement each of these principles while getting full support and accountability through the online community. You won’t be alone on this journey!  

If you want to SEE different results, you have to DO something different.  The key is to make sustainable changes to your lifestyle so you can stay consistent and see amazing results.  Let’s do this!

Here’s what’s new in the FASTer Way Shop:


Sandbag Weight

CLICK HERE to order your Sandbag Weight

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FASTer Way Donut Towel

CLICK HERE to order your Donut Towel

7 Days of Donuts vs 7 Days of Whole Foods

A free donut sounds great to most people, but a free donut every day for nearly 300 days? Sounds like a recipe for poor health. What happens when you eat seven days of donuts versus seven days of whole foods? We’ve got lots of research to give us the answer!

What 7 Days of Donuts Will Do To Your Body

When a popular donut chain recently announced a promotion to gift a free donut to COVID-vaccinated customers—every day for the rest of the year—we had to wonder, what would eating a daily donut do to gut health as well as overall health?

The answer wasn’t encouraging.

It’s no secret that sugar isn’t good for us, but it’s not just because of the potential for cavities or weight gain. Sugar is wrecking our gut health, compromising our immune systems, and creating a state of chronic inflammation in our bodies—a condition associated with many serious diseases such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and more (¹,²).

When you consider the stats, it’s a pretty sobering situation.

655,000 Americans die each year from heart disease—1 in 4 deaths (³).

606,000 Americans died in 2020 of cancer ()

69% of all US adults are overweight (32.5%) or obese (36.5%) (,).

34.2 million Americans—just over 1 in 10—have diabetes (). 

88 million American adults—approximately 1 in 3—have prediabetes ().

79,535 deaths occur each year due to diabetes ().

300,000 deaths per year are due to the obesity epidemic ().

How Does Sugar Compromise the Immune System?

The more we understand the role of added sugars in the body, the better equipped we are to change our habits! And because of its hugely negative impact on our health, there’s never been a better time.

"Too much sugar in your system allows the bacteria or viruses to propagate much more because your initial innate system doesn't work as well. That's why diabetics, for example, have more infections," Dr. Michael Roizen, MD and COO of the Cleveland Clinic (¹⁰). 

How Much Sugar Are We Actually Eating

According to the NH Dept Health and Human Services, “Two hundred years ago, the average American ate only 2 pounds of sugar a year. In 1970, we ate 123 pounds of sugar per year. Today, the average American consumes almost 152 pounds of sugar in one year. This is equal to 3 pounds (or 6 cups) of sugar consumed in one week.”

Based on a 2,000 calorie diet, nutritionists suggest eating 10% of our calories from sugar. This equals 13.3 teaspoons of sugar per day. The current average is 42.5 teaspoons of sugar per day.

What Does Eating A Lot Of Donuts Do?

While most of us will never consume 5,000 calories of donuts per day for seven days, one YouTuber did (¹¹). What was most impressive about this experiment (other than his ability to actually do it!) was the fact that he was able to compare his bloodwork before and after this challenge. While his weight actually went down, everything else suffered considerably.

Reported Feelings Throughout the Week

  1. Extremely poor sleep

  2. Hungrier during the day

  3. Low libido

  4. Flatulence

Weight & Blood work Before → After

Weight: 170.1 lb → 168.2 LB

Cholesterol: LDL (“bad”) 86 → 126 | HDL (“good”) 66 → 56

Triglycerides: 52 → 69

Blood sugar: 93 → 111

Testosterone: 491 → 444

This example is obviously extreme because the average person will never eat this many donuts in a seven-day period. But (you knew that was coming!), how many of us WILL eat this many donuts in a month? Or even a year?

If you were to take advantage of the daily donut offer mentioned above, you’d equal this donut intake in about 6 months (based on two dozen donuts per day for seven days—the average from the challenge).

When we combine this rate of intake with a diet high in other inflammatory foods, it’s a recipe for terrible health, as cited in the statistics above.

What Happens When We Eat Whole Foods Instead?

Whole foods are full of micronutrients, antioxidants, phytochemicals, fiber, and more. In other words, they’re filled with exactly what our bodies need in order to function properly.

Processed food, junk food, and treats, on the other hand, are filled with empty calories (calories without nutrition) and are typically low in protein. The carbs and fat they do provide are usually heavily processed and very low quality. It’s no surprise that one of the reported feelings of the above-mentioned 5,000 calorie/day donut challenge was INCREASED HUNGER during the day—he was eating a ton of food but taking in almost no nutrition!

Whole foods keep us fuller longer while providing a wide variety of vitamins and minerals. While that’s reason enough to eat whole foods most of the time, there are plenty of other reasons to focus on them!

  • Better for the environment

  • Help control blood sugar

  • Better for your skin

  • Provide lots of variety

  • Cheaper in the long run (factor in the cost of managing chronic lifestyle diseases!)

  • Good for your gut

  • Promote dental health

  • Support local farmers

The Bottom Line

While the FASTer Way lifestyle does NOT support deprivation (we teach our clients how to enjoy a 100% guilt-free treat every week, even donuts!), we want to raise awareness that a daily donut is NOT the best answer when it comes to preventing disease and illness—including COVID-19. 

Get Started for FREE!

If you’re ready to eat more whole foods, we’re here to help! Download our FREE 5-day meal guide and start enjoying delicious, nutrient meals the whole family will love!

To see Amanda Tress’s response to the daily donut offer, click here.

What 7 Days of Donuts Will Do To Your Body

Ellen's FASTer Way to Fat Loss Review: Overcoming Depression

Ellen's FASTer Way to Fat Loss Review: Overcoming Depression

For the last year, I’m no longer spending my money on prescriptions. I’m spending it on whole foods, I’m spending it on new workout equipment.

At the FASTer Way to Fat Loss, we want to see YOU get well, prevent disease and fulfill your purpose with energy. 

We were inspired by Ellen’s FASTer Way story and wanted to share it with all of you. Ellen speaks of her battle with depression and how a lifestyle of whole food nutrition, supportive community and consistency, brought freedom in more ways than one. 

Read Ellen’s story below:

“I have battled depression since my teenage years. By my early 20’s I was put on antidepressants because I simply could not live without them. I was told that it was a chemical imbalance within my body and, though it was tough to admit it to myself, I accepted that I would be on medication for the rest of my living days. 

On February 17, 2020 I began the FASTer Way to Fat Loss new client experience with my Coach, Robin Ince. At the time, my life was great; my two kids were in school two days a week, I was newly interested in cooking, and I was being introduced to ‘whole food nutrition’ by my FASTer Way Coach. The first four weeks of my new client round were awesome as I was excited and enthusiastic about the changes I was implementing. By week four I was learning so much information, taking in so much food and—for whatever reason—forgot to take my medication. From prior experience, I knew that it would only take about three days with no  medication for me to head into a state of depression. But that day never came this time. I was doing fine that week and I LOVED the idea of not relying on medication. But how long could I  sustain that? 

March 15, 2020. The day that the world shut down due to COVID-19. Exactly four weeks into my tenure with FASTer Way (and about 5 days of no medication) the world as we know it was flipped upside down and kicked on its side. This most definitely should have sent me into a  fast and furious downward spiral of deep and dark depression; but it didn’t. Why?  

I am still amazed but am no longer baffled by the changes that occurred within my own body during that time. Through FASTer Way’s program I was eating balanced nutrition and getting that nutrition from whole foods. I had a community to lean onto when the world was shutting us in. I was feeling accomplished and stronger as I did my workouts from the comfort of my own home. My two girls were getting a front row seat to my new healthy and happy lifestyle and voluntarily started joining me during my workouts. 

My hormones were balanced. I was smiling. I was waking up each day ready to try again. I was learning to cook healthy meals. My prescription budget was transferred to my grocery budget. The list goes on and on, but you get the idea. 

As I write this, I am humbled by all of the things that I now am because of this lifestyle: 

I am thankful. 

I am blessed. 

I am full (figuratively and physically. We eat SO MUCH food!) 

I am making progress. 

I am still not perfect. 

I am prescription free. 

I am working through my hard days. 

I am showing myself grace. 

I am getting stronger. 

I am showing up for myself, my husband and my daughters. 

I am a newly Certified Coach with the FASTer Way to Fat Loss where I get to share my new knowledge and personal experience with others. 

This is a lifestyle. 

You have one life to live. 

You get to choose how you live yours.”

This is about more than just weight loss or a number on the scale. This is about your future. This is about feeling your absolute best and being your best self.

If you’re ready to make a change and experience the power of the FASTer Way for yourself, we invite you to join us for our next round. We want you to succeed and are here for you every step of the way. Let’s do this!

The Birth of Janel James

The Birth of Janel James

From the intensity of the decision to deliver at home, to the challenge of my first natural labor, to the healing aspect of an emotional release, and the impact of the birth on my relationship with Brandon and Emma ... Janel's birth was an experience I will cherish for the rest of my life.

I'm still basking in the afterglow of welcoming Janel into our family in such a peaceful and powerful way, and I believe this feeling will come rushing back every time I reflect on her birth.

Enjoy the video below and then read my account of Baby JJ’s birth.

I've broken the birth story down into two parts. 1) Preparing for Labor and Delivery and 2) Welcoming Janel James into the World

Part 1: Preparing for Labor and Delivery

The decision to deliver at home is not one Brandon and I took lightly. We found out we were expecting JJ shortly before the pandemic began. I delivered Emma, Cole, and Lily in a traditional hospital setting, with an epidural and all the "features" a hospital birth has to offer. Their births were smooth and uneventful. During my first trimester with JJ, we were quickly made aware of the unique challenges of pregnancy and delivery during a pandemic. I was required to wear a mask to each appointment and Brandon could not accompany me, even for ultrasounds. We began to hear rumors of mandatory COVID tests upon arrival to the hospital and strict protocols during labor and delivery. Additionally, we knew family members and doulas were not permitted to be present at the birth or visit afterwards. It also made us uneasy to attend all appointments and ultimately the birth at the hospital where many of the sick individuals in Tampa were admitted. We quickly began to look into additional options for labor and delivery. A few friends of mine had enjoyed at-home births, and after a lot of prayer and research, we decided to pursue a home birth for our fourth baby. I hired a local Midwife and Doula who came to the house for each appointment, and we began our journey toward delivery in the comfort and safety of our own home.

In many ways, I felt like I was preparing for my first ever birth. We began Hypnobirthing classes and I learned as much as possible about the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of labor and delivery. Brandon had been present in my three previous births, but was primarily hands-off as we let the nurses and doctors do their thing. We knew this time would be different but I had no idea how impactful his love and support during labor would be until my first real contraction began.

Although we prepared for this delivery more than any before, it still came with its fair share of fears. Many of my friends were supportive, but a few were not, and that was hard. Days before I went into labor, a soccer mom asked me where I was planning to deliver as we were walking to our cars with the kids after a game. I told her I was going to do an at-home birth to which she yelled, "You're crazy. I'm sorry but I can't help but say that." I glanced over at Emma who seemed to be fairly unphased, but interactions like that one were common. However, if I’ve learned anything this year, it’s to not allow fear or other people’s opinions to drive my decisions. I was confident in our decision as I weighed the options and we were grateful to have the choice.

In the weeks, days and hours leading up to Baby JJ's birth, we were eagerly waiting on "real contractions" to begin. I traditionally have very strong Braxton Hicks starting fairly early in the third trimester. This fourth pregnancy was no different. For weeks on end, my Braxton Hicks were a constant reminder that my body was preparing for the labor and delivery of baby girl. The final days of pregnancy are a unique place of in-between for me. It's an emotionally and physically draining time. I struggled to sleep because JJ was so active at night and I had to go to the bathroom 5-7 times at minimum. Work became a chore and added to my exhaustion. I was swollen and uncomfortable, but most of all - ready to meet my baby girl.

I told my midwife and doula that I usually deliver "early," so we were all gearing up and prepared to go from about 36.5 weeks forward. I bake my babies quickly. :) Emma, my oldest, broke my water at exactly 37 weeks. Cole broke my water at 39 weeks, and with Lily I went into labor at 37 weeks 5 days. My due date was October 20. My inclination was that she would grace us with her presence around or shortly after the first weekend of October. There was a full moon on Thursday, October 1, and I thought that may also get things moving a bit. Since I was planning to deliver at-home, I knew JJ needed to spontaneously start labor at some point before 42 weeks to avoid a hospital induction.

On October 1 I was at the office for my final day before maternity leave and I lost my mucus plug/bloody show right before I left work for the day. Considering I had been dealing with constant strong Braxton Hicks, I was thrilled my body seemed to be gearing up for labor. I immediately started Googling "how long after bloody show will labor begin?" It's funny how even after 4 pregnancies, I turned to Dr. Google on a seemingly daily basis, haha. I notified my birth team and went home to relax for the day in the event that labor was right around the corner. In the evening I relaxed in the hot tub with the kids and after they went to bed, enjoyed a stunning night sky complete with a full moon, while I listened to my Christian Hypnobirthing Tracks. Braxton Hicks were coming fast and strong, but no real contractions.

I woke up on Friday morning, slightly annoyed I was still pregnant, and also nauseous. Nausea is often a sign for me that labor is right around the corner. Could this be the day? My midwife was planning to come for our weekly check-up in the late morning, so I invited her and my doula on the boat and brunch. I figured if I was going to be on the boat, it would be good to have my birth team present in case I went into labor. After all, I wanted a water birth, but not that kind of water birth. We took the boat out and I purposefully went over some decent wakes/waves to see if I could encourage baby into position. We then docked the boat and took a walk to brunch which got my Braxton Hicks contractions going even more.

We got back home and I sent my birth team on their way since real contractions hadn't started yet.

Saturday morning rolled around and I was nauseous once again - but still no real contractions or baby. I went to the big kids’ soccer games and then played some soccer in the backyard with Emma.

I decided to relax in the afternoon and evening per my doula's advice.

Sunday I woke up to the same routine. Nausea in the morning and strong Braxton Hicks by noon. I have to say - the pattern was getting exhausting and discouraging, to say the least.

It was a rainy day and we stayed in and rested until we decided to go out for a fancy dinner with some of our best friends to get my mind off of the practice contractions. While at dinner, we enjoyed a delicious meal, lots of laughs, and my Braxton Hicks intensified even though we were simply sitting around. On the way home I started timing my contractions because they were even stronger than normal.

I went to bed around 10:00 pm and truly thought I would go into labor overnight - but once again ... the surges died down and I woke up Monday morning ... nauseous.

By Monday, I was frustrated ... my body seemed to be READY for labor, but Baby JJ was not. I took my mind off of being pregnant by completing a personal trainer certification, renewing my CPR certification, and knocking other items off my to-do list. Monday dragged on but I knew I had a midwife appointment on Tuesday so I went to bed early and got some good rest.

Tuesday morning, my midwife came to the house for a prenatal visit. I asked Michelle to check my cervix to see if I was dilated/etc. She reported that I was up to 4 cm dilated and had a super soft cervix. It did seem that my body was ready and now it was just a matter of waiting on the baby.

After Michelle left, Brandon and I decided to do our best to kickstart real contractions. I was not super optimistic but we gave it the old college try. For two hours, we took walks, got some oxytocin flowing, ate pineapple, and tried many of the traditional ideas to get labor going. I knew that if JJ wasn't ready, I wouldn't go into labor, but at least the practice contractions seemed to be preparing my body for D-Day.

By the afternoon, I had strong Braxton Hicks per usual, but nothing more - ugh.

Cole had a soccer game in the evening so I relaxed in the hot tub with Emma and Lily. I was exhausted but tried to listen to my Hypnobirthing and relax a bit.

After the kids went down, I did some stretches to better position baby, thinking that maybe that would make a difference. I had felt her float up a bit after being pretty low over the previous weekend.

Around 10:00 pm we headed to bed. Exhausted, discouraged, and prepared to continue the same pattern for yet another sleepless night.

Shortly after we laid down for the evening. I felt it ... at last ... a REAL contraction.

Part 2: Welcoming Janel James into the World

It’s funny how the first real contraction brought forth an equal amount of fear and excitement. My heart started racing as I experienced both the feeling relief and nervousness. It was time for our first home birth!

I immediately let Brandon know that I thought I was finally having real contractions. He looked at me and said, “Call Tanya and Michelle because I don't want to deliver this baby on my own.” I texted the girls and told them I was experiencing real contractions and they were coming fast and strong (2.5 minutes apart). Typically, Tanya will tell her clients to go to bed, get some rest, and then call her when things progress, but she knew better with me. She called me and asked me about my symptoms. I was in active labor, but I have very high pain tolerance, so we enjoyed a casual conversation. I was in high spirits. We hung up and she immediately called my midwife to start heading my way. I also contacted my mom and our videographer, Marilyn, and my birth team started making their way to the house.

By 11:15 pm my birth team was at the house. I relaxed on my bed with the peanut ball Tanya had left for me while Brandon rubbed my back. I also started sipping on some bone broth my friend made for me, to give me a bit of energy. Shortly after Tanya arrived, I asked to go in the hot tub to labor since my water hadn't broken yet. We all walked downstairs and outside and by the time I got into the hot tub close to midnight, my contractions were starting to come much faster and stronger.

After a few minutes in the hot tub I got into a deep squat while Brandon pressed on my sacrum/lower back. If you're a FASTer Way client, this is the same deep squat we often do to stretch and warm-up on leg day. The squat position intensified my surges significantly. I quickly turned on my Christian Hypnobirthing tracks and got into the zone. By 12:45 am, a second midwife arrived at the house and started to fill the birthing tub upstairs. My mom also arrived and woke Emma up to come outside because I was progressing quickly.

From the time my contractions started until 1:00 am, I was 120% focused and at peace during my contractions in spite of the intensity. I stayed in the zone while listening to scripture and affirmations via my app. My contractions were strong, but I knew the pain was progressing me toward seeing Baby JJ. The pain had a purpose, and I did not allow anything to distract me from my breathing exercises and positive mental state.

Around 1:15 am, my surges were coming extremely fast and I was getting no relief. I knew I was close to transition, but was not there quite yet. More scripture versus started playing on my Hypnobirthing app and I experienced a significant emotional release. I began to cry (read sob). All of the anxieties, frustrations, and challenges from this past year surfaced and it’s almost as if I felt I needed to move beyond these things in order to successfully deliver JJ. After having a good long cry for the first time in years, I felt a peace and joy come over me like never before. My doula assured me this was all normal and to let my mind and body release. After the year we've had, it truly felt wonderful to experience this emotional release during labor in spite of the physical pain I was still enduring.

Although I was completely in my own world and barely aware of what was happening around me, I could hear Tanya ask Michelle how the bath was coming upstairs. I knew I needed to move out of the hot tub to my bedroom. Around 1:25 am, I climbed out of the hot tub and in spite of extremely strong surges, I powered up two flights of stairs to my bedroom. I didn't want to stop along the way because I was worried I would deliver on the stairs. I saw Emma and Cole quietly watching as I transitioned upstairs and I knew I needed to be strong and brave for them. Seeing them and changing scenery gave me a few minutes of rest from back-to-back contractions. I even asked my midwife and doula if it was ok or normal for me to be experiencing a little rest. They assured me it was normal and to enjoy it. I'm glad I took their advice because it turns out transition was right around the corner. Around the time I was enjoying a brief moment of rest, Emma came over to me and said, "Mommy what's going on now? Why did you take your pants off?" I replied, "Well Emma I'm about to push a baby out." This gave me a little chuckle and knowing that Emma was watching so intently was exactly what I needed to get me through what would be the most intense few minutes of my life.

At 1:35 am, only a few minutes after moving upstairs and experiencing a brief rest, my contractions started to intensify ... I rested my chest and arms on the side of the birth tub and quickly started to feel nauseous. I had asked my birth team to have a bucket ready because I had thrown up immediately before transition with the three previous deliveries. Just as my midwife was getting the bucket for me I had an extremely strong contraction and urge to push. Michelle had told me that I would get to a point where I didn't think I could do it anymore and that would be shortly before I delivered.

Whether I thought I couldn't do it anymore or subconsciously wanted my birth team to know it was game-time, I'm not sure, but I yelled, "I can't do this anymore." Michelle and Tanya told me to focus on my breath and control my breath. I slowed my breathing and just then, felt an extreme urge to push…

At 1:45 am, in one single contraction, my water broke, I screamed, and pushed JJ out into my hands. It happened so fast that my midwife and doula were getting prepared for me to push. To everyone's surprise I scooped JJ up out of the water on my own before anyone even realized I had pushed her out.

Never in my life have I felt more relief, joy, peace, and power than that very moment. JJ let out a small cry and I clutched her to my chest. Emma and Brandon looked over my shoulder at our new baby girl and it was such a special moment I will never forget. Time stopped - nothing else mattered. JJ was perfect and I felt a wave of calmness wash over me.

My midwife and doula were still trying to process the speed of the delivery and Michelle said, "Well, that was certainly the FASTer Way to deliver a baby."

I held and nursed JJ in the tub for a while and waited for the cord to stop pulsing. Brandon cut the cord with Emma watching and then I delivered the placenta. Brandon and I transitioned to our bed and did skin-to-skin with JJ for an hour or two and I fed her before we put her down so we could all rest. My birth team cleaned up the bathroom within an hour and you would never had known there was a birth in there.

Janel James was born at 1:45 am on October 7 and was 7 pounds 2 ounces of pure perfection. Janel is my middle name and James is Brandon's middle name, in addition to my father's name. Her birth was the most intense, challenging, healing, and impactful experience of my life. I feel empowered in a way that I never have before. I have more love for Brandon than I thought possible. And I am profoundly in awe of the miracle of birth.

I am truly so grateful for the experience and especially the fact that Emma could be involved. While in transition, she heard me yell, “I can’t do this anymore,” and then got to watch me prove that I could, in fact, do it. I hope that JJ’s birth inspired her that she can do hard things, the female body is amazing, and the miracle of birth is just that - an absolute miracle.

I am equally grateful for the opportunity to deliver at home with Brandon by my side. The at-home and natural birth of Janel James took our relationship to the next level and increased our love and respect for each other in a way that I had never imagined. We’ve been reflecting on her birth almost daily since last week and savoring the success of our experience.

I hope you enjoyed this small glimpse into Janel's birth. I will be sharing aspects of my postpartum journey in the coming weeks. As always, I truly appreciate your support and enthusiasm for my growing family. Blessings.

How to Maintain a Fit Pregnancy and Thrive Through Breastfeeding

We all want to give our babies the best start to life and a healthy pregnancy is the perfect place to begin. With new fitness guidelines for expectant mamas, it may be confusing to know where to start and how to transition to a healthy postpartum lifestyle. We’re here to help with sound advice from the experts!

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The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recently updated the recommendations for pregnant women and exercise. Rather than suggesting pregnant women only exercise if they were already exercising prior to pregnancy, it is now suggested that, under the direction of a doctor and barring complicating factors, women may safely begin a fitness routine during pregnancy. But where to begin??

FASTer Way founder and CEO Amanda Tress sat down with Sara Haley, celebrity fitness trainer and pregnancy/postpartum fitness expert, to help pregnant and postpartum mamas figure out how to maintain a fit pregnancy and thrive through breastfeeding. Listen to the full interview here or keep reading for more information!

If you are pregnant and looking to begin a fitness routine, there are a few important things to keep in mind.

  1. What you can do now will still depend on what you were doing prior to pregnancy. Whether you were working out regularly, sporadically, or not at all will really make an impact on where you begin with pregnancy fitness. It’s important to be in tune with your body and how you feel. If you’re exercising so intensely that you can’t talk, then it’s time to modify your workouts.

  2. If you were not exercising prior to pregnancy, begin at a slower pace and make modifications as needed. Low impact exercises like walking and swimming are a great place to start!

  3. If you are coming from a fitness background (and barring complications and high-risk factors), you will be able to do more. This is a great time to talk to your doctor and get his or her input. Be upfront about your exercise and share specifics—it’s vital that you’re working with the same expectations. If your doctor thinks exercise means cycling on a stationary bike but you intend to lift 30-pound dumbbells, that’s an important discrepancy. The point is to get good, solid, safe answers so you can do what’s best for baby.

  4. You don’t have to go a million miles an hour all the time. Rest isn’t just nice, it’s necessary! Be in tune with your body and the changes that are continually happening, especially in the second and third trimesters.

  5. Moderation and modification are a must in order to stay safe and healthy.


Relaxin is a hormone produced by the ovary and the placenta in preparation for childbirth. It relaxes the ligaments and joints, which can lead to some issues in pregnant women. While it may be easier to move, some women think they’re more flexible than they are which can lead them to movements they shouldn’t be doing, some of which can cause Diastasis Recti (ab separation). Relaxin can also cause some women to feel off balance, which can actually cause tightness because the joints are working to compensate for the balance issues.

Diastasis Recti (ab separation)

The abs will naturally separate during pregnancy as the baby grows. For some women, this separation remains even after baby comes. It’s important to avoid some exercises (such as crunches) that force the muscles out and down. Focus on exercises that bring them in and up (such as core compressions). 

First Postpartum Exercises

“Just because you can doesn’t mean you should.”

The first few weeks after baby comes, it’s vital to give yourself rest and recovery time. You might even feel well enough to start working out, but please don’t. We know this can be easier said than done when you’re eager to start. Just give yourself grace during this time and remember that muscle memory will help you get back into the things you love doing. The most important thing you can do is focus on your baby and letting your body recover.

Once you are cleared for exercise and ready to ease back into working out, start with Kegels and deep belly breathing. Kegels help strengthen your pelvic floor, which is essential for postpartum recovery, as this area is most affected during vaginal deliveries. Kegels also help tighten up the abs!

To do Kegel exercises, you have to find the right muscles. Do this by stopping urination midstream as well as holding in gas (or at least contracting the muscles you would use to do those things). This will isolate all the muscles you need to focus on. Tighten those pelvic floor muscles for three seconds, then relax for three seconds. Aim for 10–15 repetitions, three times per day.


The most important things to focus on for successful breastfeeding are sleep, nutrition, and hydration. These things play a key role in keeping your milk supply up! The unsung hero of the nutrition advice is MACROS! The problem is, most breastfeeding mamas aren’t paying attention to macros, but getting balanced nutrition can make a big difference in your milk supply as well as quality. Surprisingly, we are prone to undereating (especially for mamas who want to start losing weight right away), so we recommend tracking macros to make sure you’re getting enough of what your body needs each day. Protein is typically the hardest macro for women to hit, so giving that a little extra attention can make a big difference!

To learn more about macros, click here.

Thanks to the amazing Sara Haley for joining us on the podcast and sharing so much valuable information with us! Find Sara online at or on social media @sarahaleyfit.

If you’re ready for fitness and nutrition guidance during your pregnancy, join the FASTer Way Prenatal Program! This is a comprehensive approach to a healthy pregnancy that will help both you and baby thrive during this special time of life. Join us for up-to-date recommendations, unparalleled support, and a community of mamas who truly get you.


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FASTer Way Haute Shore Tote Bag

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ICYMI: This Week in the FASTer Way Community

September is off with a bang and we are giddy about some of the updates we have for you this week! There’s definitely something for everyone in this lineup, keep reading to see what we have in store for YOU—in case you missed it this week in the FASTer Way Community!



Calling all mamas of babes and mamas-to-be! We have an exclusive round just for YOU coming up on LABOR DAY, September 7! (See what we did there? 😉) Join us for this very special round that will focus on your unique needs during this very special phase of life.

And in case you missed the pregnancy guideline update by the ACOG, women are now encouraged to begin a safe exercise routine during pregnancy! This is welcome news to women who are ready to incorporate fitness into their lifestyle. If YOU are ready but unsure where to begin, this round is the perfect place to start.

**Of course, you should always consult your health care provider to determine what best for your unique circumstances.


FASTer Way founder Amanda Tress will be offering a FREE live training on HORMONES and how they could be wreaking havoc on your fat loss. Join us on Tuesday, September 15, at 12 p.m. ET to learn:

😲Common fitness and nutrition fads that can harm your hormones.

🙅Sneaky signs and symptoms that your hormones are unhappy -- do NOT ignore these!

🏆Top strategies that work WITH your hormones naturally (and turn you into a pro fat burner!).

💪How to get [properly] tested for hormone imbalance PLUS what to do next!


Remember, registration is FREE but space is limited, so don’t wait! We’ll give you the answers you’ve been searching for -- all backed by science. 

Good health isn’t found in a pill or shake. Learn how you can take action today to heal your hormones and start *finally* seeing the progress you want! 


If you thought burpees weren’t fun, then you’ve never done burpees the FASTer Way! Our September VIP Burpee Challenge is well underway and we are having a BLAST getting our challenge workouts done! And because we know how busy you are, we’re sharing helpful time-saving tips all month long in FASTer Way in the Kitchen! 

If you think you can’t do burpees, don’t worry! We provide low-impact modifications because we want everyone to be able to participate! Burpees increase your strength, stamina, and endurance—not to mention your “cool factor.” 😎

Burpees are where it’s at in September, join us for all the FUN!! 🎉


Our popular FASTer Way Certification is coming soon!! Certification opens only a few times each year, so don’t miss out on your chance to attend this popular event! Sign up for the waitlist using the link below!

BEST PART? Our FAST Pass registration is now OPEN! When you submit your FAST Pass application, you’ll have the opportunity to bypass the FASTer Way Certification Information Event on September 28. 

Those who submit FAST Pass applications receive first priority to our exclusive certification and spots are limited! If you’ve been thinking about joining our certification, NOW is the time. Don’t miss out!


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FASTer Way Haute Shore Tote Bag


FASTer Way High Waist Leggings

6 Pregnancy Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them [Like Diastasis Recti!]

Pregnancy is a magical time of life—there’s nothing quite like bringing a new baby into the world! But with so much confusion about how to enjoy a healthy pregnancy, most women aren’t sure what to do. Today we’re talking about six pregnancy pitfalls and how to avoid them—plus how to prevent Diastasis Recti!

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We invited Melanie Colón to the podcast to share her expertise with us and boy, did she deliver! Give the full episode a listen for all the incredible tips and wisdom she has for pregnant and postpartum mamas. If you prefer to read, we’ve put them together in this great list of six pregnancy pitfalls and how to avoid them!

6 Pregnancy Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them

Pitfall #1 Poor Nutrition

Food can be a very sensitive subject for pregnant women because some struggle just to keep anything down. Melanie’s advice is to choose the healthiest version of what you can stomach. If you can only handle saltines, then choose the best saltines you can find! If you can’t handle raw veggies anymore, try them roasted. Sneak some leafy greens into a smoothie. Get creative so you can still get those all-important micronutrients in!

Pitfall #2 Dehydration

It can be tough, especially during pregnancy, but staying hydrated is critical to keeping your body healthy and working properly. Even if you’re having a hard time keeping food down, do what you can to keep your water intake up. Water can flush toxins, reduce swelling, and it can even help your muscles heal more quickly. We get it—there’s a baby sitting right on top of your bladder!—but staying hydrated will truly help you feel better and stay healthy.

Pitfall #3 Tension

The more tension you carry in your body, the more you’re going to run into issues later—anxiety, tension in muscles or pelvic floor, diastasis recti, and more. 

Most people carry tension in the shoulders, core, or glutes. When we carry tension in our abdominal canister (from our ribs to our hips), it tends to push out on the abs and down on the pelvic floor. That pressure creates an uninviting healing atmosphere and the potential for Diastasis Recti and pelvic floor issues. 

Pitfall #4 The Comparison Trap

Every body is different and every pregnancy is different. It’s important not to compare yourself to others or maybe even your other pregnancies! Focus on you and baby and what’s best for both of you right now. It’s tempting to compare your situation to what you see on social media (or even your last pregnancy!) but please, do NOT fall into that trap. It only serves to damage your mindset or cause anxiety, and it offers no benefits.

Pitfall #5 Rushing the Process

It takes time to heal from pregnancy and delivery. Mama, give yourself some grace!! You just did something incredible—you brought new life to the world through your body! It was a lot of work and you don’t have to “bounce back” according to your expectations or (see above) someone else’s. Just stay in your lane, listen to your body, and give yourself the same grace you’d give your best friend.

Pro Tip: Meditation can be extremely beneficial for this intense time of life. Check out the app Expectful, where you’ll find short meditations especially for pregnancy and parenthood.

Pitfall #6 Diastasis Recti and Pelvic Floor Problems

Many women assume there’s nothing they can do to prevent Diastasis Recti (or DR). While it’s true that pregnancy does cause DR in all women to some extent, there are things you can do now to help your body prevent DR after delivery.

One of the most important (and most overlooked) things you can do is breathe correctly. Most of us breathe into our shoulders, which means we’re not really fully breathing. It’s true, pregnancy is harder because there’s less room for taking full breaths!

Try it–breathing! Work on lateral breathing, which means breathing out into your ribs. If you’re pregnant, you can lean forward, reach your hand around your rib cage and breathe in. You should feel your ribs expanding—a nice, deep back-body rib expansion. That will take the pressure off your abdominal cavity.

The more pressure there is pushing out against the abs, the more they’ll want to separate. By easing the pressure, the abs won’t want to expand as much and it will take some of the pressure off, helping to avoid DR. 

Try it—ab exercises! Any kind of side-lying exercise is great. It protects the abs while still working the muscles. Start at a low intensity and gradually increase it as you listen to your body and what you can do. Watch out for front-loaded exercises like crunches. If you feel a lot of pressure on your belly or you see your belly doming or bulging, ease off and focus on those side-lying moves. 

Unfortunately, some people will do all the right things and still end up with DR. If you are working toward healing and you don’t see any improvement after 2–3 weeks, speak with a pelvic floor therapist or a postpartum corrective exercise specialist. It’s important to make sure there isn’t an underlying issue elsewhere in the body. 

Healing from Diastasis Recti is very individual. The length of time it takes to heal depends on the person, the pregnancy, the delivery, the muscle tissue, and even genetics. 

The Real Deal with Kegels

We all know that Kegels are important for pelvic floor health, but many women simply aren’t aware that they’re doing their Kegel exercises wrong!

A Kegel is a squeeze AND a lift, not just a squeeze. Pay attention to where it might feel loose or tight as you do them, and always do a full release of the Kegel. Your muscles are not meant to hold contractions all day—you wouldn’t flex your bicep all day! Without a full release, you could get pelvic floor tightness or dysfunction. Do Kegels for the first 4–6 weeks after delivering your baby.

What’s Next for a Healthy & Fit Pregnancy?

If you’re excited about a healthy and fit pregnancy—but you could use a little guidance with your fitness and nutrition—then join us for the FASTer Way to Fat Loss Labor Day Round on September 7! This exclusive round is especially for mamas-to-be and mamas of babes, we’ll address the special and changing needs during this unique time of life!

We’re here to help you stay healthy and fit through pregnancy and beyond! Get the information and support you need to thrive during this special time of life. We’re here for you every step of the way because you deserve a healthy and fit pregnancy and your baby deserves a healthy start to life!


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Avoid these pregnancy myths!

Pregnant? Congrats, mama-to-be! We hope you are feeling great so far.

Pregnancy is a sacred time and while many may lead you to believe you should spend nine months on the couch surrounded by snacks, we have news for you.

Let’s clear up two of the major misconceptions about what it means to have a healthy and fit pregnancy. 

You’ve likely heard them over and over and it’s time to stop the madness! Read on for the truth about working out and eating while pregnant.

***The information presented is for informational purposes only and should not be relied on as a substitute for medical advice. Please consult your doctor to make the best choices for you and your baby.

Fit Pregnancy Misconception #1: You Can’t Work Out While Pregnant

Maintaining a healthy weight is essential to overall health and wellness, but it becomes vital when a woman is pregnant or planning to conceive. A common misconception is that working out during pregnancy will put the baby at risk.

Pregnancy is an ideal time for maintaining or adopting a healthy lifestyle! According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, “women who begin their pregnancy with a healthy lifestyle (eg, exercise, good nutrition, nonsmoking) should be encouraged to maintain those healthy habits. Women who do not have healthy lifestyles should be encouraged to view the prepregnancy period and pregnancy as opportunities to embrace healthier routines.” 

This updated recommendation now confirms what many moms-to-be have already known to be the best plan of action for their health and the health of their unborn child. 

Be sure to listen to cues from your body if you need to make adjustments or modifications as your pregnancy progresses, but keep exercise in your daily routine and feel free to try out a variety of options to keep it exciting. (Psst -we provide a laid out exercise plan consisting of 30 minute workouts that are bump-friendly!)

When you’re feeling like you need a rest, rest away - that’s important, too! Butknow that staying active, strength training, and even getting your heart rate up is a great plan for most pregnant women.

By now (we hope) you’ve heard that exercising during pregnancy is not only safe, but it’s recommended! 

Proper movement comes with so many benefits for you and for your baby. That’s why we emphasize functional and effective exercise for our many pregnant clients.

And now you can enjoy a fit pregnancy with the help of this FREE video, mama!

Fit Pregnancy Misconception #2: You’re Eating for Two

Women have long been told that they need to increase calories while pregnant because they’re “eating for two.” The truth is, it’s dangerous to eat twice as much—think of it instead as eating twice as healthy! Focusing on whole-food nutrition along with a safe exercise routine can actually reduce the risk of disorders and common pregnancy ailments, including gestational diabetes.

Recommendations vary, but on average, a mama pregnant with one baby may consume anywhere from 0–300 additional calories per day during her first trimester and up to 300–450 calories per day in the second and third trimesters. Please consult your doctor to determine what is best for you. You may need more or less depending on your health history and unique circumstances.

To give you a better idea of what this kind of calorie consumption actually looks like, we’ve put together a list of foods based on calorie count!

100 calories is equivalent to:

  • 1 large apple

  • 2 cups strawberries

  • 1 cup blueberries

  • 14 almonds

  • 10 cashews

300 calories is equivalent to:

  • 1 cup plain oatmeal

  • about 4 slices thick-cut bacon

  • 1 large avocado

  • 2 servings almond crackers

  • 1 1/2 servings peanut butter

It’s common for pregnant women to feel like they should eat whatever sounds good in the moment or when a junk food craving hits. The problem is, we tend to underestimate how many calories those little snacks actually contain. Here’s a little more food for thought…

  • 1 ounce plain potato chips = 152 calories

  • Medium fries = 365 calories

  • One chocolate bar = 406 calories

  • Big Mac = 563 calories

  • Slice of cheese pizza (Costco food court) = 760 calories

Just one extra slice of pizza can be double what you actually need (or more!) with very little nutrition to go along with those calories. Stick to whole, nutritious foods as much as possible! Sprinkle in your favorite treats or most pressing cravings along the way just for fun.

Pregnancy the FASTer Way

Are you ready to feel healthy and fit through your pregnancy? The FASTer Way to Fat Loss is the answer! Overall, pregnant women can go through the FASTer Way with great success. We have special pregnancy programming in place that will help you apply our strategies in an appropriate way designed to support you and your growing babe!

If you’re pregnant and looking to enjoy a healthy fit pregnancy, prepare your body for labor, and set yourself up for smooth postpartum recovery, you can count on us!

Join our next round today!

***Before committing to the FASTer Way program while pregnant, be sure to consult with your doctor to make sure you are cleared for exercise and our recommended nutrition strategies.

ICYMI: This Week in the FASTer Way Community!

It’s been an exciting week here in the FASTer Way community and we can’t wait to tell you all about it! Here’s what you may have missed this week …


Special Labor Day Round Just Announced

Calling all pregnant, breastfeeding or postpartum mamas!!

If you’ve been wanting to get healthy, get in shape, and be the healthiest YOU,  listen up! The FASTer Way is hosting a special Labor Day round just for you that you won’t want to miss. This round will be offered at an exclusive rate of $150 (that’s 25% off our full price!).

You may have heard in the past that women should not start a new nutrition or fitness program during pregnancy. But NOT ANYMORE!

Believe it or not, pregnancy is an ideal time for maintaining or adopting a healthy lifestyle. Updated recommendations from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists now confirms what many moms-to-be have already known to be the best plan of action for their health and the health of their unborn child - “to embrace healthier routines.” 

When you join this exclusive round, you’ll get:

  • Science-backed nutrition strategies - great for mama AND baby!

  • Daily 30-minute workouts - because you don’t have time to spend hours exercising.

  • Weekly meal guides with a grocery list to take the guesswork out of meal planning.

  • A focus on whole food nutrition - no shakes, pills, or supplements with mystery ingredients that could be harmful to you or your baby.

  • Accountability and support from an exclusive community of women just like you!

It’s time to empower your body to be the best it can be for you and your family with the FASTer Way to Fat Loss! Sign up today and receive immediate app access before our Coach-led programming begins on Labor Day - Monday, September 7.

VIP Challenge for September

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word BURPEE?

Maybe it’s something like...

❌They’re hard.

❌I hate them.


If that’s you, we’re about to change it all in our September VIP BURPEE CHALLENGE!

We’ll spend an entire month increasing our strength, endurance, and confidence.

You’ll love that this challenge offers something for everyone, whether you’ve never done a burpee before or you’re a seasoned athlete—we’ll meet you where you are and help you POWER through September!

Ready to get started? Simply click the button below!

Client Spotlight

This week, we are highlighting Debbie who has just celebrated her ONE YEAR anniversary with FASTer Way! Read her inspiring testimony below.

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“It’s officially been one year since beginning the FASTer Way. 49 lbs and 52 inches gone! Went from a size 14 to size 2. But what I’ve gained is so much more important. Strength, flexibility, tons of energy, great sleep, and I feel younger and healthier at almost age 62! My body and what I can now do has dramatically changed. After years of trying different diets, I’ve finally found a lifestyle (not a diet) that works! And not just for me but for my husband, too. I can’t thank you enough Amy for the help, guiding and teaching me how to eat lots of God’s good foods and still lose weight. I’m so thankful for all your Facebook posts and for finally giving it a try! Best decision ever!!” -Debbie


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6 Ways to Improve Your Posture Today

If your mom ever told you to stop slouching or sit up straight, she was actually doing you a favor! Learn why it matters plus six ways you can improve your posture today.


Good posture is important for so many reasons! It keeps your nerves and blood vessels healthy, supports muscles, ligaments, and tendons, and prevents the aches and pains that poor posture brings (e.g., neck, shoulder, and upper back pain, as well as headaches!). Proper postural alignment can even reduce fatigue and help you work more efficiently. It can also improve your breathing! Slouching compresses the lungs so sitting and standing taller gives your lungs the space they need to expand.

Proper form is also imperative during exercise. You can do more harm than good when you exercise with bad form—that’s where injuries happen! We say it all the time in our FASTer Way community workouts: we’d rather have you do fewer reps and lighter weights with good form than more reps and heavy weights with improper form. Not only will you reduce your risk of injury, you’ll actually get a lot more benefit out of your workout!

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There are a number of ways to have poor posture, so it’s important to know what good posture looks like. The ears should be over the shoulders and the shoulders should be over the hips. 

Many people have a tendency to round their shoulders! This is especially common in people with desk jobs or people who spend a lot of time on their phones—the shoulders naturally round forward and the gaze is directed downward. This tends to tighten the muscles in the chest and loosen the muscles in the back, which reinforces the forward position of the shoulders. 


1. Stretch First, Strengthen Second

The first thing to do is to stretch the tight chest muscles to create space within that motion. It’s important to do this before you begin to strengthen the weak muscles. Make sure your range of motion can support your strengthening exercises!

2. Move More

Get up and move every 20–30 minutes. No one can sit with perfect posture all the time—when you feel yourself starting to slouch, opt for a few minutes of movement.

3. Check In With Yourself

We tend to lose awareness of how we’re sitting at the computer or even at the dinner table, and we tend toward poor posture when this happens. Set a reminder on your phone (or even use a sticky note) to get back into proper alignment.

4. Avoid Positions that Cramp Circulation 

Healthy blood flow is vital for organ function, but if we’re cramping our circulation, we’re unknowingly restricting it. If you’re in the habit of crossing your legs when you sit, now is the perfect time to practice sitting with both feet on the floor!

5. Set Yourself Up for Success

Do what you can to improve your ergonomics! Get a more supportive chair, use an adjustable height desk, and try a lumbar roll to support your spine. 

6. Avoid “Text Neck”

If you spend a lot of time on your smartphone, it can put a lot of strain on your neck because of the downward gaze we typically use. Be aware of the position of your neck and try holding your phone a little higher to keep your neck in alignment. 

If you’re on board with good posture but you’re not sure how that translates into proper form for exercise, then jump into our next round of the FASTer Way to Fat Loss! Our Head Trainers are passionate about meeting you right where you are and helping you develop your fitness in a way that will give you results while keeping you safe.

Sign up now and receive instant access to our highly-rated app—try the workouts and meal guide BEFORE our next round officially launches! Don’t wait, our rounds fill quickly and we don’t want you to miss out on all the energy, confidence, and fat-burning our clients experience.

FASTer Way to Fat Loss Before and After Picture

"I'm that person who wants instant results, as most of us do, but I also know that's not realistic. What is realistic is the FASTer Way to Fat Loss program. I know I may sound like a broken record, but it has been a game changer for me. There are days when I start to feel discouraged, then I remember how far I've come. Plus this community of individuals constantly encourages and inspires you on those days you're feeling down. It's honestly like nothing I've ever experienced.

If you are ready to make a change in your life and take your health back, there is no better time than now!! With 30-minute workouts daily it is so manageable! I'm a wife, mom of three, and a nurse. If I can fit it in so can you! They offer meal plans and recipes to help those of us that are super busy. The best part is everything is on the app. The app is so organized and contains everything you need! Plus you get a personal coach to help you every step of the way!! Mine has been a true angel!"

– Mandy



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If you’re new around here, you may have a few questions about the FASTer Way and what we’re all about. We get questions all the time like, “Can your workouts be modified” and “Does your plan work for vegetarians?”

The good news is, we saw your questions from our last live training and we’re here to answer them all!

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Here’s what YOU need to know about the FASTer Way program … 


  1. Can your workouts be modified?

    Our FASTer Way LIVE workouts offer low impact modifications for all fitness levels. We have clients who are new to working out, have knee problems or are recovering from an injury and successfully follow along with our low impact modifications. We also show you how to level up your intensity if you want to push yourself even more!

  2. Can I do other workouts instead of the FASTer Way workouts?

    While we recommend following along with our FASTer Way workouts to see maximum results, the FASTer Way nutrition strategies will still be incredibly beneficial with your own workouts. If you choose to follow your own workout routine, your FASTer Way certified coach will help you combine your workouts with our nutrition cycle. 

  3. What equipment do you need to start the program?

While no equipment is required to begin the program, a few staples can be beneficial such as small/medium dumbbells based on your fitness level and resistance bands. The FASTer Way workouts can be easily modified to use the equipment you have. Don’t be afraid to get creative! Our clients also use lots of household items like tubs of laundry detergent, jugs of water, soup cans, and more to help increase the intensity!


  1. Do you have a meal plan?

    Our clients receive a weekly meal guide complete with full recipes and a grocery list. We also offer a vegan meal guide that is vegan/vegetarian friendly. The meal guides can be adjusted to meet your specific dietary restrictions. Allergic to shellfish or don’t like avocados? No problem! Your coach will be able to offer simple swaps to meet your specific needs.

  2. Is there a simpler way to track macros? I get frustrated entering in every bit of food.

    We’ve got lots of great tips and tricks when it comes to efficiently tracking your macronutrients. Check out our recent blog to learn some of our favorite time-saving hacks (including tracking macros!) 

  3. Can I drink protein shakes on the program?

Some clients do enjoy protein shakes to help meet their protein gram goal for the day. However, we suggest our clients only use Vegan protein powders such as Vega, Orgain, and KOS, to limit the number of artificial ingredients your body is processing. 


  1. I’m gluten and dairy-free, can I still do the program?

    Absolutely! In our program, we encourage our clients to go completely gluten and dairy-free as they can trigger an inflammatory response in the body. 

  2. Does this program work if you’re going through menopause?

    Yes! We have many women who are experiencing menopause see incredible results in the FASTer Way. All of the strategies learned in the FASTer Way are applicable to women in various stages of life.

  3. Will this program work for me if I have hormonal issues?

    There are many women in our program who have hormonal issues like Hypothyroidism and PCOS, and they have seen their issues improve through the FASTer Way. The nutrition strategies are incredibly beneficial, in addition to making a few minor adjustments to support your personal health and ensure you are doing what is best for your situation. As always, be sure to consult with your doctor before beginning the program.

  4. Does your program work if I have more than 100 lbs to lose?

    Yes! The FASTer Way is a healthy and sustainable lifestyle that will teach you how to properly fuel your body and burn fat the right way. After your initial six weeks, you’ll move into our VIP membership where you will continue to burn fat, gain lean muscle, increase energy, and feel amazing! It’s in our VIP membership that you’ll truly establish those lasting, sustainable results.

Have other questions about the FASTer Way? We’d love to hear from you! Please feel free to email our team at to get answers to all your questions. You can also reach out to our team on Instagram or Facebook @fasterwaytofatloss

Now that you know how well the FASTer Way works no matter your health circumstance, it’s time to get started on your path to optimal health! Our next round of FASTer Way starts soon and we’d love to have you join us. Click the button below to secure your spot today!



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Stop Exercising to Earn Food! (and what to do instead)

If you’ve ever felt like you needed to hit the gym so you could enjoy a dinner at your favorite restaurant or drinks with friends, we’re about to change everything! It’s time to stop exercising to earn food and start seeing better results—while banishing the guilt!

We’ve all seen the memes and t-shirts...

I run so I can eat cake.

I run so I can eat cookies.

I run so I can eat.

It’s time for us to change the narrative...

I run to celebrate what my body can do!

I run to get (or stay!) fit!

I run for fun!

If you approach nutrition with a “calories in, calories out” mindset, it would make sense to burn off the calories you plan to eat. The truth is, if you’re exercising in order to “earn” your food or “punish” your body for something you ate, you’re not doing yourself any favors. 


Our bodies are not simple machines, which means “calories in, calories out” doesn’t work quite like we might expect. Calorie burn is affected by more than just exercise output. It’s also affected by metabolic rate and hormones, which can’t be accounted for in a simple math equation. Not only that, we’re typically not very good at estimating calories—we tend to overestimate the calories burned by exercise and underestimate the calories we consume.

One of the most important reasons to avoid “earning” your food is to foster a more positive relationship with food and exercise. When you feel like food has to be earned you may start associating it with guilt or shame, and you may start to view exercise more as a punishment rather than a way to stay strong and fit. 


Rather than focusing on calories, focus on the proper nutrition your body needs and wants! Eat balanced macronutrients, focus on intermittent fasting, and cycle your carbohydrates to burn more fat.

Balanced Macronutrients 

Macronutrients, or macros, are the carbs, fats, and proteins that make up the food we eat. When we consume them in balanced ratios, our bodies have the proper amount of energy to fuel our activity without storing excess energy (or fat) for later use. Try using a free app such as MyFitnessPal to calculate your body’s nutritional needs and track your macros.

Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting isn’t a diet, it’s simply an eating schedule with a set window for consuming food and another window for withholding food. A typical schedule is to fast for 16 hours each day and consume all macros within an eight-hour period. This doesn’t just promote fat loss, but a whole host of benefits including improved brain health, increased gut health, better cellular health, and so much more.

Carb Cycling

Carb cycling is a highly effective way to burn fat by harnessing the power of science-backed nutrition. By consuming low carbs just a couple of times each week, you can teach your body to tap into your fat stores and burn it for fuel. Coupled with a strategic exercise regimen, fat will simply melt off your body!


Balanced macros, intermittent fasting, and carb cycling are all strategies backed by science as well as countless men and women who have combined their power to burn fat, get well, prevent disease, and fulfill their purpose with ENERGY. 

You don’t have to spend weeks researching each of these strategies just to end up with more questions than you had when you started. At the FASTer Way, we’ll guide you through the simple daily habits that will help you burn fat through a healthy lifestyle that works for everyone—even busy people!

Join us for the next round. We’re starting soon and we can’t wait to join you on your journey to better health with our proven strategies that work for everyone from fitness fanatics to those taking their first step. We can’t wait to watch you thrive with energy!



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