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How to Handle Anxiety and Stress Positively

If you visit the FASTer Way About section, you’ll see it front and center. A core value of our program is helping our clients “live a truly healthy lifestyle through intermittent fasting, carb cycling, macro tracking, whole food nutrition, strategic workouts, and positive mindset.”

That last part is pretty key right now with the Coronavirus outbreak, economic changes and family disruptions. Total wellness includes pushing through obstacles, achieving your goals and staying positive through adversity.

Square Handling stress and anxiety

And if you look around the globe right now, there is plenty of adversity. But it’s important to remember what stress does to your body.

Impacts of Stress on Your Body

  • Heart problems

  • High blood pressure

  • Obesity

  • Diabetes

Impacts of Stress on Your Relationships

  • Withdrawal

  • Outburts

  • Short temper

  • Irritability 

Impacts of Stress on Your Routine

  • Insomnia

  • Exercising less

  • Avoiding social gatherings

If you are signing up for one of our new rounds, in the middle of your journey, or trying to maintain your progress, don’t let stress dictate your actions.

But it’s OK. This too shall pass. With a positive mindset, you can focus on your goals in front of you and tackle anxiety with excellence. Exercise and physical activity has huge health benefits, but there are other techniques you can put in place. We’re putting our money where our mouth is and sharing some of our best tips to manage stress. 

Cut the Endless News Cycle

We’re probably going to set the record for most blog posts about avoiding the news, but it’s such an important step. Put the phone down. Or the iPad or TV remote. With so many things shut down due to the Coronavirus outbreak, there isn’t a whole lot of things to report on and the endless news cycle will keep your anxiety at a high level. 

Crush Your Workouts

Now is the time to dive into YOU. When you register, you have access to TONS of workout videos and daily exercise tips, it’s also a good idea to get outside for a walk, ride your bike or just do daily chores around the house in the sunshine. 

Connect with Each Other

Social distancing is an important step to flatten the curve, but human nature desires connection and communication. We are living in an amazing time where all of your friends and family are at the touch of a button, and even if you are hunkered down at home, you can still find comfort in a friend and talk about what you’re going through.

We need that support to keep moving even when stuck in our homes. That’s why our FASTer Way group workouts are so effective, and many of our clients get results with coaching. Our community is filled with clients going through the same thing you are.

Focus Your Energy on What You Can Control

Stress has pretty significant effects on your body if it lingers, like headaches, heartburn, high blood pressure, insomnia and lack of focus. The FASTer Way program is all about managing stress with exercise and planning. We offer sensible meal plans and carb-cycling nutrition guides so that you have a roadmap to success. The future might seem hazy right now, but one thing is for sure: You get what you put in. Our success stories are a great resource to see what’s in front of you if you keep working and stay positive. 

Give Yourself 10 Minutes to Feel How You Want

 You’re human. And as much as you say to yourself “don’t worry, don’t worry”, you’re here reading this blog because you’re worrying. Acknowledging that it’s ok is a big step and it’s helpful to get it out and move on. Allow yourself 10 minutes to feel however you want to feel. Concerned about your job? Talk about it. Worried about your family’s health? Go on. It sounds counteractive at first, it actually works. If you set a time frame, you can get it over with and move on. When the time is up, tell your mind it’s no longer time to worry and move on to something actionable in front of you.

We’re with you! Check out our blog and podcasts for more helpful content including COVID-19 updates, nutritional information and ways to keep you on track during this time.

If you are ready to take back control — join us in the FASTer Way. This is more than a weight loss program. This is a plan, a guide, a community, and a method to finding what wellness means to YOU long term. Join us!

how to handle stress and anxiety

COVID-19 Update with Dr. Stephen Cabral

Square COVID-19 Stephen Cabral

Staying informed during the Coronavirus pandemic – two thumbs up.

Panicking over every bit of news on TV, radio and social media – two thumbs down.

With so many conflicting reports about risk levels, symptoms and prevention measures, we at the FASTer Way wanted to sit down with Dr. Stephen Cabral to sort through all the blah. Remember, there are three ways to address a crisis: Panic and fear, confusion and apathy and calm leadership. Guess which one we recommend? Leaders never waste a moment to lead.

With that in mind, Kareen sat down with Dr. Stephen Cabral to talk about the coronavirus pandemic. Symptoms the media is not talking about, how the virus spreads, and the best ways to protect your family. Here are the key takeaways. You can listen below or continue reading.


Pandemic just means widespread rather than contained to a certain area. The reason why it’s starting to be used is because it affects most continents in the world. The last time we considered something to be a pandemic was the Spanish Flu in 1918 with a mortality rate of about 1-3%, which is what we face today. While there have been other global health scares like SARS and H1N1, we haven’t seen something that rises to the level medical professionals believe the Coronavirus could get to.


This isn’t exactly news, but the two countries are going in different directions. Italy has been in lockdown for the last few weeks as it tries to grapple with a higher mortality rate than other parts of the globe. China is beginning to see improvement and new diagnosis fall every day. Every other country is somewhere in between. However, despite the grim numbers circulating around, it’s estimated the actual infection rate is about 10x the reported numbers, which is a good thing. That means the mortality rate across the globe is probably closer to 1%.


This is a topic that has been all over the place. Celebrities and sports figures who have tested positive are reporting mild symptoms to no symptoms at all. Other reports say younger people are at a very low risk for serious complications.

The truth is the Coronavirus can affect anyone at any age, but many people under the age of 30 will have no symptoms at all, so they won’t suffer from fever, cough, fatigue or trouble breathing. Young people are carriers pass it along unknowingly to others who are more at risk. Those are the people who tend to have the greatest complications.

Older people have less natural killer cell activity so they’re not able to destroy those virus cells with their mucus membranes because it’s much thinner. And they are typically more run down and have less basic nutrients such as Vitamin A, Vitamin D, etc.

Simply put, their bodies are less able to ward off disease.


Yes, Dr. Cabral believes everyone should be hand washing and hot water and soap IS enough to kill the virus. But the problem is, it’s not really spread by hand to hand contact. It spreads when the virus penetrates your skin or if you touch your eyes, nose, ears or mouth. That’s the most likely way it will enter your body.

But the best measure you can take is keep your hands off your face. That means minimal touching of your mouth, nose, eyes and ears.

Again, washing your hands IS a recommended step, as is household vinegars, peroxide and disinfectant.


It’s important to keep surfaces clean because, contrary to some news circulating, COVID-19 can live on surfaces for about 72 hours. Some are different like copper, which can hold the virus for about four hours, but in general, surfaces hold it for about 72 hours.


Here’s the good news. Food is not a carrier. Nor are vitamins, supplements or anything else you take to support your health and wellness.

The benefit of the FASTer Way program is you can follow your meal plans, you can do your workouts from home and you can stay safe. With so many gyms closing down, the FASTer Way provides digital workout and meal plans to keep your body moving.


A lot of talk has centered around elderberry syrup and the cytokine storm, or hypercytokinemia. To make it simple, TH1 and TH2 part to the immune system. TH1 is used for acute based illnesses like viruses, etc. It increases cytokines to help destroy pathogens in the body. Elderberry does increase cytokines, Lukens and white blood cells. This helps the fight against the flu virus. What people AREN’T speaking about is elderberry itself coats the virus and doesn’t let it replicate. We don’t know that it works against COVID-19, but we know it works against the common flu. What we need to do is look at other foods and supplements that increase TH1.

Elderberry is not a foundational piece in treatment if you believe you have COVID-19, but it’s a good recommendation to use beforehand to boost your immune system and help ward off disease. But again, it’s just an extra. You should also be taking all of your daily foundational vitamins and supplements detailed in the podcast.


Tune into the podcast and find out.

Our mission is to prevent disease. We truly believe we are going to come out stronger. Stick close with our FASTer Way community. We want to be our one-stop shop. Your resource. We want to be that place you can go to feel connected.

You can come here to boost your immunity and continue your workouts. We’re going to continue to publish blog posts and podcasts. We’re going to connect with you via text. We don’t want you to feel like you’re going through this alone and we don’t want you to be glued 24/7 to the TV or radio. We want you to stay positive.

COVID-19 Cabral Podcast

Cleaning During the Coronavirus: Best Practices to Disinfect Your Home and Surfaces

Cleaning Coronavirus square

You’ve heard the common recommendations a million times by now.

·        Wash your hands. 

·        Sing the birthday song. Sing it longer. 

·        Use hand sanitizer. 

·        Stay six feet away from anything that breathes.

While these are important foundational things to do, there are other ways you can keep your castle clean. Figure out what you can control, like staying clean every day, with these best practices. 

Viruses Can Survive on Surfaces

 This is a misconception. Viruses CAN survive on surfaces for up to 72 hours, according to our own FASTer Way Scientific Advisory Board member Dr. Stephen Cabral (check out more of his COVID-19 updates and tips here).

 That’s not to scare you, but to prepare you. It’s a good idea to wipe down doorknobs, countertops, light switches and bathrooms. The risk isn’t specifically getting it onto your hands from these surfaces, but then touching your mouth, face, ears and eyes with your hands. Wipes are extremely convenient because you can just pick up, wipe down and throw away. If your local grocery was raided and don’t carry disinfecting wipes, fear not. Those can be easily made with a couple of ingredients in your home. Wipes are just a solution of germ-killing alcohol and aloe.

You can also use a combination of bleach and water or peroxide to sanitize surfaces and kill germs.

Take the time to focus on the high-traffic areas like bathroom counters, kitchen islands, couches and appliances. After a FASTer Way workout, take extra time to disinfect the area around you, including floors, furniture, walls, smart devices, phones and remotes. 

 If you don’t have a ‘shoes off’ rule in the house, it’s not a bad idea to temporarily implement one.


Viruses Can Survive on Deliveries

 With more and more people staying at home, package deliveries are soaring. Amazon is even hiring 100,000 new drivers and staff for Pete’s sake. Research has shown the Coronavirus can live on cardboard for up to 24 hours, so it’s a great idea to clean and disinfect any package you receive in the mail. UPS and FedEx are loosening their restrictions on signature requirements to protect their delivery drivers, so you won’t have to touch their signature pad. 

If your delivery is non-perishable, great. It gets a lot simpler as you can just let it sit for a full day (or cover them in a trash bag and place in garage f in a pinch). If your delivery is perishable, like food, it can get a little more complicated. You’ll want to place your items straight into your refrigerator and then thoroughly wash your hands and disinfect. Throw away the outer packaging it came in. Let your deliveries sit for 24 hours, you’ll be safe have loose trash bags in your home, wrap your packages in them and seal them off.

Create a Laundry Routine

 It’s a good idea to clean fabrics, bed covers, towels and clothes a few times per week. Depending on the size of your family and workout routine, this can be a daunting task. Now is the time to set a schedule of what laundry gets done and when, and who does it. Get your kids into the habit of helping with household chores even more now that they are home from school to lighten the load. 

Start a Weekly Plan

Staying clean is a part of a daily routine even without a global pandemic. We are great at adapting and we can CHOOSE to use this moment as a REASON to adapt, to improve your daily habits, come together as a family and fulfill our purpose with energy. Write out a weekly schedule and get your kiddos involved! Sweeping, wiping down windows, and vacuuming are fun ways to include them!

We’re keeping our blog updated daily with more news, tips and workout plans to keep you moving and healthy with your family.


Intermittent Fasting Vs. Keto

Intermittent fasting vs. keto—what are they and how do they stack up? Intermittent fasting and keto are both popular approaches to fat loss that everyone seems to be talking about. Chances are, you have friends that swear by one or the other. 

Here at the FASTer Way to Fat Loss, we’ve long been advocates of intermittent fasting and carb cycling as opposed to keto. But we know you may be hoping to learn a bit more about each of these strategies and decide for yourself which one makes the most sense for you. 

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Keep reading to learn about each diet, plus the pros and cons you should be taking into consideration. 

The History of Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting has been around for thousands of years. Hippocrates, the father of western medicine, actually recommended intermittent fasting to his sickly patients—which was around 400 BC. 

Many ancient Greeks and Egyptians utilized fasting as a means of preparing their bodies before going off to battle. When fasting, the body releases a chemical called norepinephrine, which provides you with more energy, alertness, and focus. All great things to improve before going off to war! 

People continued to intermittent fast throughout the Middle Ages as part of religious beliefs associated with penitence and self-reflection (a practice that is still undertaken today). 

For example... 

  • Jews observe multiple fasting days each year like Yom Kippur 

  • Muslims fast during the holy month of Ramadan

  • Roman Catholics undertake a 40-day fast during Lent each year in remembrance of  Christ fasting for 40 days in the desert

It’s safe to say that fasting has been around for some time—and is still a popular tool for weight management to this day.

The Components of Intermittent Fasting

So, what exactly does intermittent fasting involve? 

Intermittent fasting involves intentionally limiting caloric intake for a set period of time and is currently one of the most popular trends in the fitness community. But we’re here to tell you that it’s not just a trend (as evidenced by the fact it’s been around for so long). 

Intermittent fasting, unlike most diets, doesn’t tell you what you should and shouldn’t eat—but rather focuses on WHEN you should and shouldn’t eat. 

Types of Intermittent Fasting

You may be surprised to learn that there’s more than one approach to intermittent fasting—there are, in fact, six popular protocols. 

At the FASTer Way, we prefer the 16/8 method. Here’s why, and what the other types of intermittent fasting are:

  • The 16/8 Method The 16/8 method is our go-to method of intermittent fasting. The 16/8 method means fasting for 16 hours and then consuming your daily calories within an 8-hour window. This method is the easiest fasting method to incorporate into your routine because you can practice it by eating dinner at a reasonable hour and then skipping breakfast. The 16/8 method is also the most sustainable form of fasting because you can practice it socially. Plus, if you already don’t eat breakfast, you could be unintentionally practicing intermittent fasting. Easy, right?

  • The 5:2 Diet The 5:2 diet is a little different from the 16/8 method in that it advocates eating normally for 5 days of the week, and severely limiting calories the other 2 days. This isn’t as sustainable as the 16/8 method since it involves forethought and planning, and severely limits your lifestyle—after all, who wants to go out with friends when you can’t eat or drink?

  • Eat-Stop-Eat Eat-stop-eat takes the 5:2 diet a step further by advocating for a total ban on caloric intake one to two days a week, for a 24-hour period. Similar to the 5:2 diet, eat-stop-eat isn’t sustainable for most modern, busy lifestyles.

  • Alternate-Day Fasting Alternate-day fasting is essentially fasting every other day, whether you consider fasting to mean limiting caloric intake to 500 calories or completely cutting out any calories at all. Again, this is not a sustainable way to fast and is next to impossible for people like healthcare workers or busy working moms. 

  • The Warrior Diet The warrior diet roughly follows the type of intermittent fasting that warriors used to undertake before or during battle: eating whole fruits and vegetables during the day and then feasting at night. This type of intermittent fasting can lead to overeating at the “feast,” which is why we don’t recommend it. 

  • Spontaneous Meal Skipping Spontaneous meal skipping involves skipping a meal or two whenever you are able to or aren’t hungry. We don’t believe this is structured enough to provide the results you get from the 16/8 method, which is why we don’t suggest it. 

Why We Practice Intermittent Fasting

So why do we practice (and advocate for) intermittent fasting? 

Well, because we know it works. 

Intermittent fasting has been shown to improve your digestive system, burn fat, and improve brain function as well as heart health. 

Let’s look more closely into these benefits, shall we?

  • IF gives your digestive system a break AND increases metabolism. When you give your digestive system a break, you’re also allowing your metabolism to burn more calories, faster!

  • Intermittent fasting promotes weight loss. By limiting your eating to a set period of hours each day, you’re allowing your body to burn fat cells more efficiently. Without a new source of energy (food), your body turns inward for energy, which it finds in stored fat cells. Your body then burns those fat cells, aiding in weight loss. 

  • Intermittent fasting improves brain function. It boosts the production of a protein called brain-derived neurotrophic factor, or BDNF. BDNF triggers numerous chemicals that promote brain health, and even protects your brain cells from changes associated with Alzheimer’s and Parkinson's.

  • IF improves the immune system by reducing free radical damage and regulating inflammatory factors in your body. When animals get sick, they stop eating and instead focus on resting—which is the idea behind intermittent fasting. When you fast, your body can use more energy towards staving off infection and disease, creating a stronger immune system. 

So, clearly there are multiple benefits to intermittent fasting, but how does all of this compare to keto? 

The History of Keto

The ketogenic diet, commonly known as keto, was first widely introduced in the 1920s as a treatment for epilepsy. It was widely used for about twenty years but fell out of favor when anti-epileptic drugs came to market. 

Over the past few years, the keto diet has garnered much buzz as a weight-loss tool. But what exactly is it? And is it even effective?

What Is the Keto Diet?

The keto diet is a low-carb, high-fat diet that focuses on reducing your carb intake, and replacing those carbs with fat, so the vast majority of your daily caloric intake is coming from fats. By reducing carbs and increasing fats, you’re putting your body into a metabolic state of ketosis, where your body becomes super efficient at burning fat for energy to sustain itself.

During ketosis, your body also turns fat into ketones in your liver, supplying an energy influx to your brain. 

Benefits of Keto

When your body is in ketosis, it is depleted of the sugar reserves that would normally come from eating carbs. This leads to numerous physical and mental benefits.

  • Weight loss The keto diet aids in weight loss by increasing your metabolism and reducing your appetite. Because you are removing carbs from your diet, your body doesn’t have to work as long to break them down into sugar, meaning that your metabolism will speed up. The keto diet also consists of mostly fats, which tend to fill people up faster than simple carbs, leading to reduced appetite. 

  • Acne reduction The keto diet has been shown to improve acne caused by diet and blood sugar. Diets high in refined carbs and processed foods can inflame acne, causing it to worsen. By cutting out carbs and processed foods, the keto diet can improve acne that’s not caused by hormones. 

  • Reduction in risk of certain cancers Studies linking certain diets to reduction in cancer are still very limited, but some have shown a link between following a keto diet and an improvement in chemotherapy effectiveness. Another recent study also suggested that following the keto diet can lower insulin levels, which has been linked to some cancers.

  • Improved heart health Like any diet, it is important to carefully choose which foods you eat on said diet. Eating healthy fats (like avocados, fish, and olive oil) has been shown to increase heart health by lowering cholesterol. High levels of cholesterol can actually lead to heart disease, but again, these benefits are only associated with HEALTHY fats. 

  • Protected brain function Some recent studies have suggested that the ketones produced when your body is in ketosis can have neuroprotective benefits, meaning they can strengthen and protect brain cells. Because of this, it is thought that the keto diet may help in the prevention of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, but this is still a very new area of study with more research needed. 

  • Reduction in seizures Earlier, we mentioned that the keto diet first became popular in the 1920s as a treatment for epilepsy. That is because the keto diet’s ratio of fat, protein, and carbs results in your body using ketones for fuel. It’s been shown that the keto diet can help with a reduction of seizures in patients with epilepsy, but it’s not known why and more research is needed in this area.

  • Improved PCOS symptoms A diet high in carbs can cause adverse effects, such as skin problems and weight gain in people affected by PCOS. By consuming a diet very low in carbs, these symptoms can be improved.  

Problems with Keto

Unlike intermittent fasting (and the FASTer Way), the keto diet promotes a diet heavy in fats. 

We believe in carb cycling, not carb cutting, as we are big believers in keeping everything in moderation, which leads to long-term success.

It is important to choose the right foods to fuel your body, regardless of the diet you follow. Many people on the keto diet take advantage of the promotion of higher fat intake by getting these fats from unhealthy sources instead of healthy fats. 

Staying on the keto diet long-term can actually have negative effects on your body, like kidney stones, excess protein in the blood, mineral deficiencies, vitamin deficiencies, and a buildup of fat in the liver. 

Following the keto diet (even in the short term) has caused undesirable symptoms commonly referred to as the “keto flu.” These symptoms include constipation, fatigue, low blood sugar, nausea, vomiting, headaches, and a low tolerance for exercise. They are particularly apparent at the beginning of the diet when your body is adjusting to a low carb intake combined with high fat intake. 

Like with any other diet, you should consult your doctor before undertaking the keto diet. 

Certain people should not even attempt the keto diet—including people with diabetes who are insulin-dependent, people with eating disorders, people with kidney disease, and people who are pregnant or breastfeeding.  

Intermittent Fasting Vs. Keto

Ok, so we’ve covered what intermittent fasting and keto are... but what about intermittent fasting vs. keto? 

That's why you’re here after all, isn’t it?

One of the real differences in intermittent fasting vs. keto is in the sustainability of each one. 

Intermittent fasting is designed to be a sustainable way to shed fat and maintain your desired weight, and can be practiced daily.

On the other hand, the keto diet is more of a short-term solution. You probably won’t be able to adhere to it in the long-run, because it requires a lot of sacrifice, planning, and diligence. When you inevitably fall off the keto diet, you will be at high risk of gaining back all the weight you lost in the first place.

The FASTer Way program

By now, you may be interested in learning more about the FASTer Way to Fat Loss, and just what makes our program different. 

We offer coaching accountability, the ability to talk to real people who encourage you along the way, and support groups from other people also undertaking the program. 

Plus, the FASTer Way was designed to seamlessly fit into your busy life and be the most sustainable fat loss solution you can find. 

We would love to talk to you more about joining the FASTer Way—just click here to get started today!

Intermittent Fasting VS Keto

Simple 5-Ingredient Recipes for Your Family!

Are you short on supplies and looking for some simple recipes to satisfy your family? Odds are, your grocery store might be out of the ingredients you need to make the FASTer Way meal plan recipes. We definitely understand, we’ve been there in the last couple of weeks, too!

Heading to the grocery store only to discover a shortage of the ingredients you need probably means raiding the dark corners of your pantry and digging into the very bottom of your freezer. Once you discover these “forgotten” ingredients, it’s time to put them to good use!

If you’re having a hard time coming up with new recipes or you just need some inspiration, look no further! We’ve got you covered with these five simple recipes that use only five ingredients for low carb AND regular macro days. No need to head back out to the grocery store to pick up yet another hard-to-find ingredient. These recipes are FASTer Way-approved, full of nutrients, and sure to please even the pickiest of eaters! Be sure to plug the ingredients into your MyFitnessPal for accurate macronutrient breakdown. 

Build-Your-Own Smoothie Bar (Super Kid-Friendly!)

Regular Macro | Makes 1 Serving

Set out all your ingredient options and let your kids help you choose what they want in their smoothie. This a fun and creative way to get kids involved in making healthy choices using simple ingredients! 


  • 1 ¼ cup unsweetened almond milk 

  • 1 cup frozen berries + fruit (strawberries, blueberries, mixed berries, mangos, raspberries, peaches, anything will do!)

  • 1 fresh or frozen banana 

  • ¼ cup protein powder (optional, chocolate or vanilla) 

  • 1 ½ tablespoons peanut butter or almond butter


  1. Choose desired ingredients and add to a blender. 

  2. Blend, pour into a cup, and enjoy!

Here’s another delicious smoothie idea:

Cinnamon Roll Smoothie: blend together almond milk, frozen banana, a bit of pure maple syrup, almond butter, and cinnamon for a healthy, fun twist on a morning classic!

One-Bowl Baked Oatmeal

Regular Macro | Makes 6 Servings


  • 3 cups dry oats (quick or rolled)

  • 1 ¾ cup unsweetened almond milk

  • ½ cup pure maple syrup

  • 1 banana (mashed)

  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon 


  1. Preheat oven to 350ºF.

  2. Add all wet ingredients to a bowl, including the mashed banana. 

  3. Stir in dry oats and cinnamon.

  4. Pour into greased square 8x8 or 9x9 baking dish and bake for about 30 minutes, until just about set.

  5. Serve and enjoy!

More Ideas:

  • Garnish with berries (fresh or frozen)

  • Drizzle melted peanut butter or almond butter over oatmeal when done baking

  • Add protein powder into the mix before baking for an extra boost of protein! 

Simple Spaghetti

Low Carb & Regular Macro Options | Makes 4 Servings


  • 1 lb fresh or frozen ground turkey or beef (omit for vegetarian option)

  • 1 jar (24 oz) clean spaghetti sauce 

  • ½ teaspoon garlic powder

  • 1 teaspoon Italian seasoning 

  • 1 bag (12 oz) fresh or frozen zoodles (for low carb)

    • OR use 1 box of regular brown rice spaghetti noodles (for regular macro)


  1. Thaw frozen meat, if necessary.

  2. Preheat large skillet over medium heat.

  3. Cook ground turkey or beef until cooked through (season with salt and pepper while meat is cooking).

  4. Add fresh or frozen zoodles to pan until heated through (or cooked brown rice noodles).

  5. Pour the jar of spaghetti sauce into the pan.

  6. Season with garlic powder and Italian seasoning.

  7. Serve and enjoy!

More Ideas:

Don’t have any zoodles on hand and you want to keep it low carb? Serve prepared meat sauce over cooked broccoli, cauliflower, or spinach (cut into small pieces) for a nutrient-packed, low carb spaghetti option!

Sheet Pan Chicken + Veggies

Low Carb | Makes 4 Servings


  • 1 lb chicken breast or tenderloins (fresh or frozen)

  • 1 cup veggies (fresh OR frozen, try broccoli, asparagus, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, mixed veggies, etc.)

  • 2 tablespoons avocado or olive oil

  • 1 ½ teaspoons garlic powder

  • ½ teaspoon salt and pepper


  1. Preheat oven to 425ºF.

  2. Add chicken and veggies to a sheet pan.

  3. Drizzle oil over ingredients and add seasonings (can add more to taste)

  4. Bake for 20–25 minutes, until vegetables are roasted and chicken is cooked to 165º internally.

  5. Serve and enjoy!

More Ideas:

For regular macro day, serve over brown rice, quinoa, or alongside a baked potato or sweet potato!

Easy Mexican Rice

Regular Macro | Makes 6 Servings 


  • 1 can (15 oz) black beans, drained and rinsed

  • 1 ½ cups corn (fresh or frozen)

  • 3 cups brown rice, instant or dry (prepared according to package directions)

  • 1 tablespoon chili powder

  • 1 cup salsa


  1. Preheat a large skillet over medium heat.

  2. Add black beans and corn, cook until heated through.

  3. Add in cooked brown rice, then stir in the chili powder and salsa.

  4. Serve and enjoy!

    More Ideas:

  • Add in cooked chicken breast, ground turkey, or beef for a boost of protein

  • Garnish with sliced avocado for healthy fat

  • Use rice mixture as stuffing for an easy burrito! Just place mixture in a whole wheat tortilla.

There are plenty of simple 5-ingredient recipes to satisfy your family while keeping up with a nutrient-dense, whole-food diet! Feel free to share any of the recipes you try and tag us on social media @fasterwaytofatloss! Remember, if you’re stuck in a “recipe rut” and don’t know what to make, check your pantry to see what you already have! Don’t be afraid to get creative and try new things! You never know what delicious meal you might just whip up.

The next round of the FASTer Way to Fat Loss starts MONDAY, Mar 23! If you have been impacted by COVID-19, use the code STAYWELL during registration to save $50.

The Importance of Maintaining a Routine With Your Children During the Coronavirus

Your routine is completely thrown out of whack. And it’s not just you. It’s your work, your friends, your coffee run. But most importantly, your family. With school and daycare on hiatus, the global Coronavirus pandemic is evolving every day and forcing your family to face a new normal. Now is the time to plan ahead so you can soften the landing and keep them from seeing it as an early summer vacation. Here are a few ways you can keep your routine as close as possible to support total wellness during this time.


The Importance of Maintaining a Routine  With Your Children .png

Learn About Your Children’s School Routine

It’s an easy thing to forget, but your kids have maintained a consistent schedule all year and are used to certain events happening throughout the day. Don’t know what it is? Ask them. For younger children that means snack time, lunch time, recess, etc. For older kids, classes in the morning and afternoon, lunch time, study groups, athletics and special interest groups. Take the time to ask what their typical routine is and build a schedule around that. If recess is at 11:30, conduct a family workout at 11:30. If lunchtime was at 12:30, guess what it is now?

Parents who are working from home will have a lot of their own stresses getting their work done, but if your kids are on a predictable schedule, you can navigate meetings and projects more easily.  


Create a Plan With Your Spouse

Speaking of working parents. Depending on the age of your children, supervision will be required throughout the day. No easy task considering one or both of you may be working from home. Take the time to communicate with each other every night and take a mental check. What are the pain points? What important projects or meetings are coming up in the next week? Your schedules might butt up against each other, or you might find gaps where each person can alternate availability. Fear of the unknown can be a major source of anxiety during this time, so talking to each other each night can help resolve that.


Plan Your Meals Ahead

When schedules are scattered, planning ahead really matters. The FASTer Way community has Weekly Meal Plans readily available, but it’s a good idea to get a head start.  Get your family together in an assembly line with fruits, vegetables, protein and nutrients to create storable meals that are easy to grab throughout the week. Don’t have the exact ingredients? Be adaptable! Look for alternative foods that can substitute. This allows you to be nimble and agile if plans change so you’ll have healthy options in a pinch.


Work Out Together

School-aged kids have been in a routine all year so trying to maintain that structure is the best way to keep life as normal as possible and stay on track for your health and wellness goals. In fact, this is a great time to get your family involved so you can exercise and eat better together. Ask what time your kids usually exercise (recess, sports practices, etc.) and schedule your workouts around that. Even if you can’t join them, the FASTer Way Community has tons of plans, videos and other content to follow.


Reading Time

Younger children out of school are missing important developmental time learning about math, science, reading and writing. Reading can help fill that void. A 2019 study by Ohio State University showed there is about a million-word gap between young children whose parents read them five books a day before kindergarten than kids who were never read to. That difference continues even through elementary school, increasing vocabulary and communication skills.


Quiet Time

Better known as sacred me-time. Younger children will need naps naturally, but it’s also important to establish quiet time for older kids, too. That could be by assigning chores and yardwork, dedicating TV and video game hours or simply assigning simple homework assignments while school is out. Quiet time lets the whole house recharge and get important tasks done before they pile up.


Turn It Into a Positive

This is a big one. Your kids will respond how you respond, so it’s important to be calm, organized and see the pros of having everyone together. This is crucial developmental time as they see how leaders and loved ones respond to a difficult situation and help those in need. Be careful not to complain about your personal situation and take stress out on them. Take time to count your blessings and focus on the things you DO have. These are lessons they will carry for a lifetime and will impact the way they handle relationships in the future.

Remember, the FASTer Way is all about total wellness. This is a crazy time for everyone and we encourage everyone to stay safe, healthy and happy. Our online community is here to provide you support and help you crush your fitness goals together.


Schedule Ideas 

Here are some quick ways to keep your kids busy and learning during the downtime. 

·        One Daily Chore

·        Learn Dancing Routines Online

·        Take Online Educational Tours

·        TV or Recreational Time

·        Stage a Play

·        Educational Assignments from School or Online

·        Lunch

·        30-Minute Reading Time

·        Book Reports

·        1 Hour Recess

·        Arts and Crafts Projects

·        Writing Assignments

Screen Shot 2020-03-18 at 4.04.48 PM.png

Download our Daily Checklist!

We are giving you a great checklist to use with additional space to create your own schedule!

How to Be Stress-Effective in a Time of Crisis

It’s all about perspective. This is a stressful time. We’re not going to deny it or put our head in the sand. We have clients all over the world affected by this health crisis, including Europe. There isn’t a group untouched by the pandemic, and it’s easy to get caught up in the 24-hour news cycle. 

Your mind is a powerful tool and it’s our responsibility to effectively manage our stress so we can be POSITIVE influences on our family and community. Here are a few of the ways we are stepping up and staying stress effective.

Be Prepared

It’s not just a catchy Disney tune. It’s an incredibly simple, yet powerful way to keep your emotions in check. The FASTer Way to Fat Loss family has been taking measures for some time to stay ahead of the news, provide workout videos, meal plans, and informative content to help our clients continue reaching their goals at home. Our vision has always been about staying well and preventing disease so you can fulfill your purpose with energy. 

Set an Example 

Like you, many of us have children at home, friends whose jobs are in flux and families who are in flux. Our children rely on us to stay calm and organized and set a positive example. This is when they will see how parents and leaders come together to plan and stay positive. As we are working hard to reach our fitness goals, now is more important than ever to boost your immune system, stay energized and stay positive. 

Tune in to the News for News. Then Tune Out.

24-hour news stations are delivering an endless cycle of doom and gloom across the globe and while staying informed is important, everything else is just non-essential. Learn the facts about Coronavirus (COVID-19) and communicate with your family to prevent the spread of fear and panic and focus on what’s in front of you.  

Involve Your Family in the FASTer Way to Fat Loss Plan

Your kids have maintained a strict school routine all year, only to find themselves at home with nothing to do. Ask them what their schedule was and substitute their physical activity at school with a home workout plan. This is the time to plug into the FASTer Way program in a way you’ve never done before to finally reach those goals you set aside for tomorrow. Use this time to become more accountable, connect with your family and get in the best shape of your life.

Focus on Today

Fear and anxiety are no match for action and assertiveness. Make goals for the day like chores, workout goals and fun family activities. 

The FASTer Way family is here for you 120%! Let’s use this time to focus on health and wellness, take advantage of this time to achieve your goals and connect even deeper with your family. Our online community is here to provide you support and help you crush your fitness goals together.

The next round starts MONDAY! If you have been impacted by CORVID-19, use code STAYWELL during registration to save $50!


As more information becomes available about the coronavirus and the illness it causes, COVID-19, it’s difficult to know what to do. Do we self-quarantine? Do we carry on as usual? Do we shut down our businesses or stop going to work? Do we buy as many groceries and supplies as we can? Here’s what you need to know about the coronavirus (COVID-19).


There’s a lot of uncertainty right now throughout the world. Italy, South Korea, and Iran are in crisis. Wuhan is still in lockdown. Cases are rapidly multiplying in other countries—Washington state currently being called the US’s Wuhan. 

School districts and universities across the country have cancelled school. Large gatherings are discouraged and in some places, prohibited (while the maximum recommended number continues to shrink). Businesses are closing. Travel is banned to certain areas, and will probably continue seeing restrictions. Many states have shut down all bars and restaurants to dine-in customers.

Things are changing quickly as we come to understand that this is more serious than we seemed to anticipate in the beginning. As numbers continue to rise and medical facilities (in some countries) are operating far beyond capacity, now is the time to learn from other areas dealing with COVID-19. 


First, there is an overwhelming amount of information about the coronavirus available, with more articles being published every day. We are using the most current information available for this writing. If you’re reading all of the available articles, it could be hard not to feel overwhelmed by the current situation. Take a break if you need it. 

Second, there is an incredible outpouring of kind of and generous people trying to better their communities. Look for the good and participate in it.

Third, knowledge is power, so we’ve put together some information to help you understand what’s happening, how we got here, and resources to make the best of the situation.


Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that can cause a wide variety of illnesses from the common cold to SARS. The new coronavirus, which causes the illness COVID-19, is a new type of RNA virus that causes respiratory illness. It was first identified in Wuhan, China, but has since spread globally. The World Health Organization declared it a pandemic on March 11, and in just four days following the announcement, social distancing was already being enforced in many states with school closures, travel bans, and cancelled events. 

Coronaviruses are zoonotic, which means they can be transmitted between animals and humans. It is currently believed that the coronavirus outbreak stemmed from a market in Wuhan that sold live and dead animals. The host animal is currently thought to be bats, which were not sold at the market, but could have infected chickens or other live animals there were sold at the market.

Scientists in China believe that COVID-19 has mutated into two strains, with one being more aggressive than the other. This could complicate vaccine development, but human coronavirus vaccine trials are set to begin in April


The initial symptoms of COVID-19 include fever, cough, and shortness of breath. If you or a family member are experiencing these symptoms, please CALL your doctor’s office for next steps. Going to a busy waiting room without proper precautions could put a lot of people at unnecessary risk. Your doctor will advise you on how to proceed.


Standard recommendations to prevent infection spread include regular hand washing, covering mouth and nose when coughing and sneezing, not touching the face, and thoroughly cooking meat and eggs. Avoid close contact with anyone showing symptoms of respiratory illness (coughing, sneezing, etc.)


A lot of information is being released every day, but not everything you hear is true. The World Health Organization is providing a detailed list of MYTH BUSTERS (plus explanations) we all need to be aware of, including:

  • COVID-19 virus CAN be transmitted in areas with hot and humid climates

  • Cold weather and snow CANNOT kill the new coronavirus

  • Taking a hot bath does NOT prevent the new coronavirus disease

  • The new coronavirus CANNOT be transmitted through mosquito bites

  • Hand dryers are NOT effective in killing the new coronavirus

  • UV lamps should NOT be used to sterilize skin

  • Thermal scanners can detect fever, but NOT coronavirus infections

  • Spraying alcohol or chlorine all over your body will NOT kill viruses that have already entered your body

  • Pneumonia vaccines do NOT protect against the new coronavirus

  • Regularly rinsing your nose with saline does NOT appear to help prevent infection

  • There is NO evidence eating garlic will help prevent infection

  • Older people, as well as younger people, CAN be affected by COVID-19

  • Antibiotics are NOT effective in preventing or treating the new coronavirus

  • There are currently NO specific medicines recommended to prevent or treat the new coronavirus


There have been plenty of posts all over social media decrying the fear-mongering media for turning the coronavirus situation into something much bigger than it actually is. While it’s certainly happened in the past, people in other countries are claiming (by way of social media) that we don’t actually have an accurate picture of just how serious COVID-19 is. We don’t have to feel fear or panic, but we do have to pay attention to what is happening right now here and abroad. We can learn from other countries, as some have handled it well and others haven’t intervened early enough to avoid catastrophic consequences.

Let’s look at three of the hardest-hit countries:


The coronavirus originated in China so the data can give us an interesting look at how quickly it spread. The following graph offers a two-month timeline, the gray representing actual cases and orange representing confirmed cases.

China's confirmed vs actual cases of coronavirus (COVID-19)

Source: Journal of the American Medical Association

Actual cases started out much higher than diagnosed cases, but as containment and diagnostic efforts began in earnest (with Wuhan and surrounding cities enforcing mandatory quarantines), the trend began to reverse.

Some people are making the argument that it would be better just to let it run its course and then be done with it, as we have with other illnesses such as SARS. COVID-19 is different because the rate of transmission is exponentially higher. China and Italy have both experienced much higher demand on their health care systems than they can handle, which has undoubtedly resulted in more deaths, as they simply can’t treat everyone. The following chart compares the two (SARS and COVID-19) side by side. Please note the number of cases and deaths, also noting the compressed timeline of COVID-19 (as it started later in the year by several weeks).


Source: Journal of the American Medical Association


South Korea is an interesting example of why social distancing is vital with something as highly contagious as COVID-19. They confirmed their first case on Jan 20 when a 35-year-old woman flew into South Korea from Wuhan. She was isolated upon entry into the country and only 29 additional cases were confirmed over the next four weeks. 

Then “Patient 31” emerged and changed everything. Thousands of cases have been traced back to her because of her activities prior to diagnosis. Over the course of more than two weeks, she attended a club, two church services, a buffet lunch, two hospitals, and a public clinic.

Click here for more information and charts about South Korea’s outbreak and Patient 31.


Italy has taken the global spotlight because of the sharp spike in cases and deaths they’re experiencing. Their death rate is higher than the global average and the current outlook is still grim. The world weeps for Italy, as they just reported 368 new deaths in 24 hours. This brings their death total to more than 1,800 and total cases to nearly 25,000. 

Italians are now warning the rest of the world to learn from their experience, which you can see at the following links:

This Twitter thread from a northern Italy resident is yet another powerful reminder that taking preventive action is critical: 

Italy Status Twitter Thread



Thankfully, even with the abundance of discouraging news, there are plenty of bright spots emerging. 

First of all, not every country is being crippled by COVID-19. Taiwan, only 81 miles off the coast of China, took swift action to contain the virus and avoid the same level of outbreak experienced in other countries. Despite confirming their first case on Jan 21, they’ve reported only 67 cases of COVID-19 and one death. With more than 23 million residents (850,000 of which live in China, which results in a lot of travel between the countries), and little outside support, they’ve done an incredible job containing the virus.

Read more about Taiwan and what they’re doing in these articles:

Second, there has been an incredible outpouring of generosity, locally and globally. Many, many people are (and will be) experiencing extreme financial hardship as they can’t go to work or open for business. Supplies are in high demand. Homeschool became an overnight necessity. Restaurants were closed to dine-in customers. But so much good is spreading, even in these difficult times.

To read a few encouraging stories, check out:

And we should all be cheering for China (and the world!) because Wuhan is finally getting back to work.


We know there’s been a run on toilet paper and cleaning supplies, and while there aren’t DIY instructions for everything (sorry, toilet paper searchers), there are some products you can replace with homemade versions!

And for all the parents whose kids are now home from school, try these fantastic FREE resources for keeping education fun and interesting!

What good news or free resources have you seen? Share with us in the comments—let’s spread the good!


How do our LIVE at-home workouts actually work?

Ever wondered what the FASTer Way is all about? While yes, we are a fitness and nutrition program… We are also BIG on community! We are a 100% virtual program focused on pairing effective workouts with proper, whole-food nutrition, in addition to carb cycling and intermittent fasting. Our quick and effective 30-minute workouts target specific areas of the body and implement different workout techniques to break the monotony of doing the same workout every single day. We don’t beat you to the ground with cardio and don’t keep you in the gym lifting weights for hours. We pair effective, targeted workouts with specific, whole-food nutrition to see maximum results. Our week of workouts consist of two HIIT workouts (High Intensity Interval Training), three strength workouts and two active recovery days (yoga, barre, etc.)

How do FASTer Way workouts work?

You might be wondering, what are the FASTer Way workouts? How do they work? What does a typical FASTer Way workout look like? Well, the FASTer Way community provides clients with a new LIVE workout EVERY day of the week! Our 30-minute workouts are fully guided and instructed by certified head trainers. We start with a quick warm up, crush an effective workout targeting a specific muscle group, and finish with a quick stretch and cooldown. We use different exercise equipment like dumbbells, exercise bands and workout benches BUT provide suggested alternatives if those are not available. Our trainers also provide you with helpful tips as you go through the workout, ensuring that you are safely and effectively performing the exercise to the best of your ability. Not to mention, you’ll get lots of encouragement from the FASTer Way team as we all work through the workout right there with you! 

How are FASTer Way workouts different? 

There’s no question that the fitness industry is a noisy one! There are new programs and fad diets popping up every week. The FASTer Way program is no fad diet; it is a lifestyle based on program nutrition recommendations, with a focus on whole-food nutrition and balanced macros, while practicing intermittent fasting, carb cycling, and effective workouts. This makes the FASTer Way different from any other home workout program on the market, like BeachBody. The FASTer Way VIP membership gives you COMMUNITY, like a no other brand on the market. Not Peloton, Mirror, or any fitness class you can find. All at a much more affordable price. We give clients access to so much more than just workouts; members get access to the FASTer Way digital studio, fun monthly challenges, exclusive discounts, 1:1 consultations with our head trainers and daily support and accountability. The FASTer Way is a sustainable lifestyle that doesn’t focus on deprivation but rather focuses on progress over perfection, unlike any other program on the market.

How do the workouts work for me?

The FASTer Way lifestyle works for men and women at all ages and stages of life. We have members of our community ranging from college students to grandparents! Our workouts can also be modified to meet a wide range of fitness levels. During the live workouts, our trainers demonstrate low-impact AND advanced options to meet the needs of every member in our community. With FASTer Way, you’ll never have to worry about the monotony of doing the same workout over and over again as we broadcast a brand new live workout each and every day.

You don’t need fancy equipment to get a great workout, you just need the right exercises—so we’re sharing some of our favorites in our free guide. 

Download our tips for home workouts and boosting your immunity!


That’s right — a NEW LIVE 30 minute workout for our entire community every day!

If you’re unable to join us live, you can catch the replay at any time through the day, or even download the workout and save it in your favorites in the FASTer Way app. The workouts can be completed early in the morning before work, right when you get home, in the middle of the day while your kids are napping or even on your lunch break! The FASTer Way workouts WORK for all.

The FASTer Way CommUNITY

One of our favorite aspects to the FASTer Way program is the aspect of community. The digital nutrition and fitness components of our program bring our commUNITY together in a way that is unlike any other network. Our entire community follows the SAME workout each day -- That means, clients together in the 6-week rounds, small groups and VIP community, are all working together through the same workouts, encouraging each other along the way! Our brand new clients who started week one today, suffered through (I mean enjoyed 🤪) the HIIT workout alongside tens of thousands of other FASTer Way new clients and VIP members. Our clients come together in our virtual community to share their victories, ask questions, post recipes and bond over how hard the workout for the day was! You get ALL the benefits and support of a gym community right from the comfort of your own home.
Whether you’re exercising at home in the Midwest, in the gym on the East Coast, outdoors on vacation in Italy, or anywhere else in the world, you are a part of the FASTer Way movement! Men and women in all ages and stages of life are living and LOVING the FASTer Way lifestyle. Ready to join the fastest growing fitness and nutrition community? This growing community has a place for YOU! Click here to begin your journey today!


What to do if the grocery store is out of your meal plan items

There’s no question we are in the middle of a global pandemic. Restaurants, businesses and schools alike are all shutting their doors in attempts to stop the spread of COVID-19. Not to mention, if you’ve been to the grocery store in the last week or so, you’ve probably noticed the shortage of some pantry staples… Items like chicken, ground turkey, bananas, water and toilet paper are all in hot demand right now. 

But what happens when you head to the store to stock up for the week, planning to make all the yummy recipes from the FASTer Way, and your local grocery store is OUT of the ingredients you need? 

There’s no question that we LOVE having the meal plan readily available to guide us along in our health and fitness journey. However, with the recent outbreak of the coronavirus, it’s safe to say that some of our beloved pantry staples are now on short supply. 

Wondering how you’re going to stay on top of your nutrition when the grocery stores are selling out of what you need? Not sure what to do if you can’t find the ingredients to make tonight’s meal plan recipe? Well friends, rest assured! We have some good news for you: You can STILL live the FASTer Way lifestyle, even in the middle of a global pandemic. 

Even if meal-plan staple ingredients are running low in supply at the grocery store, we have a list of 10 suggestions on how YOU can stay on top of your nutrition during the COVID-19 outbreak.

Progress Over Perfection

First and foremost, focus on making progress, not perfection. In the coming weeks, if you have to substitute a few ingredients from the meal plan to accommodate what you have and can find, that is 100% OK! Don’t stress yourself if you don’t have exactly what is needed in the meal plan that week. Make healthy adjustments as necessary and keep moving forward!  

See What You Already Have

This is a great time to take inventory of what’s been hiding out in the back of your pantry. Got a few cans of beans? A can or two of fire-roasted tomatoes? Some dry quinoa and tomato sauce? Some frozen ground turkey packed away in the freezer? Throw it together to make a healthy, fiber-filled chilli! You’d be surprised how many nutrient-dense ingredients you’ll find pushed to the back of the pantry or stored away in the freezer.

Hit the Grocery Store Early in the Morning

Head to the grocery store first thing in the morning! As the day goes on, certain food items and pantry staples are more likely to sell out quicker than others. Plan to arrive at the grocery store as early as possible to beat the crowds and pick up those meal plan ingredients that were restocked the night before.

Check the Smaller Stores and Local Markets

Some of the smaller, specialty food grocery stores aren’t being hit as hard as the Costcos and Sam's Clubs of the world! Consider checking these stores before heading to those major chains. If there’s a local market in your area, swing by to see what fresh ingredients they have in stock. Many of the smaller, locally owned markets offer fresh organic meat and locally grown produce. 

Be Creative

Take inventory of what’s in your pantry! We recommend making a list of all the ingredients you have and writing up some creative recipes. Don’t be afraid to swap out healthy alternatives in the meal plan, too! If you’re missing a few ingredients for a particular recipe, use what you have in the pantry and make the necessary adjustments. You’d be surprised at what you might just come up with!

Don’t Turn to Processed Foods and Sugar- Resist the temptation to grab those quick, sugary snacks from the pantry. Be intentional about your nutrition and in your meal planning for the week. Make sure that you are stocking up on plenty of fresh, whole-food options for when the urge of snacking strikes. Nuts and dried fruit are a great option to have on hand for a quick and satisfying snack (bonus-- they have a great shelf-life!)  

Check out “Simple Ingredient Meals” on Pinterest

Pinterest is a GREAT tool to utilize during this time. There are thousands of simple, healthy, “low ingredient” recipes to make and explore. Try searching things like “simple ingredient meals,” “healthy dinners under 5 ingredients,” and “easy healthy meals.” You’d be amazed at all the recipe ideas you’ll find on Pinterest that keep you living the FASter Way lifestyle! 

Stock Up on Frozen Berries

There are still plenty of frozen berries in the freezer section at the grocery stores. Frozen berries are GREAT to keep on hand to add a boost of antioxidants to any recipe. Consider making a mixed berry smoothie or adding frozen berries to your oatmeal and dairy-free yogurt. Not to mention, they’re a yummy snack to eat right out of the bag, too!

Buy Fresh and Freeze It

Not sure about what to do with that fresh produce that’s about to go bad? Throw the rest of the produce into an ice tray, fill it up with water, and pop it into the freezer to freeze until solid. Use those frozen cubes as smoothie starters and flavor blends to add to your meals. Try starting with leafy greens like spinach and kale for a green smoothie! Or strawberries and blueberries for an antioxidant-boosting berry smoothie. Or freeze ingredients like mashed sweet potato, avocado or tomato puree to add flavor and nutrients to dishes down the road. 

Refer to the “Pre-Meal Plan” Days

Remember, we haven’t always had a meal plan available in the FASTer Way community. Don’t have the exact ingredients for the meal plan? No problem! Make a plan and adjust as needed. Don’t doubt yourself and your ability to live the FASTer Way lifestyle even with a shortage of ingredients. It’s time to put what you’ve learned into practice! 

Even if the grocery store doesn’t have what you need for the meal plan readily available, there are plenty of ways to stay on track with your nutrition during the coronavirus outbreak. You CAN create a delicious, nutrient-dense dinner for low carb day. You CAN choose nutrient-dense foods to properly fuel your body to get through your workout.

You CAN make the right choices and stay on track with your health goals. We believe in you and know that you can do this! Need some guidance along the way?

Reach out to us! We’d love to help guide you along the way as we continue in our health and fitness goals together as a community!


Three Ways People Get Intermittent Fasting Wrong and Why You Shouldn’t Try it on Your Own

The health benefits of intermittent fasting are clear: fat burning, improved immune function, and increased energy. However, these benefits (and more!) only happen when intermittent fasting is utilized correctly. Learn the three ways people get intermittent fasting wrong and why you shouldn’t try it on your own.

3 Ways IF - Square.jpg

Just like restrictive diets, when intermittent fasting isn’t done properly it can end up damaging your metabolism, your hormones, and even cause you to gain weight! Because of that, it is incredibly important you take the time to understand how to use IF properly.  

Because intermittent fasting is not a diet—it’s an eating schedule—it’s less about restricting calories and more about nourishing your body, as well as giving it time to effectively heal and repair itself. This only happens during a digestive rest (fasting).

While you can absolutely try intermittent fasting on your own, you don’t want to mess around with it if you haven’t done your research and know exactly how to nourish and heal your body the right way during your eating periods. 

The reason the FASTer Way to Fat Loss is so effective is that we combine intermittent fasting with carb cycling, nutritious whole foods, the right macronutrient balance, and 30-minute workouts to help you turn your body into a fat-burning machine.

Here are three ways people get intermittent fasting wrong and why you shouldn’t try it on your own!

1. Not Eating Enough

We recommend the 16/8 intermittent fasting protocol. This means you have an 8-hour eating window and a 16-hour fasting window. 

This doesn’t mean just skipping a meal or two. 

Or starving yourself. 

In fact, this is one of the biggest mistakes we see from people who are trying intermittent fasting on their own... not eating enough during their eating window. 

Your body needs fuel.

Any time you aren’t getting adequate calories, you can cause serious damage to your hormones and slow down your metabolism. 

When you focus on cutting calories during your fasting window rather than giving your body the energy it needs to think clearly and function properly, you are not optimizing your body’s fat-burning potential—you are shutting it down. 

The results? You’ll feel terrible, your energy will tank, and your weight loss will stall. 

2. Poor Nutrition

Another common mistake we see from people doing intermittent fasting on their own is eating whatever they want during their eating window rather than focusing on nutritious foods. 

It’s not enough to just eat within your 8-hour window. The benefits of intermittent fasting won’t take full effect if you aren’t fueling your body with whole foods.   

At the FASTer Way, we focus on carb cycling and a balanced, nutritious whole-food diet. So, while you can have a donut or a soda at various points throughout the week, we focus on eating nutrient-dense foods like:

  • All the fruits and vegetables!

  • Beans and legumes

  • Nuts and seeds 

  • Healthy fats

  • Lean proteins

By focusing on whole foods during your eating window, you’ll make sure that your nutrient intake isn’t being compromised, or your ability to see and feel the benefits from your intermittent fast. 

3. Eating Too Much

Some people have a tendency to binge-eat during their eating window if they don’t purposely pair IF with a nutrient-dense diet.

For those who have never fasted, jumping into the 16/8 protocol can be difficult.

Rather than easing into fasting with a 12/12 split, or taking out an hour here and there, or starting with just one day a week (all things we recommend to those who are brand new to intermittent fasting), they end up eating far too much during their eating window. 

Often, this means going completely overboard with unhealthy foods. 

At the FASTer Way, we focus on helping our clients eat enough of the right macronutrients and micronutrients to optimize their intermittent fast and keep them full—all while increasing their metabolism, burning fat, maintaining lean muscle, and creating daily habits that will help them thrive.  

The benefits of intermittent fasting happen when we give our bodies time to heal and proper nutrition. 

Ready to Get Started? We Can Help!

We believe in progress, not perfection. At the FASTer Way, we’ll help you ease your way into these sustainable lifestyle changes so you can start healing your body, start seeing results, and start feeling better than ever! 

Our next round starts soon and we’d love to have you join us. Use the button below to register for our next round!

3 Ways People Get Intermittent Fasting Wrong

Is it Safe to go to the Gym during the Coronavirus?

How to stay on top of your health and fitness goals during the Coronavirus: 

While the recent outbreak of the coronavirus (COVID-19) is at the forefront of everyone’s mind, gym-lovers are asking themselves the inevitable question, “Is it safe to go to the gym during the coronavirus outbreak?” Some even wonder if they should stop going to the gym altogether because of coronavirus. While you want to protect yourself and your family from the virus, you don’t want to compromise your health and fitness goals simply because you can’t make it to the gym. Well, we have some good news for you… You do NOT have to compromise your health and fitness goals in the midst of the coronavirus outbreak. We have some practical steps you can take to stay on top of your fitness and health goals while protecting against the coronavirus.

*Click here to read our most recent blog post on preparing for the coronavirus.

Is it Safe to go to the Gym during the Coronavirus?

What is the coronavirus and how does it spread? 

The coronavirus is a global pandemic that is spread by person-to-person contact and respiratory droplets in the air. Symptoms of the coronavirus include fever, cough, and shortness of breath. These symptoms can appear anywhere from 2-14 days after exposure. To combat it’s spread, the government, school districts and universities are recommending individuals practice social distancing (staying away from large groups of people) as the best measure of prevention. 

With social distancing as a main measure of prevention, in addition to frequent washing of hands, we must address the pressing question looming in the back of people’s minds: Should I stop going to the gym because of coronavirus?

Let’s start with some potential risks of going to the gym during the coronavirus:

  1. The coronavirus spreads when standing closer than 6-feet between an infected individual. With public gyms so heavily populated, working out in close quarters to dozens of others can act as a breeding ground for the virus to spread.

  2. The coronavirus can spread through respiratory droplets produced when coughing or sneezing. This makes surfaces at the gym more susceptible to spreading the virus. Other gym goers run the risk of contracting the virus when touching an infected surface then touching the mouth, eyes or nose.

While this news may leave avid gym-goers or health-conscious folks at a crossroads, rest assured… We have some good news for you! You DON’T have to go to the gym to keep up with your health and fitness goals during the coronavirus outbreak. There is an answer to protect yourself, your family and those around you from contracting the coronavirus: Join a virtual health and fitness community! Gyms are germy- work out and stay healthy at home.

Perks of joining a virtual health and fitness community:

During the time of the coronavirus outbreak, virtual health and fitness communities are a saving-grace to anyone wanting to keep up on health and fitness goals while still protecting themselves against coronavirus. Here at the FASTer Way to Fat Loss, we are a 100% virtual community specializing in effective workouts paired with whole-food nutrition. With a library of live workouts updated daily, you have the freedom to choose from a wide range of effective workouts right from the comfort of your own home. From strength workouts, to high intensity training, to yoga, we have the tools you need to successfully and proactively stay on top of your fitness goals right from home. Joining our virtual community minimizes the need to risk the dangers of exposure to coronavirus at your public gym. You can get the SAME benefits and results that you would at the gym, right from the comfort of your own home!

The FASTer Way to Fat Loss community provides you with workouts to do at home during the coronavirus outbreak. Our targeted and effective 30 minute workouts are available LIVE everyday or available to catch via replay with the entire FASTer Way community. The workouts are tailored to your fitness needs and goals, including workout options from low-impact to advanced! 

Here are some tips to create a simple and cost effective at-home gym during the coronavirus:

  • Clear out a space, free of any large objects, to give yourself enough room to safely and effectively complete your workout.

  • Have a carpet or yoga mat nearby for any workout moves that require laying down.

  • Have a few sets of dumbbells that best suit your fitness for a wide range of workouts. No dumbells? No problem! Grab some canned goods, a stack of books or a large bottle of laundry detergent. 

  • Use a resistance band to up the intensity of your workout. Don’t have a resistance band? Click here to check out our beautiful blue FASTer Way resistance band!

  • For some exercises, a workout bench can be substituted for a sturdy chair. Be sure to check the stability of the chair before proceeding with the workout.

The Importance of Immunity-Boosting, Whole-Food Nutrition:

In addition to workouts, it is just as important that you pair the workouts with the right foods. We believe in fueling your bodies with a diet consisting of nutrient-dense, whole-foods to help boost your immunity and better protect against coronavirus. The FASTer Way app not only provides you with a library of effective, 30 minute at-home workouts, but also a daily meal plan with ideas and suggestions on whole-food nutrition. The meal plan includes delicious, nutrient-dense recipes that will fuel your body for workouts while helping boost your immunity.

Here are some foods that help boost immunity and may help protect against coronavirus:

  • Acai Berries-- Yes, that means acai bowls!

  • Bell Peppers-- Delicious in a quick stir fry or served with hummus.

  • Broccoli-- A great side to add to your dinners or as an additive in your morning omelet.

  • Blueberries-- Eat them plain or added to an immunity boosting green smoothie.

  • Citrus Fruits- Boost up your vitamin C with fruits like grapefruit, oranges and lemons!

  • Elderberries-- Elderberry syrup is a great addition to your daily health routine.

  • Green Tea- Kick start your day or power through the afternoon with this antioxidant-boosting tea. 

  • Spinach- Make a great quick tossed spinach salad or side dish sautéed with garlic and avocado oil.

  • Sweet Potatoes- Roast or bake them for a delicious and easy boost of Vitamin A, Vitamin C and fiber! 

  • Turmeric- This spice includes anti-inflammatory, immunity boosting properties that are a great additive to any savory dish.

So, to answer the big question on everyone’s minds… Should you stop going to the gym during the Coronavirus? The answer is simple…. Bring the gym home to YOU! Clear out a space, set up your computer or phone and come join our online community. You CAN protect yourself and your family from the spread of coronavirus while keeping up with your health and fitness goals!

Ready to stay on top of your health while protecting against coronavirus? Join our online community today  and get ready to crush your fitness goals from the comfort of your own home!

*For the most reliable and up-to-date information on the Coronavirus and how it spreads, click here to visit the CDC website. 

How to Prepare for the Coronavirus (COVID-19)

The novel coronavirus, which causes the illness COVID-19, is at the forefront of the media and everyone’s minds. Some people aren’t worried at all and some countries have shut down travel, business, and social engagements to try to contain the outbreak. Learn how to prepare for the coronavirus!

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Lighthearted memes and out-of-stock toilet paper have been prominent topics of conversation concerning the coronavirus in the US. There have been wildly varying opinions about the severity of the illness, but what we know is that it’s spreading all over the world and it’s highly contagious.

We’re getting rapid-fire updates from the media about who’s tested positive, how many people have been affected, and where travel is banned. We’re seeing an unprecedented response to a unique situation, so what can we do? 

First and foremost, take a breath. Yes, the coronavirus will spread, but we CAN take preventive measures that will go a long way in keeping our families healthy!

Here’s what we know about the coronavirus:

  • The virus originated in Wuhan, China and has since spread globally

  • The World Health Organization has declared a pandemic, meaning worldwide spread of a new disease

  • Symptoms include fever, cough, and shortness of breath and may appear 2–14 days after exposure

  • Transmission is from person-to-person contact with someone who is affected (they may be asymptomatic)

  • Travel is being discouraged, especially cruises, and is banned in some areas

  • Many school districts and universities across the US are transitioning to remote learning, as social distancing (staying away from groups of people) is the best preventive measure

  • Many businesses are transitioning to remote work-from-home situations, as much as possible

  • Social events, sporting events, church meetings, etc. are being canceled OR continuing without audience/congregation attendance

The news is filled with updates as celebrities and sports stars test positive, countries shut down, travel is suspended, and supplies (like toilet paper and facemasks) dwindle. All this can easily lead to fear and even panic, but we believe a calm approach is best! 

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is the best source for up-to-date information, recommendations, and tips to stay healthy. There are countless articles circulating the internet, but the CDC will be the most reliable source to stay in the know. Learn more at

CDC’s Tips to Prevent Illness:

  • Avoid exposure 

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after you have been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.

  • If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. Cover all surfaces of your hands and rub them together until they feel dry.

  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.

If you’re sick (with any illness) please protect others! Many individuals have chronic health conditions or compromised immunity (and you usually can’t tell who they are!), which makes a virus like this more dangerous for them. Here are the CDC’s recommendations for what to do:

  • Stay home if you’re sick

  • Cover coughs and sneezes

  • Wear a facemask around other people (please don’t wear a facemask if you aren’t sick or caring for a sick person, they are in short supply—save them for our caregivers!)

Please visit the CDC’s website for more information about what to do if you’re sick.

We agree that these are all important things we should all be doing, but there are a few more things we recommend that can make a difference!

  • Eat a whole-food, nutrient-dense diet (get plenty of fruits and veggies!)

  • Limit gluten, dairy, and refined sugar (these are all inflammatory foods!)

  • Exercise regularly (working out at home is a great option! Otherwise, clean equipment before AND after use.)

  • Practice intermittent fasting (so important for healing the body!)

  • Consider immune-boosting supplements like elderberry syrup (ask your functional medicine doctor for additional recommendations)

  • Stay positive and focus on building your immune system!

  • Be strategic about being in public places (if you go to the gym try to go when it’s not busy!)

You may have noticed that many of these recommendations are part of the FASTer Way to Fat Loss strategies! That’s because our purpose has always been to help you get well, prevent disease, and fulfill your purpose with energy.

If you’d like guidance in putting these health-promoting strategies into place in your lifestyle, then join us for the next round of the FASTer Way!

Additional helpful coronavirus resources: 

  • Amanda also shared her own personal tips for keeping her family safe and healthy, which you can watch here.

  • FASTer Way founder Amanda Tress interviewed Dr. Matt Ferenc on the FASTer Way Podcast and he shared his insight and recommendations for staying healthy during cold and flu (and coronavirus) season. Listen to the podcast episode below!

Stay safe and healthy out there!!

How Intermittent Fasting Improves Immunity

We are living in a critical time for our health and safety and that of our families. The coronavirus (which causes the illness COVID-19) is the main buzz right now and it’s plaguing communities, governments, and nations with fear as it continues to spread. Stay safe (and worry less!) by learning how intermittent fasting improves immunity!

Families are searching the internet for answers and stocking up on face masks and hand sanitizer to be prepared for the coronavirus. However, we must remain calm! There are many resources and practical steps we can take in order to best protect ourselves and families from contracting this virus. 

While there are lots of things we can’t control, there is one thing that we can control… and that is our health choices! We have to make choices every day that will either feed or fight the spread of illness. Focusing on a whole-food, nutrient-dense diet—paired with regular exercise, intermittent fasting, and plenty of sleep—can help build up the immune system and aid in the prevention of COVID-19.

Here at the FASTer Way, one of our main focus areas for our community is intermittent fasting.

You may have heard of intermittent fasting before, as it has become increasingly more popular in the health and fitness industry. While fasting is an ancient practice, today it is mainly used to capitalize on its many health and fat loss benefits. Intermittent fasting, simply put, is an eating schedule. Our bodies are in one of two states: fed or fasted. In the fed state, our bodies focus on digesting food. In the fasted state, our bodies focus on healing and repair.

Here are just a few of the many benefits of intermittent fasting:

  • Fat loss

  • Natural detoxing

  • Cellular repair 

  • Decreased insulin levels (helping you burn fat)

  • Reduced inflammation

  • Improved hormone profile

  • Improved immunity 

However, what you may not know about intermittent fasting is that it also aids in building your immunity. Yes, you read that right! Intermittent fasting can help your body fight off infection and disease! At such a critical time, with the rapid spread of the coronavirus, we must be diligent in taking the necessary steps to protect ourselves against contracting the virus. Intermittent fasting is a great place to start!

Let’s talk about the immunity-boosting benefits of intermittent fasting:

Fasting helps improve the body’s immune system. Valter Longo’s 2014 research on prolonged fasting (2–4 days) has since lead to a lot of promising research on shorter-term intermittent fasting. These studies suggest that T cells, B cells, white blood cells, and inflammatory responses are all positively impacted by fasting. 

Angus Chen’s article discusses three different studies that demonstrate improved immune responses that are directly correlated to intermittent fasting. One exciting example is how T cells improve immunity:

“In Belkaid’s study, she found that memory T cells, which produce molecular weapons to kill pathogens and cancers, suddenly became supercharged when they retreated to the bone marrow [during fasting]. ‘Not only were they able to survive, they were also optimized, and these T cells were able to protect [the body] better,’ Belkaid says.”

Another powerful effect of intermittent fasting is the reduction of inflammation in the body. Inflammation is the body’s response to injury, but we are not meant to be in a chronic state of inflammation. Chronic inflammation has been linked to heart disease and stroke, and may also lead to autoimmune disorders. But there’s good news! New research shows that during fasting, inflammatory cells called monocytes are 1) less active in the body and 2) fewer are released into the bloodstream. This means the inflammatory response is naturally reduced. For more information about monocytes, you can read the study here.

There is so much exciting new research coming out all the time that continues to confirm that intermittent fasting supports and improves our immunity. Keep yourself healthier and better able to fight off infection by practicing intermittent fasting!

How to get started with intermittent fasting:

Intermittent fasting is safe for nearly everyone, but we recommend it for adults age 18 and older. However, please refer to your doctor before beginning a new health regimen—especially if you have any health concerns that are affected by diet (such as diabetes). If your doctor is not current on his or her intermittent fasting research, make sure to do your own! You may even consider seeing a functional medicine doctor, as they are usually up-to-date on strategies like IF.

When you’re ready to start intermittent fasting, simply decide what you want your fasting window to be. Stop eating after dinner (usually around 6 pm–8 pm), and then break your fast 16 hours later (around 10 am–12 pm). That’s it! If that seems like too much all at once, you can ease into with a shorter fasting window (12 hours is a good starting point), or try fasting once or twice a week. Gradually increase your fasting window or the number of days you fast each week, and soon you’ll be practicing daily!

As you make these changes to your health during this critical time, we want to reassure you that there is no need to fear! Rather than going into panic mode, stay calm and focus on pairing proper nutrition with intermittent fasting. See what works best for your body; whether it be a 12/12 protocol (12 hours fasting/12 hours eating) or a 16/8 protocol (16 hours fasting/8 hours eating). Let’s use the tools we have and focus on the things we can control, rather than what we cannot. Together, we can set our bodies up for success and give them all the necessary tools to stay healthy and fight off infection. 

Are you ready to start incorporating intermittent fasting and whole-food nutrition into your daily health routine? Join the FASTer Way family as we build immunity and stay healthy together!

*To learn more about the spread of the coronavirus, visit the CDC website for the most accurate and up-to-date information.

5 Ways To Get More Protein in Your Diet

If you want to transform your body then you have to eat enough protein, which can be challenging for anyone. Learn five easy ways to get more protein in your diet every day!

5 Ways to Get More Protein In Your Diet

A protein-rich diet fuels your body’s natural fat-burning capabilities. 

Protein is crucial for a lot of reasons, including replacing damaged tissue, repairing muscles, and helping our bodies produce glucagon (an important fat-burning hormone). The right amount of protein can help you stay fuller longer, and protein is also essential for immune health and brain function.

But we know that getting enough protein into your diet every day can be a challenge, especially if you don’t naturally eat a lot of protein-rich foods.  


1. Protein-Rich Snacks

While we encourage well-rounded meals, we all grab snacks throughout the day or while out and about. Protein-rich snacks are a great way to increase your protein intake!

Here are some good options to have on-hand when you need a snack:

Jerky: 9g protein per ounce.

Trail Mix: 8g protein per 2 ounces. It’s a good idea to make your own trail mix with mostly nuts, particularly almonds and pistachios, which are higher in protein. Nuts are high in calories (because they also contain fat) so you only need a handful to do the trick. 

Turkey Roll-Ups: 8g protein per ounce of roasted turkey. Take a slice of turkey, a slice of tomato, and a slice of cucumber (or other veggies) and roll them up for a quick high-protein snack.

Hummus and Veggies: 6.5g protein per ⅓ cup. 

2. Protein from Meat, Fish, and Eggs

Meat is probably what comes to mind for most of us when we think of protein, but not all meat-sourced protein is created equal. You want to look for meat that is both lean and unprocessed. Stick with organic, grass-fed, pasture-raised options that don’t contain antibiotics. Some examples include:

Lean Beef: 22g protein per 3 ounces.

Chicken: 38g protein per cup . 

Wild-Caught Fish: 5-10g protein per ounce.

Eggs: 6g protein per egg (hard-boiled eggs make a great high-protein snack). 

3. Plant-Based Proteins

If you’re looking for plant-based protein options, or if you’re vegetarian or vegan, there are lots of protein-rich choices, like:

Tempeh: 31g protein per cup (this is a fermented tofu product). 

Quinoa: 24g protein per cup

Almonds: 28g protein per cup

Beans: 15-40g protein per cup, depending on variety (lentils, pinto beans, garbanzo beans, kidney beans, etc.).  

4. Protein Shakes or Bars

While we recommend getting your protein from whole-food sources, a protein shake or protein bar is a fast way to get more protein into your diet if you have a busy day. We recommend that you NOT make this the norm, but if you are in a pinch, these will do the trick.

A typical protein shake has around 20g of protein per serving. With protein bars, the amount varies widely, but make sure to check the ingredients… the simpler the better. If you can’t read the ingredient list, find a different brand that focuses on whole-food ingredients.

Collagen Peptides: 20g protein per serving (typically). This is a popular protein supplement found at health food stores, Costco, many grocery stores, and online. There are vegan options available but most are sourced from animals.

Peanut Butter Powder: 8g protein per serving. This is another easy option for upping your protein and a popular ingredient for a chocolate peanut butter protein shake!

Avoid products that are high in sugar, as many processed products are loaded with sugar and other less desirable ingredients.

5. Energy Bites

Planning and preparing healthy, protein-rich foods for those crazy, hectic days makes life a whole lot easier!

There are countless recipes for energy bites available online. They only take a few minutes to make and there is no baking involved.

The basic recipe is made by combining nut butter, seeds, oats, and sometimes honey and rolling them into small bite-sized balls. 

This make-ahead, grab-and-go snack is an easy way to get more protein in your diet—and they’re also kid-approved!

Need more ideas to help you get more protein into your diet? Grab your FREE 5-day sample meal plan. This easy-to-follow meal plan makes getting the right macronutrient balance in your diet quick and simple with less stress! Grab your copy and get to it!

5 Ways to Get More Protein In Your Diet

Top 5 Secrets For Better Health This Year

We’re rolling into the new year here at the FASTer Way and we know YOU have some big goals. Maximize your efforts by focusing on what matters most to your health and wellness—try our top 5 secrets for better health this year!

Top 5 Secrets for Better Health in January

We know you’re ready to level up and make things happen, especially when it comes to your health and wellness. Your decision to live a healthy, fit lifestyle doesn’t simply affect you, but your children, your community, and even your greater purpose!

So, to help you kick things off right, we’re sharing our top 5 tips that you can establish through the month of January (or any time of year!) to set yourself up for success. 

Top 5 Secrets for Better Health this year

1.Practice Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is one of the keys to set yourself up for greater health and wellness through the month and for the rest of your year (and life). It is essential to both fat loss and overall health, and when done for the right reasons at the right times, it may increase your energy, eliminate bloating, improve your immunity, and turn your body into a fat burner.  

Pro Tip: Make sure you have guidance as you implement Intermittent Fasting so you can truly reap the benefits withOUT doing damage to your hormones! 

2. Eat a Whole-Food Diet

Nutrition is the foundation of your health and wellness goals. If you’ve been a little too relaxed about what you eat, it’s time to get back on track! Eliminating gluten and dairy and sticking to a diet based on real, nutrient-dense foods will move you forward in your fat loss journey—while increasing your energy, and helping to prevent disease!

Pro Tip: If it has a mother or comes from the’s a whole food!

3. Drink Up!

Staying hydrated is critical to keeping your body functioning optimally. Most people simply aren’t drinking enough water every day. This can result in headaches, lethargy, poor sleep, muscle cramps, and more—symptoms that make day-to-day life more challenging!

Aim to drink at least half your body weight in ounces of water each day. If you can drink more than that, great!

Pro Tip: Keep a glass of water by your bed and drink it before your feet hit the floor each morning!

4. Consistent Movement

Whether you exercise for thirty minutes or for five minutes, it’s incredibly important to create a habit of consistent movement in your life. We recommend at least 5 days of movement per week. Decide what works for you and what you enjoy doing, then commit to doing it consistently!

Pro Tip: If you are a FASTer Way client, our daily live workouts are fantastic! Yoga, walking, hiking, or riding bikes with your family are also great ways to move your body. Make sure it’s something you enjoy and do it regularly!

5. Rest

The truth is you are stressed. We’re all stressed—unfortunately, it’s part of life!

Maybe you’re raising kids, volunteering, working full-time, caring for an aging parent, or dealing with a long-term illness. We ALL have something (usually more than one thing!) that causes some stress.

Learning to manage stress levels is crucial because if you are living with chronically elevated cortisol levels (that’s your stress hormone), it can have a major impact on your metabolism, immune system, and even digestion! Find a way to rest that lets your body and your mind take a break from the rigors of life.

Pro Tip: Schedule restful activities into your calendar (and be sure to take two days off from intense exercise each week—let your body restore itself)!

If you’re ready to be intentional with your success, then be sure to prioritize these five strategies. They’ll help you get control back over your lifestyle and help you feel incredible!

If you’re ready to CRUSH your goals with a proven system that’s helped more than 125,000 people get well, find their energy, feel their BEST, and fulfill their purpose, then join us for the next round of the FASTer Way to Fat Loss. We’ll be there for you every step of the way!

What makes the FASTer Way to Fat Loss different? Read about our strategies!

Top 5 Secrets for Better Health in January

How To Change Your Family’s Eating Habits

We all want our families to eat better and adopt healthier habits, but that’s easier said than done. If you want to learn how to change your family’s eating habits, it really starts with one person making small changes.

How to change your family's eating habits

Women have a lot more power than they often realize. Their habits tend to be adopted by their families, especially their children, so whatever their eating pattern—or even attitude toward food—will usually be shared by the entire household.

So, perhaps the biggest impact a woman can make on the world happens when she decides to figure out how to get truly healthy. 

While it may seem that one woman choosing to get healthy isn’t that big of a deal, the ripple effect is a lot larger than one might initially expect. 

A woman choosing to get healthy means an entire family gets healthy. 

In most homes, 63% to be exact, women are the ones buying groceries and planning meals. They are packing lunches and making buying decisions when it comes to what their family consumes. 

When a woman begins to dial in her health and makes significant changes to her nutrition, she is more than likely going to implement changes for the entire family. 

She will begin to shop differently and she will begin to teach her children differently. As her children develop healthy eating habits, they will grow up to live healthier lifestyles. 

Additionally, when a woman makes changes to what’s being purchased and prepared for her children, she is likely doing the same for her spouse. 

A woman’s decision to live a healthier lifestyle impacts her whole family. 

A woman choosing to get healthy will impact her community. 

Women share what they love with their friends. 

Have a hairstylist that’s amazing? Tell everyone you know. 

Find a mascara that’s changed your life? Buy one for every woman you love. 

Start a new workout routine you’re obsessed with? Register all your friends. 

It’s in our nature to share what we love with the people we love. 

Women are designed to live in community with others, and we can’t help but share the ups and downs of life with those around us.

So, when a woman gets healthy, she is VERY likely to tell her friends about what she’s learning and the impact it’s had on her energy, her waistline, and her overall mood. 

Not only will she tell her friends and family about her newfound obsession with getting healthy, but she will also do her best to get them on board. 

Women getting healthy impacts entire communities!

A woman choosing to get healthy means future generations will be healthier. 

In addition to teaching her children how to live a healthy lifestyle, which has a clear ripple effect on future generations, a woman learning to live a healthy lifestyle is actually making an impact on the health of her unborn children. 

While there are several factors that determine birth defects and health-related issues in newborns, there is a growing body of evidence that shows babies born to women who are well-nourished and health-conscious, are less likely to experience certain health-related issues, including obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.

When a woman gets healthy she quite literally has the power to transform the future.

A woman choosing to get healthy means a whole lot more will get done. 

Simply put, women are good at getting things done. When a woman decides to take her health seriously—not simply to look better, but to feel better—she is very likely going to channel that energy into doing some pretty amazing things. 

A woman getting healthy changes things. 

We agree—there are exceptions to the rule. 

We agree—men play a role in families getting healthy. 

We agree—there are people who take their health VERY seriously and still get sick.

But the impact can’t be denied, when a woman makes healthy changes, it affects her family and community.

Here at the FASTer Way to Fat Loss, we’re committed to helping as many women as possible make massive shifts in their health and wellness so they can make their impact on the world. We want each and every person to get well, prevent disease, and fulfill their purpose with energy!

Ready to dive in and see for yourself what makes us the fastest-growing health and fitness company on the market today? Join us for the next round of the FASTer Way!

Want to learn more about our science-backed strategies? Check out these articles:

How to change your family's eating habits

Two Fat Loss Secrets That Are NOT Diet and Exercise

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We all know that diet and exercise are vital aspects of losing fat, but they aren’t the only ones—and they may not even be the most important! We’re sharing two fat loss secrets (that are NOT diet and exercise!) that can help you get—and maintain—the results you want.

While nutrition and fitness are obvious players in the healthy lifestyle game, they may not really matter much without two other vital components. The problem is, these two components are often overlooked by many people just starting out with a healthy-living transition.

It’s why so many people set resolutions they don’t stick to. 

It’s why the yo-yo diet rollercoaster exists. 

It’s why you’ve likely tried to lose the weight on your own, to no avail. 

We’re BIG believers in whole-food nutrition, intermittent fasting, carb cycling, and balanced macros. Make no mistake, we believe these strategies will do for you what no other diet or program can.  BUT—you still need these two things to get results that last. 

The Two Secrets to Fat Loss are… 

Community and Accountability

At the end of the day, if you don’t have a community alongside you and the accountability you need to create new habits, even a comprehensive program like the FASTer Way to Fat Loss may not work. 

Sustainable fat loss takes more than just a good strategy. You have to learn to change your behaviors, and you have to be willing to create new habits. That takes time, effort, and perseverance. 

Left to do that on their own, most people are likely to:

  • Quit when things get too hard or life is too busy

  • Slow down when something is confusing

  • Go back to old habits after “messing up”

However, with the right community and consistent accountability in place, most people are significantly more likely to not only see results but to maintain results over time. 


There’s something inside all of us that just responds to being held accountable. Whether it’s daily check-ins with a Facebook group, text messages from a friend, or working with a coach once a week, the likelihood of following through when you know someone is checking on you is significantly higher than when you have no accountability. In fact, a Stanford study found that just one check-in call every two weeks increased the amount of exercise in participants by 78%. 

Having someone, preferably a neutral someone, hold you accountable, could be THE game-changer for your fat loss journey. 


Life is not meant to be lived alone. We are far more likely to keep going when we have a community of support behind us. Sometimes knowing that you are not alone (and that others are feeling the same way you are feeling) is critical to pushing through hard seasons. 

When you have a community of like-minded individuals, you are far more likely to stick with your goals, because you want to be an active member of that community. Additionally, other members of the community are there when you need an objective perspective or when you are feeling unsure about how to proceed. 

These Secrets are Pivotal

Without accountability and community, life has a way of pushing us off track before we’re set in our new habits. 

That’s why we at the FASTer Way to Fat Loss are committed to helping you feel 100% plugged into a community of others ready to shed fat, feel incredible, and live their healthiest lives. 

We know that in order to get well, prevent disease, and fulfill your purpose with energy, you are going to need daily check-ins to help you stay consistent and knowledgeable coaches to answer your real-time questions. 

We want you to succeed and we’re here to guide you every step of the way! That’s why we built community and accountability into our program.

Because it works.

Ready to dive in and see for yourself what makes us the fastest-growing health and fitness company on the market today? Join us for the next round of the FASTer Way!

Want to learn more about our science-backed strategies? Check out these articles:

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Why You Won’t Need A Weight Loss Resolution Ever Again

One of the most popular (and repeated) New Year’s resolutions is to lose weight, but we think it’s time to move past that. Set yourself up for real success—learn why you won’t need a weight loss resolution ever again!

What if you never had to make another New Year’s resolution to lose weight? Sound too good to be true? We’re happy to tell you that not only is it true, but it’s simple, too! 

It’s not just about trying to eat less or exercise more. It’s about building sustainable habits with small and simple changes that don’t overwhelm you. Consistency is the real key to success, not the quick fixes and challenges that so many people seem to love. It’s not about doing something difficult for a short time. It’s about doing something simple for the long term.

Here’s why you won’t need a weight loss resolution ever again:

You Can Fuel Your Body Properly

Rather than putting yourself through another unsustainable and unrealistic diet, start giving your body the fuel it needs to function properly. Adequate caloric intake keeps the metabolism running high, the thyroid functioning optimally, and keeps you from getting hangry (you know what we’re talking about!). 

And if you’re ready to really maximize your nutrition, you can incorporate these science-backed cutting-edge strategies!

Intermittent Fasting

It’s all the rage in the fitness industry, but for good reason! Intermittent Fasting is not only simple, but it’s FREE to do, and there’s a whole lot of research emerging showing incredible benefits like hormone regulation, cellular repair, cellular waste removal, muscle maintenance, and increased metabolism. 

Carb Cycling

Another key to increased nutrition success is carb cycling. Alternating your carb intake and pairing it with your workouts is an extremely effective way to change your overall body composition, get that life-changing energy back, sleep better, and train your body to burn fat instead of carbs. Low carb days will help you burn fat while higher carb days will keep your body (and hormones!) running smoothly—both are important!

Tracking Macros

Figuring out your macros (and adjusting them to fit your goals) can be a bit tricky but once you find the right ratios and learn to listen to your body, you will be able to fuel your body correctly!

Macros (short for macronutrients) are the building blocks of our food—carbs, fat, and protein. All three are essential to a balanced diet, so no matter how you choose to eat, we do NOT recommend following a plan that cuts out an entire macronutrient. The two popular methods we’re talking about are low carb and low fat. Again, your body needs BOTH to function properly, so eating in a balanced way is key.

When you learn how to fuel your body in a way that gives it everything it needs to function optimally, not only are you going to feel amazing, you are going to be healthier and more fit than ever before. It’s a game-changer, friend.

You Can Establish Flexible Lifestyle Habits 

While there are plenty of diets out there that might help you drop some pounds (usually water weight), trying out a diet that doesn’t allow you to ever go out to eat with your friends or enjoy any of your favorite foods just isn’t sustainable. 

We all know how the story of the fad diet plays out: deprive yourself, drop a few pounds, lose energy, get headaches, and eventually quit. Then, unfortunately, most likely gain the weight right back. 

That’s exactly why the FASTer Way to Fat Loss was born. It’s a program that helps you get well, prevent disease, and fulfill your purpose with energy—all while allowing you to burn fat, balance your hormones, and live a real life. This means going out with friends, having the energy to get through the day, and enjoying your favorite treats. The most important part is flexibility so you can actually maintain those life-changing habits, and turn your body into a fat-burning machine.  

Your Habits Will Keep You Going 

Most New Year’s resolutions get ditched halfway through January because most people dive into their goals without a plan and without establishing habits. When motivation starts to wane, so does effort, which means the goals die off. 

On the other hand, when you implement new habits in a sustainable way, it’s a different story—especially when those habits result in waking up with energy that lasts all day, feeling confident in your skin, and turning your body into a fat burner. You’ll want to continue building and strengthening those habits! Nothing is more motivating than finally getting results. 

You Can Join A Community To Keep You Engaged and Motivated

Going after goals and making lifestyle changes becomes a whole lot easier when you have a community to mentor and support you. Our FASTer Way community includes people from all different backgrounds committed to making changes that will lead them to lasting results. You’ll get all the motivation and support you need to thrive no matter how busy life gets. 

This time next year, you won’t need to make another resolution you probably won’t follow through with—because you’ll be living a healthy lifestyle and loving it!

Join us for the next round of the FASTer Way to Fat Loss, where you’ll learn how to turn healthy habits into a real lifestyle. We can’t wait to welcome you!

For more information about our strategies, check out these articles!

How To Develop Habits That Keep You Fit and Healthy

If you’ve never been big on resolutions or goals, we have good news! There’s actually a better way to achieve fat loss and better health. Learn how to develop habits that keep you fit and healthy!

The Problem with Willpower

You’ve probably never thought of your willpower as a muscle, but research shows that, just like a muscle, your willpower gets fatigued and becomes exhausted the more you use it. 

That’s exactly why restrictive diets don’t last very long—your willpower can’t last forever and you’ll quickly find yourself off track, back to your old habits, and inevitably frustrated. Hello, yo-yo diet rollercoaster! 

If you want to lose weight AND do it in a healthy way (mentally and physically), you need to set yourself up for success—even when your willpower is depleted. 

That’s why the FASTer Way to Fat Loss was born. It’s not a fad or a crash diet—it’s a lifestyle. We teach people how to live in a realistic and sustainable way by using cutting-edge strategies like Intermittent Fasting, balanced macros, and carb cycling—all paired with effective workouts.

This means you can enjoy a donut, go out to eat with your friends, or have a Coke… all without crashing your diet (because you won’t be on a diet, you’ll just be living your healthy lifestyle!).

The FASTer Way is unlike any other fitness program, because you don’t need a hulk-sized willpower muscle to maintain it, and you don’t have to cut entire food groups out of your life. We give you a strategy that will help you develop life-changing habits and absolutely crush your goals. 

Here are a few ways to stay fit and healthy and develop life-changing habits: 

Habit Stacking  

Here’s the thing, creating new habits is a bit of a science—brain science, to be exact. 


Habit stacking is a great life hack for building healthy, new habits in a way that doesn’t require iron willpower, it simply uses your current habits that already have a strong neuro-connection in your brain.

We all have habits that are almost automatic for us, meaning that we don’t even think about them anymore because we do them every day.

For example, here are a few habits you may already have:

  • Making your bed

  • Showering

  • Making a cup of coffee

  • Dropping the kids off at school

Habit stacking goes like this: After [current habit], I will [new habit].

For example: After making my bed, I will do 5 push-ups.

You are essentially hacking your brain by creating an easier and FASTer way for you to make healthy habits a part of your normal, everyday routine. You are simply using those strong connections you already have as a trigger for new habits. 

Read more about developing habits here!

Easing In 

At the FASTer Way To Fat Loss, we don’t care about perfection because it doesn’t exist. We care about progress.

When you begin habit stacking, start out with small and manageable steps and ease your way into a routine.

Once you’ve mastered “After making my bed, I will do 5 push-ups,” then you can expand to, “After making my bed, I will do my FASTer Way workout.” (we keep them to about 30 minutes or less!).

The key is to avoid the “cold turkey” approach and allow yourself to get comfortable and confident in what you are doing. 

Achieving your goals takes time, but those small successes build up and they form connections in your brain to those new habits—making them stick. 

Accountability and Community

When you’re starting out, it’s important to have some accountability while you are in the process of creating new habits.

Going at it alone leaves you more susceptible to giving up when life gets busy or a challenge arises. 

Eventually, your new habits will take root and you won’t need the same degree of accountability, but you’ll still want to be a part of a community that understands you and what you are doing—and supports you along the way! 

When it comes down to it, having a community that’s there for you while you are creating your new healthy lifestyle is crucial. We’ve helped more than 130,000 clients get into the best shape of their lives with the best fitness program out there. The FASTer Way isn’t another diet. It’s a flexible, sustainable lifestyle that helps you develop habits that will keep you fit and healthy for life. 

Curious about what makes us different? Find out for yourself! Join us for the next round of the FASTer Way to Fat Loss and let’s do this thing! 

To learn more about our strategies, please visit these articles: