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FASTer Way to Fat Loss

Melting Your Middle: Beyond Looks

How Core Strength Benefits Whole Body Wellness

What if I told you that whittling your middle has more benefit then simply giving you your dream summer beach bod? That a toned midsection goes beyond aesthetic benefits, but provides numerous functional benefits as well?

That’s right! A strong core isn't just about looking good in a swimsuit. In fact, there are many benefits of having a toned midsection beyond appearances. When you take charge of your wellness and tone your midsection the rest of your body thanks you.

Keep reading to find out how strengthening your core can add to your functional fitness, making every day tasks easier and improving your overall wellness exponentially.

Functional Benefits Of A Strong Core

Your core muscles consist of more than simply your abs, but your back and pelvic muscles as well. All of these components work together to support and stabilize your entire body so you can perform functional tasks with ease.

Having a toned midsection not only gives you a flat belly for the sunny beach days soon to come, but also promotes:

  • Improved posture: A strong core helps to support your spine, effectively relieving strain on your neck, shoulders, and back, as well as helping you maintain proper posture. Having the definition required to sit up straight consistently helps reduce pain and prevent injury.

  • Increased stability: Your core muscles are responsible for stabilizing your body, which is important for many activities, such as running, lifting weights, and even just walking. Meaning when this area of your body is muscularly developed it becomes easier to perform everyday functions, such as climbing stairs or carrying groceries.

  • Improved balance: A strong core helps to improve your balance, making it easier to perform activities that require coordination, such as yoga, dance, or even playing sports. It can even save you from an injury or prevent a fall by giving you the ability to catch yourself before any serious damage occurs.

  • Increased overall strength: A strong core is essential for many exercises and movements, like lifting weights, running, or jumping, making it easier to build overall strength and lean muscle for ultimate fat burning power.

  • Reduced risk of injury: When your core is weak, other muscles in your body may compensate, increasing your risk of injury. Strengthening your core can help to reduce this risk and provide a solid foundation for your body.

  • Improved breathing: The muscles in your core play a key role in breathing. A strong core can help improve your breathing efficiency and overall lung capacity through improved posture.

  • Improved digestion: A strong core can help to support proper alignment of the digestive organs effectively promoting healthy bowel movements and increasing fat burn.

Whole Body Wellness With The FASTer Way!

Having a strong core does more than give you the flat belly of your dreams or make daily functions easier than ever, it also boosts mental and emotional health! By infusing your body with renewed energy and burning away stubborn fat your confidence, self-esteem, and body image will all improve. You’ll also experience a decrease in stress, effectively providing a healthier overall lifestyle. 

Remember, getting fit isn’t just about looking good, but it’s also about feeling good too!

Want to experience all these benefits and more? Join our 5 Days to Melt Your Middle program for just $19.99! It’s time to pull out the crop tops and get the flat belly of your dreams.

You’ll receive exclusive app access, a private community group, daily trainings, workouts, and meal guides - it’s a no-brainer for busting stubborn belly fat and learning healthy ways to lean out!

Superset Training 101

Superset Training: A Guide to the Basic Format and Benefits

Are you looking for a way to enhance your workout routine and reach your fitness goals faster? Or maybe you want to double the amount of calories you burn but don’t have the time in your busy schedule to extend your hours at the gym…Superset training may just be your answer!

Supersets are a popular workout technique where you perform two exercises back-to-back with minimal rest in between. This method is known to increase intensity, improve time efficiency, and provide a variety of other benefits - double your sweat count in half the time.

In this article, we'll explore the benefits of superset training and provide a basic how-to guide so you can supercharge your fitness for amazing results!

Benefits of Superset Training

It’s time to up your wellness strategy with workouts that WORK - your bikini isn’t going to wait and neither should you! Superset training allows you to tap into the hidden abilities your muscles hold by keeping your heart rate elevated and doubling your fat burn efforts in a single set. Best news? This format is SIMPLE to perform!

Benefits of this workout approach include:

  • Time Efficiency: By performing two exercises in one set, you save time and complete your workout faster than with traditional training. This offers you the freedom in your busy schedule to create important memories with your family or enjoy some much needed YOU time!

  • Increased Intensity: When you challenge your muscles in new ways, you increase the intensity of your workouts leading to improved muscle growth, strength, and endurance. 

  • Fat Burning: Supersets keep your heart rate elevated throughout your workout, effectively increasing calorie burn and fat loss. No more grumbling over extra layers that stubbornly cling to your waist!

  • Plateau Breaking: Incorporating supersets into your workout routine provides new and different types of stimulus for your muscles, and helps prevent boredom in your fitness routine - no one wants to do the same set over and over again!

Basic Format

Supersets can be performed in different ways, but the basic format involves choosing two exercises that target different muscle groups and performing them consecutively. For example, you could do a set of bicep curls followed immediately by a set of tricep dips. Another option is to work opposing muscle groups, such as chest and back or quads and hamstrings. This helps to give one area of your body a break or rest while you work another to maintain an elevated heart rate and maximize fat burn.

How to Implement Superset Training

Curious on how to use this strategy in your fitness plan?

Keep reading for the basic steps on how to implement supersets into your workout routine! 

  1. Choose exercises that target different or opposing muscle groups to avoid overworking any one area.

  2. Select weights that challenge you, but still allow you to maintain proper form throughout the set. This might mean starting with lighter weights than you would typically use rather than heavier - remember, proper form is what keeps your body safe and helps to prevent injury or overexertion!

  3. Limit rest time between supersets to 30-60 seconds. This helps maintain intensity and an elevated heart rate, effectively increasing cardiovascular benefits.

  4. Start with one or two supersets per workout and gradually increase the number as you become more comfortable with the technique.

Superset Training The FASTer Way

Superset training is an effective and time-efficient way to enhance your workout routine and achieve your fitness goals.

By increasing intensity, burning fat, and breaking through plateaus, supersets can help you reach your desired level of fitness faster. To implement supersets into your workout routine, choose exercises that target different muscle groups, select appropriate weights, limit rest time between exercises, and start with a manageable number of supersets per workout.

With dedication and consistency, you'll see the benefits of supersets training in no time!

Curious to learn more? Take the FASTer Way Quiz today and learn what macro levels, exercises, and more, are the perfect fit for your fitness!

How Dieting Hurts Wellness

Dieting for Fat Loss: Why It's Bad for Your Overall Wellness

Are you one of those people who believe that dieting is the only way to lose fat? 

Think again! Dieting for fat loss may seem like a quick fix to your weight loss woes, but it can actually do more harm than good to your overall wellness, and put you backwards on your fat loss journey.

Keep reading to learn why these fad diets NEVER work and what you should be doing instead!

Diets: Doing More Harm Than Good

When you restrict your calorie intake and cut out entire food groups, you're depriving your body of the vital nutrients it needs to function properly. This can lead to a number of negative side effects, including fatigue, irritability, and even malnutrition.

In addition, when you drastically change your eating habits to almost nothing, your body goes into survival mode. That means your metabolism slows considerably, conserving fat and packing on the pounds instead of burning it away for energy. The more you deprive your body of the nutrients it needs, the more it will have to look for other sources of fuel while retaining fat. Eventually, your system will begin breaking down muscle tissue for energy creating a severe loss in muscle mass.

Furthermore, many fad diets are not sustainable in the long run, and often lead to a lack of essential nutrients that are necessary for good health. This can cause deficiencies, fatigue, and other health problems in the long term. It can also lead to binge eating, which can cause weight gain and further damage to your metabolism.

Another negative impact of dieting for fat loss is the impact on your mental health. Restricting yourself from certain foods or depriving yourself of the pleasure of eating can cause emotional distress, which can lead to feelings of guilt, shame, and failure. That’s no way to live!

Burn Fat Without Deprivation Using The FASTer Way!

Not sure that proper nutrition will make all that much of a difference in your fitness journey?

Take it from our valued clients, who’ve gone the fad diet route before and haven't seen the results they were hoping for. After welcoming the FASTer Way into their lives, that all changed! Check out our Instagram page for inspirational stories from our clients and how they finally were able to achieve a body they feel comfortable in through our science-backed wellness methods.

Instead of dieting, focus on making healthy, sustainable lifestyle changes that you can stick to long-term. This means eating a balanced diet that includes a variety of nutrient-dense foods, staying active with regular exercise, and prioritizing sleep and stress management. At The FASTer Way, we focus on helping you to establish a balanced lifestyle using these strategies and more for fat burn and lean muscle build like you’ve never felt before!

Ready to implement strategies that will give you RESULTS?

Take our quiz today to get a free guide and meal plan based on your goals!

It’s time to learn the truth about what actually works to shed fat - no diets or gimmicks ever again!

Unlock True Wellness with the FASTer Way + Functional Medicine

If you’re frustrated with your health or fitness—or you’ve been told you just have to live with your symptoms—there is hope! When you combine functional medicine with the FASTer Way to Fat Loss, you’ll get to the root of the issue and solve it in a way that heals your body and eases your mind.

Better Health With Functional Medicine and the FASTer Way

Amanda Tress, founder and CEO of the FASTer Way, and Alex De Oliveira A.R.N.P. were invited to chat with Carmen Brown of OFF-AIR with Carmen about finding better health with functional medicine and the FASTer Way.

Listen to the full episode here:

What is the FASTer Way to Fat Loss?

The FASTer Way to Fat Loss is a holistic approach to healthy living. It focuses on science-backed strategies including:

  • Intermittent fasting

  • Carb cycling

  • Macronutrient tracking

  • Whole food nutrition

  • Quick & effective workouts that pair with the food log

While it may sound like a lot of strategies, it’s actually a very simple lifestyle—and all clients learn under the guidance of a certified coach. Someone who is on your side, available to answer your questions, and supports you daily!

The REAL Problem

Many people, women especially, will visit a conventional doctor because they can’t lose weight even though they exercise regularly and eat well. Rather than getting the answers they need, they hear comments like:

“This is normal during/after menopause.”

“It’s normal to gain weight at your age.”

“You’re not exercising enough.”

“You need to change your habits.”

“You need to eat healthier.”

Friend, we are here to say it’s NOT your fault.

We know these doctors mean well, but countless people leave these appointments discouraged and defeated, thinking there’s nothing they can do or they just aren’t trying hard enough.

There’s a Better Way

Carmen Brown of “OFF-AIR with Carmen” was one of these women, discouraged with her health. She couldn’t lose weight and she was always tired. After meeting with Amanda Tress and making significant positive changes through the FASTer Way program, she knew something was still off. At Amanda’s urging, she scheduled an appointment with functional medicine hormone specialist Alex De Oliveira at Young Foundational Health. 

After working with Alex, while maintaining the FASTer Way lifestyle, Carmen couldn’t believe the difference in her energy levels nor her weight loss. In fact, Carmen was so blown away by her test results that she asked Alex to share them on the podcast! Listen to the full episode to hear the incredible changes she saw in less than a year.

The Problem with Standard Medicine

Standard medicine doesn’t offer prevention outside a few basic tests. This is a lost opportunity to detect imbalances, precursors to disease (such as type 2 diabetes), and inflammation in the body. Issues that are preventable but have a significant impact on health (and weight) when undetected and untreated.

We can change the current narrative, and through the FASTer Way to Fat Loss and functional medicine. We are doing that one client at a time!

Listen to the full interview above to hear more about these golden nuggets of wisdom:

  • It’s not so much what you should take, it’s how you should live your life.

  • It’s never too late to start. What matters is that you start now.

  • Type 2 Diabetes is 100% reversible.

  • Elevated insulin could be due to low thyroid, menopause, or even prescription medication (seizure, depression, anxiety, etc.) 

  • You can fix insulin resistance through exercise, whole-food nutrition, and intermittent fasting.

  • The gut needs to rest.

  • Excess weight is a symptom of what’s happening in your body.

  • Your bloodwork will tell you everything you need to know.

Thanks to Carmen for hosting Amanda and Alex to spread the word about the path to wellness!

Unlock True Wellness with the FASTer Way + Functional Medicine

FASTer Way Time-Saving Hacks

There’s no question we live in a busy day and age. It seems like everywhere we turn there’s something new that’s demanding our time and attention.

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But no matter how busy life may get, we can promise you that you will never regret taking time for your health. Making your health a priority is the one of the best ways to invest your time that will benefit you now AND in the future!

Like anything that’s important to us, we make time for it. In the same way, we have to make time for our health. It has to be high on our priority list or before we know it, it will slip through the cracks of everyday life. 

We get it. Sometimes days can get busy and schedules fill up. You may miss a workout every now and then and that’s ok! But think about it... Do we have time to go to the doctor when our health declines? Do we make time to sit and watch TV at night after dinner?

Shouldn’t we choose to show our families that we take care of ourselves, too? 

That’s why, in the FASTer Way, you spend LESS time working out and MORE time feeling amazing. You spend LESS time stressing over what to eat and spend MORE time experiencing true food freedom.

Friend, we want YOU to enjoy life, be present for your family, and have the energy to do it, too!

If you’ve been feeling overwhelmed with time management, it’s ok! We are here to help and we are here for YOU! We’re sharing some of our FASTer Way time-saving hacks so YOU can get the most out of the program and still be as productive as possible!

Pre-plan your macros

Entering your macros into MyFitnessPal does not have to be hard or extremely time consuming. Here’s what you can do to make entering your macros a breeze:

  1. Enter your macros for the day the night before OR first thing in the morning. If you have a general idea of what you’ll be eating for the day, you can take a few minutes before you start your day to enter your food in. Need to adjust serving sizes throughout the day? No problem! You can simply adjust your serving size as you go throughout the day if needed. If you already have your macros entered in for the day, a simple adjustment will take 30 seconds!

  2. Choose foods from your MyFitnessPal library. MFP saves the food you enter in the library. That means, if you eat eggs everyday, MFP remembers that and keeps those food choices at the forefront of your food library. No need to go searching through MFP every time you eat. Keep it simple and look through your library!

  3. Did you know you can save recipes in MyFitnessPal? That means you can enter in and save some of your favorite, go-to recipes that you make on a regular basis. Your recipes can easily be saved for quick logging and macro counting!

  4. Lots of our FASTer Way recipes are already saved and logged in the MFP database. Remember, we’re a big community! Other clients have entered some of the FASTer Way recipes into MFP (which makes logging for you a breeze!). Simply search “FASTer Way to Fat Loss” with the name of the recipe and see what has already been entered. Don’t see the recipe you’re looking for? No worries! Refer to the meal guide and simply enter in the ingredients to create a new recipe.

Pencil in time for your workout everyday

Like you would make an appointment with the doctor and stick to it, make an appointment with yourself to workout and stick to it! Our quick and effective workouts are JUST 30-minutes. That’s one episode of a show on Netflix. That’s one Food Network show. That’s one “quick” coffee run. That’s one mindless scroll through Instagram (hey, we’ve all been there before!). 

Truth is, you CAN find 30 minutes in your day! Pick a time that works best for you and your schedule and stick with it! You wouldn’t make a doctor’s appointment and not show up. In the same way, SHOW UP for yourself in your workout. You will never regret taking just 30 minutes out of your day to get moving. 

The best part is, we have an entire library of workouts AND daily LIVE workouts for you to follow along with. No need to aimlessly scroll through Pinterest to find today’s workout. We’ve already got you covered!

Plan your meals for the week

Friend, eating healthy does NOT have to be hard and it does not have to be time consuming. Which is why *drumroll please* we have the FASTer Way Meal Guide just for YOU! 

We’ve created the meal guide with you in mind. We get it. You’re busy. You’re taking care of kids and working and trying to keep the house in one piece. With the meal guide, you can take the guesswork out of meal planning. We’ve already done the hard work for you! Print out the meal guide at the beginning of the week or write down a list of each night’s dinners and refer to it throughout the week. No need to spend time wondering what to make for dinner every night… we already have it planned for you. Simple! 

We encourage you to try these time-saving hacks and start TODAY! Friend, you CAN find the time to make your health a priority. Sometimes, all it takes is a little switch of perspective! We are here to make your health journey as simple and straightforward as possible. 

If you’re ready to take the guesswork out of a healthy lifestyle and join a program that’s already done the work for you, then you’ve come to the right place. We’ve got a spot for you in our next round of FASTer Way to Fat Loss. It’s time to take back control and live your best life this summer!



FASTer Way High Waist Legging


FASTer Way Black Tank Top

3 Reasons The FASTer Way to Fat Loss Is Ideal For Busy Moms

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A mom’s work is never done, but that doesn’t mean she can’t make time for a healthy lifestyle! The FASTer Way to Fat Loss is ideal for busy moms because it was created by a busy mom!

All moms know that being busy never really ends. You’re “on the clock” from the time you wake up to the time you go to bed, and even then, you don’t always feel like you got it all done! That’s why the FASTer Way to Fat Loss is the perfect solution—it was created by a busy mom that wanted a healthy lifestyle (that didn’t take over her life). 

FASTer Way creator Amanda Tress knew that any fitness program NOT designed to fit into a busy life just wasn’t going to be a true lifestyle for her or anyone else. That’s why the FASTer Way is simple AND easy!

Moms have a lot to do every day. Between balancing work, kids, spouses, friends, and schedules, life can be intense. So, when it comes to taking care of your health, hitting your weight loss goals, and feeling confident, you need a fitness program that can make it easier for you!

We’ve helped tens of thousands of moms achieve a healthy, sustainable lifestyle through the FASTer Way. They’ve seen incredible results when it comes to their energy levels, their moods, losing fat—not just weight, but stubborn belly fat—and feeling more confident than ever.  

Can the FASTer Way fit into your life? YES!

3 Reasons The FASTer Way to Fat Loss is Ideal for Busy Moms

1. The FASTer Way Is Flexible

If there’s one thing that all moms need in life, it’s flexibility. Whether it’s someone getting sick, a blow-out diaper as you’re walking out the door, or your middle schooler telling you the night before that their science project is due, being a mom requires a lot of quick thinking and creative planning. 

Unlike restrictive diets that are uncompromising and unrealistic, The FASTer Way gives you freedom and flexibility as you are working toward your goals.

You can easily change a low carb day to a regular macro day. The FASTer Way nutrition plan is a cycle of low carb days and regular macro days that you can rearrange to fit your schedule. Birthday party? No problem, you can have your cake and eat it, too! 

You can move your eating window to match up with your plans. If you have a special dinner planned, you can move your window down. If you have a brunch planned with your girlfriends, move your window up. Do what works for your life—and enjoy that mimosa and quiche without feeling like you just crashed your diet!

The FASTer Way is so effective because it’s flexible enough that you can adjust the program to meet your needs AND still eat the foods you love! That’s what a real lifestyle is—having a strategy that accommodates real life.

2. The FASTer Way Has Efficient Workouts

In the world of motherhood, “me time” is a huge commodity. We know that as a mom, your time is already stretched thin and time for yourself isn’t always easy to carve out. 

Here’s the good news! You don’t need to spend hours in the gym to get an effective workout. 

There’s more good news! You don’t even have to leave your house. 

The FASTer Way offers daily workouts that include a Home, Gym, or Low-Impact option. No matter your fitness level or gym membership status, we have a workout for you! Our home workouts require very little equipment (just a few basics) AND our trainers offer plenty of variations depending on what you might have. No kettlebell? No problem! No bench? No biggie! We’ll meet you where you are.

The FASTer Way workouts are easy to follow AND they won’t take a lot of precious time out of your day. You get the most out of your workouts in about 30 minutes every day. So on those crazy busy days, meeting your workout goal isn’t just possible, it’s easy to do before the kids are even up!

3. The FASTer Way Has Simple and Delicious Meal Plans

The FASTer Way meal plans will be your new best friend because let’s be honest here, the hardest question we have to answer every day is, “What’s for dinner?” When you are focusing on better nutrition, knowing how to fuel your body correctly can make that question even harder to answer. 

So for those days when you have no time to plan, or when you just can’t think about ONE MORE THING, use the simple FASTer way meal plan! We provide them for ALL clients, whether they’re new OR in our VIP membership. They aren’t required for success, simply another tool we offer to make your life easier.

And the best part? Your daily meal plan is only one tap away in the FASTer Way app! Choose from our REGULAR meal plan or our VEGAN meal plan—all the recipes are literally at your fingertips.

Community of Moms  

If your goals is to get leaner, healthier, and regain your confidence, join our community of moms that are there to support you, cheer for you, and be a listening ear when you have “one of those days.”

The way the FASTer Way is designed for busy moms because it gives you everything you need and nothing you don’t. Whether you’re up at night with a baby or up at night worrying about a teenager—we’ve got you.  

If you’re ready to live a busy-but-healthy lifestyle, join us for the next round of the FASTer Way to Fat Loss. Tens of thousands of moms can’t be wrong!

Want to know more? Learn about our strategies here:


5 Health + Fitness Trends to Avoid in the New Year

There’s no “magic bullet” for weight loss, but that doesn't stop millions of people from trying the biggest trends on the Internet. Avoid these 5 popular wellness trends that might give you quick short-term results, but will set you back in the long run!

If you want to lose weight, get well, prevent disease, and fulfill your purpose with energy, there are solid, science-backed strategies that could move you toward your goal. There are also plenty of popular trends that will actually hold you back from the healthy lifestyle you’re trying to live!

Avoid these 5 wellness trends and focus on a lifestyle that will help you feel your best, look your best, and BE your best! The FASTer Way lifestyle is the perfect solution for healthy strategies balanced with real life.

5 Wellness Trends to Avoid

1.Cutting Carbs

If you’re familiar with the FASTer Way, then you know we’re passionate about healthy, sustainable strategies. 

There are a lot of reasons cutting carbs out of your diet is a bad idea, but in short, your body needs complex carbs for brain function, optimal thyroid output, and energy. Cutting them out completely is a sure-fire way to lose weight quickly (for a while), then gain it all back when your metabolic rate slows down and your willpower runs out. Women, in particular, need a healthy dose of carbs to keep their hormones in check and their fat loss on track. 

Unless you have a medical reason to cut carbs, this is NOT an optimal strategy for long-term weight loss and overall health. Instead, try a carb cycling approach that gives your body the carbs it needs, while also giving you the benefits of eating low carb, occasionally. 

Learn more about carb cycling:

2. Weight Loss Pills, Shakes, Supplements, or Cleanses

There are some great supplements and cleanses out there (and a lot that you should definitely avoid!), but if you’re using them to lose weight without changing your lifestyle, it simply won’t work. No matter how many products you try, if you don’t get to the root of the problem, no amount of supplements will get you healthy OR help you burn fat.

Instead, try implementing some healthy strategies that you can practice long term. Focus on whole foods. Move your body. Rest your body. Start Intermittent Fasting. Do carb cycling. Change your mindset. For the best results, do all of these things (which we’ll teach you in the FASTer Way to Fat Loss)!

3. Working Out With No Real Plan

There are plenty of great tools out there (apps, mirrors, YouTube, and more!) to help you find a workout you love. However, if you are simply relying on random workouts that are not part of a larger holistic plan, then you won’t see the long-term results you want. They can be the best workouts on the planet, but if they aren’t part of a cohesive program and paired intentionally with your nutrition AND your other workouts… you’re not going to see results

Instead, look for an approach that intentionally pairs different types of workouts with a full nutrition plan so you aren’t over-taxing your adrenals, and you are getting the maximum fat-burning results that you want.

4. Joining Challenges With People Who Aren’t Trained Professionals 

In today’s online world, anyone can call themselves a health coach and start dishing out exercise and nutrition information. Unfortunately, this is a huge problem for consumers. 

Cookie-cutter programs (with no real professionals to coach clients through the strategies) are wreaking havoc on metabolisms, mindsets, and health. This cycle continues to perpetuate the yo-yo diet culture and does more harm than good. 

Be sure that you choose a trained, certified, and experienced coach who is promoting sustainable, science-backed strategies… not the new DVD series of the month. 

5. Slashing Calories and Exercising Too Much

This isn’t a new trend, but it seems to be one that never goes away. 

Real talk: if you undereat and overexercise for too long, you’ll actually depress your metabolism, making it impossible to keep the weight off without cuttinging calories further. Instead, you need to learn how to fuel your body with ENOUGH food to keep it running optimally, while also enjoying some of your favorite treats—guilt-free—because your quality of life matters.

Look for a lifestyle that’s going to teach you how to effectively manage your macro and micronutrient intake while utilizing effective exercise to reach your goals without doing long-term damage to your metabolism. 

What To Do Instead

Roller coasters are for amusement parks, not your health. Instead of riding the ups and downs of weight gain and loss, learn how to eat in a flexible way that still allows you to have your donuts and eat them, too!

The FASTer Way to Fat Loss is unlike any program on the market. In just four years, we’ve helped more than 130,000 clients get into the absolute best shape of their lives… and stay that way. No more resolutions to lose weight. No more roller coasters. Just a simple, flexible lifestyle that makes health and fitness doable for the long run. Join the next round to experience it for yourself!

Why Restrictive Diets Won’t Help You Long-Term

Download our FREE 5-Day Sample Meal Plan Below!-9.png

Elimination diets are all the rage, and for (a somewhat) good reason! More people are better understanding how food can affect so much more than just their waistbands. These diets are great for eliminating common inflammatory foods to figure out what might trigger symptoms and can help people feel better than they have in years. But unfortunately, while paleo and Whole30® programs might pack lots of great short-term results, restrictive diets won’t help you long-term.

The Dreaded Plateau

Eliminating entire food groups and cutting out processed junk will often lead to an unintentional calorie deficit, which helps with weight loss… for a time. Drastically reducing calories will help shed weight until your metabolism slows down, and then you hit the dreaded plateau. You may try to eliminate more food or reduce your calorie intake, but that stubborn plateau won’t budge because your body may be trying to tell you that it actually needs more food than you’re giving it.

Restrictive Diets and Burnout

The biggest complaint about restrictive diets? Burnout. There’s a reason why these programs only last 21 or 30 days. People can only deprive themselves of their favorite foods for so long. In addition to burnout, practicing restrictive diets long term can lead to disordered eating.

Discovering True Food Freedom

So what’s the answer? Well, the ultimate goal is to discover true food freedom! Eliminating inflammatory foods while still enjoying your favorite treats and eating more than you have in years—all while burning fat and building lean, calorie-burning muscle. 

That’s the beauty of the FASTer Way to Fat Loss. We combine the science-backed strategies of Intermittent Fasting, carb cycling, and macro tracking with intentional workouts. We don’t believe in diets, we believe in whole-food nutrtion (and enough of it!), which is why we created this flexible lifestyle for every size, shape, and stage of life!

“I can’t say enough about this program! 10 days in and I’m already seeing great results inside and out. I am fairly active (cross-fit) and eat well (Paleo and Whole30) but I just wasn’t seeing results. I have learned so much and now have a better understanding of why things weren’t working. I’m a full-time working mom of three and I have still managed to find time to fit in all of the workouts, plus my regular cross-fit sessions. I underestimated the value of daily check-ins and the group support but it has made all the difference and I’ve really enjoyed my virtual cheerleading group! I highly recommend the program!” – Claire*

*Results may vary from person to person.

The FASTer Way for Busy Women

We hear it all the time from women just like you—there simply isn’t time (or energy!) to kickstart a healthy new routine with everything you have to do every day. Even that easy quick-fix diet you keep hearing about from your co-workers? Forget about it! 

Listen, we get it. Most days we’d all rather catch up on sleep or even scroll our InstaFeed, am I right?! It’s easy to make excuses because we’re constantly working, running from one sporting event to the other, helping with homework, deciding dinner plans, trying to balance a social life, etc. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, stay-at-home mom, nurse, or any other profession, we know that there are plenty of messy bun and leggings days—where the last thing we think about is exercising or making a healthy meal. Because really, who has time to prep 6 meals a day? Or do cardio every day? 

But what about that friend-of-a-friend who travels, runs marathons, has a clean house, and still makes time for friends? Well, I think we all know this isn’t everyday reality. But more than that, we also know is that when you prioritize your health, even for just 30 minutes a day, your mind, body, and soul will repay you.

What we often fail to realize is that if we were to put our health at the forefront, we would actually have the energy to plan that family 5K, engage in the HIIT workout, fold the clothes we’ve hit wrinkle release on twice, or prep those healthy meals on our Pinterest boards. Exercising boosts our energy levels, especially when we are consuming the right foods.  

And if you already have a goal but are unsure where to start, let’s chat. First and foremost, you’ll want to focus on nutrition. Contrary to what people have been told in the past, you can't out-train a bad diet—no matter how many hours you spend in the gym.

So start small.

Up your water intake and ease into better nutrition. Create a grocery list ahead of time and stick to mostly whole foods. It’s easiest to shop the perimeter of the grocery store, where you’ll notice they stock mostly fresh produce as well as meat. Not only will this make your wallet happy, but it will also shorten your time strolling the aisles of the store (and if you have young kids, this is life-saving advice!). 

OUR LITTLE SECRET: FASTer Way clients are provided with simple, weekly meal plans that include a shopping list! Win!

Eat the right foods at the right time.

Switching to less processed food with a focus on whole-food nutrition (and balanced macros) is huge, but in the FASTer Way to Fat Loss we also pay attention to when we eat by practicing Intermittent Fasting. This is an excellent strategy to jumpstart your metabolism and start burning fat!  Not only that, we teach our clients carb cycling so they can burn more fat without a restrictive low-carb lifestyle. 

We practice a 16/8 Intermittent Fasting protocol, meaning we fast for 16 hours (mostly when we sleep) and consume all of our food within an eight-hour window. Feel free to ease into it with a 12-hour eating window, then get down to 10, and eventually work toward that eight-hour window.

OUR LITTLE SECRET: Intermittent Fasting is a huge time saver because it’s one less meal to cook (and clean up), especially at the beginning of the day when you already have a million things to do. Less “on your plate” equals less morning stress and more time to do what really matters!

Spend less time in the gym.

Seriously! When implementing simple strategies, you can teach your body to be a pro fat burner even after you are done working out! Say what?! HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) workouts take less than 30 minutes and when paired with a strategic eating schedule, you’ll not only have more energy, but you’ll be sweating as if you had worked out for two hours! This technique requires you to give your all through quick, intense bursts of exercise, followed by short, sometimes active, recovery periods. This strategy is proven to burn more fat in a shortened time period because it keeps your heart rate up

OUR LITTLE SECRET: We provide our clients with HIIT workouts (that you can do in the comfort of your own home!) PLUS a full digital studio of other modalities including strength, barre, yoga, and even low-impact workouts! 

But don’t worry, we don’t want you spending seven days a week doing these workouts. In fact, we think even six is too many! Because we also think it’s important to… 

Prioritize rest!

Diet culture will tell you to spend countless hours at the gym and drastically cut your calories. But eating enough and getting rest is much more beneficial for long-term success! Consistently undereating will increase your body’s cortisol, which can actually make you gain weight. Additionally, adequate sleep has been linked to weight loss and improved brain function. Eat plenty of whole foods and prioritize sleep—your body will thank you!

Despite how impossible it may feel in the beginning, there's always time for a healthy lifestyle.

We live by these rules, and you’ll soon notice that what makes the FASTer Way a game changer is we aren’t guessing and hoping you’ll see results, our program is backed by science and we have thousands of client wins that back it up. 

“I was always looking for the next best ‘diet’ and consistently failed. The FASTer Way came to me by word of mouth, and I fully had the expectation that this was going to be another ‘diet’ that I was going to fail again. But, ‘you never know until you try,’ right? So I tried.

Was I perfect? Absolutely not!

Did I give up? No!!

The motto “Progress, NOT Perfection” and giving myself grace changed my mindset. The accountability, the coach, the fact that I can choose the right foods at the right times for the right reason made me feel in control. Getting to know the science behind why this works was powerful and the reason it was different this time, the reason this time I DIDN’T fail.”


*Results may vary from person to person.

When you stick to these simple (but effective!) time-saving tips, you’ll have no choice but to lose your excuses and really start to focus on your health. Who knows, maybe you’ll even write down a new goal, start planning that overdue getaway with your spouse, or strategize your next career move. You are gonna look and feel great with your new added confidence boost!

Joining the FASTer Way can help skyrocket those results as we’ll teach you a more in-depth look at mindset, time management, and nutrition strategies plus a solid workout plan that you can do anywhere. You can have it all.

Let’s set some goals that you can’t wait to reach!

How to Live the FASTer Way on Vacation

Vacation season is upon us! As much as we look forward to trips and time away, travel and all the planning (and let’s be honest, the MONEY) associated with it can be stressful. One thing that shouldn’t stress you is the fear of blowing your diet. We have good news: the FASTer Way isn’t a diet! Acknowledging that the FASTer Way is a lifestyle designed to work with your busy life wherever you are is the first step to a stress-free trip.

Whether you’re heading on a relaxing trip to the beach or hitting the amusement park with your family, we want to give you with the information you need to fully enjoy your vacation without feeling the emotional and physical consequences of jumping off the bandwagon. 

Have a Game Plan

Having a general idea of where and when you’ll be eating will help you put a plan in place. Will you be cooking and eating in? Make a meal plan and grocery list prior to travel and avoid feeling frazzled in a foreign grocery store. That’s when we’re often tempted to splurge on processed junk food instead of whole foods. Pro tip: research grocery delivery options and save yourself a trip to the store! 

Will you be eating out for most meals? Spend a few minutes researching restaurants that offer nutritious, macro-friendly meals. Need more tips? Check out this post on eating out on the FASTer Way!

Stick to Your Feeding Window

Vacation looks different for everyone, but many of us choose to use the time to unplug, rest, and relax. Don’t forget that your digestive system needs rest, too! When you travel, try to stick to your 8-hour feeding window to keep your body in fat-burning mode. Practicing Intermittent Fasting while traveling will also help you avoid unnecessary calories and keep your body primed for your return home. 

Our clients often ask if they should try to keep up with carb cycling while they’re on vacation. The good news is, it’s up to you! If you love carb cycling and want to keep it up, then go for it. If it seems too difficult because you aren’t sure what your options will be, then don’t stress about it! Just plan to dive back in when you get home.

Move Your Body

The all-new FASTer Way Digital Studio workouts allow you to work up a sweat wherever you are. Many hotels provide fitness centers, and local gyms in tourist towns generally provide day or week passes. But we get it-- not everyone enjoys spending vacation time working out. If hitting the hotel fitness center isn’t your cup of tea, focus on moving your body. A long jog or bike ride is the perfect way to take in the sights of a new city! 

Give Yourself Grace

Repeat after me: progress over perfection. If you end up enjoying a few too many ice cream cones or frothy drinks on the beach, there’s absolutely no reason to feel guilty. FASTer Way clients are equipped to hop right back on the bandwagon, and we will support you every step along the way!


Download our Free 5-Day Meal Plan

5 Tips for Eating Out on the FASTer Way

Something we tell all of our clients is that the FASTer Way is truly a lifestyle, not a diet. Focusing on whole-food nutrition while still getting to enjoy your favorite treats is what separates the FASTer Way from any other nutrition plan on the market. We know that life doesn’t stop just because you’re on the FASTer Way, and chances are you’ll be eating out at restaurants over the course of the program. Choosing what to order can feel overwhelming for our new clients, but it doesn’t need to be! 

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Here are 5 tips for eating out on the FASTer Way:

  1. Check the Restaurant Menu Ahead of Time

Have a game plan in place. If you have a say in where to eat, prioritize restaurants with grilled, blackened, or baked protein options. Check the restaurant menu and enter your meal macros to help you plan for the rest of your day. 

2. Have a “Mini-Meal” Before Going to the Restaurant

A game plan is only as strong as your mental state. If you get to the restaurant feeling hangry, you might throw your game plan out the window and order whatever sounds good in the moment. Instead, have a mini-meal before you go out. Prioritize protein and veggies. It doesn’t need to be fancy—something as simple as organic deli meat with carrots and hummus will do the trick!

3. Pass on the Bread or Chips

We’ve all been there. You get to the restaurant with a game plan, and you’re not starving because you had a mini-meal beforehand. But then the waiter places the huge basket of bread or tortilla chips in front of you. GAME OVER, right? Wrong! Make the decision easy and pass on the bread and chips altogether. Focus on drinking lots of water while waiting for your meal. 

4. Double Up on the Veggies

Don’t be afraid to customize your meal to work for your lifestyle. Replace a non-compliant side with extra veggies, or double up on salad (dressing on the side) and steamed veggies. They’ll fill you up and provide lots of vitamins and nutrients.

5. Remember Your Why

Look around the table. The people you see are usually the reason you’re there. Are you celebrating a special event? Catching up with a friend? Sitting down with your family at the end of a busy day? Don’t let the food steal the show. Remember your why, and focus on the relationships.

You’re not a client yet, but you’d like to know more? Check out these helpful articles!

Intermittent Fasting and Carb Cycling 101

Why We Track Macros Instead of Calories

FASTer Way to Fat Loss FAQs

Let’s hear it—what tips would you add to the list for eating out on the FASTer Way?

Intermittent Fasting: Fad or Fact?

Intermittent Fasting isn’t a new concept, but it’s a fast-growing trend in both the health and fitness industries.  The physical results are impressive, but when you look at the health benefits, it’s no wonder everyone is getting on board with this strategy!

The act of fasting, or abstaining from food for a set time, is an ancient practice. Indeed it is still an important part of many cultures and religions today. It is used for bringing mental focus and spiritual clarity. However, fasting specifically for physical health, is a relatively new concept and it’s spreading fast because the results speak for themselves.  

After learning about the idea of Intermittent Fasting for fitness reasons, I decided to start trying it out 3 years ago. I experimented with different protocols and strategies to see what truly gave the best results without compromising health or safety.  I dialed in what was working best for myself and my clients; the results have been absolutely incredible!

Intermittent Fasting isn’t complicated, but many people simply aren’t sure what it is or the right way to do it. With the rising popularity of “IF” (as it’s referred to in the industry) has also come misinformation, and a lack of specific training in how to follow a healthy Intermittent Fasting strategy.