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FASTer Way Testimonial: Beth from Style at a Certain Age

This week, we’re highlighting one of our faves, Beth from Style at a Certain Age! She recently opened up about her experience living the FASTer Way lifestyle.

She shares some of her favorite tips and tricks on topics like:

  • Losing weight after 50

  • Intermittent fasting

  • Recipes

  • How to boost up protein

  • Importance of eating healthy fats

  • Benefits of weight training

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Here’s what she had to say:

“is it easy to lose weight after 50? no, it gets harder every year due to changing hormones and a slower metabolism. is it impossible to lose weight after 50? absolutely not. if we are determined to age with grace, strength, and beauty to lead an active and vibrant lifestyle you will have to tweak your diet as nutrition is 90% of the battle. 

so when the going gets tough i always go back to the basics. and no program has influenced how and what i eat every day more than Faster Way to Fat Loss. this program opened my eyes to how to live a healthy and happy lifestyle with combined exercise and nutrition. this program continues to get better and better. when i went through my first round of FWTFL in January 2018 there were no meal plans and no app with daily workouts for low, medium, and high impact. i love the new additions to the program. here are a few things that Faster Way to Fat Loss will help the over 50 woman achieve:

  • shed unwanted fat

  • increase your energy

  • gain strength

  • tone up and lean out

what will you get when you join Faster Way to Fat Loss?

All NEW program materials at an exclusive discount to accelerate your success in the FASTer Way plus automatic upgrade into our VIP program upon completion of your initial 6-week experience.*


6 weeks of science-backed strategies delivered in an accelerated format. You’ll learn all about FASTer Way’s strategies and how they work WITH your body, not against it. You’ll also learn about important health topics such as hormone health, stress, sleep, alcohol, and MORE!

Strategic nutrition/exercise pairings. Combine the right food with the right workout each day to optimize your fat-burning prowess. Our simple, easy-to-follow meal plans are designed to help you forge new, smart eating habits to keep you on track to optimal health.

Daily accountability and support. At the FASTer Way, we have it all – great coaches to guide you through the programming, expert trainers to lead you in LIVE community workouts, and a supportive community of members around the world who are working right alongside you.

diets don’t work, ladies. they never have. but learning about macronutrients will equip you to make proper food choices that emphasize the value of whole foods rather than processed foods. balancing macros also helps us to understand where our calories come from and what impact they have on the body. FASTer Way to Fat Loss helps us make good, informed food choices and it helps us lose weight fast.”

To read more of Beth’s FASTer Way experience, click here!


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FASTer Way Yoga Mat

FASTer Way Testimonial: Sarah

We’re highlighting Sarah from Sarah Fit who saw AMAZING results living the FASTer Way lifestyle!! Not only is her progress incredible, she also made a helpful video going through a day of eating in the FASTer Way. If you’re needing some new ideas on what to eat day-to-day, check out some of her faves in the video below!

Join me for my first round as a FASTer Way To Fat Loss coach April 1st. Sign up for details - Recipe for bean less, whole30/pal...

What she had to say about the FASTer Way:

“Why did I like it? I love following a program. I liked that I had a schedule to follow. You get a workout program, an eating schedule (low carb, regular macro, low macro days) and community support! If you have a question, someone else probably does too. Your coach shares live video trainings with tools to help you melt fat and then provides support in a Facebook group updated daily where you post your macro chart from the day before for accountability. I noticed results within 2 weeks. My clothes fit better, I had more energy and felt great about how I looked!”


To read more about Sarah’s FASTer Way experience, click here!



FASTer Way Yoga Mat


FASTer Way Ladies Joggers

FASTer Way Testimonial: Audrey

We wanted to give a little shoutout to Audrey from Putting Me Together! If you need some encouragement on your health and wellness journey, you’ll want to check this out! We are SO inspired by her incredible results with the FASTer Way to Fat Loss! Here is Audrey’s story:


“I wanted to both lose the baby fat from having two kids and get stronger.  My body felt really soft after having two kids, and I constantly was trying to flex muscles just to make sure I still had any? After two 6-week rounds, I lost a total of 16-17 inches all over my body! The crazy part was that I did not kill myself working out (honestly, I scarcely worked out) and that I never felt like I was deprived of food. I had such great results with FASTer Way and I’ve been talking about it ever since!

However, I was skeptical because I had already been doing intermittent fasting and was relatively conscious of what I ate.  I mean, I definitely ate ice cream often and California burritos once in a while, but I am reasonably in tune with nutrition, how much protein, carbs, calories, etc., are in foods, and was conscious of balancing them.  I wondered, “I’m already doing intermittent fasting and eating low-carb most days.  I’m already doing elements of what FWTFL does–how much more effective could this program be?” I jumped in hopeful but also skeptical.

While doing the program, my skepticism actually grew because I felt like I was eating more than ever some days!  Coming from a low-carb lifestyle to eating tons of proper carbs was weird, a little scary, and sometimes a discipline.  Some days I felt like I was eating CONSTANTLY!  I thought, “Umm…how is this going to work?”

But it turns out that intermittent fasting alone wasn’t enough.  A low-carb lifestyle wasn’t enough.  It’s the strategic way that FASTer Way combines intermittent fasting, low carb days, and macro nutrition that is so effective.  Plus it strategically pairs different nutrition days with types of workouts.  All of those cylinders firing at once is so, so, so important and led to great results!”

To read more about Audrey’s FASTer Way to Fat Loss experience, click here!



FASTer Way Resistance Band

FASTer Way Testimonial: Beth

We LOVE this testimonial from Beth at Seersucker and Saddles. It is absolutely incredible to read about the FREEDOM found when you let go of overexercising and undereating! Check out her thoughts on what makes the FASTer Way so special!

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“I’ll speak from my personal experience.  Prior to my wedding, I was a madwoman at Orange Theory.  We’re talking 6 days a week for about three months leading up to the big day.  I’ve always been someone who loves to workout so this was no different although I busted my hump harder than I ever had before–but I still didn’t feel 100%.  And here’s the kicker……after 6 weeks with my very first round of the Faster Way To Fat Loss, I was stronger, leaner, eating more, working out less…I was at an OPTIMAL place.  The proof is in the pudding–check out my very first BEFORE (wedding) and AFTER HERE, Gang….this program W O R K S like nothing I’ve ever seen or done.  It is a lifestyle for me, and I simply couldn’t love the program more.  There are over 1000 seersucker readers who have jumped on the bandwagon and the testimonials and success stories are unreal.  All ages, all sizes, it’s truly been so incredible, inspirational, and empowering to see so many women transform their lives and find something that works.  I cannot stress my love for this program enough…well, hells, I actually can and have within THESE POSTS.”

To read more about Beth’s FASTer Way to Fat Loss experience, click here!



FASTer Way Ladies Joggers

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FASTer Way Black Tank Top

It's the Teacher That Makes the Difference

A teacher can truly make the world of a difference; in our lives, in the lives of our children, and in our community. Our teachers have poured out their time, energy, and passion for our children. We can’t thank them enough!


There’s no question that the guidance and support of a teacher is helping keep us all together during this time. Our teachers are taking the lead on virtual school, creating new lesson plans with available digital curriculum, AND teaching our children. Balancing all these things is quite the task!

Now, it’s time we say thank you! Teachers, you’ve done so much for our children and communities. It’s our turn to take care of YOU! We’re offering a special round of FASTer Way to Fat Loss exclusively for all the amazing and deserving teachers out there. 

In addition, we’re highlighting some of our FASTer Way members who are teachers, making a difference in the lives of countless children! You can check out their stories below. And be sure to share this post with all the teachers in your life who are making a difference and invite them to join us for the launch of next week’s teacher round!

Leigh Zanto

“I joined my first round of the FASTer Way during my first year as a teacher. As a first year teacher in a new state with no familiar faces, I was beyond stressed, barely keeping my head above water, trying my best to do everything right, all while chasing 22 first graders around. To be completely honest, I was barely surviving, and I had let stress get the best of me. My nutrition and workouts fell to the wayside. It was about halfway through that year when I finally decided enough was enough, and decided to give the FASTer Way a chance. Not only did this program bring balance and routine to my life once again, it also completely changed my mindset and the way I viewed food and workouts. This program helped relieve some stress that teaching can bring, my energy shot through the roof, and thanks to this program, I was finally able to be my best self for my first graders, which made the second half of the year go so much more smoothly. I loved this program so much that I decided to become a coach! There is nothing like the FASTer Way, and I am beyond thankful that I found this community!”

Emily Esarey

“As a teacher I was used to giving my all to my students and families at school, and then coming home and giving more to my own family. Working out and eating clean were things I wanted to do, but didn't always make time to do well. I relied heavily on my workouts to help me feel like I was making progress, but I was seeing very little change. At school, I was used to having 10 minutes to eat lunch or would just altogether skip it! I knew it was truly my nutrition that was holding me back from achieving my health and wellness goals. I was frustrated, and decided I simply needed to workout more and eat even less. I started doubling up my workouts, pushing my body to its limits, and even ended up in physical therapy from a workout injury. When I found the FASTer Way I was most excited about learning how to fuel my body, but the way it altered my mindset about food was life changing. My whole outlook towards food and exercise changed for the better. I was able to eat more, workout less, and have more energy to give to my family. I became so passionate about living the FW, I became a coach to inspire others. Coaching in this community has married my passions of educating others with health and wellness!”

Jennifer Hardy

“As someone who spends long days at school as a teacher, wife of a school administrator, and mom to three boys, I absolutely LOVE the FASTer Way lifestyle. I have struggled my entire life with my weight (until the FASTer Way). The FASTer Way to Fat Loss is a program that is healthy and sustainable while being very effective. I love intermittent fasting because it takes the pressure off of preparing and eating a healthy breakfast before school and it allows me to enjoy larger meals. The workouts are incredible...short, effective with no dread factor. I also love the eating cycle. I love a couple of low carb days because of the benefits along with the ability to enjoy my favorite higher fat foods, I also love carbs, especially fruit and potatoes, and know I feel best when I consume carbohydrates. The eating cycle works and allows us to consume a wide variety of delicious foods and meals. What is most important to me is the accountability and is a total difference maker in terms of success and feeling like you are part of a community. I am so thankful for the FASTer Way...what it has taught me, the results I have experienced and the opportunity as a coach to inspire and help others reach their goals and feel their best!”

Our TEACHERS ONLY round is filling up and we’re over the moon to be helping so many educators get healthy during such a strange time in the teaching world.

Stress has been high and that usually means unhealthy choices are high as well—but we’re here to help. We’ll guide our teachers toward setting healthy habits that will burn fat, increase energy, and help them deal with the daily stress of teaching from a distance.

And to show our Teacher Appreciation this week, we’re offering this special round for only $150!! That’s 25% off the regular price (a deal we typically save for Black Friday). If you’re a teacher, don’t miss this very special round! And if you’re not, don’t let the teachers in your life miss this—be sure to share this so they can join us!



***NEW CLIENT*** Success Planner

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FASTer Way Testimonial: Amy

We want to highlight Amy from A Cup Full of Sass who saw INCREDIBLE results with the FASTer Way To Fat Loss!! It’s amazing what progress can be made when you dedicate yourself to living a healthy and sustainable lifestyle. We are SO proud of Amy! Check out her story below:


“I have been working out consistently and eating clean for a long time now. I was really looking to tone my body and get rid of some of my problem areas. Yes, I have those too. With summer coming, I knew now was the time. I came across The Faster Way to Fat Loss and was intrigued by what I learned. Amanda Tress is the creator and she is amazing! After reading up on the program, I decided this was for me. Let me just say I LOVE this program and I have already seen results in only 4 short weeks! I still have two more weeks to go and I know I’m only going to get better. I plan on signing up for a second round too.

This program is not like the typical program. I don’t even like to call it a program because truly is just a healthy lifestyle. Don’t worry, you CAN eat carbs. You CAN have a treat day (it’s actually recommended every Saturday). You CAN Eat! You can have carbs every day, but there are low carb days and regular macro days. Each exercise is designed to work with the eating schedule. My daily calorie intake is actually hard for me to hit. I always have more than enough food and have never felt hungry. We focus on eating lean meats and lots of vegetables. If you watch my Instagram Stories you will see I share a lot of my food and exercises. Be sure to follow along if you’re not already.

On low carb days, I eat lots of vegetables, salads, and protein. I even make a great low carb egg casserole with turkey sausage and vegetables. On regular macro days, I eat things like fish tacos, a veggie flatbread pizza, quinoa, steel cut oatmeal or an egg sandwich. I always have a vegetable with my meals. I love roasted broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussel sprouts.”

To read more about Amy’s FASTer Way To Fat Loss experience, click here!


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FASTer Way Black Tank Top


FASTer Way Yoga Mat

Carb Cycling For Women

Download our FREE 5-Day Sample Meal Plan Below!-10.png

You’ve seen it all over social media, you’ve heard about it through conversations with friends, and more than likely you’ve seen the results and effects. Dieting and restricting carbs are hot in the nutrition and fitness industry. But today we’re proposing a new option: carb cycling for women.

Although there are a small handful of people that have been able to maintain the inches lost with long-term carb restriction, almost all would agree that the lifestyle is just not sustainable. Nor are the results. And while some testimonials have shown that you can drop initial weight when cutting carbohydrates significantly, most end up gaining that weight right back, and what’s even worse? The scales go up even more than the day they started, and now they have potentially ruined their metabolism also.

The Impact of Carb Restriction for Women

For women, this is extremely sensitive as it affects female hormones. A keto diet is commonly looked at as a stressor for our bodies as it is often putting it in starvation mode, especially if it is not done correctly or under proper monitoring. We need a good amount of carbs along with other key macronutrients such as fats and protein in order to sustain healthy hormone levels. It’s the last thing you’ll want to do if weight loss and wellness are your goal!

Sustainable Carb Cycling for Women

Through the FASTer Way we’ve adapted a lifestyle that is not only safe to do when practiced correctly, but sustainable long-term! And you will get the much-deserved results you’ve been longing for. 

This strategy is called carb cycling. With this concept, you’ll receive the same weight-loss benefits but will maintain energy and reduce brain fog—which is a common side effect of carb depletion. 

Although the goal of a low-carbohydrate lifestyle is to train your body to use fat as its preferred choice of fuel, in doing so some end up cutting their caloric intake to an extreme—without even realizing it. Through the FASTer Way, we prefer to work with science by cycling our carbs strategically to utilize the benefits but keep overall health in mind. We focus on whole-food nutrition, not expensive products filled with questionable ingredients.

We know that carb cycling is highly effective when optimizing fat loss through increased thyroid output and controlled hunger. We’ll alter between high carb days and low carb days but still feed our body the right amounts; thus ensuring fat loss, higher energy levels, and improvement to overall body composition. 

So our bodies now safely rely on fat as the primary fuel source, but we consume a healthy amount of carbs to refill those carb storage containers on our higher carb days. By eating fewer carbs on certain days, your body turns to fat for energy instead of the sugary and starchy foods it usually consumes.

The FASTer Way

We do this by implementing our intermittent fasting schedule, mixed with a HIIT protocol on specific days and strength training on others.  We advise our clients in the FASTer Way to consume nutritious, dense, whole foods and CARBOHYDRATES in a way that benefits our goals and all are included in the meal plan that we give clients weekly. We’ve taken the brain work out of it to make it a simpler solution for you!

We’ll also guide you through tracking not just your carbs, but also fats and proteins so you become aware of how much your body needs to thrive. And because each body is different, we’ll help you set your macro intake to match your desired goals.

Here’s the bottom line: carbs are not the enemy. By using this carb cycling method our clients have less frustration, better long-term success, happier hormone levels, and more energy to power through those workouts to achieve results in performance and body composition.

Here’s a bonus pro-tip: prioritize and consume tons of leafy greens because FIBER matters! There are many benefits to greens (like being calorie-free), but your plate will also be fuller and you’ll feel satisfied longer.

Ready for more inspiration? Check out Leslie’s incredible story!

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“It took me a bit to build up the nerve to send these in. I started my first round of the FASTer Way on Dec. 31. I was floored at my results! I lost 30.5 inches overall during my first round! I feel so much better!!! I started to feel comfortable in my own skin again, I’ve learned to fuel my body properly and, oh my word, how my mental clarity has improved. I decided to share because for many months I followed @amandatress on Instagram and would see the before and afters and think, these look too good to be true! But guess what, this is my new lifestyle! It was not too good to be true, it was a blessing!!! Thank you so much for your passion to empower others!”*

*Results may vary from person to person.

Let’s start working toward YOUR after.