FASTer Way to Fat Loss®

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10 Steps to Building Resilience

We’ve all been there before—we’re working toward a goal but it seems like all we’re doing is hitting setback after setback and challenge after challenge. Maybe it’s a weight loss plateau you can’t seem to overcome or a business idea that just won’t get off the ground. The good news is, you can work on building resilience in just 10 easy steps!

Friends, whatever it may be, we get it. We’ve been there, too—we just don’t want you to stay there! To encourage you to move forward, we’re sharing 10 tips that will help YOU make forward motion and build resiliency, even in the face of adversity. 


1. Accept that change is a part of living

We’ve heard it said before that change is inevitable. While the seasons of our lives will change, remind yourself that change does NOT have to shake you. YOU can remain constant, even through uncertainty and shifting seasons. Find the beauty in every season of change. Maybe your kids are growing up and you’re sending them to school for the first time. Or maybe you're hiring new employees for your business. It’s OK to mourn the loss of a season, but it’s even MORE important to look ahead with excitement for what’s to come. You ARE going to make it through change! Accept it. Embrace it. And keep moving forward!

2. Choose your response to failure

Oftentimes, our immediate reaction to failure is to label ourselves as a failure. Experiencing failure does not mean that you are one. Friends, give yourself some grace. We are all human and we all fall short from time to time. In those moments, it's important that we CHOOSE how we are going to respond to failure. We are not victims in any circumstances! In everything, we have the power to choose how we are going to respond. When you face a difficult challenge and find yourself falling short, choose to view it as an opportunity for growth, rather than an excuse to stop.

3. Move toward your goals

Keep your goals in front of you! When you do, those inevitable challenges and setbacks will seem a lot less daunting. Your goals will be the very thing that keeps you moving forward, even in times of discouragement. We encourage you to make a vision board and hang it somewhere that you’ll see every day. Creating a vision board is a simple yet VERY powerful and practical action to take in keeping your goals at the forefront of your mind. Start with a poster board, take old magazines, computer printouts, and inspirational quotes that speak to your goals and where you want to be. Cut them out and paste them on your board. Maybe you want to create a vision for how you want your health journey to look, or how you want to see your business grow! Whatever it may be, keep it in front of you to remind yourself to keep moving forward even through setbacks! 

4. Take decisive action steps

Oftentimes, we’re so afraid of failure that we get stuck and have a hard time making decisions and sticking to them. Our fear of falling short paralyzes us to the point of not making progress. Friends, contrary to what you might think, you CAN make the right decision and stick with it. Deep down, you know yourself better than anyone else does and what is best for you! What is your gut telling you to do? Recognize it, make the decision and go for it! Guess what? If it doesn’t work out… THAT’S OK! Again, give yourself the grace to make decisions and make mistakes. Remember that life has a funny way of working itself out. You will always end up right where you’re meant to be!

5. Find opportunities for self-discovery

It’s time to discover what you’re made of! Oftentimes, we are a LOT stronger than we realize. We also have a lot more to offer than we ever think. So, what’s the passion burning inside of you? What’s the thing you’ve always wanted to do but keep putting off? It’s time to call those things to life! Discover what makes YOU come alive. You will reach your fullest potential when you honor your calling in life. And when you do, you’re going to impact a whole lot of people along the way, too. The world needs more people to come alive—let it start with you!

6. Nurture a positive self-image

A positive self-image is key to fulfilling our potential. We will never become all we’re created to be if we’re bogged down by a negative self-image. While we all have room for growth and improvement, we ALSO all have talents, passions, and abilities that are unique to us. You are the only one that can fulfill YOUR unique purpose—the world needs what you have to offer! One way to foster a positive self-image is by practicing positive self-talk. Start your day by speaking words of LIFE to yourself: “I am enough. I love who I am. I have something to offer to this world. I will reach my fullest potential in everything I do today. What I have to say, matters.” As you declare and speak these words into your life, you will start to BECOME the words you speak. Don’t discount the power of the spoken word!

7. Keep it in perspective

It’s important to remember that one small setback DOES NOT throw away all the progress you’ve made. Keep your problems in perspective. One way to practice this is to be thankful for what you DO have. Despite encountering a setback, what can you be thankful for in the grand scheme of things? Maybe it’s that you have a healthy family or a roof over your head. When we focus on the bigger picture, the challenges we encounter seem a lot less significant! 

8. Maintain a hopeful outlook

Friends, there is always a reason to have hope, even in the midst of a challenge. You might not be able to see it right away, but there is always a greater reason to keep moving forward. We love the quote:

“Let us choose to believe that something good is always about to happen.”

Keep this hopeful expectancy at the forefront of your minds as you keep moving forward. Something good CAN and WILL happen to you!

9. Take care of yourself

Through the challenges and setbacks we face, it’s important to take time to prioritize YOU and your needs. Take self-inventory and ask yourself “what do I need right now?” Is it a long walk outside to calm down? Go for it! Is it a “self-care afternoon” where you sneak away for a manicure? Do it! Is it a 15-minute journaling session to sort your feelings? Write it out! Figure out what you need, and honor yourself enough to make it happen. When you take care of yourself and your needs, you’re going to find that it’s a lot easier to keep moving forward and reach your goals.

10. Reflect back on your journey

When you look back on all you’ve overcome, you’ll stay encouraged to KEEP GOING! You’ve conquered before, who’s to say you can’t conquer again?! Don’t allow feelings of frustration to creep in. Remember where you were a year ago; remember all the progress you’ve made and the small victories you’ve won. Looking back on your progress reminds you of how far you’ve come, and will give you the courage to keep going. Remember, the sky is the limit, friends!

Whatever setbacks or challenges you may be facing today, be encouraged that you CAN overcome! Keep these steps to building resiliency close to your heart as you continue to move forward and achieve your goals. Even through possible setbacks in your health journey, keep moving forward! You are more than capable of achieving the healthy YOU that you’ve always wanted.

If you’re looking for a community to encourage and empower you as you move towards your goals, join us for the next round of the FASTer Way to Fat Loss. We believe in you and we are here for you every step of the way. Keep moving forward, friends!

For more information about the FASTer Way strategies, please read the following articles:

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