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Emotional Addiction and How to Overcome It with Dr. Carleah East

There’s no question we’ve faced a multitude of challenges in 2020. There’s been a global pandemic, a down economy, racial and social injustice and more. All the stress can build up and wreak havoc on our mental well-being. As important as our physical health is, taking care of our mental health is equally important. To discuss this topic, we invited Dr. Carleah East to the podcast, founder and CEO of Smile and Associates, to share her wisdom and advice on mental health. She is a clinical psychotherapist, Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Licensed Supervisor, and professor of psychology. She shares about emotional addiction and how to overcome it.

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Listen in as Amanda gets all the details from Dr. Carleah East!

We put together an overview of Amanda’s interview below. For full details, be sure to listen to the podcast!

With the onslaught of everything that has happened this year, there is a greater need to address challenges of mental health. We’ve always had underlying issues and daily stressors, but when COVID hit, we no longer had the distractions/coping mechanisms we had before.

We’ve always had basic distractions that we may not have even noticed prior to COVID - those little things that happen throughout our day that become a part of how we handle stressors on a regular basis. For some, it might be going to the gym, getting together with family, social interactions at work, and countless others. These experiences help keep us sane without us even recognizing it. But when the pandemic took hold, these fundamental freedoms were taken out of the equation. It forced emotional struggles and impacts to rise to the surface and the forefront of our mind because the usual distractions no longer were available.

With these challenges staring us in the face, we’re encouraged to confront head on how we are feeling and start to view talking about mental health as a strength, NOT a weakness. Especially considering the global perspective that we are ALL experiencing the same thing - a worldwide pandemic. This aspect of community is allowing us to have more conversations about mental health and lessen the stigma surrounding it.

How the brain’s chemistry impacts physical health:


There’s no doubt we accommodate our lives physically, but we have to do the same mentally. Think about it: If we have pain, we go to the doctor. If our feet hurt, we wear more supportive shoes. If we have a headache, we take medication. It’s the same with mental health. If we have a lingering thought or challenge we feel stuck on, we need to let it out and take action!


In terms of physical health: exercise can be a great option to help with mental health, but it needs to be used in conjunction with other coping mechanisms. There has to be a balance between your mental sect for the body to respond effectively to the workout. There’s a space for exercise, but if your mind is not on point, your body will continue to hold onto the stress and you will not reap the full benefits of the workout because your body is not in focus. 

This is why meditation is great. It doesn’t have to be the stereotypical meditation practice that may first come to mind. Meditation is simply about MINDFULNESS - about being aware of your senses and being fully present. You can practice meditation in your car, in a closet at work, or any quiet space to yourself. 

Taking a holistic approach to mental health:

At Smile and Associates, Dr. Carleah East and her team take a holistic approach to mental health. They don’t just talk about therapeutic strategies, they also instill other health and wellness aspects to mental health. For example, clients are encouraged to focus on nutrition, relationships, physical activity, supplements, and even the use of essential oils. She educates clients on these aspects so they can truly live their best and healthiest lives, physically AND mentally as it is all connected.

She emphasizes the importance of recognizing habits and offering real life modalities to deal with those habits. With a thorough understanding of this connection, you’re able to use the tools in that moment to help maintain your peace and presence, starting from within. 

Dr. Carleah’s book: “The Hangover: Overcoming Emotional Addiction.” 

Emotional addiction is when you become emotionally tied to a relationship or aspects of that relationship. There are things that make us feel good, like physical touch, intimacy, and positive experiences. And there are also lows like arguments, disagreements, and hurtful experiences. Emotional addiction is when you get used to the time of recovery. Once we make up or rectify what wronged us, we’re on an emotional high. Then something else happens and we experience another low. We continue this unhealthy pattern and, eventually, our body becomes used to this pattern. That’s when we have the negative effects - we become content with the rollercoaster of highs and lows, and our bodies start looking forward to and craving the highs. 

This book gives you steps to become emotionally sober and helps you to feel empowered in who you are. It also helps you understand why you’re stuck in the same relationship patterns, and how to navigate and heal those areas. Dr. Carleah provides strategies, tips and assignments to be more mindful.

She leaves us with one tip to take action today: Reframe a negative situation and look at it from a positive perspective. Instead of using the word struggle, use the word challenge. Struggle makes us automatically feel defeated in the things we’re facing on a regular basis. Whereas challenge gives us a boost of encouragement and motivation that we CAN overcome what we’re facing.

It’s time to reframe the way we see some of the hurdles and fears. Instead of seeing them as struggles, view them as challenges to find ways to succeed and begin to overcome!

To schedule an appointment with Dr. Carleah and her team, please visit her website! You can also follow her on Facebook, call the office at  (727) 569-6305 or email at

To take a deep dive into all 12 steps, you can pick up a copy of The Hangover on Dr. Carleigh’s website



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Christy Celebrating 100LB WEIGHT LOSS!

We’ve got some pretty incredible members in our FASTer Way community.

This week, we want to highlight one of our members, Christy Martin, who just celebrated a HUGE milestone in her journey. 🎉 Let’s show her some love because…

Christy is celebrating 100 lbs lost in the FASTer Way!!

Christy’s FASTer Way journey began in April of 2019, and a little over a year later, we are here to congratulate and celebrate her on this exciting milestone.

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Here’s her story:

“Y’all know I’m all about the non-scale victories! They are where realistic, tangible, experiential changes are at and they are what I focus on! BUT today I am going to celebrate a scale victory! Today I celebrate a milestone of having lost 100lbs! (Gosh, that’s surreal to say!)

I started @fasterwaytofatloss in April 2019. My starting point was a rough one—exhausted, zero energy, so terribly uncomfortable in my body, didn’t recognize myself in the mirror anymore, elevated blood pressure, elevated thyroid antibodies. I was just plain, ol’ MISERABLE.


I needed help. And I asked for it. I got MORE than I could have imagined! (Isn’t that just like our kind God?) My inner changes are what fuel and sustain my outer changes. My understanding and perspective on my health and nutrition, on fat loss and muscle gain, has been radically re-adjusted.

I know how to fuel my body best, and I keep learning as I go.

I focus on my gains over my losses.

I aim to maintain consistency, not perfection.

I don’t let guilt or shame be the boss of me.

I keep asking for help when I need it. (I just called my own coach for help on Monday!)

What I also know is that I likely lost 100lbs of fat a few months back. But my muscle gains are part of the story too. And the scale doesn’t differentiate between fat loss and muscle gain. I’ve said this so many times over the past 16 months because it helps me stay focused and patient in the process: I AM IN THIS FOR THE LONG HAUL. And I will STAY in this for the long haul cause I still want to see more change!

For all those who’ve walked with me, worked out with me, listened to me, cheered me on, given me wisdom, and prayed for me, I celebrate you today!! I wouldn’t be here without YOU!” @christycoachandmore

We are SO proud of Christy! You story is truly inspiring and encouraging so many others to take action on their health.

Maybe you’re reading this and you feel like this is you. You’re ready to make a change and need the encouragement to get started. Friend, we’d love to take this journey with you. Take the first step and join us for our next round of FASTer Way. There’s no better time to begin re-writing your story than NOW!


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FASTer Way Yoga Mat

How to Make Infused Water

Do you love hitting your water goal every day—but you’re ready to up the flavor? Try fresh fruit and herbs! They infuse delicious flavor into your water (as well as adding some nutrition!) and it’s easy to experiment with different flavors every day! If you haven’t tried it before, we’re sharing the basics of how to make infused water.

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There are plenty of great add-ins for your water and they each come with their own benefits. Here are some great bang-for-your-buck options:

Lemon - a natural detoxifier (also helps with bloating and fluid retention)

Lime - helps with digestion and naturally detoxes

Mint - soothes the stomach and reduces inflammation

Basil - anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial

Cucumber - anti-inflammatory, hydrating, flushes toxins

Watermelon - high in lycopene and antioxidants

Strawberries - high in antioxidants, immune boosting

Cantaloupe - great for skin and hair

Pineapple - aids in digestion

Blueberries - high in antioxidants

Peaches - high in vitamin C, great for skin

Oranges - high in vitamin C, helps alkalize the body

“Water” you waiting for, try these tasty infused water combinations!

  • Cucumber + Lemon + Mint

  • Watermelon + Mint + Basil

  • Strawberry + Orange + Basil

  • Pineapple + Mint

  • Blueberry + Peach

  • Raspberry + Lime + Basil

  • Cantaloupe + Cucumber



Fill a pitcher with cold water and add fresh fruits and herbs (herbs impart a strong flavor so use sparingly until you know how much you like!). Chill for 30 minutes in the fridge. Enjoy cold!

*This will last up to 2–3 days. Citrus and cucumber may last longer, berries typically last 1–2 days.


If you’re low on protein, try adding a scoop of collagen peptides to your infused water! Collagen peptides are flavorless but pack a protein punch, so they’re a simple way to hit your macros AND your water goal.

Be sure to show us your fruit-flavored water on social @fasterwaytofatloss #fasterwaytofatloss. We can’t wait to see what combinations you come up with!



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5 Things You MUST Know About COVID Before School Starts

Parents all over the world are worried about sending their kids back to school, and for good reason. We are in the midst of a pandemic that changed our world overnight, literally! Some people are fearful and some are not, but we all just want the unbiased science-backed data! We invited research microbiologist Kiran Krishnan to the podcast to give us an update on the situation. He shared five things you MUST know about COVID before school starts!

Listen in as Amanda gets all the details from Kiran!

Love reading? We’ve got you! We put together an overview of Amanda’s interview with Kiran. For full details, be sure to listen to the podcast!

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Back-to-school time is typically filled with anticipation and excitement for parents as well as kids! We look forward to the routine and, if we’re being honest, a little quiet time. 😉

But this year is different. COVID has changed everything and instead of looking forward to a new school year, many parents feel anxiety over tough choices regarding their kids’ education. Whether you’re back to in-person school, distance learning, homeschool, or something else entirely, there are important things every parent should know about COVID.

5 Things You MUST Know About COVID Before School Starts

1. COVID doesn’t really affect kids

The epidemiological data shows that kids don’t really spread COVID. Even if they get it, the evidence suggests they don’t spread it. 


The coronavirus goes after a certain type of receptor in the cells that are associated with high degrees of inflammation. Inflammation and disease go hand in hand—that’s why people with obesity, diabetes, hypertension, etc., are at much higher risk for more serious infection. The virus goes after these vulnerabilities. 

Kids have far fewer of these vulnerabilities, meaning they don’t have as many “target” cells. Even if kids DO get it, the virus can’t multiply as well in their cells, which means they don’t produce a lot of virus. Simply put, kids aren’t good spreaders.

A study out of China followed 371 family cases of COVID. They found that in 370 cases, the kids got it from the adults. In one case they suspected child to adult transmission. 

According to this information, kids going back to school is low risk. In fact, other countries that have opened school back up have NOT seen a surge in COVID cases.

2. Not everyone who gets COVID can spread it—even adults

We know that kids are not good COVID spreaders, but even in adults, not everyone who gets it can spread it! Only about 20% of people who get the virus can spread it. The other 80% aren’t a big risk factor. 


Infection can occur in different parts of the body, so it really depends on WHERE in the body the virus is! If it’s in the upper respiratory tract (symptoms might include sniffles, sneezing, and coughing), and the virus is growing in the lungs, that person is likely to expel virus particles when they talk, cough, sneeze, etc.

If the virus is in the blood or the gut, the virus won’t be expelled the same way—which means it probably won’t be transmitted by coughing, sneezing, etc., in those people. 

It’s important to note that the virus doesn’t replicate at the same rate in everyone. As it uses our cells to replicate, each person’s vulnerabilities will determine how well the virus replicates in them.

Low inflammation = low replication. 

3. Nasal swab tests have an error rate of about 40%

You read that right—a 40% error rate! There are two reasons for this. 

  1. Timing. If you get tested too early you won’t have enough viral load in the nasal area to give a positive result. It usually takes a couple of days after symptoms develop to be testable.

  2. If you have it, it might not be replicating in the area being tested. You could have COVID but not in your nasal cavity, but if that’s where the test sample is taken, it will show a negative result.

There is another testing option! The stool test can detect the virus in stool BEFORE it’s detected by the swab test. It’s actually detected in the stool two weeks LONGER than it can be detected by the swab! Find an at-home stool test here

Please note: no test is 100% accurate.

4. Masks DO help

The coronavirus that causes COVID-19 is mainly spread through upper respiratory droplets and aerosol. Upper respiratory droplets come out of your mouth when you laugh, sneeze, talk, cough, etc. They are bigger and tend to fall to the ground quickly. Aerosols are much finer particles that can hang in the air much longer, up to three hours. When you wear a mask it will capture some of that as it leaves your mouth and nose.

Studies now show that if you’re wearing a mask and walk through a cloud of virus, it will reduce the amount of virus you breathe in. 

It takes about 1,000 viral particles to make you sick. If you’re exposed to smaller amounts of the virus, it won’t be enough to allow the virus to replicate enough to make you sick BUT it may be enough to trigger your immune system to practice fighting the virus.

Interesting note I: 40% of the spread of the virus is from asymptomatic and presymptomatic people. This means it’s important to wear your mask indoors and when social distancing isn’t possible.

Interesting note II: Wearing a mask outside is typically NOT beneficial. Aerosol virus is not a concern outdoors because environmental factors such as UV, wind, humidity, etc. prevent clouds of virus from hanging in the air.

5. You can reduce your risk factors and increase your resilience

Inflammation is the key to the virus being able to replicate in the body, so reducing inflammation is critical to staying healthy during this pandemic. Improving our gut health is crucial to reducing inflammation, staying healthy, and fighting off any virus or bacteria we might pick up.

A healthy microbiome is essential to a strong immune system. The microbiome can actually be thought of as the “neighborhood watch” for your immune system!


You have about 3,000 square feet of surface area INSIDE your body. You have about 200 million immune cells to survey that area. You have 40 trillion microbes that live in that surface area. That’s a 200,000:1 ratio of immune cells to microbes in your system! The microbes signal to the immune system when a new bacteria enters the body—that signal is inflammation.

When there’s inflammation all over the body all the time, your immune system won’t see those signals when a new virus enters the body. It gets drowned out by all the other inflammation. That’s why people with inflammatory conditions are much more susceptible to a virus like this. The virus is given a lot more time to replicate and build higher and higher levels before the immune system ever detects it’s even there.


  • Take a probiotic, a prebiotic, and eat a diversity of whole foods

  • Keep up with micronutrients supplements including zinc, vitamin D, vitamin C, vitamin K2 

Find the probiotic Kiran developed HERE.

You and your family can stay safe once the kids are back in school! Special thanks to Kiran Krishnan for joining us on the podcast to help us understand COVID and empower us to make the best decisions for our families!



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How to Mesh Intuitive Eating with Intermittent Fasting

The general framework of intermittent fasting relies on external cues such as eating during a particular time window and which specific foods to eat (such as no gluten or dairy). Intuitive eating relies on internal cues - letting your body dictate what to eat and when to eat it. Listening to your body when it tells you what it needs is critical to fat loss and optimal health. Learn how to mesh intuitive eating with intermittent fasting!

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Every body is different, each with its own unique internal and external compositions. There isn’t a one-size-fits-all nutrition and wellness plan - it doesn’t exist. But there is a plan that will work for only you.

To achieve holistic nutrition, the external and internal cues must work together to provide ideal health for you, individually. The nutrition framework taught by the FASTer Way focuses on external cues first, then teaches you how to recognize intuitive eating patterns in order to amplify your fat loss potential. 

Meeting Macro Goals Isn’t the Entire Story

We count macros in the FASTer Way, not calories (read more about that here). But it’s more than hitting a numerical target. What you put in your body determines how you function. Sure, you could be a regular customer at the burger chain drive-thru each week and still reach your macro goals, but your body will not be any better as a result. 

Food cravings are likely the result of overconsumption of a particular type of food such as salty, greasy, fried, sugary, or excessively sweet and high in calories. Another cause of food cravings - stress. No surprise there, right? When you truly listen to your body and what it wants - hunger, satiety, etc. - you will find that the emotional eating habits are completely made up in your head and not true communicators of what your body needs to be more efficient. 

Memories Over Macros

There’s a saying in the FASTer Way about creating “memories over macros.” While that is normally used in situations of joy and happiness, such as a birthday party or holiday gathering, it is also important to remember when you didn’t feel well as a result of your nutrition. Does consuming too much sugar or fatty foods make your stomach feel bloated like a balloon? Do you wonder why you’re frequently suffering from heartburn and headaches, but continue to guzzle soda each day? Your body is trying to tell you something. 

Eat when you’re hungry, eat what you love, and stop eating when you are full. Sounds too good to be true? It’s not! Practicing intermittent fasting and consuming whole, nutritious foods (including the foods that you love!) will open your senses to the internal cues your body is communicating. 

Learn more about successfully practicing intuitive eating and intermittent fasting when you join our next round of the FASTer Way to Fat Loss! We can’t wait for you to discover true food freedom—join today!



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5 Tips to Eat the Rainbow 

Healthy eating doesn’t have to be bland or boring. In fact, there’s such an incredible variety of fruits and veggies available at the grocery store that there’s never a reason to tire of your meal plan! We’re not talking specialty health food stores that carry exotic options you’ll never actually try. We’re talking about the regular old grocery store where you normally shop!

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Why does “eating the rainbow” matter to your health? Because fruits and veggies are loaded with fiber, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other phytochemicals we need for good health. Color doesn’t just add visual variety to our fruits and veggies, it also represents different families of healing compounds in the fruits and veggies we eat!

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 87 percent of Americans aren't getting enough servings of vegetables and 76 percent don't get enough fruit each day. We can turn those numbers around by following these five simple tips to get more fruits and veggies in every day!


1. Eat two servings a day from every color group.

Eating more fruits and vegetables can help reduce your risk for chronic diseases, including high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, obesity, and cancer. 

2. Add some veggies to your break-fast meal.

If you tend to break your fast with overnight oats or fruit, try a veggie-loaded omelet or a smoothie bowl with plenty of greens. You can even have last night’s leftover veggies as part of your first meal of the day!

3. Use veggies in creative ways.

Try a lettuce wrap instead of a tortilla or veggie noodles instead of pasta. There are lots of creatively delicious ways to up your veggie intake while still enjoying your favorite meals!

4. Sip them.

Soup is a simple way to load up on veggies without overdoing it on your macro goals! It’s also a handy way to clean out the fridge so your veggies (and hard-earned money) don’t go to waste. Sneaking in some veggies is also a great way to amp up the nutritional power of your smoothies!

5. Snack on veggies!

Use veggie sticks or homemade veggie chips for dipping in guac, hummus, or clean ranch dressing.

What can all the colors of the rainbow do for you? 


Red fruits and veggies contain lycopene and ellagic acid, which help the body get rid of gene-damaging free radicals and reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease.

Red options include: tomatoes, watermelon, pink grapefruit, raspberries, strawberries, cranberries, rhubarb, red apples, red grapes, red pears, cherries, pomegranates, red peppers, radishes, red onion, red potato, beets, blood oranges

Fun fact: watermelon is higher in lycopene than tomatoes!


Orange and yellow fruits and veggies contain alpha carotene (which protects against cancer) and beta cryptothanxin (which helps cell communication). These foods also contain beta-carotene, which the body converts to vitamin A. They are also rich in vitamin C.

Orange/Yellow options include: carrots, mangos, apricots, cantaloupe, pumpkin, acorn squash, winter squash, sweet potatoes, oranges, tangerines, peaches, papayas, nectarines, pumpkin, sweet corn, yellow summer squash, yellow and orange peppers, citrus fruits, pineapple, star fruit, yellow apples, yellow figs, golden kiwifruit, lemons, yellow pears, persimmons, yellow watermelon, golden beets, yellow tomatoes


Some of the healthiest foods on the planet are green! Green fruits and veggies contain the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin, believed to reduce the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration. They also contain isothiocyanates, isoflavones, and vitamin K. Leafy green vegetables are loaded with antioxidants and folates (a nutrient that’s especially valuable for pregnant women). 

Green options include: spinach, arugula, collard greens, mustard greens, turnip greens, swiss chard, peas, avocado, honeydew melon, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, bok choy, kale, lettuce, zucchini, asparagus, edamame, green beans, kiwi, green grapes, green apples, cucumber, lime, green pears, artichokes, celery

Fun fact: kale has as much calcium as milk!


Blue and purple fruits and veggies contain powerful antioxidants called anthocyanins believed to protect against heart disease, cancer, and stroke.

Blue/purple options include: grapes, prunes, blueberries, blackberries, boysenberries, elderberries, aronia berries, black currants, purple figs, raisins, purple grapes, plums, dark cherries, eggplant, purple cabbage, purple carrots, purples asparagus, purple Belgian endive, purple peppers, purple potatoes, black salsify


These fruits and veggies contain various compounds such as sulforaphane, allicin, and quercetin that help reduce the risk of cancer and have anti-inflammatory properties.

White options include: cauliflower, garlic, shallots and onions, leeks, parsnips, bananas (considered white), lychees, white peaches, and white nectarine 

Brown options include: potatoes, brown lentils, mushrooms, Jerusalem artichoke, dates, and Bosc pears

To learn how to eat the rainbow with tips, tricks, and tasty recipes, join us for the FASTer Way VIP membership in August! We’ll boost our immune systems, flood our bodies with micronutrients, and slim down with delicious salads! You’ll even receive a special guide to help you incorporate more of the “rainbow” into your daily diet.

It’s not about eating less, it’s about eating MORE of what matters! Join us to learn how it can help you burn fat, get your energy back, and feel amazing every single day.



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Filling in Macros - What to Eat to Balance Your Macros

Finding the right balance of macros to fill in your targets can be tricky at times! We can help you with the game of “macros Tetris” predicament you may find yourself in some days…read on!

How do you fill in the macro gaps that may exist in your day? We’ve got the answers!

We’ve pooled some of our favorite options to help fill in the two remaining macro categories when you’ve reached your goal in the other. Be sure to bookmark this page so you can refer back to it when you need some inspiration!

Out of Carbs

Out of CARBS, but still need PROTEIN & FATS?

Think skin-on for chicken and turkey and stay away from breaded proteins (like fried chicken). Some of the suggestions we list below will have small amounts of carbs. It can be tricky to consume a lot of fat without some carbs attached - but we haven’t heard anyone complain about being a little over the daily goal for that macro! 

  • Fish (tuna, tilapia, cod, salmon, etc.)

  • Beef (jerky, ground, steak, & fattier cuts)

  • Pork (any cut - plus sausage and bacon)

  • Chicken, skin on

  • Turkey, skin on

  • Lamb

  • Eggs

  • Avocado

  • Seeds (pumpkin, sunflower, chia, hemp, flax)

  • Coconut (shredded, flaked)

  • Nuts (almonds, walnuts, pecans, macadamia, pistachio, peanuts, cashews - all contain carbs)

  • Nut butters (contains carbs)

  • Oil (olive, coconut, avocado)

  • Salad dressings (most)

  • Mayo (watch for added carbs)

Out of Fat

OUT of FATS, but left with CARBS & PROTEIN?

Here are some quick ideas to help you hit those macro numbers. Some of these require a little fat - check the nutrition label or log it into MyFitnessPal before you decide to eat it so that you know how it will help you reach your goals.

  • Fruit

  • Veggies with hummus

  • Oatmeal topped with fruit

  • Rice

  • Sorbet

  • Egg whites/ egg substitutes

  • Extra-lean meat cuts

  • Salsa

  • Broth or vegetable soups

  • Protein shakes

Out of Protein

OUT of PROTEIN, but still have FATS & CARBS?

You’re probably thinking, “This isn’t possible!” When you’re starting out, that’s a pretty common thought. But believe us, it does happen occasionally! Who wouldn’t love to eat more fats and carbs throughout the day?? Time to get out your macro wallet and cash in on the good stuff! 

  • Nuts

  • Nut butters

  • Bacon

  • Fruit 

  • Avocado

  • Coconut or almond milk yogurt

  • Potatoes

  • Granola

  • Donuts (we couldn’t help but include our favorite leg day treat! 🍩)

What are some of your favorite ways to fill in macro gaps? Share in the comments below!


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How to Vacation the FASTer Way

Vacation season is upon us! As much as we look forward to trips and time away, travel, and all the planning (and let’s be honest, the MONEY) associated with it can be stressful. If you’re going to take a trip, don’t let it be a guilt trip! Learn how to vacation the FASTer Way!

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Vacations are NOT the time to worry about food choices, calorie counts, or doing “extra” workouts to make up for indulging in an ice cream sundae. Your diet won’t be blown on vacation because the FASTer Way isn’t a diet! Acknowledging that the FASTer Way is a lifestyle designed to work with your busy life wherever you are is the first step to a stress-free trip.

Whether you’re heading on a relaxing trip to the beach or hitting the amusement park with your family, we want to give you the information you need to fully enjoy your vacation without feeling the emotional and physical consequences of jumping off the bandwagon. 

Have a Game Plan

Having a general idea of where and when you’ll be eating will help you put a plan in place. Will you be cooking and eating in? Make a meal plan and grocery list prior to travel and avoid feeling frazzled in a foreign grocery store. That’s when we’re often tempted to splurge on processed junk food instead of whole foods. 

Will you be eating out for most meals? Spend a few minutes researching restaurants that offer nutritious, macro-friendly meals. Need more tips? Check out this post on eating out on the FASTer Way!

Stick to Your Feeding Window

Vacation looks different for everyone, but many of us choose to use the time to unplug, rest, and relax. Don’t forget that your digestive system needs rest, too! When you travel, try to stick to your 8-hour feeding window to keep your body in fat-burning mode. Practicing intermittent fasting while traveling will also help you avoid unnecessary calories and keep your body primed for your return home. 

Our clients often ask if they should try to keep up with carb cycling while they’re on vacation. The good news is, it’s up to you! If you love carb cycling and want to keep it up, then go for it. If it seems too difficult because you aren’t sure what your options will be, then don’t stress about it! Just plan to dive back in when you get home.

Move Your Body

The FASTer Way Digital Studio workouts allow you to work up a sweat wherever you are. In addition to our daily LIVE workouts, the Digital Studio also has travel workouts, HIIT cycling, yoga, barre, and many more! Some hotel fitness centers and local gyms may not be ready to welcome guests back in their facilities yet. No problem! Grab your bands for a strength workout right from your room.

But we get it -- not everyone enjoys spending vacation time working out. If hitting the hotel fitness center isn’t your cup of tea, focus on moving your body. A long jog or bike ride is the perfect way to take in the sights of a new city! 

Focus on Intuitive Eating

Don’t preplan your macros or log them in MyFitnessPal. Just eat until 80% satisfied (or 100% because we love holiday food!). Listen to your body. Make sure you’re eating enough and not undereating. 

And if you do end up enjoying a few too many ice cream cones or frothy drinks on the beach, there’s absolutely no reason to feel guilty. FASTer Way clients are equipped to hop right back on the bandwagon, and we will support you every step along the way!


Research grocery delivery or pickup options to save yourself time and temptation at the store!


Repeat after me: progress over perfection.  


Above all else, remember that vacation is for relaxation and making memories with your family and friends. Make the most of your time and enjoy it!

Deprivation is the quickest way to give up on a healthy lifestyle and ruin a well-deserved vacation. If you need help finding the balance between healthy-living strategies and still enjoying life, then join us for the next round of the FASTer Way to Fat Loss. We’re ready to help you find food freedom and the energy you need to achieve your goals!



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Recipes to Celebrate National Peach Month

July is National Peach Month and we are here for it!! We are so excited to dedicate an entire month to everyone’s favorite summertime fruit -- the humble peach. We hope you love this collection of recipes to celebrate National Peach Month!

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Not to mention, there’s no better time to celebrate and share peach recipes than during our VIP Booty Challenge! Yes, that’s right! This month we also just happen to be completing a booty challenge in our VIP membership. Coincidence? I think not! 😉🍑

As we focus on glutes this month, it’s only right we share some delicious peachy recipes for you to enjoy all month (and summer!) long. All these recipes are simple, FASTer Way approved and perfect for summertime. 

Be sure to let us know if you make any of these recipes in the comments below! Don’t forget to tag us in all your pictures @FASTerWaytoFatLoss! 🍑

Maple Grilled Peaches with Cinnamon

(yields 4 servings)


  • 4 ripe peaches

  • ¼ cup pure maple syrup

  • Cinnamon to taste


  • PREHEAT grill to medium heat.

  • CUT peaches in half, throw away pit.

  • BRUSH the peach with maple syrup.

  • PLACE peaches on the grill, cut side down.

  • COOK for 2-3 minutes or until tender and peaches begin to caramelize. 

  • COOL and ENJOY!

To spice it up even more, serve with this gluten-free/dairy-free crumble topping! 


  • ⅔ cup rolled oats (gluten-free)

  • ½ cup almond flour

  • ⅓ cup coconut sugar

  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon

  • 2 ½ tablespoons coconut oil, melted

  • ½ teaspoon vanilla extract


  • PREHEAT oven to 350ºF.

  • COMBINE all dry ingredients in medium bowl.

  • MELT coconut oil. 

  • ADD coconut oil and vanilla extract to dry ingredients.

  • CRUMBLE mix onto small baking sheet. Bake 20-25 minutes or until golden brown.

  • SERVE over peaches with non-dairy frozen topping of choice!

Fresh Peach Salsa

(yields 6-8 servings)


  • 1 lb peaches, diced

  • 1 lb tomatoes, diced

  • ½ bunch fresh cilantro, chopped 

  • 1 medium red onion, finely chopped

  • 1 medium bell pepper, finely chopped

  • 1 jalapeno, deseeded and finely chopped

  • Juice of half of a lime

  • Sea salt and black pepper to taste


  • PREPARE and chop vegetables. 

  • COMBINE all ingredients in bowl.

  • SERVE with tortilla chips or on top of fish.

  • ENJOY!

Peach Iced Tea


  • 6 black tea bags

  • 3 peaches, sliced

  • 5 cups hot water

  • 2-5 teaspoons honey, maple syrup or stevia (depending on preference)

  • 3 fresh mint sprigs


  • ADD peaches to bottom of a pitcher and smash with wooden spoon.

  • ADD hot water, black tea bags, sweetener of choice, and mint sprigs to pitcher.

  • MIX until well combined.

  • COVER and STEEP in fridge until fully brewed.

Peach Mango Protein Smoothie

(yields one serving)

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  • 1 cup frozen peaches

  • ½ cup frozen mango

  • 1 tbsp ground flax seed

  • Handful baby spinach

  • 2 tsp lemon juice

  • 2 tbsp collagen peptides

  • 1- 1½ cup coconut water


  • COMBINE all ingredients into blender and blend until smooth.

  • ENJOY!

(Recipe courtesy of Certified Coach @sarahhaneyfitness)

Peaches ‘N “Cream”

(yields one serving)

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  • 2 peaches

  • 1 packet of stevia

  • ⅓ cup unsweetened almond, coconut or oat milk creamer


  • SLICE peaches and remove skin.

  • COMBINE all ingredients in small bowl.

  • REFRIGERATE until cold and thickened. About 3 hours.

  • ENJOY!

(Recipe courtesy of Certified Coach @reneecarls) 


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Why NOW Is The Time to Consider the FASTer Way Certification

If you’ve been looking for a way to give back, make a difference in the lives of others or take the leap to do something you’re TRULY passionate about, we’ve got news for you!! 

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Enrollment for the FASTer Way Certification is opening soon and we couldn’t be more excited to welcome a new cohort of coaches into our community! We only open enrollment for our exclusive FASTer Way Certification a few times a year so NOW is truly the best time to join.

As you get ready to dive into the FASTer Way Certification, there are a few things you’ll need to know. To take the first step to potentially becoming certified with the FASTer Way:

Join our LIVE Information Event on the private Facebook group. During the event, you’ll hear additional information about the certification FIRST HAND from our FASTer Way coaches and how the certification has changed their lives.

Still not sure if you want to take the leap or not? We’ll help you. Here are 5 reasons why NOW is the time to consider a partnership with the FASTer Way to Fat Loss.

STEP #1 In today’s marketplace and economy, you’ll have the chance to do good. You’ll have the opportunity to empower others to stay well, prevent disease, and fulfill their purpose with energy through the FASTer Way program. You’ll help your clients increase their resilience and give them something they CAN control. You’ll truly find fulfillment and satisfaction in your career as you make a positive impact on the world.

STEP #2 Timing is EVERYTHING. We always say your success in growing a business is based on timing in the marketplace and what is going on in the world. With that said, digital nutrition and fitness is a recession (and pandemic!!) proof space. We have continued to grow and our coaches have continued to thrive even despite a global pandemic. Our current coaches are reporting powerful stories of how their role as a FASTer Way coach literally helped put food on the table for their families. This is what it’s all about! We want to see YOU earn a significant income so you can give back to your family, church, and community. 

STEP #3 Be a part of a commUNITY of like-minded individuals. In the FASTer Way, we have an incredible coach community. Our coaches are passionate, generous, professional, and just like you. In our coach certification, you’ll be able to surround yourself with powerful and uplifting people who are continually looking to grow. 

STEP #4 Foster professional and personal growth. We always say that growing a business is a vehicle for personal growth. If you are willing to dive into an entrepreneurial endeavor, you are saying YES to personal and professional growth. What you'll learn in the FASTer Way Certification will truly enhance every aspect of your life. It will help you be a better parent, friend, business leader, community member, and MORE!

STEP #5 Lastly (but certainly not least!!) earning potential with the FASTer Way Certification is TRULY incredible. We have coaches who are earning six figures and are stepping away from their full-time corporate jobs because they are making far more with the FASTer Way. We offer a generous commission to our coaches on all new client sales and VIP recurring revenue sales, PLUS additional benefits for coaches. Our passion is to equip and empower you to earn a significant income so YOU can recirculate your wealth to your family, church, and community. We encourage you to set income goals and dream BIG!

Before you can officially become FASTer Way Certified, you’ll have to go through a certification and pass the exam. You’ll have to work for it and earn it, but that's the reason why our community is so professional and exclusive. It’s not easy but we promise it’s worth it. The FASTer Way Certification truly is for the best of the best!

We are THRILLED to bring on a new cohort of coaches and welcome them into our community. As we look ahead to the future, let’s continue with momentum and purpose as we make a difference as a FASTer Way commUNITY!

See YOU on the inside!




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3 Reasons You Should Become Certified

The FASTer Way to Fat Loss has changed the lives of more than 200,000 clients, and while we celebrate that milestone, it’s not the only one! More than 2,000 clients have become Certified Coaches and magnified the impact the FASTer Way has in their lives. 

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If you’re passionate about the FASTer Way lifestyle and feel ready to take your journey to the next level, then it’s time to learn what it takes to become a Certified Coach! We’ve put together three reasons you (yes, you!) should become a FASTer Way Certified Coach. 


The FASTer Way to Fat Loss Coach Certification Program is designed for men and women who want to take their FASTer Way transformation and pass it on to others who are ready for a better way. Our ideal coach candidate doesn’t have to be a personal trainer or a fitness guru—although the program is also perfectly suited for the most seasoned fitness pros, health coaches, and nutritionists. We want coaches who are passionate about guiding others through the FASTer Way, excited to grow their businesses, and ready to practice generosity within their communities. 

Not sure if you’re ready to take the leap?

Three Reasons You Should Become a Certified Coach!

1. Become a Catalyst for Transforming Lives

You know firsthand that the science-backed strategies of the FASTer Way work. You could be the difference in reaching your friends and families with the life-changing program that has helped over 200,000 clients around the globe lose fat, sleep better, prevent disease, and improve their overall health!

The FASTer Way team is dedicated to constantly creating new ways to provide valuable resources to our Certified Coaches AND their clients. From our simple and delicious meal guides to daily full-length workouts to our user-friendly app, there are always lots of exciting updates around the corner!

2. Join Our Strong Community of Certified Coaches

One of the favorite (and unexpected!) perks of becoming a Certified Coach? You won’t be on the journey alone! As a Certified Coach, you’ll join our online coach community with over 2,000 other coaches who are passionate about guiding their clients to better health and real wellness. 

Our online coach community is a fun, safe place for you to network with colleagues, foster relationships, ask questions, and grow as a coach. You’ll have a team behind you, fellow coaches at your side, and plenty of clients ahead!

3. Run the Business of Your Dreams

We help our coaches in every aspect of this new opportunity. From ongoing training to client issue resolution, we are there every step of the way to ensure each and every coach has all the resources they need to build the business of their dreams and an income they never imagined. 

Many of our coaches earn back their initial investment within running their first few rounds of the FASTer Way, and some go on to make six figures! This is your chance to take control of your career, finances, and goals—and maybe even exceed what you ever imagined!

Here’s what some of our coaches had to say:

“You don’t need to have all the answers. The FASTer Way team will guide you, provide strategies for you to grow, and support you every step of the way! As a coach, I am so proud that I get to educate men and women about a lifestyle they can do FOR LIFE! My goal is to educate, encourage, and empower! I get to teach them how to fish, instead of giving them a fish. Coaching is EVERYTHING!" -Queena Ugochukwu

"When the Lord continues to lay something on your heart, you listen. It’s so hard for me to take leaps of faith. The JOY this opportunity has brought me, and the peace I have experienced being able to provide for a family from home while helping others transform their lives is nothing short of a blessing straight from the Lord

If the thought of being a FASTer Way Coach has EVER crossed your mind, there is a reason for that! I urge you to listen to that little tugging in your heart “ - Lisa Coop

I hit the ground running the second I was offered the opportunity to join the FWTFL coaching community. I soaked up all the curriculum and studied my notes like crazy because I couldn’t wait to get this certificate. The certificate that would allow me to help people discover this gem of a program. ⁣
I honestly never saw it coming, but I’m so thankful the Lord’s plan included me adding “coach” to my list of titles. Who would’ve thought that the girl who despised P.E. and sports would end up being a nutrition & fitness coach. 😂 ⁣
It’s a joy for me to guide and encourage others on their journey to health ... and I’m very proud to represent a top-notch company whose mission is to empower people to get well, prevent disease & fulfill their purpose with energy” - Alissa Bert

“Let me tell you, I wake up DAILY with this massive desire to do my job! Nothing dreadful about it. My job has complete purpose, regardless of the money attached. THAT is everything. I am held more accountable myself, and I LOVE that. I want excellence in my own health and wellness. NOT perfection, excellence. Being saturated in this lifestyle DAILY helps me make significant growth in my own education about what is BEST for my body.” -Krystal Jones

Now is the time to follow your dream of helping others, building a sustainable business, and continuing in your own journey of health and fitness. Join the waiting list for our next LIVE Coach Information Eventady to change your life!

This event happens only a few times each year, so don’t miss your chance to learn how becoming a coach could change YOUR life as well as the health of your future clients! We’ll empower you to empower others. Join us to learn how!

Disclaimer: Income results will vary from person to person, depending upon the skill and effort of each individual.



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5 Ways to Improve Your Flexibility 

Flexibility is more than just showing off tricky yoga poses on Instagram or proving to your kids that you could do the splits in high school. It affects many hidden aspects of daily life, from decreased pain to improved strength. Whether you’ve been stretching for years or you’re brand new to this part of your fitness journey, flexibility is key to reaching your full physical potential. Learn five ways to improve your flexibility!

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Having a full range of motion is key to moving properly in your workouts and in life. Range of motion is defined as the full movement potential of a joint, usually its range of flexion and extension. When you have a limited range of motion, it can actually cause a number of problems for you, and we’re here to help!

Why Improving Your Range of Motion Matters

Maybe you don’t care about being able to do the splits or a backbend, but increasing your range of motion is about so much more than that! When you increase your flexibility you’ll do some incredible things for your body!

1. Reduce injuries

When you improve your strength and flexibility, your body will be better able to withstand more physical stress. This means you can progress in your workouts! You’ll reduce or eliminate muscle imbalances which will naturally reduce your chance of injury. 

2. Decrease pain

You’ve probably experienced pain due to a strained or pulled muscle. When your muscles are less tense, the aches and pains caused by that tightness will disappear. If you’re prone to cramping, you’ll likely see a reduction there as well.

3. Improve posture and balance

Poor posture typically improves when you focus on muscular flexibility. Incorrect posture tends to tighten some muscles while over-stretching others, resulting in imbalanced muscles. This decreases the range of motion and can lead to injury. 

4. Greater overall strength

Strength is an important part of flexibility because you want to ensure that your muscles have the right amount of tension to support you and your movements. This allows you to see better gains from your workouts!

5. Better physical performance

Everything works better when it’s balanced and aligned with proper mobility and range of motion. This means you’ll be able to work harder and perform better because your muscles are working more effectively!

So how do you increase your range of motion? By improving your flexibility! If you’ve tried stretching in the past and it didn’t really seem to help, it’s not because there’s something wrong with you—only something wrong with the strategy! Try these five tips to improve your flexibility.

5 things you should do to improve your flexibility!

  1. DO incorporate mobility practices and active stretching into your daily routine. Be consistent and intentional! FASTer Way VIP members can check out our Mobility routines—find them in the Digital Studio in the app under FASTer Way Mobility.

  2. STOP relying on passive stretching. There is a big potential for injury if you stretch beyond your capacity. This includes yoga poses—be aware of what your body can do and don’t exceed that.

  3. DO work toward a specific goal instead of just trying to “get flexible.” Your goal could be to increase your weights when you’re working out, touch your toes when sitting with straight legs, or even to simply reduce your pain from tense muscles. Begin with the end in mind so you know what you’re working toward.

  4. STOP trying to reach your flexibility goals overnight. Just as it takes time to increase your strength, it takes time to increase your flexibility. Stay consistent and you will see results!

  5. DO adjust your mindset. You don’t have to have the right genetics or a background in dance or gymnastics. Everyone can improve their flexibility, mobility, and range of motion!

Strength is key when working toward improved flexibility so don’t skip your strength training! If you need help getting into a safe and sustainable lifting routine that meets you where you are in your fitness journey, then join us for the next round of the FASTer Way to Fat Loss. We’re starting soon and we’re ready to help you crush your goals and feel better than ever!



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5 Tips to Incorporate Alcohol into a Healthy Lifestyle

We all have different philosophies when it comes to alcohol and a healthy lifestyle. Whether you choose to drink regularly, occasionally, or not at all, we encourage you to approach alcohol with a healthy mindset and science-based understanding. Follow our five tips to incorporate alcohol into a healthy lifestyle so you can continue to see results without feeling deprived.

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Alcohol is a staple in many social scenes, vacations, and date nights. While you want to live a healthy, sustainable lifestyle, you don’t want to give up something you enjoy. The good news is, you don’t have to! Understanding what alcohol does to your body and working with it is the best way to keep it from impeding your results.

Here’s the hard truth: your body considers alcohol a toxin. When you ingest alcohol, your body stops other important functions in order to metabolize it as quickly as possible. This means if you drink alcohol, fat loss stops in order to get rid of the alcohol. The amount of time it takes to metabolize alcohol will depend on your metabolism, so there isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer—but it could be anywhere from 2-12 hours.

If you drink on a regular basis, you are regularly halting your fat loss efforts, and that could have a major impact on your progress. Follow these five tips to keep seeing results without feeling deprived!

5 Tips to Incorporate Alcohol into a Healthy Lifestyle

1. Be intentional. 

Always keep your goals in the forefront—don’t let them become impaired by your alcohol consumption! If it’s causing you to plateau, reduce your consumption or frequency, or take it out of the equation until you’ve reached your goals. Then reassess to see how alcohol fits into your lifestyle.

2. Focus on nutrition. 

When you drink, you’re still consuming calories—a lot more than you probably realize—but if you drink your calories, you aren’t leaving room for NUTRITION. Poor nutrition will quickly halt your fat loss and negatively impact how you feel. Make sure you’re eating plenty of nutrient-dense whole foods so you can give your body what it needs.

3. Know how to calculate alcohol into your macros.

Alcohol is the fourth macronutrient along with carbohydrates, fat, and protein. The main difference between alcohol and the other macros is that alcohol is not essential. Because of this, food tracking apps don’t account for it (even though *we* need to!).

Alcohol can be tracked as carbs OR fat (NOT protein), but it does require a little extra math. 


  • 1g alcohol = 7 calories

  • 1g carbs/protein = 4 calories

  • 1g fat = 9 calories

When you know how many grams of carbs and/or fat to log, simply search the MyFitnessPal app for carbs or fat (rather than the name of the food) and enter the grams you calculated from your drink(s). The standard alcoholic drink typically contains 14 grams of alcohol. For reference, that's 1.5 ounces (or one shot) of 80-proof distilled spirits, a 12-ounce bottle of beer, or a five-ounce glass of wine.

4. Go organic!

Choosing organic alcohol may reduce the toxic load placed on the body when consuming alcohol. So when you’re shopping for your favorite drink or choosing it from a menu, ask about the organic options!

5. Mind your Ps and Qs

While “Mind your Ps and Qs” traditionally refers to minding your manners, one of the suggested origins of this idiom dates back to 17th-century bartenders who would keep an eye on their patrons’ alcohol consumption—their pints and quarts. We should do the same!

Serving size is important so be intentional with when and how much you’re going to drink. If you have room in your macros for one drink on leg day, then stick to it! Don’t sacrifice your progress because you aren’t paying attention to how much you’ve had.

Looking for some delicious alcohol-free alternatives for those times you choose not to impart? Try our popular FASTer Way mocktails!

Orange Crush Mocktail
Margemelon Mocktail

Margamelon Mocktail

With a little planning and intention, alcohol can be part of a healthy lifestyle. For more great tips and simple daily habits that will change your health (and your life!) join us for the next round of the FASTer Way to Fat Loss. More than 150,000 clients have learned how to burn fat without feeling deprived, and YOU can, too!



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15 Healthy Road Trip Snacks

ROAD TRIP! Time to pile everyone into the ole family truckster and head out on the open road for some adventure! But before you even get to a new zip code, the inevitable “I’m hungry!” is uttered from the back seat.

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It can be a challenge to stay on track with macros during travel, and snacks are often essential to ensure you are hitting your daily macro goals. Not sure where to start with planning or packing your snacks on the FASTer Way? We’re here to help!

What is a Snack?

In planning some snack options, it’s helpful to change your mindset. Prior to the FASTer Way, snacks may have consisted of whatever you could grab from the vending machine or a leftover donut from the break room. Instead, think of snacks as a mini-meal. We always focus on whole foods to get the very best in nutrition, but sometimes pre-packaged snacks are a must. Whether that means a clean protein bar, or packing some organic deli meat with veggies to enjoy on the run, prioritize balanced macros.

Another mindset shift to make is in regard to portion control. Mindless grazing is always a temptation in snacking. While we don’t mandate exact measurements for everything you eat (nor do we think that’s healthy for your mental state), instead of plowing through a bag of beef jerky, shoot for limiting yourself to one serving size. Changing the way you think about snacks will help you be more intentional with your macros and ultimately help you reach your daily goals.

Snack Ideas

You’ve changed your mindset about what a snack is and how much to have. But what in the world should you eat?? We’ve compiled a list of some of our favorite healthy and convenient road trip snacks. 


Beef jerky*

Trail mix*

Protein energy bites*


Roasted chickpeas*


Sunflower seeds

Veggies (carrots, celery, tomatoes, or cucumbers) with hummus*

Apple with single-serve packet of peanut or almond butter*



Smoothie with almond or coconut milk and 1 cup frozen berries (make at home before you leave!)

Hard-boiled egg

Lean organic meat (turkey or chicken)


*Look for high-quality, real-food ingredients, preferably without added sugar. If it’s full of chemicals, preservatives, and/or ingredients you can’t pronounce, it’s probably best to skip it or make your own!

We provide great snack options (including recipes!) in our weekly FASTer Way meal guides, such as toasted trail mix and cinnamon protein energy bites! Yum! If you’re not a FASTer Way member yet, sign up now and receive instant access to our meal guides AND daily workouts!

What are your favorite FASTer Way-friendly snacks? Share with us in the comments!



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Why It’s Important To Train Your Glutes

They say abs are made in the kitchen. BUTT what is made in the gym? 🤔🍑

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You guessed it! Your booty! 

Glutes are a vital muscle group that affects a lot more than you might realize. While it’s nice to feel good in your favorite pair of shorts or leggings, there’s actually a lot of research behind the importance of a strong back side. There are TONS of great (and important!) health benefits to strengthening your glutes.

VIP members will enjoy an entire month focusing on strengthening glutes! That’s right! Throughout the month of July, we’ll be delivering glute-focused bonus content on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays to our VIP members. We’ll be focused on getting STRONG in our lower bodies, staying CONNECTED to our power source and REFOCUSING on the nutrition we need. 

Here are 5 reasons why it is important for you to strengthen your glutes:

  1. Glutes are the strongest muscle group in your body - Your glutes are made up of the maximus, minimus, and medius and are responsible for the movement of the hips and thighs. It’s important to incorporate exercises that target each area of your glutes, as they all have a different purpose. Here’s the breakdown of each muscle group: 

    1. Gluteus Maximus - This is the largest muscle in your glutes. It is responsible for extending and rotating the hip joint. It also creates the power when you walk, run, jump or squat.

    2. Gluteus Minimus - This is the smallest muscle in your glutes and is responsible for abducting (moving outward) and externally rotating the hips.

    3. Gluteus Medius - This muscle sits under the gluteus maximus and helps externally rotate your leg when it is extended behind you and internally rotate when your leg is in front. This muscle is your main “side stepping” muscle. 

  2. Strong glutes help protect against injury - Glutes are the main support for your lower back. If your glutes aren’t strong, your body will find other muscles to do the job of the glutes. Oftentimes, that means the lower back tries to come in and do the work (which we do NOT want!). Glutes that aren’t performing properly can cause negative effects on your knees, back, hamstrings, and groin—making it more likely to pull a muscle or injure yourself while working out. 

  3. Strong glutes can help improve posture - When your glutes are weak, it can often lead to issues with poor posture. Are you wondering how strong glutes and good posture are connected? Here’s the 4-1-1: If your glutes are not properly toned, your latissimus dorsi (AKA lats, the broadest muscle group of your back) overcompensates, pulling your torso and shoulders out of alignment. Your pelvis can also be pulled out of alignment if your hip flexors are stronger than your glutes. Both of these can lead to poor posture and back pain. 

  4. Strong glutes help enhance athletic performance during workouts - Strong glutes are so important to every workout you do. Think about it, how much during a FASTer Way workout do we accelerate, change directions, jump, or need explosive power? Strong glutes help us excel in our workouts. 

  5. Strong glutes are the powersource for daily activities - If you think about it, we need our glutes for A LOT of different daily activities! Walking up and down the stairs, carrying groceries in the house, picking up heavy boxes, completing your FASTer Way workout, carrying your kiddos, standing, walking - the list goes on and on! We need our glutes to be strong and steady so we can complete everyday tasks with ease while helping to keep the rest of our body in alignment!

If you’re ready to get STRONG and CONNECTED to your lower body, we’ve got news for you! There’s still time to join our VIP Membership and gain access to all our bonus booty content. But it doesn’t just stop here. We roll out new challenges for our VIP members EVERY MONTH! If you want in, click the button below to get started today!



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How to Stay on Track with Nutrition During Vacation

One question we always hear from clients this time of year is, “How do I track macros during vacation?” We get it, tracking macros while traveling or on vacation can feel overwhelming when we don’t always know exactly what will be served at a restaurant or can’t accurately track each ingredient in every dish.

Read on to discover our favorite tips for tracking macros during vacation, and be prepared to thrive this summer!

Fourth of July Recipe Roundup

Starting to gear up for Independence Day cookouts and BBQs? We are too!

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We often get asked about how to stay on top of nutrition during holidays or celebrations. Between tables of food and endless drinks, the thought of staying on track can sometimes be overwhelming! 

Rest assured, there ARE ways to stay tight on your nutrition and still enjoy the cookout with your family. 

We are sharing a few of our favorite Fourth of July inspired recipes that are also FASTer Way- AND macro-friendly! We’re sharing recipes for the grill, side dishes, drinks, and dessert. YES - you can still enjoy dessert with the FASTer Way! 

You’re going to want to add these recipes to your weekend lineup!

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Certified Coach @maganhendry is ready for Fourth of July!

Strawberry Poppyseed Salad

(yields 4 servings)


2 cups chicken breast, cooked and cubed

8 cups romaine lettuce or mixed greens, chopped

2 cups strawberries

1 medium red onion, sliced thin

½ cup slivered almonds, toasted 

Clean Poppyseed Salad Dressing

(Yields 4 servings)

½ cup olive oil 

4 tsp honey

2 tsp apple cider vinegar 

2 tsp dijon mustard

2 tsp poppy seeds 

4 tsp fresh lemon juice 

Salt and pepper to taste


  • SLICE all ingredients and divide equally amongst four containers.

  • For poppyseed dressing: COMBINE all ingredients into a jar with lid, shake to combine.

  • POUR dressing over salad before serving.

Steak Kabobs

(yields 4 servings)



1 pound steak medallions

1 bell pepper, cut into 1” pieces

1 cup mushrooms

½ red onion, cut into 1” pieces

kabob skewers


  • HEAT grill to medium-high heat.

  • DIVIDE ingredients evenly. 

  • ADD ingredients to kabob skewers.

  • PLACE kabobs on grill and cook until steak is cooked through and veggies are tender.

  • ENJOY!


Cucumber Salad

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4 mini cucumbers, sliced

1 ear corn, cut off the cob

1 handful grape tomatoes, cut in half

½ sweet onion, sliced thin

2 tsp raw apple cider vinegar 

Sea salt and black pepper to taste


  • PREPARE vegetables.

  • SAUTÉ corn in large skillet on medium heat until crisp-tender. 

  • COOL corn to room temperature.

  • ADD all ingredients into bowl and combine.

  • ENJOY!

**Recipe courtesy of Renee Carls, FASTer Way Certified Coach (@reneecarls)**

Makeshift Banana Split

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Bananas, sliced down middle

Almond milk yogurt

Fresh berries

Almond butter

Gluten-free granola

**Recipe courtesy of Renee Song, FASTer Way Certified Coach (@reneesong)**

Margamelon Mocktail

(yields 4 servings)



5 cups cubed, frozen watermelon

½ cup fresh squeezed lime juice

2 tbs raw honey

Sea salt for glass rims

4 small watermelon slices


  • SALT your glass rim with a lime wedge and sea salt.

  • BLEND the cubed watermelon, honey, and lime juice to your favorite margarita consistency.

  • POUR mocktail into glass and garnish with watermelon slices!

  • ENJOY!

**Recipe courtesy of Bianca Oberhelman, FASTer Way Certified Coach (@tobeestrong)**

Orange Crush Mocktail

(yields 4 servings)



2 cups orange juice (recommend high pulp for that crush feel)

¼ cup fresh squeezed lemon juice

½ cup sparkling water (no flavor)

4 orange slices

4 mint leaves


  • POUR the sparkling water, orange juice and lemon juice into a pitcher and stir.

  • PREPARE your glasses with a fresh orange slice on the rim and ice.

  • POUR mocktail into glasses and add mint leaves on top.

  • ENJOY!

**Recipe courtesy of Bianca Oberhelman, FASTer Way Certified Coach (@tobeestrong)**



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3 Tips for Setting Mid-Year Resolutions

If you thought resolutions were only for the New Year, then a whole new world of progress is about to open up in your life! While January 1st is a popular time to set goals and make changes, it’s actually not an ideal time for most people. In fact, some studies show that most New Year’s Resolutions will be abandoned by January 19th. That’s not even three weeks, friends!

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We tend to see January as a new beginning and a perfect time for a fresh start. While that’s true in many respects, here’s the problem: in January we are t i r e d. We’ve just come off a long holiday season filled with many stressors (from hectic schedules to family drama to poor food choices), and even though we may feel excited to banish the bad habits that crept in, many of us are too exhausted to make them stick.

So instead of setting yourself up for frustration by February, try setting your goals halfway through the year! 

3 Tips for Setting Mid-Year Resolutions AND sticking with them!

1. Set daily habits or small, attainable goals rather than big, ambiguous goals.

Instead of a goal to “get healthy” (which is hard to do if you haven’t defined what healthy is!) try setting a few small daily habits. Drink a glass of water every morning when you wake up. Add one serving of vegetables to your daily food log. Practice meditation for 10 minutes every day. Exercise for 30 minutes five times each week. Small, simple habits are easy to start, easy to maintain, and easy to measure—and they usually lead you to the big goal you wanted in the first place!

2. Banish Distractions

When we fail to achieve our goals it isn’t usually because we don’t have enough time, it’s usually because we aren’t using our time effectively. If you find yourself mindlessly scrolling through social media every day, try setting a timer and limiting yourself to 15 minutes. If necessary, try deleting the app off your phone! Limit (or get rid of!) the activities that don’t add to your life or make progress toward your goals.

3. Focus on Progress Over Perfection

One of the reasons many goals aren’t reached is because we often have the mindset that if we miss a day or don’t do it perfectly, then we’ve failed and there’s no reason to keep trying. THIS IS A LIE. Your goals are a marathon, not a sprint, and you’re in it for the long haul. Life happens and you WON’T be perfect at everything you do every day. And that’s okay. Focus on progress over perfection!


Most people need some accountability to stay on track with their goals. Find an accountability partner who will help you stay the course—and give it to you straight when you don’t!

Whether you love your January resolutions or you’re excited to start in July, these three tips will help you reach your goals any time of year! 

If you’re ready to get healthy and discover a lifestyle that will help you live the life you’ve always wanted, then join us for the next round of the FASTer Way to Fat Loss! We provide a science-based plan of simple, daily habits that anyone can do, plus we provide daily accountability and community support! It’s the most comprehensive plan available and we’re ready to welcome you! More than 150,000 clients have seen incredible success and YOU can, too!



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I’ve already shared a ton of information about intermittent fasting and carb cycling, which together are the foundation of my FASTer Way to Fat Loss Program. However, another key component to this unbelievably effective program is macronutrient tracking and timing. During our eating window, my clients and I follow an If It Fits Your Macros approach to nutrition. While this program is a gluten free, dairy free program,

FASTer Way Time-Saving Hacks

There’s no question we live in a busy day and age. It seems like everywhere we turn there’s something new that’s demanding our time and attention.

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But no matter how busy life may get, we can promise you that you will never regret taking time for your health. Making your health a priority is the one of the best ways to invest your time that will benefit you now AND in the future!

Like anything that’s important to us, we make time for it. In the same way, we have to make time for our health. It has to be high on our priority list or before we know it, it will slip through the cracks of everyday life. 

We get it. Sometimes days can get busy and schedules fill up. You may miss a workout every now and then and that’s ok! But think about it... Do we have time to go to the doctor when our health declines? Do we make time to sit and watch TV at night after dinner?

Shouldn’t we choose to show our families that we take care of ourselves, too? 

That’s why, in the FASTer Way, you spend LESS time working out and MORE time feeling amazing. You spend LESS time stressing over what to eat and spend MORE time experiencing true food freedom.

Friend, we want YOU to enjoy life, be present for your family, and have the energy to do it, too!

If you’ve been feeling overwhelmed with time management, it’s ok! We are here to help and we are here for YOU! We’re sharing some of our FASTer Way time-saving hacks so YOU can get the most out of the program and still be as productive as possible!

Pre-plan your macros

Entering your macros into MyFitnessPal does not have to be hard or extremely time consuming. Here’s what you can do to make entering your macros a breeze:

  1. Enter your macros for the day the night before OR first thing in the morning. If you have a general idea of what you’ll be eating for the day, you can take a few minutes before you start your day to enter your food in. Need to adjust serving sizes throughout the day? No problem! You can simply adjust your serving size as you go throughout the day if needed. If you already have your macros entered in for the day, a simple adjustment will take 30 seconds!

  2. Choose foods from your MyFitnessPal library. MFP saves the food you enter in the library. That means, if you eat eggs everyday, MFP remembers that and keeps those food choices at the forefront of your food library. No need to go searching through MFP every time you eat. Keep it simple and look through your library!

  3. Did you know you can save recipes in MyFitnessPal? That means you can enter in and save some of your favorite, go-to recipes that you make on a regular basis. Your recipes can easily be saved for quick logging and macro counting!

  4. Lots of our FASTer Way recipes are already saved and logged in the MFP database. Remember, we’re a big community! Other clients have entered some of the FASTer Way recipes into MFP (which makes logging for you a breeze!). Simply search “FASTer Way to Fat Loss” with the name of the recipe and see what has already been entered. Don’t see the recipe you’re looking for? No worries! Refer to the meal guide and simply enter in the ingredients to create a new recipe.

Pencil in time for your workout everyday

Like you would make an appointment with the doctor and stick to it, make an appointment with yourself to workout and stick to it! Our quick and effective workouts are JUST 30-minutes. That’s one episode of a show on Netflix. That’s one Food Network show. That’s one “quick” coffee run. That’s one mindless scroll through Instagram (hey, we’ve all been there before!). 

Truth is, you CAN find 30 minutes in your day! Pick a time that works best for you and your schedule and stick with it! You wouldn’t make a doctor’s appointment and not show up. In the same way, SHOW UP for yourself in your workout. You will never regret taking just 30 minutes out of your day to get moving. 

The best part is, we have an entire library of workouts AND daily LIVE workouts for you to follow along with. No need to aimlessly scroll through Pinterest to find today’s workout. We’ve already got you covered!

Plan your meals for the week

Friend, eating healthy does NOT have to be hard and it does not have to be time consuming. Which is why *drumroll please* we have the FASTer Way Meal Guide just for YOU! 

We’ve created the meal guide with you in mind. We get it. You’re busy. You’re taking care of kids and working and trying to keep the house in one piece. With the meal guide, you can take the guesswork out of meal planning. We’ve already done the hard work for you! Print out the meal guide at the beginning of the week or write down a list of each night’s dinners and refer to it throughout the week. No need to spend time wondering what to make for dinner every night… we already have it planned for you. Simple! 

We encourage you to try these time-saving hacks and start TODAY! Friend, you CAN find the time to make your health a priority. Sometimes, all it takes is a little switch of perspective! We are here to make your health journey as simple and straightforward as possible. 

If you’re ready to take the guesswork out of a healthy lifestyle and join a program that’s already done the work for you, then you’ve come to the right place. We’ve got a spot for you in our next round of FASTer Way to Fat Loss. It’s time to take back control and live your best life this summer!



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