8 Tips to Stay Healthy and Sane Working From Home
Since the world basically shifted overnight in response to the COVID-19 outbreak, many of us are working from home—with kids in tow. This is a recipe for family togetherness as well as distraction and frustration. That’s why we’re sharing 8 tips to stay healthy and sane working from home!
In order to not simply survive these next few weeks, but thrive through them, you might need to get a few things in place. Working from home while the kids are there is no small feat!
So, here are 8 tips to stay healthy and sane working from home!
Keep your schedule. Make sure you're getting up and going to bed at the same time every day and staying as close to your normal routine as possible.
Set up a designated office. Make sure you have a space set apart where you can work that gives family time some separation from your work time.
Stay hydrated. Be sure to drink at least 64 ounces of water a day, or about half your body weight in ounces of water. You are going to need your energy, and a dehydrated body can’t function optimally.
Set daily goals. Instead of a traditional to-do list, choose 3 must-do items each day. Consider your day successful when you accomplish those 3 things.
Practice intermittent fasting and maintain a whole-food diet. Your body is going to need the right amount of fuel and digestive rest to keep you going over the next few months. Be sure to make this a true priority.
Keep moving. In order to avoid going stir-crazy, build purposeful movement into your schedule each day. Go for a walk, hit the spin bike, or do an at-home workout. Make staying active a priority.
Practice gratitude. The days might feel a little longer and a bit more stressful during this season. Remaining grateful in times like this will help ease the heaviness of what’s going on in the world.
Spend some time each day practicing mindfulness. Choose whatever format works for you: meditation, prayer, journaling, etc. Allow yourself the time and space to reconnect with your purpose and clear your mind.
Stay positive and rest assured that things will be back to normal before we know it. In the meantime, you still need to get work done and keep your kids on track. That will require a little more effort—and probably a lot more grace—than usual. Things are going to be different and that’s okay. You’re doing the best you can, so hang in there!
We can all use a little more support in times like these. At the FASTer Way, we’re here for you! If you’ve already done one round of the FASTer Way, join our incredible VIP membership! If you’re new to the FASTer Way, join a 6-week round to learn our science-backed strategies and start living a healthy lifestyle you love!