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The Birth Story of Tyler Howard Tress: Part TWO

The Birth Story of Tyler Howard Tress: Part TWO

Part TWO: Welcoming Baby Tyler into the World. 

Be sure to catch Part ONE of the Birth Story before reading Part TWO below. There are also three birth videos in this post. I hope you enjoy!

(Birth Video Part 1 Above — A Family Affair)

The decision to deliver at home is not one I take lightly. My first three births took place in a hospital. They were traditional non-complicated vaginal deliveries with the typical pains and aches of recovery. However, deep down, I knew my experience could be more impactful, peaceful, and empowering. I also believed that my recovery could be smoother. Right before the pandemic, I found out I was pregnant with my fourth, Janel James. I began the process of pursuing a traditional hospital birth, but I did not feel confident in my decision. My dissonance over the in-office OB GYN and hospital pandemic protocols is what prompted me to research home birth, and I am so grateful to have made the transition to home birth for labor and delivery with JJ. When I found out I was pregnant with baby boy, I immediately knew I would aim for an at-home delivery once again. I had a rockstar birth team for JJ’s birth, and an incredible experience, so I contacted my midwife and doula right away when I found out I was pregnant, and we prepared for the at-home delivery of Tyler Tress. 


On Wednesday, June 15, when I got to my acupuncture appointment, I texted my midwife, Michelle Gallagher, and my doula, Tanya Grazione, to let them know that I was getting good contractions and would keep them posted! I told my chiropractor that I was in early labor but I still wanted to go through with the appointment. I could tell this made her slightly nervous, but we carried on. I did not want my contractions to fizzle like they had for several days in a row, so I decided it was best to move forward with the 20 minute acupuncture appointment. I listened to my Christian Hypnobirthing tracks and relaxed during the appointment. I started timing my contractions and noticed they were only a few minutes apart and increasing in intensity. I finished up with a quick chiropractic adjustment and then headed home. 

Before I even pulled out of the parking lot, I texted my birth team again to say that I was pretty certain the baby was coming later that day. I looped back once I arrived home and put my videographer and photographer on alert. My birth team knows me well enough to know to immediately drive to my house if I say “I’m certain that baby is coming.” Michelle and Tayna headed my way and arrived around 2:30 pm along with my photographer, Erika Johnson. My mom picked up the big kids from summer camp and they arrived shortly thereafter. My videographer, Jesse French-King,  arrived close to 3:30. The whole team was there – it was time to have a baby. 

I typically deliver at night, so I was surprised to be in active labor during full daylight. I told my birth team that I wanted to truly enjoy the entire process of labor and delivery … and I can say with certainty that it was the most joy-filled afternoon and evening of my life. 

After my doula and midwife arrived at the house, we went out on a short walk to keep the contractions going nice and strong. We then headed inside and ordered some acai bowls for the whole gang. We ate around 4 pm, relaxed, I went up and down the stairs a few times (sideways by two), and then we headed out for a second walk around 4:30 pm -- this time with the kiddos and dog in tow. 

My contractions were coming much stronger at this point, and I found it helpful to stand and sway or squat as I breathed through the contractions.

I remarked to my birth team that I was likely the happiest person in active labor who they had worked with. I was genuinely thrilled to be hours away from meeting baby boy. I experienced no fear - only excitement, peace and confidence. 

I posted the following prayer on social media: 

“​I am in labor!!! Woo hoo. It’s game time baby boy 💙

My prayer for this home birth. 🙏🏻 To remain strong and powerful. To stay positive and push away all fear. To translate a “contraction” as a productive and empowering experience to bring me to the end of a beautiful story. To trust God to work out everything according to His plan — from the big things to the littlest things. Stay tuned. 💙🙏🏻”

After we took a walk with the family, I went upstairs to my master bedroom with Brandon to set up the birth pool, change into my bathing suit, and relax while listening to my Christian Hypnobirthing Tracks. My plan was to deliver in my master bathroom which we had prepared with beautiful flowers (hydrangeas – my favorite), candles, and the birth pool. 

After relaxing in bed, I felt my contractions gaining intensity, so I went outside into the hot tub with Brandon after 5:30 pm. My surges were coming 2 minutes apart or less, but once I got into the hut tub, they gained both speed and strength. Even with intense contractions, I was still able to laugh and converse with my birth team. 

I continued listening to my hypnobirthing tracks, and experienced a wonderful emotional release while hearing scripture and prayers for baby boy. My doula knew that I was close to transition once this emotional release occurred, so I could hear my birth team discussing if the tub was already full upstairs. 
At this point, I looked over at my midwife and said, “I’ll stay in the hot tub for 10 more contractions before going upstairs to the birthing pool.” 

However, about 3 or 4 contractions after I told my midwife I would journey up two flights of stairs to my bedroom “after 10 contractions” I was already feeling the urge to push. The question then became … should I risk leaving the backyard and delivering on the stairs on the way up to my bedroom … or should we prepare the hot tub for baby boy’s arrival. 

The decision was clear to my birth team and they quickly set up a towel under me in the hot tub. They instructed Brandon to add more pressure on my back and soon, I was experiencing transition— the final stage of labor. Right as this was transpiring, Emma and Cole came around the side of the hot tub to check on me and be sure I knew they were there. 

I breathed through a few exceptionally intense surges all while staying in a deep squat (like the ones we do during FASTer Way Monday HIIT workout warm-ups), and I could feel baby boy moving into position. During this birth, more than my previous four, I was truly in tune with the baby and could feel that we were on the same team as he worked to move his way through the birth canal.

At 6:37, Brandon knew that baby was coming soon, so he set up his iPhone to capture the final few moments before we became a family of 7. I am so grateful he did this, because I now have the raw, unedited, powerful moment on camera when I first met my precious Tyler. 

A few minutes after he set up the phone, I had an intense urge to push, and my water broke. Throughout the entire process I was focused on my hypnobirthing tracks and breathing effectively through contractions as baby did the hard work of finding the right path. 

(Birth Video Part 2 Above — A short video version of the labor and delivery process)

Minutes later I pushed again and Tanya said, “Good job mama, you can do this.” To which I responded through tears … “Yes – I’ve got this …”

Through the next contraction, I bore baby boy down while Michelle told me to take it slow and breathe. I experienced the ring of fire, and knew that his head had come out which was confirmed by my midwife — what a relief!

Now it was time for the rest of his body. With one final contraction less than a minute later, I breathed Baby Tyler into the hot tub and into my arms at 6:53 pm. 

Seeing baby boy for the first time was one of the most beautiful experiences of my life. I have tears in my eyes just thinking about it now. I was so relieved to meet him and hear his precious cry. Brandon sat next to me softly crying tears of joy and stroking my arm. The kid crowded around to see their new baby brother. 

I delivered the placenta and we remained in the backyard for about 30 minutes. It was golden hour and the sun shined softly on our crew. Lily was the first to come over and touch her new baby brother. She was so thrilled to see him and even asked if she could feed him a raspberry and some milk. Cole and Emma were in awe of their new sibling and were asking thoughtful questions about the vernix, placenta, cord and more. Brandon cut his cord and we got ready to journey up stairs.

We relaxed on the bed as a family and I fed baby boy for the first time. He latched effectively and enjoyed some colostrum. My birth team then heated up a home cooked meal (from the FASTer Way meal plan - yum) for Brandon and myself and we ate while Michelle did a thorough check of baby Tyler. He weighed in at 7 lbs 6 ounces and was 20 inches long. His big sister JJ was 7 lbs 3 ounces, and Cole was 7 lbs 9 ounces, so he was right in the middle. Perfect size.

By 9:30 pm my birth team thoroughly cleaned up and headed out. We were ready to relax and enjoy our first evening of rest together as a family — now perfectly complete with Tyler Howard Tress. 

I am still basking in the afterglow of welcoming Baby Tyler into our family in such a peaceful and powerful way, and I believe this feeling will come rushing back every time I reflect on his birth.

I truly hope you enjoyed this peak into Tyler Howard Tress’s birth and I trust it left you feeling empowered and inspired.

To see more of the post delivery process and emotion surrounding Baby Tyler’s birth, fill out the form below to see a longer post delivery video:

The Birth Story of Tyler Howard Tress: Part ONE

The Birth Story of Tyler Howard Tress: Part ONE

The Birth Story of Tyler Howard Tress: Part ONE — Preparing for Labor and Delivery

The birth of Tyler Howard Tress was one of the most beautiful, empowering, healing and positive experiences of my life. 

I am blown away by the privilege and miracle of birth … and I am honored to be the mother of this precious baby boy. 

My desire is to share the birth story openly and in detail to encourage and provide inspiration to women in my community and beyond.

As women, we are in this together. And I know for me, hearing fellow moms share the details of what worked for them during labor and delivery helped me understand the choices and wonderful possibilities available for my family and myself. Us women are incredibly strong. Our bodies are created to do amazing things and giving birth is the most beautiful miracle of them all. 

I have broken Baby Tyler’s birth story up into two parts. 

  1. Preparing for labor and delivery

  2. Welcoming Tyler Howard into the world 

Part ONE: Preparing for Labor and Delivery: 

A few short days ago, I was physically exhausted, emotionally spent, and certain I would be pregnant “forever.” The final weeks of pregnancy are a challenging place of in-between. As my body and mind prepared for labor and delivery, I enjoyed less and less sleep due to strong Braxton Hicks (practice contractions), baby boy pressing on my lungs, stomach, bladder and cervix simultaneously (I’m only 5’2”), and the stress, anxiety, and insomnia that comes at the end of any pregnancy.

One of my biggest fears when pregnant is that I will get sick shortly before labor and delivery … be ill for labor, and then pass off the germs to my baby. To my absolute dismay, my fear became a reality, and I ended up getting sick on a Monday, the very end of May and the first week of June. The flu and Covid were circulating around the school like wildfire at the end of May, and sure enough, I caught a bug. I did my very best to quickly rest and recover from the bug, so I would have health and energy for labor and the first few days postpartum. By Wednesday of this week I was feeling pretty terrible, but also experiencing consistent headaches. I have a history of high blood pressure (in fact, I was even on blood pressure medication years ago), so I decided to use my blood pressure cuff at-home. As I expected, the headaches were in part due to being sick, but also in part due to my higher-than-normal blood pressure. I was running 145/110 a few checks in a row, which certainly concerned me. I was also feeling puffy and starting to worry that I was dealing with the early signs of preeclampsia. By Thursday morning I was running pre-e panels and other blood work, resting as much as possible, and preparing for a potential early eviction of baby boy.

Thankfully – as I started to feel relief from my sickness, my blood pressure and body swelling simultaneously began to come down. I continued to monitor my BP until delivery day, and while it was not stellar (more general end-of-pregnancy hypertension), it never got up quite as high as that first week of June. By Friday of that week, I lost my mucus plug, and it definitely seemed that my body was preparing to go into labor sooner rather than later. 

The second week of June, I started to experience many more early signs of labor. In addition to having already lost my mucus plug, I began some prodromal labor. This means I was having some “real contractions” but they would start, stop and not progress. For me, this is one of my least favorite aspects of the final days of pregnancy. I actually felt strongly that I may deliver on Tuesday June 7 due to my symptoms. However, the day came and went, and still no baby. My midwife checked me that day and I was about 3 cm dilated, but baby boy was still very cozy.  

In spite of being sick the week before, and sleep deprived from prodromal labor, I went into the office a few days to get my mind off of being pregnant and wrap up a few things before maternity leave. On Wednesday of this week, my team threw me the sweetest baby shower to honor Tyler. It was just what I needed to get through the week with a smile. 

By Friday June 10, my contractions were picking up and I was starting to feel *very* tired of being pregnant. Not only was I ready for my pre-labor symptoms to transition into active labor, I was also ready to meet my precious baby. I went to acupuncture on Friday and had a chiropractic adjustment, and this certainly caused my practice contractions to pick up. If you follow me on Instagram, you saw that Brandon and I were going on a few-to-several walks per day to keep baby in position and encourage labor to begin. Throughout the night on Friday I was feeling some strong contractions and started to time them. I nearly called my birth team, but decided to rest and see if contractions would pick up. Unfortunately … they fizzled. I was up until about 3 am with strong contractions that amounted to nothing besides more sleep deprivation. So frustrating.

On Saturday, I was still experiencing strong Braxton Hicks and went out for dinner to enjoy some eggplant parmesan. Tradition has it that eggplant parm will help to start labor. In my case … it didn’t. :)

By Sunday I was feeling even more impatient and ready for labor to begin. However I had not slept well the night before so took most of the day to relax. 

Monday rolled around and I had decided to go into the office one final time before officially starting maternity leave. I brought the kids with me to film some kids’ workouts, and we had a blast. We left around lunch time, and I felt a weight lifted off my shoulders. Baby or no baby, maternity leave had begun. I empowered my four vice presidents to run the show without me, and this gave me the mental and emotional space to truly focus on welcoming baby boy into the world. 

On Monday afternoon, almost immediately after we got home, I started feeling some decent contractions. Brandon and I went on a walk and I send out a “code orange” to my birth team to alert them that today may be the day. I asked my mom to come over and take care of the little kids while Brandon and I continued walking, getting oxytocin flowing, and preparing for what could be our final day as a family of 6. By the evening I had thoroughly cleaned the bathroom where I planned to labor, taken several walks, and mentally prepared to meet baby boy … but by around 2 am … contractions stalled. UGHHHHH. 

Tuesday was not a good day for me emotionally. The thing about the end of pregnancy is – you just truly do not know when the baby will decide to make his appearance. My body was READY to deliver, but baby boy was not quite on the same page. At this point, I could have had a few days to a few weeks more of waiting. Brandon and I went out on the boat in the morning to get my mind off of being 100 weeks pregnant. We were lucky enough to catch some dolphins in our wake for several minutes and enjoy a wonderful run on the Gulf of Mexico.

I went to bed later that evening with no hope that I would go into true labor overnight. But by the next morning around 3 am, I was experiencing what felt to be stronger contractions. I rested until 5 am and then got a shower just in case things would progress quickly. But who am I kidding - nothing about these final days of pregnancy had been “quick.” 

By 9 am my contractions had stalled out a bit and I decided to rest for most of the day since I had been up since 3 am. I had a chiropractic and acupuncture appointment scheduled for 12:15. I drove over to the office and when I got out of the car, I felt it … a super strong, long contraction! 

Stay tuned for Part TWO of Baby Tyler’s Birth Story.

A note about prenatal fitness and nutrition: 

Throughout pregnancy, I continued to follow our FASter Way Workouts and FASTer Way Meal Plans. Download a FREE video below with helpful prenatal exercise alternatives.  

Here are some FAQs I received: 

  • Did you still fast during pregnancy?

    • Yes! I continued to do the 16:8 intermittent fasting protocol with my FASTer Way clients! I have enjoyed 3 FASTer Way pregnancies and fasted through each of them. I personally feel amazing when fasting, but it’s not for everyone during pregnancy.

  • How often did you workout?

    • I worked out at least 4 or 5 times per week doing exclusively at-home FASTer Way workouts and the occasional spin workout. However in the final weeks, I primarily walked, and walked, and walked some more! 

  • How much weight did you gain?

    • I did not weigh myself at all throughout my pregnancy. But I would estimate 25-30 lbs. As long as I’m eating healthy and exercising I trust my body to take care of the rest. 

  • What foods did you focus on or avoid?

    • I focused on eating carbs and protein to fuel my pregnancy. I did not stay under 50g net carbs on low carb macro days — I was closer to 75-100g. 

  • What core moves did you complete? 

  • What modifications did you make in third trimester?

    • I primarily modified by using lighter weights. However, as I mentioned above, I did more waking than weight training at the end of my pregnancy. Download the free guide to see some alternative moves I completed. 

Fat Loss Over 50 is Possible - Watch This Video to Learn How!

What comes to mind when you think about fat loss over 50?

Maybe you think it’s a lost cause. Maybe you’re so frustrated that you’ve given up hope. Maybe you’re trying to eat less and less and only feeling worse and worse.

Let’s stop the madness and get to the heart of what actually works! 

We’ve helped countless women in their 50s shed fat, skyrocket their energy, reduce pain and inflammation, and arm themselves against disease. In this sneak peak video, we’re giving you a glimpse into what fat loss in your 50s and beyond looks like when you do things the FASTer Way. 

In this exclusive bonus training with Amanda Tress, FASTer Way founder and CEO, plus Renee Carls, midlife FASTer Way coach, you will hear about…

  • The common hurdles that women in their 50s and beyond face when it comes to fat loss and overall health 

  • Key signs that your body is telling you it’s time to adjust your fat loss strategy during midlife 

  • Common traps that could be making your body weaker and more susceptible to store fat as you age

  • The winning mindset that will lead you to ultimate fat loss and optimal health at any age 

  • Why MORE carbs and MORE food is your ticket to happier hormones, all day energy, and a revved metabolism 

And, if you’re ready to take back control and reclaim your health, you belong in our specialty 50s and Beyond round of the FASTer Way on November 14! You’ll be alongside other women just like you who are learning how to create healthy habits that fuel fat loss and wellness at every age. This is a one-of-a-kind opportunity you won’t want to miss! Your health depends on it!

We can’t wait to see you experience lasting fat loss whether you’re 50, 60, 70…or beyond!

Here’s what’s new in the FASTer Way Shop:



Lose Fat All Summer Long with These Top Tips (and Travel Friendly Snack Recipes!)

Summer fun means on the road, in the sand, at a barbeque, or by the pool! You may think that summer means your fat loss goals have to be put on hold until school is back in session - but you can actually make summer a season of fat loss with the right approach and some simple strategies.

A sustainable and effective fat loss plan is truly all about being lifestyle friendly. That means that you employ smart tactics to turn your body into a pro fat burner, but your plan includes your favorite treats, and you’re able to enjoy social gatherings - without food guilt - while burning fat.

Set yourself up for success with these top tips!

  1. Bring Your Own Snacks. Whether you’re driving, flying, or just out and about, having your own healthy options on hand is the way to go. Check out these travel-friendly FASTer Way recipes below that can be made ahead of time and stored for easy grab and go!

  2. Continue intermittent fasting. We use fasting as a flexible tool and not a rigid rule. Adjust your fasting window as needed - but keep this fat burning tool in your summer toolbox. 

  3. You can’t go wrong with protein and veggies. These staples are nutrient dense, highly satisfying, and provide the fat loss foundation you need anytime, anywhere. 

  4. Hydrate. When we feel hungry, sometimes it is your body telling you that you need to hydrate! Hydration is key for summer heat and allowing your body to naturally detoxify and replenish!

  5. Research Your Meals Ahead of Time. If you know where you are going, look at restaurant menus. This will help you avoid feeling lost for choices and equip you to make a smart choice when you may otherwise be tempted.

  6. Memories over Macros. While sticking to the plan most of the time is what leads to results, you need to also make room for having a little fun - and just go with it! 😉

By following these tips you can stay ahead of your goals and soak up the summer season. 

For a limited time, when you purchase our premium protein and collagen bundle, you’ll receive our fan favorite FASTer Way donut towel totally free!

In the meantime, take these healthy protein and collagen packed snacks with you along with you to fuel up during summer activities - kid approved!

No Bake Energy Bites 

Yields 12 bites (1 per serving) 


• 1 ½ cup rolled oats 

• ½ cup nut butter of choice 

• 2 tbsp maple syrup or sweetener of choice 

• 2 tbsp chia seeds 

• 2 scoops FASTer Way Collagen 

• Pinch of sea salt 

Add all ingredients in a small bowl and stir until well combined. Once mixed, scoop equal-sized balls onto a parchment-lined baking sheet. Store in an airtight container and enjoy! 


FASTer Way Peanut Butter Coconut Collagen Granola Bars 

Makes about 20 Square Granola Bars 


• 1 cup crushed peanuts (can sub with other crushed nuts) 

• 4 cups rolled oats 

• 1 cup ground flax meal 

• 1 cup unsweetened shredded coconut 

• 2 scoops FASTer Way Collagen 

• 2 cups natural crunchy peanut butter (can sub with other nut butter) 

• 2 tsp vanilla extract 

• ¾ cup honey 

1. Mix all the ingredients together in a stand mixer. 2. Add more honey or peanut butter if it seems too crumbly. 3. LIne a 9 x 13 inch glass dish with wax paper. 4. Press the granola mixture into the dish firmly. 5. Freeze for at least 3 hours. 6. Turn the dish upside down to remove granola bars (will be one solid piece). Place on a cutting board. 7. Cut into squares. There may be some crumbly pieces that fall off…those are the best to nibble on while cutting! 8. Keep stored in the freezer. 


FASTer Way Cookie Dough Balls 

Makes about 10 balls 


• 1 scoop FASTer Way Vanilla Protein Powder 

• 1 cup oat flour 

• ⅛ tsp salt 

• 1 tbsp Tru Nut peanut flour 

• 2-3 tbsp unsweetened almond milk 

• 2 ½ tbsp maple syrup 

• ½ cup unsweetened cashew butter 

• 2 tbsp semi sweet mini chocolate chips 

Mix all ingredients together in a large mixing bowl. Roll into 10 balls. Keep stored in the fridge or freezer. 


Brownie Protein Bars 

Makes about 12 bars 


• 1½ cup raw walnuts 

• 1¼ cup pitted dates 

• 1 scoop FASTer Way Chocolate Protein powder 

• 2 scoops FASTer Way Collagen 

• 2 tbsp 100% Dutch-Process Cocoa 

• Sprinkle of salt 

• 2 tsp vanilla extract 

• 2 tbsp maple syrup 

Put walnuts in a food processor and grind to fine crumbs. Add dates, protein powder, cocoa, salt, vanilla extract and maple syrup and process until crumbly. If necessary, add 1 tsp of water at a time until batter sticks together. Roll into 1½ inch balls. Place on wax paper and freeze. Keep stored in the freezer or refrigerator. 


How to Lose Fat After 50

Even before you reach 50, you’ll likely hear about what a struggle it is to stay fit and keep fat off once 50 hits!

There’s much to celebrate about turning 50 and ringing in each year thereafter - but the truth is, it CAN be harder to shed those extra layers and feel strong and energized during this life stage.

But you don’t have to live by those rules!

Here’s what’s happening:

At this age, metabolism slows down and other health concerns may cause disruptions to your diet and exercise routine. Not to mention, your hormones are undergoing significant shifts that can cause fat storage and uncomfortable symptoms (hello hot flashes and mood swings). 

By now, you’ve likely tried all the things and what yielded results in the past has stopped working altogether! There’s no way you can watch your diet any more closely and you don’t want to have to exercise nonstop. Sound familiar?

If you want to break through this rut to feel radiant, light, and fit…it’s time to pivot and implement science-backed principles that promote fat loss, hormone health, and strength!

What to do?

To burn fat, support your hormones, and feel your best in your fifties and beyond, do the following!

  1. Prioritize protein - Proper protein intake can help curb cravings, maximize the effects of exercise, and assist in regulating key hormonal processes.

  2. Hit the weights - Incorporating resistance training helps sustain lean muscle and bone mass which contributes to overall strength, a revved metabolism, and healthy bones and joints. 

  3. Get good sleep - Sleep keeps hormones that control appetite in check, helps prevent injury, enhances cognitive function, and gives you the energy needed to stay active throughout the day.

  4. Intermittent Fast - Studies show that limiting food intake to an 8-hour window can increase fat loss and boost health.

  5. Cycle your carbs - Carb intake becomes more important as you age. Eliminating carbs completely has adverse effects as does consuming too many for your body and activity level. It’s all about finding the proper amount for you!

As you age, the importance of a healthy diet, keeping your hormones balanced, strengthening your bones, and increasing your muscle tone all become paramount. 

And, if you’re ready to take productive action toward feeling your best in your 50s and beyond…read on!

Why You Need the FASTer Way in Your Fifties 

You need something that works WITH your body, not against it. Most popular advice will have you do MORE exercise and eat LESS, which results in menopausal mayhem (or pre and post menopausal mayhem), leaving you feeling worse with no results to show for it! At this time, it’s all about working smarter…not harder. Our strategies are the proven leader for fat loss over 50!

If you’re over the menopause mayhem and the battle to stay fit after 50, you belong in our specialty 50s and Beyond round of the FASTer Way starting November 14!

You’ll love the results when you put your hormones in our hands!

Here’s what’s new in the FASTer Way Shop:



If You're a Mom, Stop Doing These 4 Things to Lose Fat

As a mom, you’re a day-to-day miracle worker and world changer who burns the candle at both ends. But, with everything you manage, you still want to:

  • Look lean, fit and toned.

  • Become a pro-fat burner.

  • Feel stronger, energized, and more confident.

  • Have a solution laid out for you with lots of support, guidance and accountability along the way.

So, you want to improve your health and feel vibrant from the inside out, but with everything you juggle on a daily basis, where do you start? How do you find the time?

As you seek to burn fat, build strength, and soar your energy, you may turn to common tactics that can actually derail your goals and leave you feeling even worse off than when you began - we can’t let that happen! You need something that actually WORKS.

So, save yourself time and frustration by avoiding these common tactics!

To lose fat and feel your best, it’s time to STOP:

  1. Under-eating: Consuming too little fuel results in a decreased metabolism, dysregulated hormones, lower-than-ever energy levels, and can ultimately cause fat STORAGE. 

  2. Doing too much cardio: Cardio, while it has health benefits when performed in the right dosage, will not lead to body composition changes! And, when done too much, can have adverse effects on your metabolic rate. 

  3. Cutting carbs completely: Mama, you need carbs to fuel your muscles, balance your hormones, and enjoy your life! Slashing them altogether is not advisable for your goals or for your long-term health.

  4. Neglecting sleep and stress levels: This may be the most important of all. We know that sleep can be hard to come by as a mom, but do your best to prioritize it! Sleep restores hormones, boosts cognitive function, curbs cravings, repairs muscles, and so much more. Additionally, chronic stress can cause you to store fat. We want you feeling fresh, happy, and to have all systems firing!

These faulty strategies don’t take your overall health into consideration. While you may see quick results at first, they won’t last - and you could be putting your wellness in harm’s way! No mama has time for that!

You need the FASTer Way to Fat Loss!

We’re not about eating less, eliminating an entire food group, over-exercising, and letting lifestyle factors like sleep, mindset, and stress go unattended. 

We will help you thrive while reducing stress and overwhelm that can actually cause you to store fat. 

  • Imagine how lean and fit you’ll become when you incorporate our effective workouts several times per week…by carving out just 30 minutes for yourself. 

  • Envision waking up energized every morning so you can conquer your day and keep up with the kiddos.

  • Picture how the health of your family will transform by learning from our community, coaches, and experts!

We make it easy and do all the work for you so that you don’t have to – with detailed meal guides and effective 30 minute workouts for every fitness level, we take the guesswork out of what to do to achieve results! With the help of a certified coach, you will get a personalized nutrition plan tailored to your specific body needs. And, it’s all conveniently located on our desktop or mobile phone app!

Join us and experience how burning fat and getting fit can weave seamlessly into your busy day - and we’re offering you an exclusive rate of $50 off so you can experience this for yourself while saving your hard earned dollars. 

If all of this resonates with you, the FASTer Way has an exclusive gift for you! Enjoy $50 OFF by applying code FITMOM at checkout below!.  

It’s time to make being fit, healthy, and happy a regular part of mom-life. Let’s go!

Here’s what’s new in the FASTer Way Shop:



Top Tips on Making Health and Fitness a Priority When You’re a Busy Mom

You live a busy life –  shuttling kids back and forth between home, social events, school, and a long list of other commitments. As a mom, it may seem like there is no time to exercise, or that you have no choice but to grab the fast food option instead of a healthy meal.

We totally get it. BUT, we want to encourage you and support you so that you can feel confident, energized, and strong in the midst of it all!

If you’re looking to make healthy changes that yield big results, it’s time to begin! You’ve got this mama - and we can show you how!

Here are a few top tips to get you started feeling your best:

  1. Start Small. No one’s judging you! In fact, we’re cheering you on! 10 minutes of movement or more veggies in more meals makes a big impact when you stay consistent.

  2. Whole foods matter. A healthy diet (combined with regular exercise) is the best way to burn fat and fuel your body with energy.

    1. Eat as many whole foods as possible, i.e. fruits & vegetables.

    2. Eat lean cuts of meat and protein.

    3. Include healthy fats like nuts and avocado.

    4. Drink plenty of water.

  3. Choose Fun Workouts. If your workouts are enjoyable, you'll see the benefits much quicker. Your exercise won't be a burden because it's fun! At the FASTer Way to Fat Loss, we provide effective workouts for you that are only 30 minutes! And, if fun is what you’re looking for, our pro-trainers bring it to every experience!

  4. Join a CommUNITY. Those that are in a fitness program with accountability and a community succeed more than those flying solo! Once you join the FASTer Way, you’ll be with other people that desire health and wellness just like you! They’ll meet you with all the support that you need to succeed!

  5. Have a Plan. Write out what you want to achieve and what you need to get there. Even better – once you join the FASTer Way, discuss with your 1-on-1 coach what your goals are. Together, you’ll make a plan!

Because you’re a chef, teacher, taxi driver, role model, and mama, the FASTer Way wanted to recognize all your hard work! We know that moms are incredible. You give so much and ask for so little!

Because of all YOU DO, the FASTer Way has an exclusive gift for you! Enjoy $50 OFF when you join our May 9 round and apply code FITMOM.  

At the FASTer Way to Fat Loss, you are our number one priority! We provide grocery lists, easy-to-follow recipes, weekly meal plans, and effective 30-minute workouts. There are zero excuses because we have the perfect plan for nutrition and exercise! If commUNITY is what you need, we match you with a 1-on-1 coach that will help you achieve your goals along with a commUNITY of others to keep cheering you on! This is the perfect lifestyle for busy moms who need serious results without the confusion!

Here’s what’s new in the FASTer Way Shop:



Why You Need to Grow Those Glutes!

Your glutes do a lot more than just hang out on your backside! If you enjoy walking, running, jumping, or simply rotating your hips, you can thank your glutes! So, training your booty goes far beyond just having a nice behind. In fact, having strong glutes is a key component to your body’s ability to perform at a high level.

Butt Why?

The muscles in your backside help your body stay upright, move forward, and enable you to power through your workouts. 

Proper glute function also…

1. Reduces back and knee pain by assisting your pelvic, hip, and trunk motions.

2. Increase power and exercise performance essential to acceleration, jumping, and heavy lifting.

3. Provides your spine with the support it needs to stabilize your pelvis for a healthy posture.

4. Improves your mobility and balance.

These muscles are the largest and most important group because of their aid in mobility and vital movements. Weak glutes also means things are pretty flat back there, which is a real bum-mer! ;) 

It’s really not about looks though, as weak glutes can cause health issues such as:

-Poor posture
-Lower back pain
-Decreased mobility
-Balance issues

The strength of the glute muscles can have a major impact on the overall strength of your body; your glutes support your core, help to support a range of exercises and compound movements, as well as help avoid muscle imbalances which can lead to decreased muscle mobility.

For a surefire way to target your glutes and build your booty, our cloth band does the trick! Get yours here and turn up the heat on your glute workouts! 

Why You (and your glutes!) Need the FASTer Way

The FASTer Way to Fat Loss workouts target your whole body. If you’re brand new to the FASTer Way, you belong in our next new client session! Register below for the total package!

Begin your summer on the right step as we build a much needed and stronger foundation! Plus, who doesn’t want a cute tush?! Let’s make it happen, together!

Here’s what’s new in the FASTer Way Shop:



Carbohydrates: Your Muscle Building Must-Have

Have you been told that to lose weight and build muscle you need to DECREASE your carbohydrate intake and INCREASE your protein? While proper protein intake is key for muscle growth, decreasing carbs can set you back! Both carbohydrates and protein are nutrients that play important roles in body composition. Carbs can get a bad rap. But, it’s time to change that so you can start eating carbs to build that metabolism and sculpt gorgeous muscles!

How do carbohydrates build muscles?

1. They help prevent muscle decline or loss.

2. They help your muscles recover from exercise.

3. They help regulate muscle glycogen repletion.

There’s no denying that if you want to develop muscle mass then you will need to amp up your protein. BUT, cutting carbs shouldn’t be a hard and fast rule in body composition, especially when it comes to sculpting tight muscles.

Muscle Building Carbs 

Complex carbs that will help you reach those goals include most vegetables, fruits, and legumes, along with gluten free grains. Simple, processed carbs that will prevent you from reaching those goals are ones like potato chips, candy bars, and processed foods. Out of the various types of carbs, complex carbohydrates are your best bet because of their muscle building properties and overall health benefits. Try some of our favorites below!

  • Sweet potatoes

  • White potatoes

  • Bananas

  • Apples

  • Blueberries

  • Quinoa

  • Oats 

  • Brown rice

  • Dates

By incorporating healthy carbs into your meals and snacks, you’ll help fuel your muscles to stimulate them to get stronger!

The moral of the story? 

Whether you want to look and feel leaner, aspire to have guns like your favorite pro-trainer (Le Bergin!), or want to get up off the floor with ease at any age, you NEED developed muscles to do it! It can be frustrating to work out and pay attention to your diet but not see any muscle gains, so set yourself up for success by saying YES to carbs! Carbs, in addition to protein, have a place in improving your body composition. In the end, it takes a well-rounded diet and a smart routine to build muscle.

This is why at the FASTer Way to Fat Loss, we emphasize whole food nutrition along with carb cycling. During a FASTer Way week, our clients implement strategic low carb days along with higher carb days, reaping the benefits of all of those delicious, healthy carbohydrates to fuel us through the day and define our muscles! We understand what your body needs and requires to live life with energy and purpose! We even provide recipes and meal guides to take the guesswork out of what to eat! Let us help you skyrocket your health and well being! 

Our next round is beginning soon! Join us today using the button below!

Here’s what’s new in the FASTer Way Shop:


Sleek, stylish, and sporty!


Chic meets cozy!

Burn Fat through Carb Cycling

Bring up the word “carbs'' in a conversation and you’ll most likely hear negative comments. But, contrary to most of the fad diets that have emerged in recent years, our bodies need more than chicken and eggs! Carbs are what fuel all of our daily activities and key metabolic processes.  For instance, carbs help us get a good night’s sleep, maintain a healthy immune system, have plenty of energy, balance our hormones, and develop lean muscle tissue. Quite the impressive resume! 

So, what’s the moral of the story? CARBS AREN’T BAD!!

It’s all about what type of carbs and how much! Enter…carb cycling!

Carbs are one of the three main macronutrients, along with protein and fat. When they are digested, they break down into glucose which is how your body gets fuel. Eliminating carbs can make you feel weak, increase hunger, cause constipation, and decrease mental clarity. No, thanks!

What Is Carb Cycling?

Carb cycling isn’t eating a loaf of bread on a bike! It's a strategy that helps maintain muscle mass and shed fat. It also helps bust through weight loss plateaus. And, let’s face it, who doesn’t want to shed fat and break through a plateau while enjoying yummy carbs?! Carb cycling involves planned increases and decreases in carbohydrate intake depending on several factors. Essentially, it  mixes higher carbohydrate days with lower carbohydrate days with the goal of achieving fat loss and optimizing health! Let’s hear it for carbs!! 

The Science Behind Carb Cycling

Eating the right amount of carbs at the right times resets your metabolism to signal your body to produce hormones – such as thyroid and leptin – which keep you at a healthy weight. Your body is encouraged to alternate between using up its stored carbohydrates (carb depletion) to use stored  fat for fuel and then putting carbs to work (carb repletion) for positive hormonal and muscle building effects. The best of both worlds!

How to Achieve Carb Cycling Success

  1. You need a plan. Entering into carb cycling without a game plan forhow to properly utilize this strategy will not bode well. While it’s simple to implement, you need to be prepared.The FASTer Way to Fat Loss has done all of the research and has this science backed strategy ready for you!

  2. Know how much YOUR body needs. It’s all about customization! Your carb intake varies depending upon your age, activity level, goals, weight, and more! The FASTer Way to Fat Loss individualizes your carb needs for you so you know exactly what to eat to fuel your goals. With our meal guides, you along with your personalized coach will tailor your food log according to your health goals!

  3. Pair specific workouts with your carb intake. When carb cycling is paired with strategic workouts it maximizes fat burning. At the FASTer Way to Fat Loss, we have daily workouts led by our pro-trainers who utilize the most effective exercises paired with carb intake for ideal results.! We’ve got you covered!

Carb cycling (especially when combined with intermittent fasting and a strategic exercise plan!) is a superior lifestyle if you wish to maintain workout performance, shed body fat, and gain lean muscle mass – this is a key way to prevent plateaus and lose fat! 

The FASTer Way to Fat Loss is the most effective program on the market today! You will become leaner, stronger, healthier, and more energetic than you've ever felt before. 

So, what are you waiting for? 

Start enjoying those carbs and burn fat! 

Want to put carb cycling to work for YOUR goals? Join our next round, where we will walk you through leveraging this strategy for fat loss and overall wellness. You will learn the exact amount of carbs to eat for YOUR body and YOUR goals.

Here’s what’s new in the FASTer Way Shop:



Top Exercises to Sculpt Your Arms and Build Upper Body Strength

Have you ever felt the strain of your computer bag over your shoulder? Or maybe it’s becoming a struggle to pick up and hold your child?  Perhaps your grip gives out when carrying all of the groceries! Upper body strength plays an important role in so many of our everyday activities!

Not to mention, it’s almost time to reveal sculpted arms for the summer season. Who doesn’t want to feel confident rocking a tank top? 

Why Strengthen Your Arms?

Having well-defined arms and shoulders is a bonus, but there are many other benefits to building and maintaining a strong upper aside from aesthetics. Here are three important reasons why building strong arm muscles is so key!

  1. Prevents Injury.  Functional strength training can increase your capacity to go about your daily life. Your upper body strength deteriorates as you age making you more prone to injuries, disease and a diminished quality of life.

  2. Supports Posture. A strong back is essential for good posture.  The best way to achieve proper posture is to tone back and shoulder muscles, strengthening them to hold the top half of your body up. 

  3. Boosts Metabolism. Strength training is an excellent way to get rid of that stubborn, excess body fat, because working your muscles is the key to firing up your metabolism. The more muscle mass you have, the higher your resting metabolic rate is - cue increased fat burning!

Are you ready to get stronger and sculpt lean, fit arms? Our FASTer Way Pro Trainers have put together some of their favorite arm-chiseling moves just for you!

Arm Sculpt Circuit: Complete each move with prescribed reps back to back for a total of 3 rounds.

Move 1: Zipper Curl - 15 reps
Move 2: Neutral Grip Chest Press to Skull Crusher - 10 reps total
Move 3: Weighted Pec Deck to Military Press - 5 reps total

Zipper Curl How To: Begin standing tall with weight in your heels and core braced. Hold a pair of dumbbells by your sides with palms facing out. Squeeze your biceps and pull the dumbbells together at the top of the move, like a zipper, really concentrating on tension in your biceps. Reverse the direction and bring arms back to the starting position.

Neutral Grip Chest Press to Skull Crusher How To: Begin by lying on your back with your legs extended or bent (feel free to do this on a weight bench). With your palms facing each other holding a dumbbell in each hand, and your forearms close to your rib cage brace your core, and press the weights up into the air. At the top of the move, rotate your palms to toward your feed, bend your elbows and bring the handles of the weights close to your forehead. Press the weights back up while squeezing your triceps, rotate your palms back to neutral and return to the starting position. That is one rep.

Weighted Pec Deck to Military Press How To: Begin with a pair of dumbbells in your hands in a neutral grip with arms at right angles. Your elbows are in line with your shoulders and your wrists are stacked above your elbows. Open your arms, keeping them at right angles until they are like a goal post. From here, press the dumbbells up . Bring them back down and reverse the motion. Keep your arms elevated through the set.

Contrary to popular belief, women can lift weights and will.not.bulk.up. If you’ve been avoiding strength training for fear of looking “too muscular,” you’ve been missing out on the #1 ingredient to developing lean, tight arms! Trust us.

Interested in building a stronger upper body while burning fat and boosting your health? Join us for our upcoming new client round! You’ll be amazed at what your body can do when you apply our strategies - get ready for toned arms (and everything else!)

Here’s what’s new in the FASTer Way Shop:



Must-Try Moves to Cinch Your Waist from Home

Abs aren’t just made in the kitchen! Throw the spotlight on your trim middle with these moves that can be done in the comfort of your home.


Complete each move with prescribed reps back to back for a total of 3 rounds.

Body Saw - 10 reps

Bicycle Crunch - 10 reps each side

Crab Kick Toe Touch- 10 reps total

THE MOVE: Body Saw

Lower your body into a forearm plank resting your body weight between your elbows and toes. Squeeze your quads and tip the bottom of your pelvis forward keeping a straight line from the top of your head to your heels. Maintaining this position begin to shift your weight forward and back in a saw-like motion.

THE MOVE: Bicycle Crunch

Lying on your back with your legs extended and hovering over the floor, lift your upper body slightly off the floor with hands gently resting behind your head and elbows out. Initiating with your core bring one knee in towards your body while simultaneously bringing your opposite elbow towards that knee, twisting through your midsection. Return to the starting position and repeat on the other side.

THE MOVE: Crab Kick Toe Touch

Begin seated with your knees bent and hands behind you. Lift your bottom off the floor, extend one leg up while lifting the opposite arm and reach for your toes.  Return to the starting position and repeat with the opposite side.

Ready to see and experience real fat loss in your midsection? Join us for our upcoming round of the FASTer Way to Fat Loss!

Here’s what’s new in the FASTer Way Shop:



Abs at Any Stage and Any Age

Because our bodies change as we age, there isn’t a one-size fits all solution. Building strong abs is the result of a variety of factors – the most important ones are in your control! As we get older and enter into different stages in life, we may need to make tweaks and modifications to our routines.

The truth is that nutrition and exercise together will give you strong, lean abs – but they need to be put together the right way! And, there should be a difference in how you perform exercises in your 30’s and when you’re no longer 30! 😊

In Your 30’s

At this age, you may notice that it’s harder to get fit. But, now is definitely the time to make good fitness habits a part of your daily routine. Being in your 30s means any type of core move would be accessible.

After Childbirth/Diastasis Recti

Some easy beginning steps to healing from a diastasis recti injury is to understand more about breathing, your core, and posture. They each play a surprising role in healing and in preventing injury. You want to avoid any exercises that put extra stress on the midline. These can stretch or expand the abdominal wall and can lead to the condition worsening. 

In Your 40’s

Because this could be the decade for the trifecta of gravity, hormones, and a slowing metabolism, lean muscle mass tends to decrease. Strength training and getting lean muscles is the most important! Continued core strength is paramount as it is the foundation for your whole body. 

In Your 50’s

Strengthening muscles  is a must. Because muscle mass loss happens 3-8% each decade after 30, there’s a tendency to accumulate fat around your middle. Building abdominal muscle and reducing fat around your middle also helps to protect you from developing insulin resistance, a precursor to diabetes.

In Your 60’s and Beyond

It’s most important to focus on less aerobic exercises and focus on resistance training. You might have to work around some age-related limitations, such as limited flexibility and back or joint problems. To flatten your abs over 50, you're looking at the long game. 

Ready to see and experience REAL fat loss results in your midsection? Join us for our upcoming round of the FASTer Way to Fat Loss! We’ll teach you how to lean out, gain strength, and burn fat for good!

*Always consult with a physician before any type of exercise.

Here’s what’s new in the FASTer Way Shop:



You Can Lose Fat Over 50!

Even before you reach 50, you’ll likely hear about the struggle it is to stay fit and keep fat off once 50 hits!

At this age, metabolism slows down and other health concerns may cause disruptions to your diet and exercise routine. While what worked before may take some tweaking during this life stage, fat loss is achievable…at any age! Who doesn’t want to burn fat, boost their metabolism, and increase their energy as they age? Yes, you – even if you are 50 (or older)!

What to do! 

To burn fat and feel your best in your fifties, do the following!

  1. Eat whole food nutrition - Staying away from processed foods and focusing on healthy protein and fat will help boost satiety for weight loss over 50.

  2. Get enough sleep/rest - Sleep keeps hormones that control appetite in check, helps prevent injury, enhances cognitive function, and gives you the energy needed to stay active throughout the day.

  3. Set fitness goals - Staying active over 50 is the key. You’ll achieve optimal health and aesthetic benefits by combining strength exercises with cardiovascular workouts. Aim to exercise at least 30 minutes most days of the week.

  4. Intermittent Fast - Studies show that limiting food intake to an 8-hour window can increase fat loss and boost health.

  5. Balance your macros - Eat well-balanced meals consisting of protein, healthy carbs, and healthy fat.

Why You Need the FASTer Way in Your Fifties 

You need something that works WITH your body, not against it. Most popular advice will have you do MORE exercise and eat LESS, which results in menopausal mayhem, leaving you feeling worse with no results to show for it! At this time, it’s all about working smarter…not harder. Our strategies are the proven leader for fat loss over 50!

As you age, the importance of a healthy diet, keeping your hormones balanced, strengthening your bones and increasing your muscle tone, become paramount. We will be with you every step of the way to encourage, guide, and celebrate your wins!

Take it from Renee!

“In February 2018 I joined my first round of the FASTer Way to Fat Loss randomly one day scrolling Instagram.

Never in my 20+ years in the fitness industry did I think that strategies like intermittent fasting and carb cycling, lifting weights and eating real food, would bring me such unbelievable, real, results…. But I was wrong.

I’ve been living the FASTer Way lifestyle since then and this 56 year old ain’t stopping now.

I’m lifting heavy weights. Enjoying all the carbs. Feeling more energized than ever. And seeing real results.”

We make it easy and do all the work for you so that you don’t have to – with detailed meal guides and effective 30 minute workouts for every fitness level, we take the guesswork out of what to do to achieve results! With the help of a certified coach, you will get a personalized nutrition plan tailored to your specific body needs. And, it’s all conveniently located on our desktop or mobile phone app!

You'll look better, feel better, and be able to enjoy life in your fifties to its fullest with purpose and energy! Join us for our upcoming round below!

*Consult with a physician before starting any health and fitness plan.

Here’s what’s new in the FASTer Way Shop:



Melt Your Middle

There’s no denying that most of us are obsessed with toning our abs. It’s no wonder that sporting goods stores are filled with ab equipment–from DVDs and ab rollers to stability balls and gliders. Maybe you’ve even bought one of these yourself! 

Rather than wasting any more of your time with the latest core gadget or waist trainer, read on to read all about the core and how YOU can melt your middle.

To Crunch or Not to Crunch

It used to be that the two most popular ab exercises were crunches and sit-ups. To work your core smart, you need an exercise plan that targets your abs from all angles and ignites total fat burning. In the FASTer Way, we fire up the core without endless crunches and tired old ab moves. If you’re looking for some new variations to add to your ab routine, try these which require zero equipment!

-Russian twists
-Bicycle crunches
-Leg raises

Abs are Made in the Kitchen

There’s a common belief that if you simply do enough core exercises, you’ll get a flat stomach, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. Flattening your stomach starts in the kitchen by eating whole foods, and a balanced diet – this is one of the foundations to the FASTer Way to Fat Loss. By flooding your body with useful nutrients, you’ll experience increased energy and become a pro fat burner! As you burn fat and utilize core strengthening exercises, those defined abs will start to appear as you melt your middle! At the FASTer Way, we accomplish this by utilizing intermittent fasting, carb cycling, balanced macros, whole-food nutrition, along with 30-minute workouts to get you toned and strong!

It’s More Than Aesthetics

Our core does so much more than just help us look good in a swimsuit!  Much like building a house, when it comes to fitness and a workout program, you need to start with a strong foundation! A strong, flexible core will help to prevent injuries, increase athletic performance, and improve posture – and, yes, it will help get your abs popping before it’s time to hit the beach! Having a strong core is key for a variety of daily tasks – getting out of bed in the morning, pushing a grocery cart, picking up your child, and vacuuming, to name a few. 

With the right diet and exercise strategies, you’ll shed fat to reveal a beautiful core definition!

Here’s what’s new in the FASTer Way Shop:



Are These Hormones to Blame for Your Fat Gain?

Hormones, hormones, hormones!

If you’re feeling less than your best, are doing all of the right things but still not seeing results, or are in menopause and struggling to lose weight now that you’re “hormonal,” it’s time to check “under the hood” and address your hormonal regulation!

The truth of the matter is hormones play a key role in fat loss. While they can be tricky to navigate, don’t be discouraged! With the right approach, your body can release fat and actually use hormones to an advantage! Because hormones support vital functions within the body, including our ability to maintain muscle, lose body fat, feel hungry, and experience stress, it’s important to know what to do!

So, how do you maximize weight loss success while minimizing hormonal imbalances?

Let’s dive into three hormones that affect fat loss - and simple ways you can balance them to burn fat!


Insulin is the hormone that allows your body to use glucose for energy. Glucose is a type of sugar found in many carbohydrates. It decides how much of the calories you eat will be stored as fat. Focusing on healthy habits can help improve insulin sensitivity, such as:

-Regular exercise

-Sufficient sleep

-Whole food nutrition diet

-High fiber

-Complex carbohydrates


Leptin is the hormone that regulates your appetite and tells you when you’re full. The word actually originates from the Greek leptos, meaning “thin.” It also controls how many calories your body burns. If leptin is out of whack, your hunger and cravings will increase. A few lifestyle changes to help lower leptin include:

-Maintain a healthy weight

-Exercise regularly

-Improve your quality of sleep


Estrogen has a strong influence on body fat distribution, affecting your shape and potentially shuffling fat cells to the thighs and hips. When estrogen levels drop, women may gain more fat in their midsections. This is why belly fat during menopause occurs! Some suggestions to balance estrogen are:

-Eat a balanced diet of protein, fruit, and vegetables.

-Incorporate strength training with weights and a toning regimen that targets the deeper and lower muscles of your abs..

-Talk to your doctor about getting your hormone levels checked.

Where do I start?

How can you optimize these important hormones?? You’ll be off to a strong start when you:

  1. Make whole food nutrition the focus. .

  2. Exercise regularly, and exercise smart.

  3. Manage stress as much as possible.

  4. Prioritize sleep quality and quantity.

By focusing on a whole food diet, eating a balance of macros – protein, healthy carbs, and healthy fat – at each meal, prioritizing rest, and incorporating exercise, you’ll be on your way to balancing your hormones and getting lean!

We will encourage you to live a healthy lifestyle that will have a  positive impact on your health, body weight, and hormone production.  All of our strategies work together to keep your hormones balanced and have you feeling your best! Plus, who doesn’t want to burn fat, boost their metabolism, and increase their energy as they age?

Here’s what’s new in the FASTer Way Shop:



How to Go From Under the Weather to Healthier Than Ever

Have you recently been under the weather?

It is definitely that time of the year! From Thanksgiving through the winter, it seems as though catching a cold or a virus is inevitable! For some, it is barely a blip in their day-to-day life but for others, it’s a struggle to push through and carry on with day to day life, let alone crush a health or fitness goal! Hope is on the horizon!

These tips will help you get back to feeling well and energized after you’ve been down and out. Before you know it, you’ll be back to feeling like yourself again - or even better!

  1. Focus on micronutrients. - When you’re sick, your appetite may be affected. Focusing on whole food nutrition will help your body heal. Choose meals loaded with nutrients like a fruit and veggie smoothie packed with our FASTer Way protein, a warm mug of bone broth, and hearty soups. 

  2. Stay Hydrated. - Hydration is ALWAYS critical, but it’s especially important when sick. Water flushes out toxins, helps regulate your body temperature, and brings nutrients to cells! Strive to drink half of your body weight in ounces every day. To stay on top of your hydration, use the FASTer Way water tracker in our app to take the guesswork out of how much water you are drinking.

  3. REST. REST. REST. - It’s OK to miss a workout. During rest, your body recovers and your immune system strengthens. Allow your body the rest it needs to recover quickly.

  4. Lean into Intermittent Fasting  - If possible, stick to intermittent fasting as much as you can. The benefits, even while sick, are key – cellular repair, inflammation reduction, improved stress response. You can always flex your fasting window if needed, because intermittent fasting is an eating schedule - not a diet.

  5. Reconnect to your routine. - Then, as you slowly start to feel better, reconsider your habits while you plan to get back into your health and wellness routine. Reach out to your FASTer Way coach or accountability group to reconnect into those healthy habits again!

The beauty of the FASTer Way commUNITY is the support that you will receive whether you are in the midst of an illness, recovering from one, or having a hard time bouncing back. Our certified coaches and fellow clients will encourage you to stay the course and remember your “why.” If you want a wellness program that supports you through the ups and the downs, consider the FASTer Way to Fat Loss. You’ll be so glad that you did!

Here’s what’s new in the FASTer Way Shop:



Diets Don’t Work

Shakes. Quick Fixes. Fad diets. Paleo. Keto. Do you find yourself struggling with knowing which “plan” is the right one to follow? Or, do you start and then give up because you aren’t seeing any results? WIth so many diets on the market, you’re probably overwhelmed with all of the options! It’s hard to know where to even start! 

You Don’t Need a Diet

You might be tempted to throw up your hands out of frustration and give up on a healthy lifestyle altogether. But, what if the answer was “You don’t HAVE TO DIET!”? You heard that correctly! Dieting is NOT the answer. Rather than focusing on fad diets and quick fixes, the FASTer Way to Fat Loss delivers results through nutrition and fitness principles that are backed by the science of how our bodies work! 

You’ve been tricked into thinking that all you need to do is eat less and move more. WRONG! It’s really about giving your body what it needs in order to:

  • Improve gut health

  • Balance hormones

  • Rev up your metabolism

  • Become a fat-burning machine

Whole Food Nutrition is Key
It’s not about eliminating an entire food group or removing treats from your life. It’s about focusing on wholesome foods and bringing balance to your fat, carbohydrate, and protein intake. It’s time for a simple, science-backed approach that won’t just help you burn fat and lose weight, but help you achieve true wellness and feel better than you ever thought possible! The FASTer Way to Fat Loss isn’t another fad diet. We empower you through coaches, accountability, resources, and commUNITY to live a healthy lifestyle and provide you with a sustainable plan rather than just simply “going on a diet.”

What Does Work
With easy-to-follow meal plans and effective 30-minute workouts,  you’ll have the freedom to spend less time on food and exercise - and more time on the things you love! TheFASTer Way strategies will help turn your body into a fat-burning machine and have you finally put a stop to the dieting roller coaster!

If you’re ready for results without dieting, click the button below to experience it for yourself!

Here’s what’s new in the FASTer Way Shop:



These are the top five reasons your metabolism has stalled.

Want to release the “brakes'' that have caused your metabolism to slow its roll – or even come close to breaking down? Having a healthy metabolism is important to reach your fat loss goals but also for total health and longevity.

All of a sudden, what you have been doing STOPS working. Sometimes, we refer to this metabolic halt as “hitting a plateau.” It's so frustrating - but there's hope!

Here, we’ll shine the light on the most common things you may (or may not be!) doing that could be stalling your metabolism and compromising your health so you can break through that plateau and thrive toward your goals. 

Here are five reasons your metabolism may be stuck in a rut!

  1. Your Workouts Don’t Support Muscle Building – If this is you, you’ve likely been focusing on cardio or have been doing the same workouts with the same weights for some time now. In order to rev your metabolism, you need to perform workouts that support lean muscle building like strength training. Excessive cardio will result in you having to do more and more to burn the same amount of calories. Incorporating strategic workouts that emphasize muscle building and fat burning will be a key. 

  2. Your Sleep is Suffering - Getting enough sleep is crucial to your metabolic function! Sleep affects your hunger hormones, stress hormones, mood, and energy. Ever had a poor night’s sleep and the next day all you want is sugar and carbs? If you sleep poorly, emphasizing better sleep habits and routines will be key for your metabolism as your hormones will be more balanced.

  3. Stress Has Got a Hold on You – Along with sleep, stress also affects your hormones, and hormone balance plays an important role in a thriving metabolism. We all have stressors in our lives, and some level of stress is manageable and “normal,” if you are constantly under intense pressure and responding to non-stop stimulators, your metabolism pays a price. Chronic stress levels can cause your body to burn less calories and bring your metabolism to a crawl. Yes, stress can cause you to store fat. Prioritizing stress management will work wonders for your metabolic function.

  4. Your Caloric Intake is Off – Either you’re under-eating for your goals (in too much of a caloric deficit) or you’re overeating (in too much of a surplus). Both of these scenarios can result in your metabolism functioning sub optimally. Two classic cases we see are people under-eating over an extended period of time and thus teaching their metabolism to slow down, and people underestimating what they are eating, resulting in fat gain…we’ve seen it all. Finding out how much your body needs to fuel your goals is critical. 

  5. Your Macronutrient Ratio is Out of Whack – This is a major player when it comes to your fat loss goals.. Your macronutrient ratio (protein, carbs, and fats) may be such that your body isn’t able to respond to training and caloric intake optimally. For instance, out of your allotted calories, you may only be eating 15% protein - which isn’t nearly enough for muscle building and preservation. Or, your carb intake may be too high and instead of fueling your workouts and activity, they're being stored as fat. Establishing the proper macronutrient balance for you will help ensure your metabolism can run at its prime.

Luckily, there's hope for you and your metabolism! The FASTer Way fundamental strategies train your body to be a pro fat burner while promoting healthy hormones and food freedom. 

Here’s what’s new in the FASTer Way Shop:



Top Meal Prep Tips to Slash Time and Shred Fat

Long hours. A busy day. Meeting deadlines. Managing a team. With all of the busyness that comes along with a work day, prioritizing healthy meals and exercise can be pretty daunting. Meal prep, when your day is already full to the brim can seem impossible. But it’s actually far more simple than you may realize. 

If your health and fitness goals are important to you, meal planning and prepping are essential skills to have in your personal health and wellness tool kit. A well-thought-out meal plan can help you improve your diet quality or reach a specific health goal while actually SAVING you time and money along the way! 

So, how can you be successful? Use these top meal prep tips to reach your goals without cramping your already jam packed schedule.

  1. Meal plan the week before. Take 10 minutes to write down and plan what you will eat. Our FASTer Way menu in the app makes it easy for you! We have your whole week covered so you can even skip this planning step!.

  2. Make a grocery list. Did you know that the FASTer Way weekly meal guide also comes with a grocery list? Print it and go! Again, major timesaver for you!

  3. Batch cook. Prepare meals in a slow cooker or oven that can be frozen for later. 

    1. Maybe, your go-to protein is chicken. Prepare several chicken breasts that can be stored in a Ziploc bag for either your refrigerator or freezer. Hard boiled eggs are another quick protein that you can prepare ahead of time.

    2. Try cooking a big batch of quinoa or rice and roasting a large tray of vegetables, tofu, or meat at the start of the week to use for salads, stir-fries, scrambles, or grain bowls.

  4. Invest in storage containers – glass, Tupperware, Ziploc bags. This will make organizing and packing easy!

  5. Keep healthy snacks on hand in your fridge or pantry to grab and go – veggies with hummus, fruit, nuts, and beef jerky, for example.

  6. Use spices! They are the key to adding flavor to make your meals enjoyable – pink Himalayan salt, pepper grinder, garlic, etc.

  7. Repurpose your left-overs. If you roast a whole chicken with root vegetables for dinner, shred the leftover chicken and use it for tacos, soup, or as a salad topping for lunch the next day.

  8. Pre-portion your meals. Weighing and measuring your meals into individual containers is an excellent meal prep strategy, especially if you’re trying to track your macros.

If this is new for you, then start small. Cook one or two meals ahead of time until you get into a rhythm. Before you know it, you’ll be completely organized for your week. Your work lunches will be healthful instead of grabbing something that meets your time but doesn’t meet your health goal! 

Meal planning and preparation is KEY to making healthier food choices and saving time and money. Though it may seem overwhelming at first, it will become second nature when you use our tips! Before you know it, you’ll develop a sustainable meal planning habit that aligns with your busy work schedule. 

With the FASTer Way to Fat Loss, we have tools so that you’ll have success in quick, easy, and  simple meal prep! We provide you with a grocery list, meal guide, and recipes so that you can effortlessly plan! We help you slash time while burning fat and enhancing your wellness! And the bonus is that we have an app to track EVERYTHING – macros, intermittent fasting, hydration, workouts, AND MORE. When you utilize the FASTer Way app, you have fat loss at your fingertips! Now you can crush your day and reach your goals! 

Here’s what’s new in the FASTer Way Shop: