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Pantry + Freezer Staples to Always Have on Hand!

Low on time and short on ideas for a quick dinner? Don’t feel like running to the grocery store to buy more ingredients? Before you head out the door to hit the drive-through or spend more money on groceries… Take inventory of that pantry! What’s hidden on the bottom shelf of your pantry or in the back corner of your freezer that can be used to feed you and your family?

Square pantry blog

We’re giving you our top list of helpful items to keep stocked in your pantry and freezer (plus a few helpful tips along the way!) These items will come in handy when you need to throw together a quick dinner without having to compromise on your nutrition plan. These items are FASTer Way approved and can be transformed into dozens of different meal combinations! Print this list or pull it up on your phone to bring along on your next grocery haul!

Note: this is not a MUST HAVE list. This will simply give you ideas for items to have on hand when you are in a pinch and need inspiration. Many of these items will be a great addition to your freezer and pantry but you do not HAVE TO purchase them all.

Items for your pantry


  • Brown Rice- instant and dry (one of our favorites to make ahead or pop in the microwave for a quick, healthy carb addition to any recipe!)

  • Dried Lentils

  • Oats- check out our latest blog for our Banana Bread Overnight Oats recipe!

  • Pasta- gluten free, brown rice, chickpea or whole wheat

  • Quinoa 

Sauces and Canned Goods

  • Black Beans

  • Canned Tuna- check out this recipe for our FASTer Way Tuna Salad!

  • Chicken, Beef and Vegetable Broth- bone broth is great to have for added protein, too!

  • Clean Tomato Sauce- for quick pastas 

  • Chickpeas (Garbanzo Beans)- get creative with this Chickpea Scramble Breakfast Bowl

  • Diced Tomatoes- add to a big pot of chili or vegetable soup for quick and easy meal prep options

  • Dijon Mustard

  • Olive Oil Mayo

  • Pure Maple Syrup

  • Salsa

Oil and Vinegar

  • Apple Cider Vinegar

  • Avocado Oil

  • Coconut Oil

  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Nuts and Seeds- great to boost up those healthy fats!

  • Almonds

  • Almond Butter

  • Cashews

  • Chia Seeds- make chia seed pudding for an easy, low-carb snack to keep in your fridge!

  • Pecans

  • Peanut Butter

  • Pumpkin Seeds

  • Walnuts

Spices- these staple spices can be used for a wide variety of recipes and flavors!

  • Chili Powder

  • Cinnamon 

  • Cumin 

  • Garlic Powder

  • Italian Seasoning 

  • Onion Powder

  • Oregano

  • Paprika 

Long-Lasting Produce 

  • Butternut Squash

  • Garlic

  • Onions

  • Potatoes

  • Shallots

  • Sweet Potatoes

Items for your freezer 

Frozen Veggies

  • Bell Peppers- add to a large skillet for a quick stir-fry

  • Broccoli

  • Brussels Sprouts 

  • Cauliflower Rice- great as a low-carb side dish

  • Corn- don’t let fresh corn go to waste! Keep frozen corn on hand for those recipes that call for one cup of corn

  • Mixed Veggies- green beans, corn, carrots, peas (great to add to brown rice) 

  • Spinach

Frozen Fruit- be sure to get fruit with no added sweeteners!

  • Blueberries- add into protein pancakes, oatmeal, smoothies or enjoy as a quick snack

  • Bananas- fresh bananas about to go bad? Pop them in the freezer and use as needed!

  • Mangos

  • Mixed Berries

  • Strawberries

  • Unsweetened Acai- make your own antioxidant-boosting acai bowl at home!


  • Chicken Breast- chicken tenderloins are also great for a quick cooking protein

  • Ground Beef- turn that frozen ground beef into this Bunless Bacon Avocado Burger for low-carb day!

  • Ground Turkey

  • Salmon- great for dinners on low-carb day

  • Shrimp- not sure what to do with that frozen shrimp? Try this FASTer Way Cajun Shrimp Skillet or this Shrimp Stir Fry!

  • Steak

If you haven’t given the FASTer Way a try yet and want even MORE access to delicious, whole food recipe ideas to make with your pantry and freezer staples… COME JOIN US for a round! We’d love to have you in the FASTer Way family as we work TOGETHER towards achieving ideal health and wellness!

rectangle pantry blog

What to do if the grocery store is out of your meal plan items

There’s no question we are in the middle of a global pandemic. Restaurants, businesses and schools alike are all shutting their doors in attempts to stop the spread of COVID-19. Not to mention, if you’ve been to the grocery store in the last week or so, you’ve probably noticed the shortage of some pantry staples… Items like chicken, ground turkey, bananas, water and toilet paper are all in hot demand right now. 

But what happens when you head to the store to stock up for the week, planning to make all the yummy recipes from the FASTer Way, and your local grocery store is OUT of the ingredients you need? 

There’s no question that we LOVE having the meal plan readily available to guide us along in our health and fitness journey. However, with the recent outbreak of the coronavirus, it’s safe to say that some of our beloved pantry staples are now on short supply. 

Wondering how you’re going to stay on top of your nutrition when the grocery stores are selling out of what you need? Not sure what to do if you can’t find the ingredients to make tonight’s meal plan recipe? Well friends, rest assured! We have some good news for you: You can STILL live the FASTer Way lifestyle, even in the middle of a global pandemic. 

Even if meal-plan staple ingredients are running low in supply at the grocery store, we have a list of 10 suggestions on how YOU can stay on top of your nutrition during the COVID-19 outbreak.

Progress Over Perfection

First and foremost, focus on making progress, not perfection. In the coming weeks, if you have to substitute a few ingredients from the meal plan to accommodate what you have and can find, that is 100% OK! Don’t stress yourself if you don’t have exactly what is needed in the meal plan that week. Make healthy adjustments as necessary and keep moving forward!  

See What You Already Have

This is a great time to take inventory of what’s been hiding out in the back of your pantry. Got a few cans of beans? A can or two of fire-roasted tomatoes? Some dry quinoa and tomato sauce? Some frozen ground turkey packed away in the freezer? Throw it together to make a healthy, fiber-filled chilli! You’d be surprised how many nutrient-dense ingredients you’ll find pushed to the back of the pantry or stored away in the freezer.

Hit the Grocery Store Early in the Morning

Head to the grocery store first thing in the morning! As the day goes on, certain food items and pantry staples are more likely to sell out quicker than others. Plan to arrive at the grocery store as early as possible to beat the crowds and pick up those meal plan ingredients that were restocked the night before.

Check the Smaller Stores and Local Markets

Some of the smaller, specialty food grocery stores aren’t being hit as hard as the Costcos and Sam's Clubs of the world! Consider checking these stores before heading to those major chains. If there’s a local market in your area, swing by to see what fresh ingredients they have in stock. Many of the smaller, locally owned markets offer fresh organic meat and locally grown produce. 

Be Creative

Take inventory of what’s in your pantry! We recommend making a list of all the ingredients you have and writing up some creative recipes. Don’t be afraid to swap out healthy alternatives in the meal plan, too! If you’re missing a few ingredients for a particular recipe, use what you have in the pantry and make the necessary adjustments. You’d be surprised at what you might just come up with!

Don’t Turn to Processed Foods and Sugar- Resist the temptation to grab those quick, sugary snacks from the pantry. Be intentional about your nutrition and in your meal planning for the week. Make sure that you are stocking up on plenty of fresh, whole-food options for when the urge of snacking strikes. Nuts and dried fruit are a great option to have on hand for a quick and satisfying snack (bonus-- they have a great shelf-life!)  

Check out “Simple Ingredient Meals” on Pinterest

Pinterest is a GREAT tool to utilize during this time. There are thousands of simple, healthy, “low ingredient” recipes to make and explore. Try searching things like “simple ingredient meals,” “healthy dinners under 5 ingredients,” and “easy healthy meals.” You’d be amazed at all the recipe ideas you’ll find on Pinterest that keep you living the FASter Way lifestyle! 

Stock Up on Frozen Berries

There are still plenty of frozen berries in the freezer section at the grocery stores. Frozen berries are GREAT to keep on hand to add a boost of antioxidants to any recipe. Consider making a mixed berry smoothie or adding frozen berries to your oatmeal and dairy-free yogurt. Not to mention, they’re a yummy snack to eat right out of the bag, too!

Buy Fresh and Freeze It

Not sure about what to do with that fresh produce that’s about to go bad? Throw the rest of the produce into an ice tray, fill it up with water, and pop it into the freezer to freeze until solid. Use those frozen cubes as smoothie starters and flavor blends to add to your meals. Try starting with leafy greens like spinach and kale for a green smoothie! Or strawberries and blueberries for an antioxidant-boosting berry smoothie. Or freeze ingredients like mashed sweet potato, avocado or tomato puree to add flavor and nutrients to dishes down the road. 

Refer to the “Pre-Meal Plan” Days

Remember, we haven’t always had a meal plan available in the FASTer Way community. Don’t have the exact ingredients for the meal plan? No problem! Make a plan and adjust as needed. Don’t doubt yourself and your ability to live the FASTer Way lifestyle even with a shortage of ingredients. It’s time to put what you’ve learned into practice! 

Even if the grocery store doesn’t have what you need for the meal plan readily available, there are plenty of ways to stay on track with your nutrition during the coronavirus outbreak. You CAN create a delicious, nutrient-dense dinner for low carb day. You CAN choose nutrient-dense foods to properly fuel your body to get through your workout.

You CAN make the right choices and stay on track with your health goals. We believe in you and know that you can do this! Need some guidance along the way?

Reach out to us! We’d love to help guide you along the way as we continue in our health and fitness goals together as a community!


5 Ways To Get More Protein in Your Diet

If you want to transform your body then you have to eat enough protein, which can be challenging for anyone. Learn five easy ways to get more protein in your diet every day!

5 Ways to Get More Protein In Your Diet

A protein-rich diet fuels your body’s natural fat-burning capabilities. 

Protein is crucial for a lot of reasons, including replacing damaged tissue, repairing muscles, and helping our bodies produce glucagon (an important fat-burning hormone). The right amount of protein can help you stay fuller longer, and protein is also essential for immune health and brain function.

But we know that getting enough protein into your diet every day can be a challenge, especially if you don’t naturally eat a lot of protein-rich foods.  


1. Protein-Rich Snacks

While we encourage well-rounded meals, we all grab snacks throughout the day or while out and about. Protein-rich snacks are a great way to increase your protein intake!

Here are some good options to have on-hand when you need a snack:

Jerky: 9g protein per ounce.

Trail Mix: 8g protein per 2 ounces. It’s a good idea to make your own trail mix with mostly nuts, particularly almonds and pistachios, which are higher in protein. Nuts are high in calories (because they also contain fat) so you only need a handful to do the trick. 

Turkey Roll-Ups: 8g protein per ounce of roasted turkey. Take a slice of turkey, a slice of tomato, and a slice of cucumber (or other veggies) and roll them up for a quick high-protein snack.

Hummus and Veggies: 6.5g protein per ⅓ cup. 

2. Protein from Meat, Fish, and Eggs

Meat is probably what comes to mind for most of us when we think of protein, but not all meat-sourced protein is created equal. You want to look for meat that is both lean and unprocessed. Stick with organic, grass-fed, pasture-raised options that don’t contain antibiotics. Some examples include:

Lean Beef: 22g protein per 3 ounces.

Chicken: 38g protein per cup . 

Wild-Caught Fish: 5-10g protein per ounce.

Eggs: 6g protein per egg (hard-boiled eggs make a great high-protein snack). 

3. Plant-Based Proteins

If you’re looking for plant-based protein options, or if you’re vegetarian or vegan, there are lots of protein-rich choices, like:

Tempeh: 31g protein per cup (this is a fermented tofu product). 

Quinoa: 24g protein per cup

Almonds: 28g protein per cup

Beans: 15-40g protein per cup, depending on variety (lentils, pinto beans, garbanzo beans, kidney beans, etc.).  

4. Protein Shakes or Bars

While we recommend getting your protein from whole-food sources, a protein shake or protein bar is a fast way to get more protein into your diet if you have a busy day. We recommend that you NOT make this the norm, but if you are in a pinch, these will do the trick.

A typical protein shake has around 20g of protein per serving. With protein bars, the amount varies widely, but make sure to check the ingredients… the simpler the better. If you can’t read the ingredient list, find a different brand that focuses on whole-food ingredients.

Collagen Peptides: 20g protein per serving (typically). This is a popular protein supplement found at health food stores, Costco, many grocery stores, and online. There are vegan options available but most are sourced from animals.

Peanut Butter Powder: 8g protein per serving. This is another easy option for upping your protein and a popular ingredient for a chocolate peanut butter protein shake!

Avoid products that are high in sugar, as many processed products are loaded with sugar and other less desirable ingredients.

5. Energy Bites

Planning and preparing healthy, protein-rich foods for those crazy, hectic days makes life a whole lot easier!

There are countless recipes for energy bites available online. They only take a few minutes to make and there is no baking involved.

The basic recipe is made by combining nut butter, seeds, oats, and sometimes honey and rolling them into small bite-sized balls. 

This make-ahead, grab-and-go snack is an easy way to get more protein in your diet—and they’re also kid-approved!

Need more ideas to help you get more protein into your diet? Grab your FREE 5-day sample meal plan. This easy-to-follow meal plan makes getting the right macronutrient balance in your diet quick and simple with less stress! Grab your copy and get to it!

5 Ways to Get More Protein In Your Diet

How To Change Your Family’s Eating Habits

We all want our families to eat better and adopt healthier habits, but that’s easier said than done. If you want to learn how to change your family’s eating habits, it really starts with one person making small changes.

How to change your family's eating habits

Women have a lot more power than they often realize. Their habits tend to be adopted by their families, especially their children, so whatever their eating pattern—or even attitude toward food—will usually be shared by the entire household.

So, perhaps the biggest impact a woman can make on the world happens when she decides to figure out how to get truly healthy. 

While it may seem that one woman choosing to get healthy isn’t that big of a deal, the ripple effect is a lot larger than one might initially expect. 

A woman choosing to get healthy means an entire family gets healthy. 

In most homes, 63% to be exact, women are the ones buying groceries and planning meals. They are packing lunches and making buying decisions when it comes to what their family consumes. 

When a woman begins to dial in her health and makes significant changes to her nutrition, she is more than likely going to implement changes for the entire family. 

She will begin to shop differently and she will begin to teach her children differently. As her children develop healthy eating habits, they will grow up to live healthier lifestyles. 

Additionally, when a woman makes changes to what’s being purchased and prepared for her children, she is likely doing the same for her spouse. 

A woman’s decision to live a healthier lifestyle impacts her whole family. 

A woman choosing to get healthy will impact her community. 

Women share what they love with their friends. 

Have a hairstylist that’s amazing? Tell everyone you know. 

Find a mascara that’s changed your life? Buy one for every woman you love. 

Start a new workout routine you’re obsessed with? Register all your friends. 

It’s in our nature to share what we love with the people we love. 

Women are designed to live in community with others, and we can’t help but share the ups and downs of life with those around us.

So, when a woman gets healthy, she is VERY likely to tell her friends about what she’s learning and the impact it’s had on her energy, her waistline, and her overall mood. 

Not only will she tell her friends and family about her newfound obsession with getting healthy, but she will also do her best to get them on board. 

Women getting healthy impacts entire communities!

A woman choosing to get healthy means future generations will be healthier. 

In addition to teaching her children how to live a healthy lifestyle, which has a clear ripple effect on future generations, a woman learning to live a healthy lifestyle is actually making an impact on the health of her unborn children. 

While there are several factors that determine birth defects and health-related issues in newborns, there is a growing body of evidence that shows babies born to women who are well-nourished and health-conscious, are less likely to experience certain health-related issues, including obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.

When a woman gets healthy she quite literally has the power to transform the future.

A woman choosing to get healthy means a whole lot more will get done. 

Simply put, women are good at getting things done. When a woman decides to take her health seriously—not simply to look better, but to feel better—she is very likely going to channel that energy into doing some pretty amazing things. 

A woman getting healthy changes things. 

We agree—there are exceptions to the rule. 

We agree—men play a role in families getting healthy. 

We agree—there are people who take their health VERY seriously and still get sick.

But the impact can’t be denied, when a woman makes healthy changes, it affects her family and community.

Here at the FASTer Way to Fat Loss, we’re committed to helping as many women as possible make massive shifts in their health and wellness so they can make their impact on the world. We want each and every person to get well, prevent disease, and fulfill their purpose with energy!

Ready to dive in and see for yourself what makes us the fastest-growing health and fitness company on the market today? Join us for the next round of the FASTer Way!

Want to learn more about our science-backed strategies? Check out these articles:

How to change your family's eating habits

How and When to Use Peloton Workouts

One of the many things our clients love about the FASTer Way to Fat Loss lifestyle is the flexibility it provides. And not only when it comes to nutrition—the FASTer Way is flexible enough to incorporate your favorite workouts, too. A common question we receive is if clients can still enjoy their Peloton workouts in the program, and we’re excited to let you know that the answer is YES! Read on to find out how and when to use Peloton workouts in the FASTer Way to Fat Loss.

Matching Your Workouts to the FASTer Way Macro Cycle

If you’re familiar with the FASTer Way, you know we’re big on macros (or macronutrients) and we practice a 7-day macro cycle that strategically pairs workouts with our nutrition for maximum fat burning. While the FASTer Way program and VIP Membership include workouts that can be completed at home or in the gym, you can absolutely opt to get your sweat on using your Peloton instead!

We suggest swapping out your FASTer Way workouts for the Peloton on low carb and active recovery days. High-intensity Peloton trainings are perfect for getting your heart rate up on low carb days, while a longer, more relaxing ride is a great option for active recovery days when your muscles need rest. 

Why Strength Training Matters

While we certainly love the Peloton as much as you do, the awesome workouts lack a strength training component that is absolutely necessary in developing lean, calorie-burning muscle. Try to avoid using the Peloton (other than for a warm-up or cool-down, of course) on strength training days and instead follow along with the given FASTer Way workouts to really maximize building muscle that will leave you feeling strong and lean.

Are you intimidated by the idea of incorporating varying workouts into your lifestyle? Don’t be! The FASTer Way provides workouts for every fitness level and plenty of low impact modifications. Many clients come to the FASTer Way with no experience in working out and end up falling in love with the FASTer Way lifestyle. We demystify Intermittent Fasting, carb cycling, and whole-food nutrition so you can live a healthy lifestyle that you LOVE.

“Ooooooo!!! This post makes me incredibly nervous. Be kind y’all. 😱 That girl on the left was exhausted, not sleeping well, having lots of indigestion & heartburn, feeling winded after the smallest amount of physical activity. She was scared of how bad she felt, and worried about where she was heading if she didn’t make a serious change. That was me just 3.5 months ago. I was ready for change, but the very last thing I wanted was another unsustainable diet.

Thank God for Amanda Tress and the FASTer Way to Fat Loss! I’ve found a new way of eating and working out that has literally changed my life.

Not only am I focused on whole food nutrition, but I’m working out on a regular basis. This girl is doing sprints… you heard that right, SPRINTS!! On top of losing (at last weigh-in more than a month ago) almost 30 lbs and more than 25 inches, I have loved what I’m learning about how to fuel my body for a lifetime. I am not deprived and I’m eating ALL THE CARBS & FATS!!! I’ve loved it so much that I interviewed, was selected, studied and passed my exam to become a certified FASTer Way Coach!! Y’all, a health and wellness coach! I mean, LIFE CHANGED!! And now I’m on a mission to help others begin their own transformation.”*

*Results may vary from person to person.

How Going Vegan Could Be A Game Changer

If you’re a die-hard meat eater, the veganism documentary on Netflix, The Game Changers (TV-MA), may just change your mind! It’s a fascinating study on the effect of plant-based eating in people ranging from top athletes to firefighters to grandparents. It doesn’t just offer testimonials about feeling better or getting healthier, it provides some really interesting scientific exploration that will give you some “food for thought.” 😉

How Going Vegan Could Be A Game Changer

Dr. Robert Vogel said, “What you eat immediately before an athletic endeavor can have major impact on how you perform. There’s a direct correlation between a meal and endothelial function. The endothelium is the lining of blood vessels. It regulates blood flow throughout the body. Plant-based meals allow the endothelium to open up. Animal-based meals restrict it.” This is why the athletes in the documentary were able to go longer and harder after they switched to plant-based.

According to The Game Changers, a single hamburger can increase inflammation by 70%, while a plant-based diet reduces inflammation in the body. This has a huge impact on athletic performance, especially recovery! Not only that, plant-based foods contain, on average, 64 times the antioxidants of animal-based foods. In fact, iceberg lettuce has more antioxidants than salmon or eggs!

Top plant-based athletes highlighted in the film include:

  • Morgan Mitchell (2-time Australian 400-meter champ)

  • Dotsie Bausch (8-time USA national cycling champ, 2x Pan-American gold medalist, at 39½ Dotsie is the oldest person—male or female—to win gold in her event)

  • Kendrick Farris (only male weightlifter from the US Olympics in 2012 and 2016, broke 2 American records, won the Pan-Am games)

  • James Wicks (MMA champion & documentary host)

  • Nate Diaz (beat UFC champion Conor McGregor)

  • Scott Jurek (record-breaking ultra runner, won Badwater Ultramarathon 7 times in a row, set a new record for the 2200 mile Appalachian trail)

  • Patrick Baboumian (multiple world records: front hold, keg lift, log lift / set a new record: carried 1,224 pounds for 33 feet)

  • Arnold Schwarzenegger (we all know Arnold!)

  • Lewis Hamilton (5-time Formula One World Champion)

But non-meat eaters aren’t just emerging on the sports scene, they’ve been winning gold at the Olympics for more than 100 years!

Vegan and Vegetarian Olympic gold medalists include:

  • Emil Voigt (gold in 1908)

  • Paavo Nurmi (9 gold medals from 1920–1928)

  • Murray Rose (4 gold medals from 1956–1960)

  • Edwin Moses (2 gold medals from 1976–1984)

  • Carl Lewis (9 gold medals 1984–1996)

And if you ask the athletes who switched from meat-based to plant-based, it’s had everything to do with their success. Many of them actually began breaking and setting new records after their transition to eating vegan!

But how will I get my protein in? Plants aren’t complete proteins!

Well, as stated in the film, every single plant contains all the essential amino acids in varying proportions. As long as the proper amount of amino acids are consumed, the source is irrelevant. 

We often use the idiom “strong as an ox” to describe someone who is unusually strong, but how often do we stop to think about what an ox eats? That’s right, a plant-based diet! They aren’t consuming animal protein in order to build muscle and increase strength, it’s all done with plants! Other strong herbivores include:

  • Elephants

  • Hippos

  • Horses

  • Gorillas

  • Rhinos 

  • Bison

So the perception that we must eat meat in order to be strong or see gains is actually false. 

“The quest for truth is only useful if you’re prepared to take action on what you find.”

-Bruce Lee


Environmental Concerns

Veganism isn’t just about what it can do for our bodies, it’s also about what it can do for our planet.

There was a slew of interesting facts in The Game Changers, including:

  • Roughly ¾ of all the agricultural land in the world is used for livestock production.

  • Meat, dairy, egg, and fish farming use 83% of the world’s farmland, yet provide only 18% of the world’s calories—on average, animals consume 6 times more protein than they produce.

  • More than 70 billion animals are consumed globally each year 

  • The single biggest source of habitat destruction is the livestock sector.

  • 25% of rivers in the world no longer reach the ocean because we’re taking out so much water for animal feed.

  • 27% of freshwater consumption goes to produce animal foods.

  • In the US, farm animals produce more than 50 times more waste per year than the entire human population, polluting rivers, lakes, and groundwater all across the country.

But what can eating vegan do? In the US, where meat consumption is three times the global average, shifting away from an animal-based diet would reduce agricultural emissions by up to 73% and save 1 million liters of water per person per year. This would free up an area of land the size of Africa. 

Can I eat Vegan on the FASTer Way to Fat Loss?

The vegan lifestyle has steadily grown in popularity over the years. In fact, in the FASTer Way to Fat Loss, we’ve seen such a big increase in vegan clients that we now offer a vegan meal plan in addition to our regular meal plan. One of the most common questions we get is: “Can vegans do the FASTer Way?” and the answer is a resounding YES!

As long as you focus on whole, nutrient-dense foods, we don’t require a certain pattern of eating, which is one of the most appealing aspects of the program. We teach sound principles but let YOU decide what to eat—while providing plenty of guidance, should you want it.

We believe you should eat the way that best suits your body, but we also believe in arming you with all the best knowledge so you can make an informed decision. If veganism is the right fit for you but you aren’t sure how to incorporate it with other healthy strategies like Intermittent Fasting, Carb Cycling, and macro tracking, then we’ll teach you how in the FASTer Way to Fat Loss!

Learn more about The Game Changers here. This film is FULL of interesting facts, studies, and observations that will help you decide if a vegan diet is right for you.

For other interesting Netflix documentaries focused on nutrition, check out

What The Health (TV-PG)

Forks Over Knives (PG)

Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret (TV-14)

Have YOU tried eating plant-based? If you’re intrigued but not sure how you’ll do it, try going plant-based one day per week. Let us know how it goes!

Carb Cycling For Women

Download our FREE 5-Day Sample Meal Plan Below!-10.png

You’ve seen it all over social media, you’ve heard about it through conversations with friends, and more than likely you’ve seen the results and effects. Dieting and restricting carbs are hot in the nutrition and fitness industry. But today we’re proposing a new option: carb cycling for women.

Although there are a small handful of people that have been able to maintain the inches lost with long-term carb restriction, almost all would agree that the lifestyle is just not sustainable. Nor are the results. And while some testimonials have shown that you can drop initial weight when cutting carbohydrates significantly, most end up gaining that weight right back, and what’s even worse? The scales go up even more than the day they started, and now they have potentially ruined their metabolism also.

The Impact of Carb Restriction for Women

For women, this is extremely sensitive as it affects female hormones. A keto diet is commonly looked at as a stressor for our bodies as it is often putting it in starvation mode, especially if it is not done correctly or under proper monitoring. We need a good amount of carbs along with other key macronutrients such as fats and protein in order to sustain healthy hormone levels. It’s the last thing you’ll want to do if weight loss and wellness are your goal!

Sustainable Carb Cycling for Women

Through the FASTer Way we’ve adapted a lifestyle that is not only safe to do when practiced correctly, but sustainable long-term! And you will get the much-deserved results you’ve been longing for. 

This strategy is called carb cycling. With this concept, you’ll receive the same weight-loss benefits but will maintain energy and reduce brain fog—which is a common side effect of carb depletion. 

Although the goal of a low-carbohydrate lifestyle is to train your body to use fat as its preferred choice of fuel, in doing so some end up cutting their caloric intake to an extreme—without even realizing it. Through the FASTer Way, we prefer to work with science by cycling our carbs strategically to utilize the benefits but keep overall health in mind. We focus on whole-food nutrition, not expensive products filled with questionable ingredients.

We know that carb cycling is highly effective when optimizing fat loss through increased thyroid output and controlled hunger. We’ll alter between high carb days and low carb days but still feed our body the right amounts; thus ensuring fat loss, higher energy levels, and improvement to overall body composition. 

So our bodies now safely rely on fat as the primary fuel source, but we consume a healthy amount of carbs to refill those carb storage containers on our higher carb days. By eating fewer carbs on certain days, your body turns to fat for energy instead of the sugary and starchy foods it usually consumes.

The FASTer Way

We do this by implementing our intermittent fasting schedule, mixed with a HIIT protocol on specific days and strength training on others.  We advise our clients in the FASTer Way to consume nutritious, dense, whole foods and CARBOHYDRATES in a way that benefits our goals and all are included in the meal plan that we give clients weekly. We’ve taken the brain work out of it to make it a simpler solution for you!

We’ll also guide you through tracking not just your carbs, but also fats and proteins so you become aware of how much your body needs to thrive. And because each body is different, we’ll help you set your macro intake to match your desired goals.

Here’s the bottom line: carbs are not the enemy. By using this carb cycling method our clients have less frustration, better long-term success, happier hormone levels, and more energy to power through those workouts to achieve results in performance and body composition.

Here’s a bonus pro-tip: prioritize and consume tons of leafy greens because FIBER matters! There are many benefits to greens (like being calorie-free), but your plate will also be fuller and you’ll feel satisfied longer.

Ready for more inspiration? Check out Leslie’s incredible story!

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“It took me a bit to build up the nerve to send these in. I started my first round of the FASTer Way on Dec. 31. I was floored at my results! I lost 30.5 inches overall during my first round! I feel so much better!!! I started to feel comfortable in my own skin again, I’ve learned to fuel my body properly and, oh my word, how my mental clarity has improved. I decided to share because for many months I followed @amandatress on Instagram and would see the before and afters and think, these look too good to be true! But guess what, this is my new lifestyle! It was not too good to be true, it was a blessing!!! Thank you so much for your passion to empower others!”*

*Results may vary from person to person.

Let’s start working toward YOUR after.  

Top 5 Tips: How To Survive Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent Fasting is the talk of the fitness industry and you really want to try it out… but you’re not sure where to start? Use these Top 5 Tips for surviving (and thriving through!) IF as you begin this new aspect of your health journey!

As you know, the FASTer Way to Fat Loss is based on several cutting-edge nutritional strategies: Intermittent Fasting, carb cycling, and macro counting. However, the key distinguishing factor is our emphasis on fasting.

While fasting may sound a bit intimidating, most of our clients find that it’s actually much simpler than they thought it would be. In fact, it usually ends up being one of their favorite things about the program!

If you aren’t familiar with this trending term, here’s a deeper dive into why we use it as a highly effective strategy to burn fat throughout the program. Intermittent Fasting isn’t a diet or quick fix, it’s a lifestyle that incorporates periods of eating with periods of withholding food. There are several ways to practice Intermittent Fasting, but in the FASTer Way to Fat Loss, we suggest the 16/8 protocol. This means each day you will fast for 16 hours and consume all your food for the day in an 8-hour window. We do not cut calories, we simply eat them in a shorter window during the day.

Why Try Intermittent Fasting?

Intermittent Fasting is a powerful nutrition strategy on its own, but when combined with balanced whole-food nutrition, carb cycling (another natural, highly effective fat-burning strategy), plus strategic workouts that maximize the fat loss cycle, you’ll experience results you never dreamed you’d achieve. You’ll reduce inflammation, maximize your metabolism, and naturally detoxify your body, just to name a few. 

You may be thinking I’ve tried all the diets and quick fixes, I’m sure this won’t work either. Friend, no matter how many other programs have failed you, you can still experience incredible fat loss, improved health, increased energy and so much more—when you start giving your body what it needs. The FASTer Way to Fat Loss has helped more than 115,000 women and men regain the health and confidence they thought they’d lost. 

But how do you survive Intermittent Fasting when you’re brand new? Here are a few tips!

Start Slowly

We practice 16/8 Intermittent Fasting: 16 hours of fasting, 8 hours of eating. However, if you’ve never fasted before, you don’t have to start with such a big fasting window. We highly recommend starting with a 12-hour fast. Cut off your eating at 7 or 8 pm, then don’t eat breakfast until 12 hours later. You can gradually increase the length of your fast an hour at a time, until you reach the 16-hour mark. In addition, don’t feel as though you have to start fasting every day. We recommend starting with Sundays. Cut your eating window off at 7 pm on Saturday night, then don’t eat anything until late-morning (or after church!) on Sunday. This will help you dip your toe into the Intermittent Fasting lifestyle without feeling overwhelmed.

Stay Hydrated

It’s really important to stay hydrated during your fast. In addition to water, it is totally acceptable to drink black coffee, herbal teas, and BCAAs (branched-chain amino acids—choose a clean brand!). Use these to get through your fast with ease and to keep your mind from wandering to the various snacks in your pantry! Did you know the same signal that tells us we are hungry is the same signal that tells us we’re thirsty?  True story! Understanding this will help when you feel those initial hunger pangs. Many of our clients reduce or eliminate their hunger signal just by adding in a few extra ounces of H₂O when they feel the urge to eat throughout their fasting period.

Stay Busy

The best tool for making it through your fasting period is to stay busy. In fact, productivity is one of my favorite side effects of Intermittent Fasting. Because you aren’t worried about fixing your next meal (or scarfing down a quick snack) you can focus on work and getting things done. Plus, staying busy keeps your mind from thinking about food and helps you get through your fasting period with ease!

Find Accountability

As day-to-day life leaves you feeling in a rut, overly busy, or just full of excuses (yes, we know the feeling!), it’s easy to fall back into old habits. A strong support system can make all the difference. Try it with a friend, family member, or even your spouse. You can share your struggles, thoughts, or even just motivate each other. But guess what? Through the FASTer Way, you’ll also be greeted with a community of thousands of others that took that initial step to lasting health, just like you. We will celebrate your wins and, on the hard days, we’ll encourage you and remind you why you started. But that’s just it. YOU HAVE TO START! So grab a colleague, your bestie, or a neighbor and go!

Put It All Together

Intermittent Fasting is a highly effective strategy, but when you combine it with whole foods, balanced macros, effective workouts, and carb cycling, you will become a fat-burning machine! Learning these other key strategies—which make the FASTer Way the most effective program in the marketplace today—is critical when it comes to taking back control of your health and weight through a sustainable lifestyle.

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““FASTer Way has completely changed my life! Truly. When I started I felt lethargic. I was constantly out of breath, tired, and had no control over my appetite. While FASTer Way has allowed me to lose the weight and exhaustion, I gained a few things as well. I gained a community of women that hold me accountable, a newfound confidence in myself, the ability to get rid of clothes bc they’re too big (hallelujah), and a toned figure. I can’t be happier with the progress I’ve made, and am still making. FASTer Way all the way!”⁣” –Martha, FASTer Way Community Member*

Because the benefits of Intermittent fasting are so phenomenal, our clients now understand how to burn fat effectively and feel their absolute best. The overall improvement in health, energy, and productivity makes this strategy a lot simpler to implement you might expect. In fact, most people are not usually hungry at all during the fasting window AND find that the longer they practice IF, the more accustomed to their bodies become! 

*Results may vary from person to person.

FASTer Way clients know the power of Intermittent Fasting. Try it out for yourself! Check out the next round of the FASTer Way to Fat Loss and learn how to lose that stubborn weight, find more energy, and feel like YOU again!

5 Benefits of Combining Intermittent Fasting and Carb Cycling

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Throughout time there have been some pretty incredible dynamic duos:

  • Eggs and bacon

  • The beach and a fruity drink

  • Chandler Bing and Joey Tribbiani

  • Pumpkin spice and, well—everything

Thousands of FASTer Way clients would all agree to add another to the list: intermittent fasting and carb cycling!

Intermittent Fasting 

Not only does this power-punched duo come with a significant impact on your health, but research has shown it can aid in weight loss, which will leave you feeling more radiant than Rachel and Monica!

But let’s get down to it: what exactly are these strategies and why do you need them in my life?

Intermittent Fasting and carb cycling are two of the best ways to achieve your goals in terms of fat loss. Period. In fact, we’ve shared testimony after testimony of women who have lost inches in their mid-section, gotten stronger, and improved their health through the FASTer Way to Fat Loss—which is based on these two nutritional strategies that make up this dynamic and effective duo.

Intermittent Fasting isn’t a diet or quick fix; it’s a lifestyle that incorporates periods of eating with periods of withholding food. Although this strategy is all the buzz in the industry, it’s actually been practiced for thousands of years! 

The best part? It’s free and convenient for even the busiest of people. There are several ways to practice Intermittent Fasting, but in the FASTer Way to Fat Loss we suggest the 16/8 protocol. This means each day you will fast for 16 hours (most of which while you’re sleeping) and consume all your food for the day in an 8-hour window. 

We do not cut calories; instead, we simply eat them in a shorter window during the day, thus simplifying our lives in the process. Although this window can be flexible, most people like to start their eating window around noon and end around 8pm just before catching their favorite rerun of Friends

Carb Cycling

Remember when everyone decided to ditch carbs hoping for a quick fix? Oh wait, it’s actually happening now! But not without its downfalls. Not only do our bodies need carbs, but it may cause internal damage from removing them from our diets. Science shows that restricting carbs intensely over time can add up to a struggling metabolism. 

Carb cycling is a safer strategy that can help many frustrated clients break through plateaus. This strategy allows an intentional variation of carbohydrate intake each week with some days being higher in grams than others. In the FASTer Way, we base our macro cycle on the workouts we will be doing to maximize fat burn and energy levels. 

Fun fact: Jennifer Aniston tried to remove carbs from her diet when filming Friends, and soon after reported that she switched back over to a healthy balance of fats, proteins, and—you guessed it—CARBS! 

So does that mean we suggest enjoying donuts along with strategic planning? YES! Can we guarantee that you’ll look like Jennifer Aniston? No! 

But what we CAN say is that carb cycling can help with fat loss, higher energy levels, and improvement to overall body composition. So you’ll optimize fat loss by increasing thyroid output and controlling hunger. This will leave you jumping for joy with more excitement than Phoebe!

5 Benefits of Combining Intermittent FASTing and Carb Cycling

1. Increased Energy

Countless clients have reported an incredible increase in energy after just a couple of weeks living the FASTer Way. This is by far the most consistent side effect reported, and the one that we get the most excited about. The truth is, the world around you deserves your best self, and energy is definitely a requirement for being the best version of you!

2. Better Sleep

Perhaps one of the reasons our clients are seeing such an increase in energy is because they are sleeping better. This lifestyle positively affects hormone levels—so you sleep like a baby!

3. A Happy Gut

Good-bye bloating and discomfort, hello happy gut! FASTer Way clients tell us that after just a few days in the program they are feeling less bloating and discomfort almost across the board. Who doesn’t love a happy gut?!

4. More Time

Having all of that time in the morning, without having to worry about what to eat OR clean up means you can be more productive each day. This is a side effect that we love because as busy people, we all know the value of a few extra minutes!

5. A Better Mood

So many of our clients report far better moods after just a couple of weeks living the FASTer Way. This, again, is due to the effect of Intermittent Fasting and carb cycling on hormones. Not only that, our focus on whole-food nutrition has a big effect on feeling better—good food tends to do that! In addition, the workouts paired with these nutritional strategies can also have a positive effect on mood and anxiety levels.

“I don’t have a ton of before/after in the same clothing because, quite honestly, I was anxious to get rid of everything that was TOO big. I thought it would be too tempting to revert back if I had “safety clothes” that I held onto. But, you can ask Clay, any time I purge my clothing, I have a really tough time getting rid of anything Carolina related. I have an irrational fear someone else won’t take care of them like I do (I said it was irrational) 😂 It’s yucky outside, I’m feeling a little under the weather, and my plans today involved ONLY school work. So getting ready was not in the cards today. I just threw on this pullover and some leggings. And then I remembered my sister snapped the picture on the left a couple of years ago. And I love it because I love my sweet little niece, but man, what a difference. Not just a difference in what I look like, but a difference in how I feel, how I see myself, how I fuel my body, and how I treat myself. It’s amazing what a little guidance, a little tracking app, some macros, and some knowledge can do for you.” 

–Stephanie, FASTer Way Community Member*

*Results may vary from person to person.

When it comes to winning the weight loss battle and improving body composition, Intermittent Fasting and carb cycling are the way to go! Reward yourself with that treat after your effective workout and you are living your best life. Are you ready? 

Carb Cycling Made Simple

Countless women have come to the FASTer Way after being (wrongly) convinced that carbohydrates were the enemy. They drastically restricted calories, spent too much time on cardio, and eliminated carbs.

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Some of these women might have seen results at first. But most of them eventually hit a major weight loss plateau and felt defeated. That’s because long-term restriction of carbohydrates and calories can lower metabolic rate and negatively affect hormone levels. 

For a short period of time, a significantly restrictive diet will bring results. However, over time it will cause the metabolic rate to decrease which leads to a sudden halt in weight loss. Women then need to restrict even further to lose more, thus lowering the metabolic rate once again. Not only is this a terribly unhealthy way to live, but it is also incredibly frustrating.

Why Carb Cycling is the Better Answer

Cutting carbs can bring results… at first. Carb cycling, on the other hand, is a safer strategy that can help frustrated clients break through plateaus. A carb cycling program is an intentional variation of carbohydrate intake each week. Most carb cycling plans consist of high carb days and low carb days. In the FASTer Way, we base our cycle on the workouts we will be doing to maximize fat burn and energy levels. 

Carb cycling allows for planned high carb days that increase thyroid output and help control hunger. We cycle our carbs by practicing low carb days to offset the high carb days. With this type of cycle, many of our clients continue to see fat loss, increased energy levels, and improvements to their overall body composition. 

Carb Cycling Made Simple

Carb cycling improves insulin levels, helping your body to store less fat. When paired with Intermittent Fasting and effective workouts, carb cycling can help you break through those dreaded plateaus so you can truly look and feel your very best!

Here’s the thing: carb cycling isn’t expensive or difficult. It’s an amazing strategy that is actually simpler than it sounds! In the FASTer Way, we practice simple carb cycling by tracking our macros on both low and high carb days. Once we deplete our glycogen stores on low carb days and put our bodies in optimal fat-burning mode, we replenish with healthy carbs.

Our certified community coaches are on-hand to provide daily support as our clients navigate carb cycling for the first time. That’s just one of the many perks of the FASTer Way to Fat Loss! We practice the cutting-edge strategies of carb cycling, Intermittent Fasting, and macro tracking (with a focus on whole foods) to dial in our nutrition. Combined with daily workouts and easy-to-follow meal plans, the program has exactly what you need to break free from the plateau, enjoy carbs, and look and feel better than ever!

If you’re ready to wake up energized and ready to fulfill YOUR purpose, then join us today for our next round!


Download our Free 5-Day Sample Meal Plan

FASTer Way Snack Ideas

In our FASTer Way family, we work with busy parents, professionals, and students who are striving to improve their overall health. While many of them eat meals on the run, snacks are often essential to ensure our clients are hitting their daily macro goals. Not sure where to start with planning or packing your snacks on the FASTer Way? We’re here to help!

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Changing Your Mindset

The FASTer Way program emphasizes balancing macros (carbs, fat, and protein) at each meal, with the exception of a piece of fruit here or there. We always focus on whole foods to get the very best in nutrition, but sometimes clean pre-packaged snacks are a must. 

In planning some snack options, it’s helpful to change your mindset. Prior to the FASTer Way, your snacks may have consisted of whatever you could grab from the vending machine or a leftover donut from the breakroom. Instead, think of snacks as a mini-meal. Whether that means a clean protein bar, or packing some organic deli meat with veggies to enjoy on the run, prioritize balanced macros.

Another mindset shift to make is in regard to portion control. Mindless grazing is always a temptation in snacking. While we don’t mandate exact measurements for everything you eat (nor do we think that’s healthy for your mental state), instead of plowing through a bag of beef jerky, shoot for limiting yourself to one serving size. Changing the way you think about snacks will help you be more intentional with your macros and ultimately help you reach your daily goals.

Snack Ideas

You’ve changed your mindset about what a snack is and how much to have. But what in the world should you eat?? We’ve compiled a list of some of our favorite clean snacks. Consider combining two or three of these for a balanced mini-meal snack.

  • Clean beef jerky

  • Nuts

  • Veggies (carrots, celery, tomatoes, or cucumbers) with hummus

  • Berries

  • Smoothie with almond or coconut milk and 1 cup frozen berries

  • Hard-boiled egg

  • Clean protein bar (Larabar, RX Bar, Perfect Bar)

  • ½ avocado topped with Everything But The Bagel seasoning

  • Lean organic meat (turkey or chicken)

  • Edamame

  • Apple with peanut or almond butter

  • Oatmeal with honey

What are your favorite FASTer Way snacks? Share with us in the comments!

If you’re not a FASTer Way client yet and you’d like to learn more about our strategies, check out these articles!

Intermittent Fasting and Carb Cycling 101

What are Macros and Why do we Track them in the FASTer Way?

How to Make the Most of Your Leg Day

5 Tips for Eating Out on the FASTer Way

Something we tell all of our clients is that the FASTer Way is truly a lifestyle, not a diet. Focusing on whole-food nutrition while still getting to enjoy your favorite treats is what separates the FASTer Way from any other nutrition plan on the market. We know that life doesn’t stop just because you’re on the FASTer Way, and chances are you’ll be eating out at restaurants over the course of the program. Choosing what to order can feel overwhelming for our new clients, but it doesn’t need to be! 

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Here are 5 tips for eating out on the FASTer Way:

  1. Check the Restaurant Menu Ahead of Time

Have a game plan in place. If you have a say in where to eat, prioritize restaurants with grilled, blackened, or baked protein options. Check the restaurant menu and enter your meal macros to help you plan for the rest of your day. 

2. Have a “Mini-Meal” Before Going to the Restaurant

A game plan is only as strong as your mental state. If you get to the restaurant feeling hangry, you might throw your game plan out the window and order whatever sounds good in the moment. Instead, have a mini-meal before you go out. Prioritize protein and veggies. It doesn’t need to be fancy—something as simple as organic deli meat with carrots and hummus will do the trick!

3. Pass on the Bread or Chips

We’ve all been there. You get to the restaurant with a game plan, and you’re not starving because you had a mini-meal beforehand. But then the waiter places the huge basket of bread or tortilla chips in front of you. GAME OVER, right? Wrong! Make the decision easy and pass on the bread and chips altogether. Focus on drinking lots of water while waiting for your meal. 

4. Double Up on the Veggies

Don’t be afraid to customize your meal to work for your lifestyle. Replace a non-compliant side with extra veggies, or double up on salad (dressing on the side) and steamed veggies. They’ll fill you up and provide lots of vitamins and nutrients.

5. Remember Your Why

Look around the table. The people you see are usually the reason you’re there. Are you celebrating a special event? Catching up with a friend? Sitting down with your family at the end of a busy day? Don’t let the food steal the show. Remember your why, and focus on the relationships.

You’re not a client yet, but you’d like to know more? Check out these helpful articles!

Intermittent Fasting and Carb Cycling 101

Why We Track Macros Instead of Calories

FASTer Way to Fat Loss FAQs

Let’s hear it—what tips would you add to the list for eating out on the FASTer Way?

Can Vegans do the FASTer Way to Fat Loss?

You love your vegan lifestyle, but you’d really like to try the FASTer Way lifestyle. Good news, you don’t have to choose—you can do both! A plant-based lifestyle fits seamlessly with the FASTer Way because we’re all about real health and true wellness (and all the whole foods you can eat!).

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Each aspect of the program is totally compatible with plant-based whole foods. But if you’re still not sure what that looks like, let’s break it down!

Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent Fasting is the cornerstone of our program and a vegan diet isn’t impacted by this in any way. This type of eating schedule simply tells you WHEN to eat, not WHAT to eat each day. What you choose to eat is totally up to you!

Carb Cycling

Carb Cycling is 100% possible when you eat a vegan diet, you simply have to be intentional about your low carb days because, if you’re like most vegans, a good deal of your protein typically comes from sources that also contain moderate to high carbs. Based on our many vegan clients and coaches living the FASTer Way, we know it can be simple and effective to carb cycle.

Whole Foods / Macros

This one is easy—you’re probably already eating a whole-food diet if you’re plant-based! We firmly believe that real health is achieved when we consume a healthy diet full of vibrant, flavorful, mostly unprocessed foods, and we’re pretty sure you believe that too. Eating balanced macros is still important because the body still wants those ideal ratios no matter where you’re getting the carbs, fat, and protein.


Strength training and HIIT workouts won’t be affected by a vegan diet. Again, as long as you’re fueling properly with balanced macros, you’ll see the same gains and progress!

Best of All!

Due to popular demand, we now offer VEGAN MEAL PLANS to our VIP membership clients! This has been a really fantastic addition to our traditional meal plans and we’re thrilled with the great response. This meal plan makes it easier than ever to prepare balanced, nutritious, simple meals the whole family will love.

Not only that, we’ve created a small group in our VIP Membership specifically for vegans and vegetarians. This gives you a super supportive community of other women traveling the same nutritional road as you.

If you’re ready to jump into the FASTer Way (now that you know it won’t get in the way of eating vegan!), then be sure to join us for our next round. We can’t wait to see you there!