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10 Tips to Drink More Water

We all know we should be drinking more water, but what if it’s hard to get your goal in every day? We’re sharing 10 tips to drink more water so you can feel the benefits and get the most out of your healthy lifestyle!

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Water is vital to every system in the body. In fact, your body is about 70% water so staying hydrated is important for everything from cellular function to joint health.


Water needs vary for each person and depend on factors such as height and activity level, but a good starting point is half your body weight in ounces of water. If you’re very active or live in a hot climate, you may need to drink more water!

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1. Have a glass of water on your nightstand and drink it in the morning as soon as you wake up.

2. Keep a reusable water bottle with you and drink from it often.

3. Every time you finish a glass/bottle of water, refill it. Never let it sit empty!

4. Set a reminder in your phone if you have a hard time remembering to hydrate.

5. Drink a glass of water before each meal.

6. Flavor your water with fresh fruits and herbs. Popular options include:

  • Cucumber-mint

  • Raspberry-lime

  • Strawberry-kiwi

  • Lemon 

7. Use an app to track your water intake.

8. Invest in a filter. Most people have tap water that’s safe to drink, but that doesn’t always mean it tastes good. Even an inexpensive pitcher-style filter can make tap water palatable and refreshing.

9. Choose sparkling water over soda. If you love a fizzy drink but you’re trying to avoid soda, there are plenty of sparkling water options!

10. Eat more water-rich foods! Get a boost of nutrition with a shot of hydration with water-rich foods such as:

  • Cucumber

  • Zucchini

  • Lettuce

  • Celery 

  • Cabbage

  • Watermelon

  • Honeydew Melon

  • Cantaloupe 

  • Grapefruit 

What’s YOUR favorite tip for drinking more water? Share with us in the comments!

Want access to more helpful tips like these? Ready to live your best life this summer and achieve optimal health? We’d love for you to join us for our next round of FASTer Way! Register quickly— spots are filling up!



FASTer Way Spandex Jersey Racerback Tank


FASTer Way High Waist Legging

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A Reflection on Fatherhood By: Mike Ritter

“The quality of a father can be seen in the goals, dreams, and aspirations he sets not only for himself, but for his family.” - Reed Markham


Dad-hood has been nothing short of extraordinary and I mean that in the most literal sense of the word. Everything that used to feel ordinary now requires a little bit extra -- extra effort, extra money, and extra time. A trip to the beach used to be easy. Now it requires us to pack up the car to the brim with extra toys, floaties, towels, strollers, snacks, drinks, hats, clothes (for now), clothes (for later), and a few extra trips back inside the house to get what we forgot. 

I would be fooling you if I said fatherhood was easy. Then again, I can’t think of a single joy in my life greater than my family. But the pressures can be very tall. In the highest leadership position of my life, I’ve had to suddenly become the gatekeeper of the futures of two beautiful humans. This means I’ve had to become a financier, chef, mechanic, carpenter, landscaper, and crisis aversion manager -- without any formal education in these areas! As much pride that comes with fatherhood also comes pressure. 

Truthfully, the world feels very large at times. The weight can feel very heavy but it doesn’t change the fact that you must rise to the challenge. Everything your children do in life will be influenced by you. You know it and you feel it. The way they act as adults will have a piece of you in it. Even if they don’t grow up just like you they will certainly develop their own ethical codes based on the world you show them. 

The health of your children is heavily influenced by you and the choices you make. As much as our children are their own independent thinkers, their outlook on life is based on their experiences. The food they are fed through their mouths feeds every cell in their body. When you tell them, “You are what you eat,” you may not realize how profound of a statement you are making. Food literally becomes them. 

The way they think about movement directly influences how much they move and how much they enjoy it. How much they move also influences the way they think. You have a profound role in both, especially in the earlier years.

This doesn’t mean you have control over their lives, but you do have influence. Your boys and girls will ultimately choose their path but it starts with me and you. 

Unfortunately, we’re battling a major crisis of men with extraordinarily poor health. But the good news is that you have all of the materials, tools, and support you need to make this better -- right here at the FASTer Way. 

The FASTer Way has collected as much information as could possibly be wrapped up into an easy-to-follow, highly-effective curriculum to help you understand how to help yourself and your family. And that’s only the beginning of how the FASTer Way can help you achieve optimal health. 

Our kids are following our lead but they don’t have to experience the same problems we have experienced. You can break the cycle of poor health and set them up for a lifetime of success!

— Mike Ritter ,FASTer Way to Fat Loss Certified Coach and Team Member


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FASTer Way Shirt


FASTer Way Blender Bottle

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Ten Reasons to Keep Working Out at Home

Across the country and around the world, people are slowly starting to go back to their usual routines as stay-at-home orders are being lifted. This means some of our favorite places are opening their doors.


Hair and nail salons are seeing clients. Restaurants are serving customers all while maintaining social distancing guidelines. Many gyms are also back in business, arranging their equipment six feet apart so we can get those all-important workouts in.

If you’re not ready, that is okay. We’ve got you covered! The FASTer Way to Fat Loss will continue to offer fast and effective at home workouts - it is what we have done since the beginning and what we will always do.

Here are ten advantages to staying at home to stay fit:

  1. You gain quality time. One of the beautiful things that came from being at home over the past couple of months is that many of us realized that we missed time with our families. So many of our FASTer Way clients have made their workouts a family affair, even the little ones are able to join in with our Kids Workout series. Cutting out a gym commute and adding more time with your loved ones is a pretty great trade-off.

  2. You can’t avoid it. When you make a decision to work at home, the first thing to do is designate your workout space. Lay out your weights, your FASTer Way bands, and any equipment you will want to use. When you give yourself a permanent space (and it doesn’t have to be a huge space), your gym stares at you all day long until you get that workout done! 

  3. You can create a lifestyle. By working out at home, you can create a lifestyle mindset rather than a “have to do” mindset. Home is where we are our true selves. It is where we relax and unwind. Working out at home can help you begin to understand that exercising and living a healthy lifestyle is a part of who you are and what gives you peace in chaotic moments.

  4. You can be you! We see it all from our coaches and clients who work out at home and it is awesome! From “Spirit Days” to holiday attire and even pajamas, we see our clients feeling free to be themselves. You can work out wearing what you want (although we are partial to our FASTer Way shirts!). You can feel free to learn movements and make mistakes without judgement - all you hear is encouragement and real talk from your favorite FASTer Way Head Trainers!

  5. You won’t waste any time. Sure, we have already mentioned the commute but there is so much more time you won’t be wasting. Capacity in gyms right now is limited and so is equipment. There is a good chance you may be waiting to use a machine or free weight as others get their workout in, too. At home, your equipment is all yours to use when you like!

  6. Okay, let’s say it…GERMS! Even before we started living in a Coronavirus world, germs have been a concern of gym goers and gym owners. Most gyms are doing a great job right now because of strict regulations. However, in your house you KNOW how clean you keep your FASTer Way yoga mat and your dumbbells, and you aren’t relying on someone else. Of course, it is important at home to keep your space clean in order to get the most from your workout. 

  7. No photobombs! When you are proud of your workout, you know you want to share it on social media! That is awesome! Be proud! At home, it doesn’t feel weird to share your favorite moves with your virtual friends and you control what is happening in the background (mostly) at home. Plus, if social media sharing is not your thing, you won’t be making any accidental cameos in someone else’s fit post!

  8. It is easier to refeed those lean muscles! Have you ever left your post-workout fuel at home when you go to the gym? Talk about hangry! If you are used to fasted workouts this may not be tough on you. However, if you are an afternoon or evening workout person, you are counting on that macro boost. Your home gym has an unforgettable juice bar and kitchen with all the whole food macros to feed that lean muscle.

  9. The encouragement is truly special! Our clients have been sharing such sweet stories of their kids giving them an encouraging clap and cheer during their workouts and we’ve seen kisses from fur babies as they recover from our highly effective workouts. There is so much love involved in a home workout – boosting the feel-good hormone serotonin.

  10. We make it simple and affordable! The special thing about the FASTer Way at home workouts is that they come with incredible community, exciting new movements and goals, meal plans, wellness education, and dedicated coaches! It would be hard to go to a gym and find all of the value in one place that you receive with our app and groups. 

The FASTer Way to Fat Loss lifestyle is for all fitness levels and we know some of our clients do love hitting the gym to focus. That is what makes us the premier virtual nutrition and fitness program. Our app offers at home, gym, and low impact versions of the workouts and exercises to find exactly what you enjoy!

Our latest round starts June 29 – sign up today for BONUS access to workouts and a meal plan.

Guest Post by Bianca Oberhelman, FASTer Way Certified Coach (@tobeestrong)


FASTer Way Mini Resistance Bands


FASTer Way Yoga Mat

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10 Ways to Take Action Against Racism Today

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” Martin Luther King Jr.

The past days and weeks have shone a light onto the social injustices of the Black community in our country. Many of our clients, staff team members, coaches, and influencers are hurting deeply, and we are prepared and committed to listen and create safe spaces for open dialogue as we continue to educate ourselves.


In the FASTer Way family, we will continue to stand up for what is right and just, in support of the Black community. We are dedicated to seeing healing and justice and we are taking actionable steps to use our voice and platform for good. We will not ignore the issues at hand or remain silent during this time. We are with you.

We believe action is the key to change. We encourage you to take personal inventory: What is it that YOU can do today to be part of the solution? What is your individual responsibility in addressing racism in your workplace, community, or home? 

Here are ten ways to take action against racism TODAY:

  1. Do something now. Sign petitions or donate money to organizations supporting the Black community. 

  2. Educate yourself. Educate yourself on the history of institutional racism in our country.

  3. Teach your family. This isn’t something kids should navigate on their own. Help them understand this important, complex issue

  4. Who’s in your circle? Be committed to holding each other accountable to learning more and being part of the solution.

  5. Speak up. Make racism and justice for the Black community talked about in your circle and in your homes. Speaking about the issues and educating others close to you is a vital step to making sure everyone is an ally to the cause. 

  6. Follow organizations on social media who are speaking out about racial injustices

  7. Support Black-owned businesses in your area and online. Some communities have already begun compiling helpful lists. If yours doesn’t have one, start creating one yourself!

  8. STOP saying these things (thanks to @alyssamariewellness on Instagram for sharing this list):

    • “But what about black on black crime?”

    • “Other people are dying, too.”

    • “I don’t see color.” 

    • “Why are they overreacting?”

    • “I am not racist because I have Black friends.” [after doing or saying something racist]

    • “Stop blaming history and take responsibility.”

    • “Is the change that has already happened not enough?”

    • “Why do these brutality videos only show the end? What did they do to get there?”

    • Using MLK quotes to tell people how you think they should protest/grieve.

  9. Follow and support Black fitness and health bloggers

  10. Share information on social media that will help more people understand racism and what it actually looks like. There are new resources being shared all the time. Here are few:

We are committed to a better tomorrow by doing this important work today. If you have additional resources not listed here, please leave them in a comment. We will continue adding to our list to help ourselves and our readers!

Men's Health: Develop a Healthy Lifestyle at Home

To all of the men out there, doing your best, thank you for hanging in there and serving as role models for your family, colleagues, and friends. We encourage you to expand your massive influence on your family and invite you to take good care of your health. Your health and healthy habits not only impact you, and how you feel, but also your sphere of influence. 


When you show the discipline and focus it takes to get yourself into shape, you are changing your life as well as the lives of others. They see it and they will learn to value it as well. You may not know where to begin, or how to incorporate it into your busy life but that’s where we come in! Here’s a list of three ways you can begin incorporating a healthy lifestyle into your home and begin teaching one of the greatest lessons you can instill in your kids -- the value of their health.

Here are 3 things you can do now to support a healthy lifestyle at home:

1. Use product placement to your advantage.

Movies and TV have used the science of product placement to sell products for years. Heineken once paid $40 million to have James Bond (Daniel Craig) sip a Heineken rather than his famous shaken-not-stirred martini. They did it because it works. You may not realize it but leaving visible junk food around in your home is like using the science of marketing to your disadvantage. The more visible it is, the more likely you’ll reach for it as soon as you’re hungry.

DO IT: Make healthy, whole food options visible and convenient so you constantly see them, making it much likelier you’ll choose them over-processed junk food.

2. Walk as much as you can.

This may be one of the most effective and easiest ways to get your metabolism headed in the right direction. It’s also relaxing and can be easily done with the whole family. Building a family ritual of walking every evening brings a sense of ease to the end of the day while establishing its importance in life. 

Walking has many health benefits as well including curbing cravings, regulating blood sugar, and improving metabolism. 

DO IT: Aim to log between 7,000–10,000 steps per day. 

3. Make the home fitness friendly.

Providing easy access to fitness equipment helps to eliminate excuses to not prioritize fitness. At the FASTer Way, we remove barriers to fitness by providing a variety of workout options from weights to resistance bands to bodyweight. Whether the day is hot or rainy, we always have an option available for you to complete even a small workout at home. There’s so much you can do with your home environment to make it less enticing to be lazy!

You don’t need much -- a set of dumbbells, resistance bands, and some extra floor space is enough. You can even schedule time to work out with your kids on a regular basis! FASTer Way has home digital workouts you can participate in for both adults and kids if you need a kick start.

DO IT: Start with basic workouts that include some weight training 3–5 times per week. They don’t have to be super difficult, but you need to be consistent. BONUS: Include the kids. 

Fathers are more important now than ever, and these simple tips make it easier to guide your family toward great health for a great life! If you could use a little guidance when it comes to proper nutrition or effective at-home workouts (including kids’ workouts!), then join us for the FASTer Way to Fat Loss. We want to help you be the best father you can be by feeling your best every day!

Guest post by FASTer Way to Fat Loss Certified Coach Mike Ritter (@coachmikeritter)



FASTer Way Mini Resistance Bands


FASTer Way Blender Bottle

FASTer Way Testimonial: Beth from Style at a Certain Age

This week, we’re highlighting one of our faves, Beth from Style at a Certain Age! She recently opened up about her experience living the FASTer Way lifestyle.

She shares some of her favorite tips and tricks on topics like:

  • Losing weight after 50

  • Intermittent fasting

  • Recipes

  • How to boost up protein

  • Importance of eating healthy fats

  • Benefits of weight training

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Here’s what she had to say:

“is it easy to lose weight after 50? no, it gets harder every year due to changing hormones and a slower metabolism. is it impossible to lose weight after 50? absolutely not. if we are determined to age with grace, strength, and beauty to lead an active and vibrant lifestyle you will have to tweak your diet as nutrition is 90% of the battle. 

so when the going gets tough i always go back to the basics. and no program has influenced how and what i eat every day more than Faster Way to Fat Loss. this program opened my eyes to how to live a healthy and happy lifestyle with combined exercise and nutrition. this program continues to get better and better. when i went through my first round of FWTFL in January 2018 there were no meal plans and no app with daily workouts for low, medium, and high impact. i love the new additions to the program. here are a few things that Faster Way to Fat Loss will help the over 50 woman achieve:

  • shed unwanted fat

  • increase your energy

  • gain strength

  • tone up and lean out

what will you get when you join Faster Way to Fat Loss?

All NEW program materials at an exclusive discount to accelerate your success in the FASTer Way plus automatic upgrade into our VIP program upon completion of your initial 6-week experience.*


6 weeks of science-backed strategies delivered in an accelerated format. You’ll learn all about FASTer Way’s strategies and how they work WITH your body, not against it. You’ll also learn about important health topics such as hormone health, stress, sleep, alcohol, and MORE!

Strategic nutrition/exercise pairings. Combine the right food with the right workout each day to optimize your fat-burning prowess. Our simple, easy-to-follow meal plans are designed to help you forge new, smart eating habits to keep you on track to optimal health.

Daily accountability and support. At the FASTer Way, we have it all – great coaches to guide you through the programming, expert trainers to lead you in LIVE community workouts, and a supportive community of members around the world who are working right alongside you.

diets don’t work, ladies. they never have. but learning about macronutrients will equip you to make proper food choices that emphasize the value of whole foods rather than processed foods. balancing macros also helps us to understand where our calories come from and what impact they have on the body. FASTer Way to Fat Loss helps us make good, informed food choices and it helps us lose weight fast.”

To read more of Beth’s FASTer Way experience, click here!


FASTer Way Mini Resistance Bands


FASTer Way Yoga Mat

Which is Better? Fresh or Frozen Produce?

There’s a lot of debate over which is better: fresh or frozen fruits and veggies? There are compelling arguments on both sides, so we’re here to demystify this subject! Let’s dive in -- is fresh produce better than frozen? 


June is National Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Month and we’re excited to shine the spotlight on these nutrient-dense whole-food heroes! But the question remains, which is better -- fresh or frozen fruits and vegetables?

According to FASTer Way Registered Dietitian Kareen Turner, they’re equally nutritious and good for you! There are, however, a few things to keep in mind to get the most bang for your nutrition buck.


FIRST, keep in mind that fresh fruits and veggies should be consumed soon after purchasing them. The longer they’ve been away from the ground, the more depleted the nutrients become. Remember, they need to be packaged, labeled, and shipped to your grocery store or market—it could be days (and hundreds of miles) before they even hit the shelves! 

If it’s possible, buy your produce two or three times each week in order to get it as fresh as possible! If that doesn’t fit with your lifestyle, consider buying frozen (where it makes sense)!


SECOND, frozen fruits and vegetables are generally flash-frozen very close to where they are harvested, which means they’re processed at the peak of nutrition. That nutrition is passed onto YOU! Just be sure to follow the package directions for preparing your frozen foods.

If you don’t like to make frequent trips to the store, frozen foods can extend the time between shopping trips.


THIRD, pay attention to HOW you eat. Frozen spinach may sound convenient, but it’s pretty tough to make a salad with it. Take a look at your eating patterns and what makes sense for your lifestyle! If you love to make smoothies, then frozen raspberries are perfect, but if you like to snack on them, fresh is usually best.


LAST, whether you’re purchasing fresh or frozen, go organic as much as possible. It’s more expensive to shop organic, but it’s easy to stay budget-conscious when you stick to the “dirty dozen” and “clean fifteen” lists provided by EWG every year.

The 2020 “Dirty Dozen” list includes:

  1. Strawberries

  2. Spinach

  3. Kale

  4. Nectarines

  5. Apples

  6. Grapes

  7. Peaches

  8. Cherries

  9. Pears

  10. Tomatoes

  11. Celery

  12. Potatoes


The 2020 “Clean Fifteen” list includes:

  1. Avocados

  2. Sweet corn

  3. Pineapple

  4. Onions

  5. Papaya

  6. Sweet peas (frozen)

  7. Eggplants

  8. Asparagus

  9. Cauliflower

  10. Cantaloupes

  11. Broccoli

  12. Mushrooms

  13. Cabbage

  14. Honeydew melon

  15. Kiwi

Whole foods are the foundation of a healthy lifestyle and we LOVE teaching our clients how to easily incorporate them into daily life. If you need some help figuring it out, then jump into our next round of the FASTer Way to Fat Loss! We’re starting soon and we can’t wait to watch you THRIVE in a healthy lifestyle that helps you lose weight, increase your energy, and feel AMAZING every day.



FASTer Way Mini Resistance Bands


FASTer Way Yoga Mat

Two Mythical Creatures Kids Recipes To Make This Weekend

Hey FASTer Way family! Have your kiddos been LOVING the FASTer Way Kids workouts? We sure have been loving all your videos of your kids crushing the workouts and having so much fun.


Our latest kids workout is Mythical Creatures. We’ve got the perfect afternoon line-up for you and your kids:

  1. Complete FASTer Way Kids Mythical Creatures workout

  2. Head to the kitchen to make Mythical Creature recipes

How perfect does that sound?! We’re sharing two easy and fun recipes, all inspired by the mythical and magical creatures featured in the workout! 

Whether your kiddo loves leprechauns or unicorns, they’re sure to love these fun and easy-to-make recipes. Be sure to tag us in all your photos @FASTerWaytoFatLoss and let us know which recipes you try! We can’t wait to see your masterpieces!

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Over the Rainbow Fruit Platter





Green grapes



  1. Prepare fruit by slicing strawberries, clementines and pineapple.

  2. Assemble fruit on a platter or cutting board in the shape of a rainbow in the following order: strawberries, clementines, pineapple, grapes and blueberries.

  3. Serve as a snack for your kiddos and ENJOY!

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Magical Unicorn Fruit Smoothie (makes 2 smoothies)

For purple smoothie:

½ cup almond milk

Handful of frozen blueberries

1 small container blueberry yogurt of choice (can use plant-based yogurt like almond or coconut)

(Can add a few ice cubes if you’d like to make it thicker) 

For pink smoothie:

½ cup almond milk

Handful of frozen strawberries

1 small container strawberry yogurt of choice (can use plant-based yogurt like almond or coconut)

(Can add a few ice cubes if you’d like to make it thicker) 


Dairy-free whipped topping (almond or coconut milk)



  1. For each smoothie, add all ingredients in a blender. Mix until smooth. 

  2. Pour into two glasses and alternate pouring between purple and pink smoothie to create swirl effect.

  3. Top with your choice of whipped topping and sprinkles.

  4. ENJOY!



FASTer Way Kids Shirt


FASTer Way Resistance Band

Things Have Changed, So Have We!

Did you hear the news? The FASTer Way got an upgrade! Don’t worry -- it’s still the same FASTer Way strategies we all know and love but with a NEW enhanced client experience!


You may be wondering: Why are we rolling out brand new programming? The answer is simple, we want to empower YOU to accelerate your results and make the FASTer Way even EASIER to implement this summer. 

Our purpose has always been to equip and empower you to stay well, prevent disease, and fulfill your purpose with energy. We want to see you THRIVE and experience ideal health so you can live your best life this summer, even in times of uncertainty. We want to help you take back control of your health. Friend, stay encouraged! You CAN control what you eat. You CAN control the workouts you do on a daily basis. You CAN control the community you surround yourself with. June 1 kicks off our summer round with our NEW client experience and we want to see YOU there.

To help you get started, we’ve enhanced our 6-week experience with you and your goals in mind. Here’s what you’ll get:

  • Science-backed nutrition and fitness strategies delivered in an accelerated format. You’ll learn all about FASTer Way’s strategies and how they work WITH your body, not against it. You’ll also learn about important health topics such as hormone health, stress, sleep, alcohol, and MORE! 

  • A strong focus on NON-SCALE VICTORIES - no weigh-ins allowed! The scale is a LIAR and we will not let it dictate your life! We can’t say it loud enough- THE SCALE DOESN'T DEFINE YOU! You will NOT be weighing yourself in the FASTer Way to Fat Loss program. We want you to feel empowered and encouraged by the progress you are making, not about reaching a number on a scale. Are you sleeping better? Do you have more energy? Do you have newfound confidence? Are your pants fitting more comfortably? Those are WINS that deserve to be celebrated! PROGRESS OVER PERFECTION, friends!

  • NEW at-home workouts. Who needs a gym for an effective workout? Not us! No expensive, bulky equipment is needed to crush your goals with FASTer Way at-home workouts AND it is done in 30 minutes! With interval training, strength training, and REST days built into the program, you can be sure you are getting a comprehensive workout that saves you time and money! 

  • Strategic nutrition/exercise pairings. Combine the right food with the right workout each day to optimize your fat-burning prowess. Our simple, easy-to-follow meal plans are designed to help you forge new, smart eating habits to keep you on track to optimal health.

  • NEW FASTer Way SWAG and equipment options. Don’t have dumbbells to use at home? No problem! All of our exercises can be modified for bands, body weight, and low impact options. Do you like the equipment and swag that you see in our daily videos and posts? No FOMO here! You can get your own in the FASTer Way Shop!

  • You’re not alone! Our community follows the same workout on a regular basis. Whether you’re a new client or a VIP member, we complete our workouts TOGETHER as a community. We break our fast and cook the same meals from the meal guide TOGETHER as a community alongside thousands of FASTer Way members. Want to share a tip or have a question about the workout for the day? You’ve always got an entire community behind you to give you support. Your coach will work one-on-one with you to help YOU rise to your highest potential. Friends, we are in this together!

    Let this summer be the time where YOU become the fittest, the happiest and the healthiest version of you. It’s not always about looking great in a bikini or shorts, it’s about feeling your best so you can be fully present with your family and experience ideal health. Experience FREEDOM as you learn to live a healthy lifestyle with strategies that work with your body, not against it.

    There’s no better time than now to take the leap of faith and take control of your health. If you’re ready to take the first step and experience the accelerated FASTer Way 6-week experience, join us starting Monday! When you register, you’ll get immediate access to our FASTer Way app where you’ll get daily updated workouts, daily meal plans with recipes, and important announcements about the FASTer Way. Friend, we want to see you set up for success and have all the tools you need to thrive. We believe in you and are here for you every step of the way. You are worth it!


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FASTer Way Black Tank Top


FASTer Way Ladies Joggers

FASTer Way Testimonial: Sarah

We’re highlighting Sarah from Sarah Fit who saw AMAZING results living the FASTer Way lifestyle!! Not only is her progress incredible, she also made a helpful video going through a day of eating in the FASTer Way. If you’re needing some new ideas on what to eat day-to-day, check out some of her faves in the video below!

Join me for my first round as a FASTer Way To Fat Loss coach April 1st. Sign up for details - Recipe for bean less, whole30/pal...

What she had to say about the FASTer Way:

“Why did I like it? I love following a program. I liked that I had a schedule to follow. You get a workout program, an eating schedule (low carb, regular macro, low macro days) and community support! If you have a question, someone else probably does too. Your coach shares live video trainings with tools to help you melt fat and then provides support in a Facebook group updated daily where you post your macro chart from the day before for accountability. I noticed results within 2 weeks. My clothes fit better, I had more energy and felt great about how I looked!”


To read more about Sarah’s FASTer Way experience, click here!



FASTer Way Yoga Mat


FASTer Way Ladies Joggers

Alcohol and the FASTer Way: Rock the Mocktail

Cheers! Summer is almost here!

Memorial Day is right around the corner and while our celebrations may look a little different this year, many of you will still be thinking about that nice cold cocktail! Not many things signify that shift into vacation mode mindset more than a colorful umbrella drink!


Here is something to think about. Maybe this is an opportunity to not only adjust the celebrations but also our approach to alcohol and how often we reach for it. It is the subject of one of the most frequent questions coaches get,

“Can I drink alcohol in the FASTer Way lifestyle?” 

We suggest that you avoid alcohol. Why? Your body will metabolize alcohol first and above everything else. You won’t be burning fat before you burn those happy hour cocktails. Your system will be processing alcohol for 24 hours. The breakdown takes so long because alcohol is digested as a fat within your body and the sugars first need to get turned into fatty acids. 

When your body metabolizes the beautiful, colorful, nutrient-rich whole foods that we focus on in the FASTer Way, you are doing your body good. You are giving your body the fuel it needs to build lean muscle and maximize metabolism. In contrast, when you feed your body alcohol you are providing no value to your body because there are zero nutrients in alcohol. You’re just creating more work for your digestive system with no reward! You also may give yourself a hangover in the morning.

There is more! According to an article by Johns Hopkins Medicine, the effect of alcohol goes way beyond our brains and the carefree feeling we think we are getting from those beverages. Alcohol also affects our hormones, our blood chemistry, our sleep-wake cycle, and it can encourage inflammatory chemical production within our systems. 

We simply cannot drink a glass of alcohol every night and believe we are giving ourselves the greatest chance at fighting off illness, building a physique of lean and toned muscle, or even showing up as our best selves. Let’s also be clear about something. Whatever stress and frustration we are trying to drink away is still going to be there when we wake up the next day. There are much healthier options for stress relief (hint hint - like your FASTer Way workouts!). 

However, we are realistic and do know there are times that many of us are going to want to grab a glass and enjoy. We recommend making sure you REALLY want to have that drink to enjoy and not to fit-in with those around you or to ease the tensions of the day. Another suggestion is to plan ahead and add it to your macros. Even better, save it for Leg Day as a treat. There are ways to count it towards your macros and your FASTer Way Coach can show you how to do so.

We also highly suggest… MOCKTAILS! When it comes to mocktails, sparkling water and garnishes (think tiny umbrella) are where it’s at! You can take any sparkling water flavor and add fruit, mint leaves, or fancy ice cubes. Another way to enhance your mocktail mindset is with the glass you choose! Use your favorite wine or cocktail glass and own it!

If it’s party time and you are looking to impress a few friends with a pitcher of party perfection, we have some tasty mocktail inspiration! 

FASTer Way to Fat Loss Orange Crush Mocktail
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Are you ready to feel amazing this summer and take care of yourself both physically and mentally? JOIN US for our next round of FASTer Way! When you sign up, you’ll have access to more helpful resources like this one, to help you stay on top of your health and fitness goals!

Guest Post by Bianca Oberhelman, FASTer Way Certified Coach (@tobeestrong)


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FASTer Way Water Bottle- Black



Ah, summer BBQs. As the weather begins to warm up and the days get longer, cookout season is among us! It’s no question that with summer cookouts (even if you aren’t leaving your house) come lots of food: hamburgers, hot dogs, chips, alcohol, you know … the whole nine yards!

While you know we’re all about treating ourselves over here in the FASTer Way (hello, progress over perfection!), it is equally important that we stay mindful and do our best to stay on top of macros during summer cookouts! 

Now, we are NOT saying you need to be perfect or deprive yourself from enjoying a cookout with your family. But, we ARE saying that there are lots of ways to make “better” choices and still feel in control and not over-indulged! Check out some of our tips on how to stay on top of your macros during summer BBQs and a few easy FASTer Way friendly food swaps!

  1. FAST until your main meal of the day

    Having a cookout at 2? Extend your fast until then! That way, you won’t have to worry about “overdoing” it for the day. You can focus on fueling your body during the cookout and save room for all your cookout faves!

  2. ENJOY your workout earlier in the day

    You may find that it’s harder to fit in your workout after a long day of BBQing with the fam. To keep motivation and energy high, try completing your workout earlier in the day before the festivities begin! Pencil 30 minutes into your schedule to crush your workout and feel accomplished before a fun day with family!

  3. PREPLAN your food in the FASTer Way app.

    Already know the menu for the cookout? Preplan your food in the FASTer Way appl! While your entries may not be perfect with serving size, do your best to estimate! Not only will it save time later in the day, but you’ll also keep tabs on how much you’re eating and be less likely to mindlessly snack!

  4. STAY hydrated!

    Hydration is key for your BBQ! Keeping a big glass of water nearby to sip on throughout the day will keep you feeling refreshed and satisfied. Not to mention, choosing water as your drink of choice with your cookout meal is a much better option than a processed soda or sugary cocktail. Don't drink your macros!

  5. Pick your “worth it” foods!

    If you know your cousin is making her famous potato salad that you just LOVE and look forward to every year, plan for it! Choose the “worth it” foods to fit into your macros. The mindless, “snacky“ type foods, like potato chips or even dinner rolls, might not be high on your list. Just because they’re on the serving table, doesn’t mean you have to grab for them! Stay present and mindful as you fill up your plate!

  6. BE PRESENT with your loved ones and enjoy your celebrations FREE OF GUILT!

    Most importantly, ENJOY your day with family and friends! Focus on progress over perfection and don't be too hard on yourself. You deserve to enjoy a holiday with your family! Remember, memories over macros!


  • Choose a lettuce wrap instead of hamburger or hot dog buns

  • Slather on mustard instead of mayo

  • Try crispy roasted sweet potatoes instead of potato chips

  • Satisfy your sweet tooth with summer berries (blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, raspberries) instead of cake or ice cream

  • Bake a healthier treat without refined sugars/grains/dairy instead of a typical cake or cookies

  • Drink sparkling water with citrus fruit instead of soda

  • Make a big side salad full of colorful veggies instead of pasta salad

  • Turn your regular burger into a yummy burger bowl! Ditch the bun, serve over a bed of lettuce, and add all your favorite burger toppings! (A FASTer Way favorite!)

Ready to take the next step and join our amazing community to feel better than ever this summer? Register today! Our next round of FASTer Way to Fat Loss starts soon and we’ve got a spot for you!


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FASTer Way Black Tank Top


FASTer Way Ladies Joggers


Orange Crush Mocktail

If you love cocktails but they don’t fit into your fitness goals, try a family-friendly cocktail! They’re delicious, easy on the macros, and help you stay in fat-burning mode by skipping the alcohol! You won’t even miss the alcohol once you try this Orange Crush Mocktail.


Did you know that alcohol can kick you out of fat-burning mode for up to 24 hours? It’s true! We get a lot of questions about alcohol and how it affects our bodies, so we’ve got a great post with tons of helpful information. Read all about Alcohol and the FASTer Way!

This delicious Orange Crush Mocktail will help you enjoy your celebrations while helping you stick to your goals. Give it a try and let us know how you like it! Tag on us social @fasterwaytofatloss.

Recipe courtesy of Bianca Oberhelman, FASTer Way Certified Coach (@tobeestrong)

Orange Crush Mocktail

4 Servings


  • 2 cups orange juice (recommend high pulp for that crush feel)

  • ¼ cup fresh squeezed lemon juice

  • ½ cup sparkling water (no flavor)

  • 4 orange slices

  • 4 mint leaves


  • POUR the sparkling water, orange juice and lemon juice into a pitcher and stir.

  • PREPARE your glasses with a fresh orange slice on the rim and ice.

  • POUR mocktail into glasses and add mint leaves on top.

  • ENJOY!

For another tasty option, try this Margamelon Mocktail!



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FASTer Way Black Tank Top

Margamelon Mocktail

Mocktails are a great way to enjoy a celebration without throwing off your macros or shifting your body out of fat-burning mode. They’re fun to make, fun to drink, and fun for the whole family!

Many people want to know if alcohol is “okay” to drink while living the FASTer Way lifestyle, and we’ve got a whole post dedicated to helping you understand alcohol, how it works, and how it affects your goals. Read all about Alcohol and the FASTer Way!

If you love a good margarita but you want to keep burning fat, try this delicious Margamelon Mocktail!

Recipe courtesy of Bianca Oberhelman, FASTer Way Certified Coach (@tobeestrong)

Margamelon Mocktail

4 Servings


  • 5 cups cubed, frozen watermelon

  • ½ cup fresh squeezed lime juice

  • 2 tablespoons raw honey

  • Sea salt for glass rims

  • 4 small watermelon slices


  • SALT your glass rim with a lime wedge and sea salt.

  • BLEND the cubed watermelon, honey, and lime juice to your favorite margarita consistency.

  • POUR mocktail into glass and garnish with watermelon slices!

  • ENJOY!

For another tasty mocktail option, try this Orange Crush Mocktail!



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FASTer Way Black Tank Top

Benefits of Taking Your Workouts Outside

Is your quarantine workout routine getting stale? Tired of staring at the walls all day? It’s time to take it up a notch and switch it up a bit! Learn the benefits of taking your workouts outside!

Benefits of taking your workouts outside

At the FASTer Way, our workouts are designed to beat the boredom with a unique program every day. No matter if you are getting your heart rate up with a HIIT workout, targeting muscles with strength training, or stretching out with yoga, there is a workout to fit your mood. With daily LIVE workouts and tons of great options, it is easy to keep moving with the FASTer Way. But you can level up the positive effects of exercise by changing your view!

Many of us have been cooped up at home for the past few weeks, or with restricted access to places we frequented regularly. Not to mention, if you’re used to going to the gym to get that workout in, moving your workout to your living room can be quite the adjustment. You may find yourself less motivated to get your workout done in the comfort of your living room … We totally get it! 

If you’re looking to switch it up and give your workouts a breath of fresh air (literally), take your workout outside! Exercising outside can give your mind and body a well-deserved break from the norm of staying inside the house. 

There are many benefits of taking your workout outside. Exercising outdoors provides all the physical benefits of indoor exercise (blood flow, improved cardiovascular health, improved strength, flexibility, endurance, etc.) but with the added bonus of sunlight! Vitamin D, sometimes called “the sunshine vitamin,” is produced naturally by our skin when exposed to sunlight. Adequate vitamin D exposure is imperative to both our overall health and well-being. Imagine how motivated and energized you’ll feel on a warm spring day when you take your workout outside!

Some of the benefits of Vitamin D include:

  • Improved immunity

  • Helps your body fight disease

  • Boosts mood

  • Reduces stress

  • Improves sleep

  • And so much more!

Working out with nature or in a fresh air environment makes the experience more enjoyable. Outdoor exercise incorporates natural light and stimulates your senses, which creates a salutogenic effect - reducing emotional and physiological stress and encouraging healthy behaviors. And we could all use less stress right about now, right?!

If you can’t get outside, no worries! Open a window for some fresh air and do your workout near a window. You’ll be amazed at how even this small adjustment can bring revived energy to your workout.

Here are some great ways to incorporate the outdoors into your workout:

  • Use a park bench for step-ups and tricep dips.

  • Give your knees a break by using a tree or playground ladder for incline/decline pushups.

  • SPREAD OUT! One of the best parts of the outdoors is OPEN SPACE! Switch up your HIIT workout with outdoor sprints or expand your reach in skater lunges and broad jumps.

  • Go on a warm up/ cool down walk up and down your driveaway.

  • Grab your yoga mat and do a FASTer Way yoga workout under the sun.

  • Switch up your active recovery day and get active outside! Go on a walk or ride your bike.

Thanks to our quick and effective 30-minute workouts, there’s no need to spend hours on your workout or lug heavy equipment back and forth from the living room to the backyard. You can get creative and use the outdoor space around you to crush that workout. The next time you are feeling ho-hum during your day, grab your bands and a set of dumbbells and head outside! 

Want to join our community for amazing workouts that leave you feeling strong and energized? Register today! There’s a new round starting soon for new clients and past clients can join us in our VIP membership!



FASTer Way Yoga Mat


FASTer Way Resistance Band

Benefits of Taking Your Workouts Outside

Everything You Need To Know About FASTer Way VIP

As you may know, the FASTer Way is a 6-week health and fitness program where we teach your body to become a pro fat burner. You might be wondering what comes next after completing your first round of FASTer Way and how you can continue crushing your health and fitness goals.

We’ve got two words for you: VIP MEMBERSHIP! Yep, the FASTer Way to Fat Loss VIP Membership is your next step to continuing on in your health and fitness journey!

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Clients who continue on in the monthly VIP program find continued success in reaching their health and fitness goals. They also find help to prevent plateau and the support needed to exceed what they even thought possible! 

We’ve had a lot of questions lately surrounding VIP membership and exactly what you’ll get as a VIP member. So, to keep things simple, we’re breaking it down and giving you the 4-1-1 on all things VIP.

The most unique aspect of our VIP membership is the unmatched support of the FASTer Way community. This truly is a community like no other! In VIP, you’re running alongside thousands of other members who have also completed a 6-week round and are living the FASTer Way lifestyle. Thanks to this incredible community, you DON’T have to do this alone! You’ve got a community behind you cheering you on, encouraging you, and standing by your side every step of the way to see YOU thrive!


  • The FASTer Way VIP membership is the next step after completing a 6-week round of the program. If you loved the accountability of your 6-week round, you’ll LOVE VIP! You’ll experience the same level of accountability with additional support and perks that only come in our VIP membership. You’ll have the unique opportunity to stay with your coach and move right on into VIP!


  • Short answer: YES! The VIP membership is where you’ll truly establish the FASTer Way as a lifestyle. We always say that the 6-week round is a great start, but the VIP membership is where the magic really happens. It’s in the VIP membership that you’ll continue to burn fat, build calorie-burning muscle, and live out a healthy and sustainable lifestyle.


  • Daily LIVE workouts for every fitness level and modification! From at-home to gym, low impact to advanced, there is a workout just for YOU!

  • Access to our FASTer Way digital studio. You’ll never get bored with our wide variety of workout options! Some of the workouts in our digital studio include:

    • Yoga

    • Barre

    • Dance Cardio

    • HIIT Boxing

    • Abs

    • Strength

    • Stretching/Mobility

    • Cycle/Spin

    • Kids’ Workouts, too!

  • Fun, community-wide monthly challenges like detoxes, targeted workouts (plank, booty, abs, etc.), and MORE! 

  • A FREE 1:1 consultation with our certified Head Trainers and Health Coaches to discuss goal setting, nutrition, macro adjustments, hormone health, and more to ensure you are getting the best out of the program for your personal health needs and goals.

  • Weekly meal guides with recipes and grocery lists.

  • Connection with other VIP members in lifestyle groups. We told you we’re big on community!


Already completed a 6-week round of FASTer Way? It’s VIP time! Click here to get started!

Love the idea of VIP but haven’t completed a 6-week round yet? We’d love to have you join us for our next round starting soon!


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***VIP*** Success Planner


FASTer Way Ladies Joggers


3 Immune-Boosting Recipes to Keep You Healthy

By now you know the FASTer Way philosophy is about preventing disease, not just reacting to conditions in the world. It’s a lifestyle that includes exercising, giving your body plenty of rest and eating nutritious whole foods. While social distancing has helped curb the Coronavirus pandemic, we are still seeing how important it is to avoid pre-existing conditions like hypertension, Type 2 Diabetes and heart disease. Eating the right foods can keep your body in tip top shape and can actually boost your immune system.


If you’re worried about your immune system, you can add supplements or OTC vitamins. Or you can simply boost your immune system naturally with healthy recipes. Make sure you get plenty of vitamin C, E, A and D. You also want to get zinc, iron and folic acid.

These recipes are filled with vitamins, minerals and immune-boosting nutrients that will keep your gut healthy and your body capable of protecting itself.

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Plant-Based Yogurt Parfait


  • 1 cup almond or coconut milk yogurt

  • ½ cup blueberries 

  • 1/3 cup raspberries

  • 1 Tbsp. chia seeds 

  • 1/3 cup granola of choice 


1.      Add about 1/3 of the fruit to the bottom of your glass.

2.  Top the fruit with about ½ cup yogurt.

3.  Top the yogurt with about ½ of your granola

4.      Repeat until all ingredients are used



Simple Roasted Veggie Salad



  • 3-4 cups mixed greens

  • ½ cup sweet potatoes, roasted

  • ½ cup broccoli, roasted

  • ½ cup bell peppers, roasted

  • 1 cup carrots, roasted

  • ¼ cup pepitas 

Ginger Dressing

  • 1/3 cup tahini

  • 1 Tbsp rice vinegar

  • 1 Tbsp apple cider vinegar

  • 2 Tbsp water

  • 1 Tbsp coconut aminos

  • 1 Tbsp fresh ginger

  • 1 tsp. sesame oil

  • ½ tsp. salt/pepper


1.  Add Ginger Dressing ingredients, except for the water, in a medium mixing bowl and combine with whisk.

2.  Add water until dressing is thin and pourable. Add salt or coconut aminos to taste.

3.  Toss salad ingredients together.


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Triple Berry Protein Smoothie


  • 6 oz. green tea as base

  • 1 cup berries, fresh or frozen

  • 2 scoops protein powder

  • Ice


1.   Steep tea in boiling water until desired strength.

2.  Immediately refrigerate until tea is cool.

3.  Blend tea, berries and protein power together, adding ice as needed for texture and temperature.

4.  Enjoy!

Stay healthy, guys! And make sure to keep your healthy lifestyle going by signing up for our VIP Membership. It includes more helpful coaching, virtual workouts and meal plans. You can also get discounts to our FASTer Way Shop with clothes, gear and equipment to build the perfect home gym while in quarantine. 



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FASTer Way Black Tank Top


"Break-Fast" Bowl

Did you know that May is National Egg Month? Who would’ve thought!

To pay homage to the delicious, protein-packed little egg, we’re sharing a simple egg recipe from one of our amazing FASTer Way coaches, Renee Carls! (@reneecarls)

We love this recipe because it’s simple, quick, AND great to break your fast with on low-carb days! High in protein and high in healthy fats? Yes please! Not to mention, this recipe is extremely customizable and you can use whatever meats or veggies you have on hand. You know we love our bowl recipes here in the FASTer Way community, so this recipe fits right in!

Be sure to let us know how YOU make your “Break Fast Bowl” and tag us in your pictures on social media @FasterWaytoFatLoss. Thanks for sharing, Renee!

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Nonstick cooking spray

Yellow bell pepper, chopped

Green onion, chopped (save green tops for garnish)

2 eggs, whole

2 egg whites 

Bacon or ham, cooked and cut into small pieces

For Garnish:

Avocado, cut into cubes tossed in fresh lime juice

Grape tomatoes, cut into halves

Green onion

Salt and pepper to taste


  • Heat medium-size skillet over medium heat

  • Spray skillet with nonstick cooking spray

  • Whisk eggs and egg whites together in a bowl. Set aside.

  • To pan, add yellow bell pepper and green onion. Saute until soft.

  • After veggies are soft, add egg mixture to skillet over the veggies. Cook to your preference.

  • While eggs are cooking, prepare garnishes. Cut avocado, tomatoes, green onions, cook bacon or ham and chop into pieces.

  • Top with salt and pepper to taste and ENJOY!


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FASTer Way Black Tank Top


FASTer Way Ladies Joggers

Why You Should Mix Up Your Workouts

With the rise of specialized gyms and subscription workouts that focus on one type of exercise, it can be easy to fall into the trap of doing the same thing every day—and seeing your results stall. Learn why you should mix up your workouts in order to see faster progress and better results!


It’s important to mix things up in your workouts to maximize your nutrition and prevent a plateau in your results. Try cross-training—including multiple forms of exercise—in order to work all your muscles (instead of the same muscles getting worked every day). This will build your physique in a balanced way and prevent muscle strain and overuse injuries. It will also improve flexibility, build better core strength, and keep you from getting bored with the same old routine.

Try incorporating these modes of exercise and see what cross-training can do for you!


Strength training can quickly improve your muscle tone and help you see results fast. When you start lifting heavier intentionally, you’ll find that daily tasks become easier! Strength training also helps burn fat because your metabolic rate is directly correlated to your lean muscle mass. The more lean muscle, the more efficient your metabolic rate, and the more fat you’ll burn—even when you aren’t working out!

 Strength Training also:

  • Reduces abdominal fat

  • Improves cardiovascular health

  • Helps control blood sugar levels

  • May reduce cancer risk

  • Lowers the risk of injury

  • Boosts brain health

  • Improves flexibility and mobility

  • Strengthens bones 

  • May increase lifespan

One of the favorite benefits of strength training is that it will actually help you look lean and toned—NOT big and bulky! 



HIIT (high-intensity interval training) refers to short bursts of intense exercise alternated with low-intensity recovery periods. Although workouts can vary widely, a common HIIT repetition consists of 20 seconds of maximum effort followed by 40 seconds of a recovery pace.HIIT has become popular in recent years for its ability to burn a large number of calories in a short amount of time. A typical HIIT workout can range from 10–30 minutes BUT it can produce health benefits similar to twice as much moderate-intensity exercise. Translation: you do NOT have to spend hours on the treadmill to see results!

HIIT can consist of many different types of exercise, including sprinting, biking, jumping rope, boxing, bodyweight exercise, and more!

High-Intensity Interval Training also:

  • Burns 25–30% more calories than other forms of exercise

  • Increases metabolic rate for hours after exercise

  • Helps burn fat (especially with strategic nutrition!)

  • Increases muscle gain

  • Improves oxygen consumption 

  • Can reduce heart rate and blood pressure

  • Can reduce blood sugar

As effective as HIIT is, there’s a law of diminishing returns. If you do too much, you won’t see the same benefits past a certain point. This means it’s important not to do too much in any given week—be sure to incorporate strength training!


Rest and recovery are just as important as exercise because your body needs a chance to rebuild. If you still want to stay active on your rest days, there are plenty of great options to get moving without working out.

Try any of these activities at a pace that allows you to be conversational (without being winded):

  • Cycling

  • Hiking

  • Swimming 

  • Walking

  • Gardening

  • Yoga

  • Barre 


All types of exercise are beneficial but incorporating them in a strategic way can really accelerate your results and help you burn fat quickly. When combined with proper nutrition, you’ll truly maximize your efforts to burn more fat, improve your health, and feel amazing every single day.

If you’re on board and ready to get started but you don’t have a plan, we can help! We specialize in teaching people just like you how to incorporate healthy eating and strategic exercise into their busy lives. The FASTer Way will help you:

  • Sleep better at night

  • Have more energy all day

  • Recognize and celebrate progress

  • Feel more confident

  • Fit better in your clothes

  • Learn how to live a healthy, sustainable lifestyle

  • Enjoy treats withOUT guilt or “falling off the wagon”

If you’re wondering what kind of supplements will help you do all this, the answer is NONE! We believe in the power of whole foods, a strategic nutrition and exercise cycle, and allowing yourself some grace. No products, gimmicks, or supplements required. Just healthy living and a commitment to YOU.

Join us today to learn all this and more. You CAN do it, and we’ll be there for you every step of the way! There’s a round starting soon, sign up now to join us!



FASTer Way Resistance Band


FASTer Way Yoga Mat


FASTer Way Testimonial: Audrey

We wanted to give a little shoutout to Audrey from Putting Me Together! If you need some encouragement on your health and wellness journey, you’ll want to check this out! We are SO inspired by her incredible results with the FASTer Way to Fat Loss! Here is Audrey’s story:


“I wanted to both lose the baby fat from having two kids and get stronger.  My body felt really soft after having two kids, and I constantly was trying to flex muscles just to make sure I still had any? After two 6-week rounds, I lost a total of 16-17 inches all over my body! The crazy part was that I did not kill myself working out (honestly, I scarcely worked out) and that I never felt like I was deprived of food. I had such great results with FASTer Way and I’ve been talking about it ever since!

However, I was skeptical because I had already been doing intermittent fasting and was relatively conscious of what I ate.  I mean, I definitely ate ice cream often and California burritos once in a while, but I am reasonably in tune with nutrition, how much protein, carbs, calories, etc., are in foods, and was conscious of balancing them.  I wondered, “I’m already doing intermittent fasting and eating low-carb most days.  I’m already doing elements of what FWTFL does–how much more effective could this program be?” I jumped in hopeful but also skeptical.

While doing the program, my skepticism actually grew because I felt like I was eating more than ever some days!  Coming from a low-carb lifestyle to eating tons of proper carbs was weird, a little scary, and sometimes a discipline.  Some days I felt like I was eating CONSTANTLY!  I thought, “Umm…how is this going to work?”

But it turns out that intermittent fasting alone wasn’t enough.  A low-carb lifestyle wasn’t enough.  It’s the strategic way that FASTer Way combines intermittent fasting, low carb days, and macro nutrition that is so effective.  Plus it strategically pairs different nutrition days with types of workouts.  All of those cylinders firing at once is so, so, so important and led to great results!”

To read more about Audrey’s FASTer Way to Fat Loss experience, click here!



FASTer Way Resistance Band