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Protein-Rich Meals To Fuel Your Fat Loss

Satisfy Your Cravings and Shed Fat with These Protein-Rich Meals

It's time for another IG roundup!

On your fat loss journey, protein is a key nutrient towards helping your body burn fat while maintaining lean muscle - the two are perpetually conjoined! Protein also helps to stave off hunger hormones and pesky cravings, allowing you to feel fuller longer.

Good thing that incorporating protein-rich meals into your diet doesn't have to be boring or bland!

Protein can be found in delicious ways, such as through quinoa, nuts, lean meats, different types of seafood like salmon or shrimp, legumes or legume byproducts like beans, and more!

Scroll down below for three of our most recent protein-rich meals that can be easily prepared in your kitchen!

So what are you waiting for?

Let's get cooking!

Raspberry Oatmeal

Looking for a protein-packed breakfast option to help you reach your fat loss goals?

Look no further than our FASTer Way Raspberry Oatmeal!

Oats are not only a great source of fiber, but they are also a sneaky source off protein, making them the perfect addition to any meal plan. This delicious recipe will have you feeling full, satisfied, and fueled up all day long when you incorporate the powers of oats into your meals. You can stave off those pesky cravings and hunger hormones with the added benefit of a natural energy boost. Time to take on your busy day with confidence!

Looking to pack even more of a protein punch? Add in our FASTer Way protein powder to take things to the next level and enhance the flavor, too! 

Grilled Chicken Caesar Pasta Salad

Who said salads have to be boring?

Try our mouth-watering Grilled Chicken Caesar Pasta Salad for a whole new take on the word "salad".

This protein-packed dish is not only delicious but also incredibly easy to make. Grilled chicken provides lean protein while healthy greens like romaine lettuce and spinach offer a variety of vitamins and minerals. Get an added protein infusion by using chickpea pasta, and you've got a satisfying meal that will keep you feeling full and fueled all day long!

Sheet Pan Chicken Fajitas

Need something quick and easy after a long day, but don't want to skimp out on your protein needs?

Try out the FASTer Way's Sheet Pan Chicken Fajitas!

This weeknight meal is the perfect way to hit your protein goals while keeping it easy - both in cleanup and the actual cooking! Colorful bell peppers and onions add nutrients and flavor to the dish, while the chicken provides a rich dose of protein for extended feelings of fullness.

In other words, a delicious meal to cook when you don't feel like cooking!

Eat The FASTer Way!

Protein is an essential nutrient for anyone looking to lose weight and improve their health. Not only does it help to build muscle and repair tissue, but it also keeps you feeling full and satisfied for longer periods. Incorporating protein-rich meals into your diet can be a game-changer when it comes to reaching your fat loss goals.

Like the recipes we gave but are craving more?

Check out our full FASTer Way Instagram for a compilation of our most popular protein-packed recipes with vegetarian and vegan options, favorite guided workouts, client transformations, and so much more!

Enjoy a colorful array of carbohydrates, whole grains, healthy fats, and other important macronutrients. Don't settle for boring and bland meals. Eat the FASTer Way and see the results you've been working towards.

Want to make our meal plans a regular part of your fitness routine? Curious about our guided workouts?

Join the next FASTer Way round and get all the meal plans you'll need! Enjoy access to our premium, all-inclusive app where you can view and save your favorite 30-minute workout videos, contact your assigned coach, track your nutrient intake, and more!

It's time to FUEL your journey for success.

Benefits of Dairy-Free Alternatives For Your Wellness

Ditching Dairy: Delicious Alternatives for a Healthier Lifestyle

To dairy or not to dairy?

When it comes to your health, there's a lot of information out there in regards to whether you should actually be consuming dairy or not...and we have the answers!

While dairy can be a great source of calcium and protein, it can also wreak genuine havoc on your body, especially if consumed in large amounts. That's why at The FASTer Way to Fat Loss, we encourage clients to ditch the dairy, but without having to miss out on some of their favorite foods!

Dairy-free alternatives allow you to have the ice cream, creamy coffee, mouth-watering pizza, and so much more.

Keep reading to find out the benefits of dairy-free alternatives and learn some new recipes for fun and tasty options to try.

Whether you're lactose intolerant or simply looking for a healthier option, we've got you covered!

Why Limit Dairy?

Negative Effects of Dairy Consumption

Consuming too much dairy is linked to a range of negative effects on health and fat loss, making your body work against you instead of for you when it comes to your fitness journey. For one, many dairy products are high in saturated fat, which can set you backwards on your wellness goals and cause a range of other health issues. This includes an increased risk of certain diseases, such as cancer and heart disease. Additionally, diary can cause digestive issues such as bloating and constipation when consuming.

Finding Alternatives the FASTer Way

Finding alternatives for dairy products is important for those who want to achieve their health goals without sacrificing taste. The FASTer Way to Fat Loss recognizes this and encourages clients to try dairy-free options that are just as delicious, if not more so!

By providing meal plans and recipes that do not include dairy, and feature minimally processed dairy-free alternatives, the program helps clients make healthier choices without feeling like they're missing out. Whether you're looking to burn fat, improve your overall health, or simply try something new, the FASTer Way can help you thrive without missing dairy!

Benefits of Dairy-Free Alternatives

Improved Digestion and Gut Health

One of the key benefits of dairy-free alternatives is improved digestion and gut health. Many dairy products contain lactose, a dangerous type of sugar that can be difficult for your body to break down. This can lead to digestive issues such as bloating, gas, and diarrhea.

By switching to dairy-free alternatives, individuals can reduce or eliminate these symptoms and improve their overall gut health. Additionally, many dairy-free alternatives are rich in gut-friendly probiotics, which can further support digestive health and boost immune function.

Reduced Inflammation

Another benefit of dairy-free alternatives is their ability to reduce inflammation in the body.

Dairy products have been linked to increased inflammation, which can contribute to a range of health issues such as:

  • Arthritis

  • Asthma

  • Cancer

By choosing dairy-free alternatives, individuals can reduce their overall inflammation and potentially improve their overall health. Many dairy-free alternatives, such as plant-based milks and yogurts, are also rich in anti-inflammatory nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants, which can help further reduce inflammation in the body. So not only do dairy-free alternatives taste great, they can also help promote a healthier, more balanced body - time to give irritated joints some relief!

Lowered Risk of Certain Health Issues

In addition to improved gut health and reduced inflammation, dairy-free alternatives can also lower the risk of certain health issues. For example, research has shown that consuming high amounts of dairy products may increase the risk of certain cancers, such as prostate and breast cancer.

By choosing dairy-free alternatives, individuals can potentially lower their risk of these types of cancers. Additionally, many dairy-free alternatives are lower in saturated fat and cholesterol, which can help reduce the risk of heart disease and other cardiovascular issues.

Dairy-Free Milk Alternatives to Try

Plant-based milks have become increasingly popular as dairy-free alternatives.

There are various options to choose from, including:

  • Almond: Almondmilk is a popular choice due to its creamy texture and nutty flavor.

  • Coconut: Coconut milk is ideal for adding richness to smoothies and curries.

  • Oat: Oat milk has a slightly sweet flavor, making it perfect for use in baked goods or coffee.

  • Soy: Soy milk offers a mild taste and a similar nutrient profile to dairy milk

  • Rice: Rice milk is ideal for those with nut or soy allergies.

  • Hemp milk: Hemp milk is a great choice for its high omega-3 fatty acid content.

All of these plant-based milks can be used in cooking and baking, making them extremely versatile dairy-free alternatives! Keep in mind, when selecting dairy replacements, look for options that are minimally processed with few ingredients.

Incorporating Dairy-Free Alternatives into Your Diet

Tips For Going Dairy-Free

Transitioning to dairy-free options can be challenging, but it doesn't have to be all or nothing!

Start by swapping out one dairy product at a time, such as replacing cow's milk with almond milk or swapping cheese for a vegan alternative. Experiment with different dairy-free options and find what works best for you. Gradually increasing the amount of dairy-free options in your diet can also help your taste buds adjust to new flavors and textures. Don't be too hard on yourself if you slip up and have a dairy product every now and then.

Remember that every little step towards a dairy-free lifestyle is a step towards better health - as we say at the FASTer Way, progress over perfection!

FASTer Way Recipes For Dairy-Free Alternatives

1. Blueberry Detox Smoothie – Blend together frozen blueberries, unsweetened almond milk, baby spinach, peeled banana, chia seeds, and FASTer Way Vanilla Protein Powder for a nutritious and delicious smoothie snack! Top with extra blueberries for an extra fruity taste.

2. Ice Coffee Breakfast Smoothie – Swap out your normal dairy-filled coffee for this delicious frozen alternative! Simply combine brewed and chilled coffee, unsweetened almond milk, almond butter, vanilla extract, banana, ice cubes, and some FASTer Way Vanilla Protein Powder in a blender for a sweet and tasty treat perfect for hot weather.

3. Raspberry Chia Seed Pudding – Use 4 simple ingredients (chia seeds, unsweetened almond milk, FASTer Way Vanilla Protein Powder, and raspberries) to create a scrumptious dairy-free and gluten-free snack!

4. Cookie Dough Protein Bites – Release your inner-child with the taste of raw cookie dough but without the guilt or the stomach ache! These dairy-free dessert bites are packed with protein to keep your metabolism primed and support lean muscle growth.

There's more where that came from!

Check out our Instagram page for a host of different recipes that will tingle your taste buds and boost your health.

Read Your Labels!

When incorporating dairy-free alternatives into your diet, it's essential to read labels and choose high-quality products. Many dairy-free products contain additives, preservatives, and artificial sweeteners that can have negative health effects. By reading labels and choosing high-quality products, you can ensure that you're consuming nutritious and wholesome ingredients.

Look for products that are free from additives and preservatives, and choose organic and non-GMO options whenever possible. By making informed choices about the dairy-free products you consume, you can support your health and well-being while enjoying delicious and satisfying meals.

Go Dairy-Free The FASTer Way!

Incorporating dairy-free alternatives into your diet can have numerous health benefits, from improving digestion to reducing inflammation and so much more.

By trying out some of the recipes and meal ideas above and choosing high-quality products, you can enjoy delicious and nutritious meals that support your health.

However, making lifestyle changes can be challenging on your own, which is why The FASTer Way to Fat Loss program is here to support you on your journey!

Gain access to weekly and customizable meal plans, guided 30-minute workouts, one-on-one coaching, and so much more when you welcome the FASTer Way into your life.

Join the program today and take the first step towards a healthier, dairy-free lifestyle today!

Treat Days vs Cheat Days: Find Food Freedom The FASTer Way

Balance and Sustainability In Your Wellness - No "Cheating" Necessary

Do you ever feel like you're constantly battling with yourself over what you can and can't eat? Are you tired of feeling guilty every time you indulge in anything that's not a salad?

It's time to find food freedom and embrace the concept of TREAT days - FASTer Way style!

Unlike traditional cheat days, which are typically associated with indulging in any and all foods, without any regard for portion sizes or nutritional content (and topped with an extra serving of guilt), treat days are a balanced and intentional approach to incorporating your favorite meals into a healthy and sustainable lifestyle.

In this article, we'll dive into the benefits of treat days and how The FASTer Way to Fat Loss incorporates them into their program.

Say goodbye to guilt and hello to the best relationship with food you've ever had!

Cheat Days vs Treat Days

First off, let's clarify the difference between a treat day and a cheat day.

A cheat day is typically associated with indulging in any and all foods, without any regard for portion sizes or nutritional content. It's seen as a way to "reward" yourself for being "good" the rest of the week. However, this mentality can lead to an unhealthy relationship with food and a cycle of guilt and restriction. It typically comes along with the feeling that you are being “bad” for not having enough willpower or straying from a list of acceptable foods.

On the other hand, a treat day is a balanced approach to enjoying foods that may not normally have in your daily nutrition plan. It's not about binging or overindulging, but rather allowing yourself to enjoy a moderate amount of your favorite treats in a way that supports your overall wellness goals.

Why The FASTer Way to Fat Loss Does Treat Day, NOT Cheat Day

At The FASTer Way to Fat Loss, we believe in the power of balance and sustainability when it comes to wellness. We don't believe in the idea of "cheating" on your nutrition or punishing yourself for enjoying your favorite foods.

Instead, we encourage our clients to incorporate treat days into their weekly meal plan as a way to maintain a healthy relationship with food and avoid the negative cycle of guilt and restriction. A treat day can help you stay on track with your nutrition plan by satisfying cravings and preventing feelings of deprivation, while also allowing you to enjoy the social and cultural aspects of food without sacrificing your progress.

Even better?

At the FASTer Way we’re all about working out and eating SMARTER not harder or smaller. Your treat goes to good use by your body, because we strategically pair our treat days with a high-drive leg workout to use those extra calories and carbs for ultimate lean muscle building power.

That means you can enjoy delicious foods that you love AND tone up your body like never before!

The Importance Of A Balanced Treat Day

Having a structured treat day can have numerous benefits for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. For one, it can improve adherence to a healthy eating plan by preventing feelings of deprivation and the urge to overindulge. A balanced treat day can also help to reduce stress and anxiety around food choices and allow for a more flexible and enjoyable approach to eating - yes, you CAN go out to dinner without feeling a lick of guilt!

Additionally, indulging in moderation can have positive psychological benefits, such as improving mood and reducing the risk of binge eating. It can also help to establish a healthier relationship with food and prevent feelings of worry or shame around eating. Overall, incorporating a balanced treat day into your nutrition plan can support your long-term health and wellness goals.

Time to taste the deliciousness of success like never before!

Foods To Enjoy On A Treat Day

The key to maintaining a healthy lifestyle is balance, and that includes allowing for food flexibility in your eating habits. The FASTer Way to Fat Loss not only understands this concept, but encourages clients to implement it as their treat day rather than labeling it as a cheat day.

So, what are some delicious treats to enjoy on a treat day? Well, the possibilities are endless! You can indulge in a tasty donut, a bowl of FASTer Way's snickers protein ice cream, or a delicious burger. The key is to enjoy these treats in moderation and to not let them consume your entire day.

If you're someone who is trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle, it's important to remember that one treat day won't derail your progress. In fact, it can actually help to boost your metabolism and keep your body from plateauing.

So, go ahead and indulge in your favorite on your next treat day. Just remember to enjoy them in moderation and to get back on track with your healthy habits the following day.

Remember, food freedom is all about balance and enjoying the journey, not just the destination.

How To Enjoy Treats Without Guilt

Indulging in moderation is key to enjoying treats without guilt. Mindful eating techniques, such as savoring each bite and paying attention to hunger and fullness cues, can help prevent overindulging. It's also important to balance treat days with healthy eating habits, such as incorporating plenty of fruits and vegetables and staying hydrated. Planning ahead and setting limits on the amount of treats you'll consume can also help to prevent excessive indulging. By implementing these strategies, you can enjoy your favorite treats without feeling guilty or sacrificing your progress towards a healthy lifestyle.

Implement A Treat Day With The FASTer Way!

In conclusion, treating yourself to your favorite snacks and indulgences in moderation can actually support your health and wellness goals.

By implementing mindful eating techniques and balancing treat days with healthy habits, you can enjoy your favorite treats without feeling guilty or sacrificing your progress towards a healthy lifestyle.

The FASTer Way to Fat Loss recognizes the importance of a balanced treat day and can help you incorporate one into your wellness routine. Our clients LOVE treat days and you will, too! 

Say goodbye to deprivation diets for good.

Join the next FASTer Way round to learn more about how you can enjoy your desserts once again and start your journey towards food freedom!

Cortisol-Reducing Foods: Say Hello To Fat Loss and Goodbye To Stress

The Science Behind Cortisol and Fat Loss: Foods That Can Help

Do you feel like you're doing everything right when it comes to your fitness routine, but still not seeing the results you want?

The culprit may be your stress hormones, specifically cortisol.

Cortisol is a hormone that is released in response to stress and can result in increased anxiety and cause your body to hold onto fat.

But don't worry - there are plenty of foods you can eat that can help reduce cortisol levels and support your fat loss goals.

In this ultimate guide, we'll explore the best cortisol-reducing foods to help you manage stress hormones for maximum results!

How Cortisol Influences Fat Loss

Cortisol is a hormone that is naturally produced by the adrenal gland in response to stress. While cortisol has many important functions in the body, including regulating blood sugar levels and controlling inflammation, prolonged exposure to high levels of cortisol can have negative effects on fat loss.

When cortisol levels are consistently elevated, it can cause an increase in appetite and cravings for sugary, high-fat foods. It can also lead to decreased metabolism and insulin sensitivity, making it harder for the body to burn fat and lose weight.

But with the right diet and lifestyle changes, you can take control of your cortisol levels and optimize your fat loss results. Keep reading to learn about the best cortisol-reducing foods to include in your diet.

Top Cortisol-Reducing Foods

Now that you understand how cortisol can impact your fat loss and overall wellness journey, it's time to take action and incorporate cortisol-reducing foods into your diet.

Here are some of the top foods that can help you manage stress hormones for maximum results:

  • Dark Chocolate: Not only is dark chocolate a delicious treat, but it also contains antioxidants that can help lower cortisol levels. We especially love it on Saturday leg days!

  • Avocados or Avocado Oil: This superfood is packed with healthy fats that can help relieve stress and inflammation in the body.

  • Berries: Blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries are all high in vitamin C, which has been shown to lower cortisol levels.

  • Fatty Fish: Salmon, tuna, and other fatty fish are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which have anti-inflammatory properties and can help reduce cortisol levels.

  • Green Tea: This antioxidant-rich herbal beverage has been shown to reduce stress and lower cortisol levels.

Incorporating these foods into your daily eating can help you manage stress hormones and support your fat loss goals. Remember, eating healthy whole foods is just one part of the equation - be sure to also prioritize regular exercise, quality sleep, and stress management techniques like meditation or yoga to optimize your results.

Incorporating Cortisol-Reducing Foods Into Your Diet

Now that you know which foods can help reduce cortisol levels, it's time to figure out how to incorporate them into your daily meals.

Here are a few ideas:

  • Create the perfect snack for a boost of protein with the FASTer Way Cookie Dough Protein Bites! Combining oats, honey or maple syrup, vanilla protein powder, almond or peanut butter, almond milk, vanilla extract, and delicious dark chocolate chips you can create a delicious sweet treat in just 20 minutes.

  • Mash up some avocado and spread it on whole-grain toast for a satisfying and cortisol-reducing breakfast or snack.

  • Enjoy this delicious, fat blasting, and cortisol-reducing Raspberry Chia Seed Pudding for a simple 4 ingredient, gluten and dairy free breakfast! All you need is chia seeds, almond milk, FASTer Way vanilla protein powder, and raspberries, or any berry of your choice.

  • Try this 10 minute Spicy Air Fryer Salmon to help de-stress your body while providing a nutrient-rich meal for the busy mom on the go!

  • Swap out your afternoon coffee for a cup of green tea to lower stress and cortisol levels.

Remember, these foods should be part of a balanced and healthy diet, and should not be relied upon as a sole solution for managing cortisol levels. Consistency is key - aim to include cortisol-reducing foods in your meals and snacks on a regular basis, and pair them with regular exercise - like our daily 30 minute workouts - and stress management techniques for maximum results.

Other Ways to Manage Your Stress Hormones

In addition to incorporating cortisol-reducing foods into your diet, there are other lifestyle changes you can make to manage your stress hormones and optimize fat loss.

Regular exercise is a great way to reduce cortisol levels and improve your overall wellness. Aim to include both cardio and strength training exercises in your routine. At the FASTer Way we provide daily guided 30 minute workouts that incorporate both these elements and more!

Quality sleep is also crucial for managing stress hormones. It's recommended to get 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep each night and establish a consistent bedtime routine to help your body relax and prepare for sleep.

Stress management techniques like meditation, deep breathing, yoga, or even just making sure your drinking enough water can also be effective in reducing cortisol levels. Find a technique or combination of techniques that works for you and make it a regular part of your routine.

Finally, prioritize self-care and relaxation activities to help reduce stress levels. This could include things like taking a bath, reading a book, spending time outdoors, or even leaning on family members or loved ones for support can be great sources for stress-reducing practices. Remember, managing stress hormones is not just about what you eat, but also about how you live your life.

Incorporating cortisol-reducing foods into your diet and making healthy lifestyle changes can help you take control of your stress hormones and optimize fat loss. By committing to these changes and incorporating them into your daily routine, you can achieve the results you want and live a healthier, happier life.

Navigate Which Cortisol-Reducing Foods Are Best For You With The FASTer Way!

At the FASTer Way, we understand that managing stress hormones is crucial for our clients who want to achieve their fat loss and lean muscle building goals. That's why we've created a comprehensive guide that includes stress management techniques to help you take control of your cortisol levels and maximize fat loss!

In this FREE guide, Hormone Hacks for Natural Fat Loss, you’ll discover the secrets to optimizing your hormones for lasting fat burn through nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle - that your doctors might not be telling you!

So what are you waiting for?

Download yours today!

Interested in making techniques like these a part of your everyday routine for good?

At the FASTer Way, we provide a variety of nutritional and cortisol-reducing foods in our daily meal plans as well as fat busting and lean muscle building guided 30 minute workouts. We offer expertise on hormone control and hormone balance so you can feel like YOU again - reap the benefits of stress-free menopause and create a custom roadmap to your wellness with the help of your own personal trainer!

Ready to stay on track and reach your goals?

Join the upcoming round of the FASTer Way today and start seeing results!

BCAA vs Protein Powder - Which Do I Need?

The Difference Between BCAAs and Protein Powder

When it comes to building muscle and improving your fitness, you may be missing a key ingredient in the form of supplements.

But rest assured - we’re here to the rescue!

Two of the most popular supplements are branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) and protein powder, both of which help supercharge your wellness and lean muscle build!

At The FASTer Way, we provide the best quality products, offering both of these advantages to help you along as you work hard to change your body composition. 

But which is better? Or how do you know which of the two, or if both, are best for you?

While each are designed to assist you in reaching your fitness goals and serve the purpose of providing additional nutrients to support muscle growth, they work in different ways and have unique benefits.

Keep reading to find out how these supplements differ in their composition and how they work within the body so you can determine what’s best for your health!

Supplement Composition

BCAAs are  essential amino acids that your body cannot produce on its own, so they must be obtained through your diet or supplementation. They consist of three amino acids: leucine, isoleucine, and valine. BCAAs are known for their ability to stimulate muscle protein synthesis, which is the process by which your body builds new muscle tissue. Additionally, they have been shown to reduce muscle soreness and fatigue, making them a great addition to your diet if you have a busy schedule or tend to feel lethargic or drained after your workout - BCAAs can be just the boost you need to keep going! 

Protein powder, on the other hand, is a dietary supplement that can be derived from a variety of alternate protein sources, such as whey, casein, soy or plant-based proteins like pea or rice, or best of all - our very own HydroBEEF. Protein powder is made up of a variety of amino acids, including the three BCAA's, as well as non-essential amino acids that the body can produce on its own. Protein is essential for all muscle growth and repair, and consuming a sufficient amount of overall protein is crucial for successful fat burn and lean muscle build. Protein powder is a convenient way to increase your protein intake, especially for those who struggle to consume enough through their diet alone. Adequate protein cannot be replaced when it comes to muscle-building power.

Supplements And Your Body

One of the key differences between BCAAs and protein powder is their role in muscle protein synthesis. BCAA's specifically stimulate the process of building muscle by increasing the rate of protein synthesis. In other words, they are the extra bit of juice that tells your body it’s time to start creating even more muscle tissue than it already is. Protein powder, on the other hand, provides the raw materials needed for muscle protein synthesis to occur - the absolute ingredients required per say rather than an accelerator. While both can support muscle growth, BCAA's may be more effective at triggering the process, whereas protein powder is more of a general supplement that provides the body with additional protein or, if your protein intake is low, the required building blocks for lean muscle growth.

Another difference between BCAAs and protein powder is their digestion rate. BCAA's are rapidly absorbed by the body and can be used for energy during exercise. Protein powder, on the other hand, takes longer to digest and can provide a slower release of amino acids over a longer period of time. It’s beneficial to combine the powers of both these supplements for they’re most effective when working together - besides, you simply can’t build muscle without proper protein intake!

How To Choose

So, which is better for building muscle: BCAAs or protein powder? 

The answer is that BOTH play critical roles. If you are looking for a supplement that specifically targets muscle protein synthesis, reduces muscle soreness, and improves recovery after exercise, BCAAs may be a good choice for you. Protein powder, on the other hand, is the absolute champion of lean muscle growth, and though BCAAs are the catalyst for muscle synthesis, protein is the key ingredient in the formula.

When combined, the two are more powerful than ever!

BCAAs (branched-chain amino acids) and protein powder both provide essential amino acids needed by the body to build and repair muscle tissue. Using them together can help to optimize muscle growth and recovery by providing a complete amino acid profile. Ideally, BCAAs should be consumed before and during exercise, while protein powder can be consumed after exercise to maximize muscle protein synthesis.

Get Your FASTer Way BCAAs!

We already know that protein intake is critical for your body composition, and our FASTer Way Protein is the best of the best. But new to the table are our BCAA's!

As essential amino acids, they work to enhance muscle growth, allowing your body to more effectively burn fat and build lean muscle like never before. At the FASTer Way we offer only the best and are ready to give the extra pep in your step that you’ve been so desperately missing in your wellness journey.

And what’s more? They won’t break your fast!

We’re thrilled to introduce the newest addition to our premium line of supplements…FASTer Way BCAAs!

We’ve formulated the highest quality BCAAs on the market with the perfect Blue Raspberry flavor. Simply scoop and stir to give your muscles and your taste-buds the best of the best!

Ready to kickstart your fitness?

Get your name on our BCAA Priority List today and be the first to know when our highly anticipated BCAAs are available next week!

Benefits of a High Carb Diet: Maximizing Your Hormonal Health

Fuel Your Body Right: The Surprising Benefits of a High Carb Diet

Are you tired of low-carb eating that leaves you feeling tired and sluggish? It's time to re-think your approach to how you eat for your wellness.

Contrary to popular belief, there are many benefits of a high carb diet!

In fact, a high carb diet can offer crucial vitamins and minerals that provide numerous benefits to your hormonal health, fat loss goals, lean muscle gains, and overall well-being.

In this article, we'll explore the surprising benefits of healthy carbs and why you should consider incorporating more into your daily nutrition plan, especially for a healthy hormone profile.

Get ready to maximize your hormonal health and reach your fitness goals with the power of carbohydrates!

What Are The Advantages of a High Carbohydrate Diet?

Carbohydrates are often given a bad rap when it comes to nutrition, but the truth is that this macronutrient is essential for optimal health and wellness, offering several advantages that can benefit your hormones, fat loss goals, and more!

Firstly, carbohydrates are the primary source of fuel for our bodies and offer sustenance for lean muscle maintenance similarly to protein. When consumed, our bodies convert carbohydrates into glucose, which is then used by our cells for energy and to replenish glycogen levels in muscles. This provides you the energy you need to tackle your day or push towards new levels of success in your workouts - busy moms, get ready to take on your schedule with the power of a wellness warrior!

In addition, carbohydrates play a crucial role in regulating insulin levels. When we consume carbohydrates, insulin is produced by the pancreas to help transport glucose to our cells. A diet that's high in carbohydrates can help keep insulin levels in check, which can reduce your risk of developing insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, high blood sugar, heart disease, and other metabolic disorders.

The Benefits Of A High Carb Diet For Your Hormones

Carbohydrates not only help prevent disease and provide crucial energy, but they also have a significant impact on your hormonal health.

When consumed in the right balance, healthy carbohydrates can help regulate your hormones, leading to better mood, energy levels, and overall well-being. This is particularly important for women, who possess more hormones when it come to fat loss and whose hormonal health can be greatly affected by eating habits and lifestyle choices.

Cortisol - The "Stress Hormone"

One of the main hormones that reap the benefits of a high carb diet is cortisol, a chemical produced by the adrenal glands in response to stress. If cortisol levels remain elevated for extended periods of time, it can have negative consequences, such as fat gain, increased disease risk, and even depression. Incorporating healthy carbohydrates into your diet can help regulate cortisol levels, promoting improved stress management and strengthened longevity.


Furthermore, carbohydrates can also affect the production of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that regulates mood, appetite, and sleep. Serotonin is produced from the amino acid tryptophan, which can only enter the brain by competing with other amino acids for entry. Carbohydrates stimulate the release of insulin, which helps shuttle other amino acids into the muscles, making room for tryptophan to enter the brain and increasing serotonin production. This can have a positive impact on mood, reducing feelings of anxiety and depression.

Prioritize Hormonal Health At The FASTer Way With Carbs!

Remember, our hormones play a crucial role in our overall health and well-being. By maximizing our hormonal health through mindful eating, we can improve our mood, more effectively facilitate fat loss, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

So, make sure to prioritize your hormonal health by incorporating healthy carbs into your diet, along with other nutrient-rich foods. For instance, replacing refined carbs with whole grain options, or adding in some fruits and starchy vegetables to your meals. Don't be afraid to experiment with different sources of carbs, such as quinoa, sweet potatoes, and beans.

Overwhelmed by options and not sure where you should get your carbs from?

Don't worry! At the FASTer Way, we provide delicious, whole food based meal plans packed with nutrients, including crucial carbs. 

Download our FREE guide, Hormone Hacks for Natural Fat Loss, to learn more about how the foods you pick can have a huge impact on your wellness and be a determining factor for a healthy hormone profile!

Join our Midlife Mayhem Specialty Round on April 24 to gain a guided wellness strategy that promotes body fat burn, lean muscle build, and hormonal health through 30 minute workouts and strategic eating habits like carb cycling, intermittent fasting, and more!

Click the button below if you're ready to welcome the love of bread back into your life.

Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAA’s) FAQ’s

Knowing What BCAA’s To Take And When To Take Them

Branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) are an essential component of any wellness regimen, but with varying formats to choose from and options as to when to ingest them, how do you know what the right decisions are?

We’ll tell you!

These amino acids, which include leucine, isoleucine, and valine, are vital for muscle recovery and growth. That means choosing the right BCAA supplement and timing their intake is crucial for maximizing their benefits. 

Get ready to make the most out of your nutritional efforts as we explore how to choose your BCAA supplement format and when the best time to take them is!

Selecting Your BCAA Supplement Format

Check the Ingredient List

When choosing a BCAA supplement, it's crucial to check the ingredient list to ensure that you're getting a high-quality product - like the FASTer Way BCAA’s which come in a delicious Blue Raspberry flavor! Look for a supplement that contains a 2:1:1 ratio of leucine, isoleucine, and valine, meaning it contains twice as much leucine as it does isoleucine and valine. This ratio has been shown to be the most effective for muscle recovery and growth, providing optimal dosage for the best results on your wellness journey.

Consider the Form

BCAA supplements come in various forms, including powders, capsules, and liquids. Powders are versatile and can be mixed with water, juice, or other liquids. Capsules are convenient for on-the-go use, while liquids can be added to your favorite beverage. Choose the form that works best for your lifestyle and preferences, however, its powder form is most popular among consumers due to its flexibility.

Opt for Quality

Quality matters when it comes to supplements. Look for products that have been third-party tested for purity and potency. This ensures that you're getting a high-quality product that will deliver the results you're looking for. At the FASTer Way, we provide only the best, consulting with our expert nutritionist and cross referencing with science-backed research to ensure you're getting the quality that counts!

Timing Your BCAA Intake

Now that you know how to choose a BCAA supplement, it’s time to discuss when the best time to take them is. Generally, BCAA’s are effective any time they’re consumed, whether that’s as a pre-workout supplement, as an extra boost during your workouts, otherwise known as intra-workout, or sitting on the couch with noodle-legs after your gym session. 

However, their benefits cater to different needs depending on time of ingestion:

  • Pre-Workout: Taking BCAAs before a workout can help boost both focus and energy levels, improve endurance, and reduce muscle fatigue. This can help you power through a challenging workout and get the most out of your training. If you train while fasting, like many of our FASTer Way clients do, this an especially effective time to take them.

  • Intra-Workout: Taking BCAAs during a workout can help maintain elevated nitrogen and amino acid levels. They also work to prevent muscle breakdown and promote muscle recovery. This is especially important if you're doing high-intensity or long-duration workouts.

  • Post-Workout: Taking BCAAs after a workout can help ensure your body actively replenishes depleted nitrogen levels as well as the dominant BCAA amino acids in your body. Consuming them post-workout also helps to kick-start muscle recovery and repair which can effectively reduce muscle soreness and improve overall muscle growth.

Get Your BCAA Supplement At The FASTer Way!

In conclusion, choosing the right BCAA supplement and timing their intake is crucial for maximizing their benefits. 

When choosing a BCAA supplement, check the ingredient list, look for additional ingredients, consider the form, and opt for quality. When it comes to timing, it’s beneficial to consume BCAAs pre-workout, intra-workout, or post-workout! 

Incorporating BCAAs into your supplement regimen can help you achieve your fitness goals and take your training to the next level - the benefits are simply endless!

Our premium BCAAs are launching SOON, and you can be the first to know when you put your name on our priority interest list!

So get ahead on your wellness and join the FASTer Way BCAA list so you can be the first to know when this premium supplement is live in our shop and ready to add to cart!

Just click the button below to jumpstart your fitness efforts as soon as this game-changing supplement is released!

Elevate Your Results With BCAA’s

Explore BCAA’s And What They Can Do For You

Are you looking for the missing ingredient to your fitness? 

If you’re not seeing the results you’ve been craving and feeling extra sluggish either at the gym or after workouts, your body may be missing essential nutrients…it’s time to fix that!

Supplements like BCAA’s (Branched-Chain Amino Acids) can do powerful things for your wellness and enhance what results you may already be experiencing to entirely new levels. They’re beneficial for all stages of any fitness journey, whether you’re an experienced fitness fanatic, simply trying to maintain your general overall health, or still just dipping your toes in the wellness world.

Keep reading to find out more about these essential amino acids and how they can benefit your body for amazing results and game-changing benefits.

What Are BCAA’s

BCAAs, or Branched-Chain Amino Acids, are a group of amino acids that constitute the building blocks for protein synthesis. In other words, they’re what stimulates muscle growth, maintenance, and repair. The “branched” or “branched-chain” in the name refers to the chemical structure of this particular group of essential amino acids and is what distinguishes them from their molecular brethren (other amino acids). 

The three different amino acids that make up this group include:

  • Leucine: stimulates muscle protein synthesis (building new muscle tissue)

  • Isoleucine: promotes a healthy protein metabolism

  • Valine: supports muscle growth and tissue repair

BCAAs are essential amino acids, which means they cannot be produced by the body and must be obtained through diet or supplements. They make up a significant portion of the body's total amino acid pool, accounting for about 35% of the essential amino acids in muscle proteins.

Benefits Of BCAA’s

One of the key benefits of BCAAs is their role in muscle growth and repair. Leucine, in particular, has been shown to stimulate muscle protein synthesis, which is the process by which the body builds new muscle tissue. This is why BCAAs are often used by people looking to increase muscle mass or improve body composition.

Other benefits of consuming or incorporating BCAA’s in your diet include:

  • Muscular healing and fatigue reduction: BCAAs play a role in reducing muscle soreness and fatigue after exercise. They can help to decrease muscle damage and promote recovery, allowing you to feel rejuvenated after breaking buckets of sweat instead of drained.

  • Blood sugar regulation: Another benefit of BCAAs is their ability to improve insulin sensitivity and regulate blood sugar levels. This can be particularly important for people with type 2 diabetes, as it may help to improve glucose metabolism and reduce the risk of complications associated with the disease.

  • Improve brain function: BCAAs have also been shown to improve cognitive function and reduce mental fatigue. They can help to enhance focus, attention, and memory, making them a popular supplement among students and professionals.

Get Your BCAA’s At The FASTer Way!

Overall, BCAAs are a versatile supplement that can provide a wide range of benefits for people looking to improve their gym performance, recover from workouts, or maintain optimal health. 

If you're interested in trying BCAAs, there’s no better expert to trust than FASTer Way!

And, we’re thrilled to introduce the newest addition to our premium line of supplements…FASTer Way BCAAs, coming SOON!

We’ve formulated the highest quality BCAAs on the market with the perfect Blue Raspberry flavor. Simply scoop and stir to give your muscles and your taste-buds the best of the best!

Once we launch, these premium supplements will go FAST, so get on the waiting list today and be the first to know when they’re live and ready to add to cart!

It’s time to get the most out of your hard work.

Get on the priority list today!

Why Superfood Smoothies Matter

Supporting Your Health, Deliciously!

Did you know that most smoothies you purchase in the store or those pre-made smoothies are actually loaded with calories? Do you want the frozen goodness of a smoothie but not the calorie bomb that comes with the on-the go options?

With home-made superfood smoothies, you can enjoy your sweets AND support your health!

When made with wellness in mind, smoothies are an excellent way to incorporate nutrient-rich ingredients into your diet in a delicious and convenient way. You can make them as a chocolate-lover's dream, a tall glass of frozen fruity heaven, or an immune boosting green-machine! What’s more, have them ready to blend and go anytime by keeping them in your freezer for a pre-made meal when you have to rush out the door the next day. 

But not every smoothie constitutes a superfood smoothie…you can’t just throw in chia seeds and call it a day! Don’t panic though, because at the FASTer Way we got your back.

Keep reading to learn more about the power of superfood smoothies and how to make the best ones for your health and fat loss goals!

What Makes A Superfood Smoothie?

Superfood smoothies are packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can help boost your immune system, improve digestion, and promote overall health and wellbeing. Generally, a superfood smoothie contains a mixture of varying metabolism-boosting foods that work in harmony to help support fat loss and lean muscle building.

Use the following as your no-fail ingredients list for a tasty and wellness boosting smoothie:

  • Leafy Greens: Spinach, kale, and collard greens are packed with vitamins and minerals, including iron, calcium, and vitamin C.

  • Berries: Blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries are rich in antioxidants, which can help reduce inflammation and improve cognitive function.

  • Seeds: Chia seeds, flaxseeds, and hemp seeds are great sources of omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and protein.

  • Nut Butters: Almond butter, peanut butter, and cashew butter are high in healthy fats and protein.

  • Superfood Powders Or Supplements: Matcha powder, cacao powder, spirulina powder, and collagen are nutrient-dense powders that can be added to your smoothie for an extra boost of nutrients. Check out our Premium Collagen peptides here!

  • High quality protein: Our FASTer Way supplements, such as our premiere chocolate protein powder, are a great source of nutrition to help bolster lean muscle build and meet your daily protein goals, a key component for optimal body composition. Without protein a smoothie can simply be a destructive sugar rush just waiting to hit your system! Our protein powder is second to none!

To make your superfood smoothie, simply combine your chosen ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. You can also add a liquid base, such as almond milk, coconut water, or plain water, to help blend your ingredients together. 

Try our mouthwatering Chunky Monkey Protein Smoothie for a SWEET meal packed with crucial macronutrients such as protein, carbs, and healthy fats! 

Benefits Of Superfood Smoothies

The benefits of incorporating superfood smoothies into your diet are numerous and can be the difference between success and failure in your wellness journey!

Here are just a few of the benefits you can expect:

  • Improved Digestion: Many superfoods are high in fiber, which can help improve digestion and promote regularity.

  • Increased Energy: Superfoods are packed with vitamins and minerals that can help boost your energy levels and reduce fatigue.

  • Improved Immune System: Antioxidants found in many superfoods can help strengthen your immune system, reducing the risk of illness.

  • Reduced Inflammation: Many superfoods are high in anti-inflammatory compounds that can help reduce inflammation throughout the body.

  • Improved Mental Health: Nutrients found in superfoods, such as omega-3 fatty acids, have been shown to improve cognitive function and reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Provide your body the nutrition it’s been missing and you’ll revolutionize how you both look and feel!

Get AMAZING Superfood Smoothie Recipes and More With The FASTer Way!

Superfood smoothies are a delicious and convenient way to incorporate nutrient-rich ingredients into your diet - get your sweets AND support your health all at the same time!

By adding leafy greens, berries, seeds, nut butters, and superfood powders to your smoothie, you can enjoy a wide range of health benefits, including improved digestion, increased energy, better immune function, reduced inflammation, improved mental health, and more.

Even better, when you join the FASTer Way family, we give you access to all the recipes you could ever need, both smoothies and solid meals alike, in our delicious, whole food based meal guides! Combined with our guided 30-minute workouts, customized training and goal setting with one of our expert coaches, and an online community filled with like-minded individuals for unending support, you simply can’t lose.

So sign up today and supercharge your wellness with the power of nutrition!

Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN): Elevate Your Eating

How A Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) Is The Key To Healthy Eating

Did you know you don’t have to eat LESS to eat HEALTHY? It’s true, you simply need the right foods and you’ll watch your overall wellness skyrocket! A Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) can help you get there faster than you would believe.

An RDN is a highly trained and experienced healthcare professional who specializes in providing expert advice on nutrition and dietetics. They have a degree in nutrition, have completed a supervised internship, and have passed a national exam to become licensed. 

In other words, they’re able to create meal plans that promote your whole-body wellness, allowing you to be at your best for every soccer game, choir concert, and family activity in your daily schedule!

So, when might it be time to call on the expert power of an RDN in your fitness plan and how does the FASTer Way implement them to YOUR advantage? 

Keep reading to find out!

Why A Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) Is Crucial To Your Overall Health

Having a proper, well balanced diet goes beyond getting a flatter belly, but is a key factor to sustaining and nurturing your fitness in terms of mobility, metabolic health, longevity, and more. 

Though you may be eating healthy foods, you may not be eating enough of the RIGHT foods! 

That's where an RDN comes in, providing expert guidance so you can finally see results without depriving yourself of sweet treats and other delicious meals. They help to create macro-balanced breakfasts, lunches, dinners, and more so your body can get all the nutrients it needs to provide optimal fat burn and lean muscle build.

But it doesn't end there! RDN’s are good for more than just overall fitness.

Other reasons you may want to consider involving an RDN in your health plan includes: 

  • You have a medical condition: If you have a medical condition that requires a specific diet, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, or celiac disease, an RDN can help you develop a nutrition plan that meets your unique needs.

  • Food allergies or intolerances: An RDN can help you identify the foods you need to avoid and ensure that you're getting all the nutrients you need from alternative sources.

  • You're pregnant or trying to conceive (Pre and post-natal nutrition): Nutrition is incredibly important during pregnancy and while trying to conceive. An RDN can help you make sure you're getting the nutrients you need for a healthy pregnancy and baby.

RDN’s play a vital role in overall wellness and quality of life. They provide evidence-based nutrition advice and support people in making healthy food choices. They also help to prevent and manage chronic diseases, such as diabetes and heart disease, through diet and lifestyle interventions.

Experience Balanced Meal Plans With FASTer Way!

At the FASTer Way we value our RDN’s more than anything. It’s because of them we’re able to provide you nutrient-packed meal plans filled with important vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and more in every course! They follow our science-backed framework to craft delicious meals for our clients that are simple to prepare and promote all-over fat loss.

Want to experience foods steeped in wellness that provide macronutrients, such as healthy fats, carbs, and protein, in every recipe?

Join the next FASTer Way round and gain access to RDN-curated, nutrient-rich, drool-worthy meals to help boost your metabolism, improve joint health, promote skin elasticity, and other whole-body health benefits! We’ll also take the guesswork out of your fitness with a personal coach to review how much of each macronutrient your body needs so you know you're eating not just good foods, but the RIGHT foods for your body and your goals!

Ready to start a new fitness journey with experts by your side? 

Start your success today!

Eating for Your Body: The Benefits of a Gluten-Free and Dairy-Free Diet

How Gluten-Free (GF) And Dairy-Free (DF) Foods Support Your Wellness

Gluten-free and dairy-free diets have gained popularity in recent years, and for good reason. 

Many have found that avoiding these food groups can have significant health benefits, such as increased energy levels, reduced inflammation, and more!

At the FASTer Way, we work hard to provide meal plan options for all eating habits, and all of our recipes are Gluten-Free (GF) and Dairy-Free (DF) - plus we provide Vegan and vegetarian options, as well! 

In this article, we'll explore the benefits of gluten-free and dairy-free diets, diet, how they can improve your overall health, and why they may be just the nutrition fix for you!

Improved Digestion

One of the most common reasons people choose a gluten-free or dairy-free diet is to improve their digestion. Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye, that can be difficult to digest. Similarly, dairy products can cause digestive discomfort due to the sugar found in these products, otherwise known as lactose. By eliminating dairy and/or gluten from your diet, you may experience a reduction in bloating, gas, and other digestive issues. Even better, when your digestive system is more efficient, your body is able to more effectively consume calories and burn fat, leading to an increase in your overall wellness.

Increased Energy

A gluten-free and/or dairy-free diet can lead to increased energy levels, helping you to go through your daily schedule at full power. Generally, after consuming gluten or dairy products, you're going to feel sluggish with every movement taking a lot more effort, both mentally and physically, than it should. By eliminating these foods, your body can focus on digesting other nutrients more efficiently, leading to increased energy levels throughout the day and an overall improved sense of well-being.

Improved Nutrient Absorption

One of the major drawbacks of consuming gluten is that it can interfere with the absorption of nutrients in the gut. By eliminating gluten, your body can better absorb crucial vitamins and minerals, leading to improved overall health.

Improved Skin Health

Eliminating gluten and dairy can lead to improved skin quality, effectively boosting confidence with an acne-free reflection. Both of these foods worsen inflammation in the body, contributing to skin issues such as acne or eczema. By cutting them both out, you have a chance to improve these areas of your health.

Increased Fat Loss

A gluten-free and/or dairy-free diet can aid in your fat loss goals by reducing your caloric intake. Both can be high in calories and fat, so cutting them out of your diet can help aid in fat loss and other wellness goals. Additionally, many gluten-free and dairy-free foods are naturally low in calories, making it easier to maintain a healthy weight.

Reduced Inflammation

Inflammation is a natural response to injury or infection, but chronic inflammation can contribute to a variety of health problems. Gluten and dairy can be inflammatory for some people, so eliminating these foods from your diet can help reduce overall inflammation in your body. With decreased inflammation comes improved joint health, reduced risk of chronic disease, and improved overall health.

Get Gluten-Free (GF) and Dairy-Free (DF) Meals From the FASTer Way!

Going gluten-free and dairy-free can provide numerous health benefits, from overhauling your digestive health to improving your body’s nutrient absorption. While not everyone may need to eliminate these foods from their diet, many have found that doing so has greatly improved their overall health and well-being. And, guess what? Most of our clients find that they don’t even miss gluten or dairy as they feared!

Are you ready to experience elevated health with this nutrition fix?

Join the next round of FASTer Way for premier access to our various meal plans for all nutritional needs, guided 30-minute workouts, an online community of other wellness-minded individuals, and more! 

Get ready to enhance and elevate your health with expert nutrition and science-backed fitness methods today.

Protein Supplement Powder: How To Guide

Protein Supplement Powder: Benefits and Most Common Uses

Protein supplement powder has gained immense popularity among fitness enthusiasts, athletes, and those simply looking to improve their overall health and wellness - including busy-bodies like you!

This powdered form of protein is convenient, easily digestible, and can effortlessly be incorporated into a variety of meals and snacks. It's a great way to elevate  your wellness routine for accelerated results like never before.

In this article, we will discuss the benefits of protein supplement powder and how to best use it to support your fitness goals.

Promotes Muscle Growth, Repair, and Maintenance

One of the primary benefits of protein supplement powder is that it helps to build and maintain muscle mass. Protein is the essential building block for muscle tissue, and consuming sufficient amounts is critical for muscle growth and repair. When we exercise, our muscles undergo wear and tear, and protein helps to speed up recovery time and reduce muscle soreness and inflammation. Its powder form is also a convenient way to meet your daily protein requirements, especially for those who are on a plant-based diet or have a busy schedule. Most people are not consuming enough protein, so this is key!

Aids In Fat Loss

Protein supplement powder is extra effective for supporting weight loss efforts. This macronutrient is more filling than carbohydrates and fats, so consuming a high-protein diet can help to reduce overall calorie intake and promote feelings of fullness. Additionally, consuming protein supplement powder before or after exercise can help to increase metabolism and further promote fat burning.

Improves Bone Health

Protein is not just essential for muscle growth, but it also plays a vital role in maintaining bone health. Protein supplement powder can help to increase bone density, thereby reducing the risk of fractures and osteoporosis.

Convenient and Versatile

Protein supplement powder is incredibly convenient and versatile. It can be added to smoothies, shakes, oatmeal, and even baked goods. This makes it an excellent choice for those who have a busy schedule and need a quick and easy source of protein.

How to Use Protein Supplement Powder:

Not sure how to incorporate protein supplement powder into your lifestyle? Below are the basic guidelines many wellness experts use, including the FASTer Way! 

  • Determine protein needs based on your age, weight, and activity level - at the FASTer Way a custom-matched personal trainer will determine where protein may be missing from your life based on these factors.

  • Choose a protein supplement powder that fits your dietary preferences and goals - using our FASTer Way premier protein powder gives you the amazing benefits of fat burn and lean muscle build while using all natural, dairy free ingredients and providing a Vegan option, as well. 

  • Consume supplements before or after exercise to aid in recovery, muscle growth, and fat burn.

  • Add protein supplement powder to meals and snacks throughout the day to support overall protein intake - check out our wide range of delicious, wellness guided smoothie and snack recipes for guilt free treats!

  • Enjoy your protein supplement powder as part of a balanced diet and regular exercise routine.

Let us help you find out what protein you're missing from your diet so you can optimize and maximize your body’s fat burn power!

Using FASTer Way Supplements To Supercharge Your Fat Loss Journey!

Protein supplement powder offers numerous benefits for individuals looking to improve their overall health and fitness. It can help to build and maintain muscle mass, support weight loss efforts, aid in recovery after exercise, and is versatile and convenient to use. By incorporating protein supplement powder into a balanced diet and regular exercise routine, individuals can achieve their fitness and health goals.

Our premium protein is of superior quality, taste, and texture. It’s the best available and designed to help you reach peak potential.

Even better, when you combine the benefits of FASTer Way supplements with our 30-minute guided workouts, customized meal plans, and other science-backed strategies that come with our 6-week program you gain a wellness plan GUARANTEED to work!

Curious on how you can expand your fitness into an entire elevated lifestyle? 

Click the button below to join our program!

How Dieting Hurts Wellness

Dieting for Fat Loss: Why It's Bad for Your Overall Wellness

Are you one of those people who believe that dieting is the only way to lose fat? 

Think again! Dieting for fat loss may seem like a quick fix to your weight loss woes, but it can actually do more harm than good to your overall wellness, and put you backwards on your fat loss journey.

Keep reading to learn why these fad diets NEVER work and what you should be doing instead!

Diets: Doing More Harm Than Good

When you restrict your calorie intake and cut out entire food groups, you're depriving your body of the vital nutrients it needs to function properly. This can lead to a number of negative side effects, including fatigue, irritability, and even malnutrition.

In addition, when you drastically change your eating habits to almost nothing, your body goes into survival mode. That means your metabolism slows considerably, conserving fat and packing on the pounds instead of burning it away for energy. The more you deprive your body of the nutrients it needs, the more it will have to look for other sources of fuel while retaining fat. Eventually, your system will begin breaking down muscle tissue for energy creating a severe loss in muscle mass.

Furthermore, many fad diets are not sustainable in the long run, and often lead to a lack of essential nutrients that are necessary for good health. This can cause deficiencies, fatigue, and other health problems in the long term. It can also lead to binge eating, which can cause weight gain and further damage to your metabolism.

Another negative impact of dieting for fat loss is the impact on your mental health. Restricting yourself from certain foods or depriving yourself of the pleasure of eating can cause emotional distress, which can lead to feelings of guilt, shame, and failure. That’s no way to live!

Burn Fat Without Deprivation Using The FASTer Way!

Not sure that proper nutrition will make all that much of a difference in your fitness journey?

Take it from our valued clients, who’ve gone the fad diet route before and haven't seen the results they were hoping for. After welcoming the FASTer Way into their lives, that all changed! Check out our Instagram page for inspirational stories from our clients and how they finally were able to achieve a body they feel comfortable in through our science-backed wellness methods.

Instead of dieting, focus on making healthy, sustainable lifestyle changes that you can stick to long-term. This means eating a balanced diet that includes a variety of nutrient-dense foods, staying active with regular exercise, and prioritizing sleep and stress management. At The FASTer Way, we focus on helping you to establish a balanced lifestyle using these strategies and more for fat burn and lean muscle build like you’ve never felt before!

Ready to implement strategies that will give you RESULTS?

Take our quiz today to get a free guide and meal plan based on your goals!

It’s time to learn the truth about what actually works to shed fat - no diets or gimmicks ever again!

Toxins You Should Eliminate Right Now—And How

Carb cycling and intermittent fasting are science-backed ways to burn fat, but your body also needs a healthy detox system to refresh and rehab.

You’ll read a lot of diets out there that claim to remove the bad stuff from your body, but they rarely specify WHAT and HOW. Your organs are already built to remove much of the toxins that food and beverages can put in. All you have to do is keep them healthy and functioning. Our bodies have an amazing ability to rid itself of toxins if we let it. That’s why it’s important to take steps to help your system do it naturally. Here’s how.

square toxins to eliminate


Free radicals sound like great party guests but inside your body, they’re doing harm. These little molecules are fine in moderation, but when you smoke, drink or eat poorly, they can start filling up and cause oxidative stress. Getting antioxidants like vitamin A, C and E can reduce the impact and help prevent diseases like dementia, heart disease, cancer and more.

Instead of going out and buying supplements, you can get antioxidants from all kinds of natural whole foods like

Foods That Help: Fruits, Nuts, Vegetables and Even Coffee


Not a huge surprise, we know. This is a layup but it’s still very important. Your liver takes the biggest hit when you drink that adult beverage. 90% of the hit actually. It filters the blood and does a lot of the heavy lifting in toxin removal. When your liver enzymes are constantly filtering alcohol, they can break down and start entering your bloodstream. This can be detected in a blood test to see if you have damage.

Too much alcohol has serious consequences like weight gain, liver failure or fatty liver.

That’s not to say ALL alcohol is bad. A few here and there are ok, just don’t go more than one or two per day.


This one goes back to the dehydration issue. When your body takes in too much salt, it soaks up a lot of moisture. Yes, you do want to stay hydrated, but when your body retains too much water you can get bloated and gain the infamous “water weight”.

Foods That Help: Potassium-Rich Bananas, Kidney Beans, Spinach, Squash and Potatoes.


Sugar is the main culprit of a variety of health issues including Type 2 Diabetes, high blood pressure, and depression. It can also put a dent in your body’s immune system by limiting its insulin sensitivity.


When you don’t sleep, parts of your body get stressed out. Stress takes away energy resources your body could be using to detox and flush. It’s kind of hard to not be stressed out with the Coronavirus outbreak still all over the news, but if you get enough sleep, key areas in your system won’t need attention, allowing your energy to go somewhere more useful.


Your gut health plays a huge role in detoxing and it all begins with prebiotics. It’s a type of fiber that allows good bacteria (probiotics) into your gut.

Foods That Help: Tomatoes, Artichokes, Oats and Bananas


If your body aches, has digestion issues or isn’t getting enough nutrients, dehydration may be the culprit. Water lubricates the body and naturally removes carbon dioxide and other harmful chemicals from your bloodstream and ships them out of your body safely. Without enough water, those chemicals could build up in your bloodstream.

Water also helps regulate your appetite and nutrient absorption.

It’s recommended that men get about 125 ounces of water a day, while women should drink about 91 ounces.

Water is a wonderful thing.


Whether it’s through the FASTer Way to Fat Loss video exercises or just going for a walk, adults should exercise for about 30 minutes each day. Not only will you feel better, you’ll reduce inflammation and help your body better protect against disease.

Remember, we have an entire support system for you when you join the FASTer Way to Fat Loss program. Coaches and group members can share experiences and help you make better choices to remove toxins and harmful chemicals from your body. We’re here for you 100%, so make the choice to fulfill your purpose with ENERGY!

rectangle toxins to eliminate

5 Ways Sugar Is Damaging Your Body

We all love to indulge in a sweet treat every now and then. But when sugar is a part of your daily routine, it can have some serious health consequences.

square 5 ways sugar is damaging

One of our resident registered dietitians Mia Votapka recently joined our CEO and founder, Amanda Tress, on the FASTer Way Podcast to discuss nutrition for boosting immune health. She highlighted sugar as a main culprit in causing inflammation, which leads to a compromised immune system.

But that’s just one of the hidden dangers of sugar.

If you want to eliminate sugar from your diet and develop healthier habits, join us starting September 7 for our 21-Day Sugar Elimination Challenge, exclusively for FASTer way VIP members! To sign up for VIP and join the challenge, click the button below.

Use the code LETSGO2021 to receive $20 off registration!

When we consume sugar, it drives up insulin and glucose and eventually creates insulin resistance in our bodies. This means our cells take in less sugar than they need because the insulin can’t do its job. Sugar is also the main culprit for Type 2 Diabetes, cancer, obesity, heart disease, and so much more.

Bottom line: Eating lots of bad sugar stresses your body out!


1.      SUGAR STUNTS EATING HABITS AND CAUSES WEIGHT GAIN – This is especially important during stressful times, especially with many of us spending more time at home. One of the best ways to keep yourself healthy in this climate is to drink lots of water and avoid sugary drinks like sweet tea and cola. All that fructose has been shown to cause a resistance to leptin, a hormone in your body that tells you to stop eating. You will be more hungry and less able to stop. Drink more water during the day and you’ll have more energy, feel more refreshed, and enjoy a more regulated appetite.

If you’re looking for help, check out these FASTer Way-approved snack ideas.

2.      BELLY FAT IS LINKED TO HEART DISEASE – When you consume a lot of sugary beverages, you are also at risk of increasing visceral fat or belly fat. This kind of weight gain has been linked to diabetes and heart disease. According to a National Institute of Health study in 2014, those who consumed 17-21% of calories from sugar were 38% more likely to die of heart disease.

It’s important to balance your macros (carbs, fat, and protein) on a daily basis. It has proven to be an effective way to get rid of that belly fat and get you into shape. Learn more here!

3.      IT CAUSES YOUR SKIN TO BREAK OUT – Why is it that rural communities, which tend to have more whole, natural foods, have very low cases of acne compared to urban areas? It’s because consuming processed and high-sugar foods increases androgen secretion, inflammation and oils. Your face might be the face of too much sugar!

4.      DEPRESSION AND FATIGUE – This has been an important topic this past year and a half, as we have faced so much uncertainty in our lives. It’s so important to embrace your mental health right now, and researchers have stated that sugar swings and inflammation can have a big impact.

Read more about how sugar intake is linked with depressive symptoms, or learn more about how a high glycemic index diet is a risk factor for depression.

Main takeaway: If you consume added sugars, you are more likely to suffer from depression.

5.      LOSS OF ENERGY AND MOTIVATION –  High-sugar foods spike your blood sugar and insulin quickly, but once the rush is over, you’re in for a crash. Those erratic swings can drain your body and send it into a blurry state. Instead, seek out complex carb sources with plenty of fiber. You deserve to have the energy you need to get through the day!

We are PASSIONATE about helping people get well, prevent disease, and fulfill their purpose with ENERGY. We’re here to support you on your journey as we head into the holidays. So don’t forget to join us for our 21-Day Sugar Elimination Challenge, exclusively for VIP members. We start on September 7! Be sure to use the code LETSGO2021 to receive $20 off registration!

5 ways sugar is damaging your body

Healthy Foods You Can Still Find at the Grocery Store

You might be wondering if following a meal plan during a pandemic is possible… the answer is YES! You might not be able to find all your usual items, which means you’ll just have to get a little more creative. Even during a crisis, there are plenty of healthy foods you can still find at the grocery store.

The grocery routine may have changed, but there are still plenty of ways to eat a nutritious diet! We’ve shared easy-to-modify recipes to help you stay flexible, should the grocery store be sold out of your go-to items, so be sure to check it out for simple ideas. You can find more recipes located at the bottom of our blog page.

It’s always best to eat whole foods like fruits and veggies, but if they are hard to come by, here are some ideas to eat healthy during the coronavirus outbreak.

square healthy foods you can still find

The key, especially if you’re limiting trips to the store, is stocking up on non-perishables. Foods like canned goods, pasta, and rice will give you a lot of versatility in the kitchen and help you plan your meals for the week. Many of our FASTer Way recipes are centered around chicken, shrimp, turkey, and other meats, but they’re simple enough to allow for plenty of flexibility.

Here are some of our favorite healthy foods with a long shelf life—plus, they’re FASTer Way-approved!

Canned Goods Can Be Your Friend

In general, we encourage you to limit processed foods, but beans and legumes are a healthy way to get more protein into your recipes. Take our Burrito Bowl recipe, for example. With a healthy scoop of black beans, it is perfect for regular macro day and serves four.

Nut Butters Are an Easy Way to Get Protein                                                                                      

Packed with protein and healthy fats, these spreads are the perfect complement to fruits, vegetables, and more. There are even alternatives for those with allergies, like sun butter, which is made from sunflower seeds!

Break Your Fast with Oats

Perfect for breaking your fast, these antioxidant-rich whole grains are the perfect vehicle for fruit, nuts, or even eggs. If you’re short on time, no problem. We have a handy Banana Bread Overnight Oats recipe that’s simple and easy for regular macro day! Gluten-free oats are readily available at most stores. Rolled and steel-cut are both great options!

Use Eggs Throughout the Day

Eggs have a relatively long shelf life compared to other refrigerated goods—and they’re versatile too. Try this Egg White Bites recipe for a poppable snack that will give you a healthy boost with 9 grams of protein and 5 grams of carbs. Or try Eggs Over Easy With Spinach and Chopped Vegetables for a hearty meal you can serve for lunch or dinner.  

Freeze Your Bread

If you want to buy a loaf or two more than normal, that’s fine! Store your bread, wraps, and pockets in the freezer, where they’ll keep for about three to six months.

Please note: At the FASTer Way, we encourage a gluten- and dairy-free lifestyle. These recommendations work for regular and gluten-free options.

We believe in being a positive influence on the world, especially during times of turmoil. This was true before the coronavirus, it’s true during the coronavirus, and it will still be true after the coronavirus. When you sign up with the FASTer Way to Fat Loss 6-week program, you get access to a library of workout videos, weekly meal guides with recipes, and all the information and support you need to thrive through a healthy lifestyle. You’ll also join our exclusive FASTer Way community, which has been crucial for many of our clients to block the noise, get creative with their food choices, and crush their goals.

The FASTer Way isn’t just about physical well-being but TOTAL WELLNESS. Work on your goals, and SHARE with each other.

rectangle healthy foods you can still find

Pantry + Freezer Staples to Always Have on Hand!

Low on time and short on ideas for a quick dinner? Don’t feel like running to the grocery store to buy more ingredients? Before you head out the door to hit the drive-through or spend more money on groceries… Take inventory of that pantry! What’s hidden on the bottom shelf of your pantry or in the back corner of your freezer that can be used to feed you and your family?

Square pantry blog

We’re giving you our top list of helpful items to keep stocked in your pantry and freezer (plus a few helpful tips along the way!) These items will come in handy when you need to throw together a quick dinner without having to compromise on your nutrition plan. These items are FASTer Way approved and can be transformed into dozens of different meal combinations! Print this list or pull it up on your phone to bring along on your next grocery haul!

Note: this is not a MUST HAVE list. This will simply give you ideas for items to have on hand when you are in a pinch and need inspiration. Many of these items will be a great addition to your freezer and pantry but you do not HAVE TO purchase them all.

Items for your pantry


  • Brown Rice- instant and dry (one of our favorites to make ahead or pop in the microwave for a quick, healthy carb addition to any recipe!)

  • Dried Lentils

  • Oats- check out our latest blog for our Banana Bread Overnight Oats recipe!

  • Pasta- gluten free, brown rice, chickpea or whole wheat

  • Quinoa 

Sauces and Canned Goods

  • Black Beans

  • Canned Tuna- check out this recipe for our FASTer Way Tuna Salad!

  • Chicken, Beef and Vegetable Broth- bone broth is great to have for added protein, too!

  • Clean Tomato Sauce- for quick pastas 

  • Chickpeas (Garbanzo Beans)- get creative with this Chickpea Scramble Breakfast Bowl

  • Diced Tomatoes- add to a big pot of chili or vegetable soup for quick and easy meal prep options

  • Dijon Mustard

  • Olive Oil Mayo

  • Pure Maple Syrup

  • Salsa

Oil and Vinegar

  • Apple Cider Vinegar

  • Avocado Oil

  • Coconut Oil

  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Nuts and Seeds- great to boost up those healthy fats!

  • Almonds

  • Almond Butter

  • Cashews

  • Chia Seeds- make chia seed pudding for an easy, low-carb snack to keep in your fridge!

  • Pecans

  • Peanut Butter

  • Pumpkin Seeds

  • Walnuts

Spices- these staple spices can be used for a wide variety of recipes and flavors!

  • Chili Powder

  • Cinnamon 

  • Cumin 

  • Garlic Powder

  • Italian Seasoning 

  • Onion Powder

  • Oregano

  • Paprika 

Long-Lasting Produce 

  • Butternut Squash

  • Garlic

  • Onions

  • Potatoes

  • Shallots

  • Sweet Potatoes

Items for your freezer 

Frozen Veggies

  • Bell Peppers- add to a large skillet for a quick stir-fry

  • Broccoli

  • Brussels Sprouts 

  • Cauliflower Rice- great as a low-carb side dish

  • Corn- don’t let fresh corn go to waste! Keep frozen corn on hand for those recipes that call for one cup of corn

  • Mixed Veggies- green beans, corn, carrots, peas (great to add to brown rice) 

  • Spinach

Frozen Fruit- be sure to get fruit with no added sweeteners!

  • Blueberries- add into protein pancakes, oatmeal, smoothies or enjoy as a quick snack

  • Bananas- fresh bananas about to go bad? Pop them in the freezer and use as needed!

  • Mangos

  • Mixed Berries

  • Strawberries

  • Unsweetened Acai- make your own antioxidant-boosting acai bowl at home!


  • Chicken Breast- chicken tenderloins are also great for a quick cooking protein

  • Ground Beef- turn that frozen ground beef into this Bunless Bacon Avocado Burger for low-carb day!

  • Ground Turkey

  • Salmon- great for dinners on low-carb day

  • Shrimp- not sure what to do with that frozen shrimp? Try this FASTer Way Cajun Shrimp Skillet or this Shrimp Stir Fry!

  • Steak

If you haven’t given the FASTer Way a try yet and want even MORE access to delicious, whole food recipe ideas to make with your pantry and freezer staples… COME JOIN US for a round! We’d love to have you in the FASTer Way family as we work TOGETHER towards achieving ideal health and wellness!

rectangle pantry blog

What to do if the grocery store is out of your meal plan items

There’s no question we are in the middle of a global pandemic. Restaurants, businesses and schools alike are all shutting their doors in attempts to stop the spread of COVID-19. Not to mention, if you’ve been to the grocery store in the last week or so, you’ve probably noticed the shortage of some pantry staples… Items like chicken, ground turkey, bananas, water and toilet paper are all in hot demand right now. 

But what happens when you head to the store to stock up for the week, planning to make all the yummy recipes from the FASTer Way, and your local grocery store is OUT of the ingredients you need? 

There’s no question that we LOVE having the meal plan readily available to guide us along in our health and fitness journey. However, with the recent outbreak of the coronavirus, it’s safe to say that some of our beloved pantry staples are now on short supply. 

Wondering how you’re going to stay on top of your nutrition when the grocery stores are selling out of what you need? Not sure what to do if you can’t find the ingredients to make tonight’s meal plan recipe? Well friends, rest assured! We have some good news for you: You can STILL live the FASTer Way lifestyle, even in the middle of a global pandemic. 

Even if meal-plan staple ingredients are running low in supply at the grocery store, we have a list of 10 suggestions on how YOU can stay on top of your nutrition during the COVID-19 outbreak.

Progress Over Perfection

First and foremost, focus on making progress, not perfection. In the coming weeks, if you have to substitute a few ingredients from the meal plan to accommodate what you have and can find, that is 100% OK! Don’t stress yourself if you don’t have exactly what is needed in the meal plan that week. Make healthy adjustments as necessary and keep moving forward!  

See What You Already Have

This is a great time to take inventory of what’s been hiding out in the back of your pantry. Got a few cans of beans? A can or two of fire-roasted tomatoes? Some dry quinoa and tomato sauce? Some frozen ground turkey packed away in the freezer? Throw it together to make a healthy, fiber-filled chilli! You’d be surprised how many nutrient-dense ingredients you’ll find pushed to the back of the pantry or stored away in the freezer.

Hit the Grocery Store Early in the Morning

Head to the grocery store first thing in the morning! As the day goes on, certain food items and pantry staples are more likely to sell out quicker than others. Plan to arrive at the grocery store as early as possible to beat the crowds and pick up those meal plan ingredients that were restocked the night before.

Check the Smaller Stores and Local Markets

Some of the smaller, specialty food grocery stores aren’t being hit as hard as the Costcos and Sam's Clubs of the world! Consider checking these stores before heading to those major chains. If there’s a local market in your area, swing by to see what fresh ingredients they have in stock. Many of the smaller, locally owned markets offer fresh organic meat and locally grown produce. 

Be Creative

Take inventory of what’s in your pantry! We recommend making a list of all the ingredients you have and writing up some creative recipes. Don’t be afraid to swap out healthy alternatives in the meal plan, too! If you’re missing a few ingredients for a particular recipe, use what you have in the pantry and make the necessary adjustments. You’d be surprised at what you might just come up with!

Don’t Turn to Processed Foods and Sugar- Resist the temptation to grab those quick, sugary snacks from the pantry. Be intentional about your nutrition and in your meal planning for the week. Make sure that you are stocking up on plenty of fresh, whole-food options for when the urge of snacking strikes. Nuts and dried fruit are a great option to have on hand for a quick and satisfying snack (bonus-- they have a great shelf-life!)  

Check out “Simple Ingredient Meals” on Pinterest

Pinterest is a GREAT tool to utilize during this time. There are thousands of simple, healthy, “low ingredient” recipes to make and explore. Try searching things like “simple ingredient meals,” “healthy dinners under 5 ingredients,” and “easy healthy meals.” You’d be amazed at all the recipe ideas you’ll find on Pinterest that keep you living the FASter Way lifestyle! 

Stock Up on Frozen Berries

There are still plenty of frozen berries in the freezer section at the grocery stores. Frozen berries are GREAT to keep on hand to add a boost of antioxidants to any recipe. Consider making a mixed berry smoothie or adding frozen berries to your oatmeal and dairy-free yogurt. Not to mention, they’re a yummy snack to eat right out of the bag, too!

Buy Fresh and Freeze It

Not sure about what to do with that fresh produce that’s about to go bad? Throw the rest of the produce into an ice tray, fill it up with water, and pop it into the freezer to freeze until solid. Use those frozen cubes as smoothie starters and flavor blends to add to your meals. Try starting with leafy greens like spinach and kale for a green smoothie! Or strawberries and blueberries for an antioxidant-boosting berry smoothie. Or freeze ingredients like mashed sweet potato, avocado or tomato puree to add flavor and nutrients to dishes down the road. 

Refer to the “Pre-Meal Plan” Days

Remember, we haven’t always had a meal plan available in the FASTer Way community. Don’t have the exact ingredients for the meal plan? No problem! Make a plan and adjust as needed. Don’t doubt yourself and your ability to live the FASTer Way lifestyle even with a shortage of ingredients. It’s time to put what you’ve learned into practice! 

Even if the grocery store doesn’t have what you need for the meal plan readily available, there are plenty of ways to stay on track with your nutrition during the coronavirus outbreak. You CAN create a delicious, nutrient-dense dinner for low carb day. You CAN choose nutrient-dense foods to properly fuel your body to get through your workout.

You CAN make the right choices and stay on track with your health goals. We believe in you and know that you can do this! Need some guidance along the way?

Reach out to us! We’d love to help guide you along the way as we continue in our health and fitness goals together as a community!


5 Ways To Get More Protein in Your Diet

If you want to transform your body then you have to eat enough protein, which can be challenging for anyone. Learn five easy ways to get more protein in your diet every day!

5 Ways to Get More Protein In Your Diet

A protein-rich diet fuels your body’s natural fat-burning capabilities. 

Protein is crucial for a lot of reasons, including replacing damaged tissue, repairing muscles, and helping our bodies produce glucagon (an important fat-burning hormone). The right amount of protein can help you stay fuller longer, and protein is also essential for immune health and brain function.

But we know that getting enough protein into your diet every day can be a challenge, especially if you don’t naturally eat a lot of protein-rich foods.  


1. Protein-Rich Snacks

While we encourage well-rounded meals, we all grab snacks throughout the day or while out and about. Protein-rich snacks are a great way to increase your protein intake!

Here are some good options to have on-hand when you need a snack:

Jerky: 9g protein per ounce.

Trail Mix: 8g protein per 2 ounces. It’s a good idea to make your own trail mix with mostly nuts, particularly almonds and pistachios, which are higher in protein. Nuts are high in calories (because they also contain fat) so you only need a handful to do the trick. 

Turkey Roll-Ups: 8g protein per ounce of roasted turkey. Take a slice of turkey, a slice of tomato, and a slice of cucumber (or other veggies) and roll them up for a quick high-protein snack.

Hummus and Veggies: 6.5g protein per ⅓ cup. 

2. Protein from Meat, Fish, and Eggs

Meat is probably what comes to mind for most of us when we think of protein, but not all meat-sourced protein is created equal. You want to look for meat that is both lean and unprocessed. Stick with organic, grass-fed, pasture-raised options that don’t contain antibiotics. Some examples include:

Lean Beef: 22g protein per 3 ounces.

Chicken: 38g protein per cup . 

Wild-Caught Fish: 5-10g protein per ounce.

Eggs: 6g protein per egg (hard-boiled eggs make a great high-protein snack). 

3. Plant-Based Proteins

If you’re looking for plant-based protein options, or if you’re vegetarian or vegan, there are lots of protein-rich choices, like:

Tempeh: 31g protein per cup (this is a fermented tofu product). 

Quinoa: 24g protein per cup

Almonds: 28g protein per cup

Beans: 15-40g protein per cup, depending on variety (lentils, pinto beans, garbanzo beans, kidney beans, etc.).  

4. Protein Shakes or Bars

While we recommend getting your protein from whole-food sources, a protein shake or protein bar is a fast way to get more protein into your diet if you have a busy day. We recommend that you NOT make this the norm, but if you are in a pinch, these will do the trick.

A typical protein shake has around 20g of protein per serving. With protein bars, the amount varies widely, but make sure to check the ingredients… the simpler the better. If you can’t read the ingredient list, find a different brand that focuses on whole-food ingredients.

Collagen Peptides: 20g protein per serving (typically). This is a popular protein supplement found at health food stores, Costco, many grocery stores, and online. There are vegan options available but most are sourced from animals.

Peanut Butter Powder: 8g protein per serving. This is another easy option for upping your protein and a popular ingredient for a chocolate peanut butter protein shake!

Avoid products that are high in sugar, as many processed products are loaded with sugar and other less desirable ingredients.

5. Energy Bites

Planning and preparing healthy, protein-rich foods for those crazy, hectic days makes life a whole lot easier!

There are countless recipes for energy bites available online. They only take a few minutes to make and there is no baking involved.

The basic recipe is made by combining nut butter, seeds, oats, and sometimes honey and rolling them into small bite-sized balls. 

This make-ahead, grab-and-go snack is an easy way to get more protein in your diet—and they’re also kid-approved!

Need more ideas to help you get more protein into your diet? Grab your FREE 5-day sample meal plan. This easy-to-follow meal plan makes getting the right macronutrient balance in your diet quick and simple with less stress! Grab your copy and get to it!

5 Ways to Get More Protein In Your Diet

How To Change Your Family’s Eating Habits

We all want our families to eat better and adopt healthier habits, but that’s easier said than done. If you want to learn how to change your family’s eating habits, it really starts with one person making small changes.

How to change your family's eating habits

Women have a lot more power than they often realize. Their habits tend to be adopted by their families, especially their children, so whatever their eating pattern—or even attitude toward food—will usually be shared by the entire household.

So, perhaps the biggest impact a woman can make on the world happens when she decides to figure out how to get truly healthy. 

While it may seem that one woman choosing to get healthy isn’t that big of a deal, the ripple effect is a lot larger than one might initially expect. 

A woman choosing to get healthy means an entire family gets healthy. 

In most homes, 63% to be exact, women are the ones buying groceries and planning meals. They are packing lunches and making buying decisions when it comes to what their family consumes. 

When a woman begins to dial in her health and makes significant changes to her nutrition, she is more than likely going to implement changes for the entire family. 

She will begin to shop differently and she will begin to teach her children differently. As her children develop healthy eating habits, they will grow up to live healthier lifestyles. 

Additionally, when a woman makes changes to what’s being purchased and prepared for her children, she is likely doing the same for her spouse. 

A woman’s decision to live a healthier lifestyle impacts her whole family. 

A woman choosing to get healthy will impact her community. 

Women share what they love with their friends. 

Have a hairstylist that’s amazing? Tell everyone you know. 

Find a mascara that’s changed your life? Buy one for every woman you love. 

Start a new workout routine you’re obsessed with? Register all your friends. 

It’s in our nature to share what we love with the people we love. 

Women are designed to live in community with others, and we can’t help but share the ups and downs of life with those around us.

So, when a woman gets healthy, she is VERY likely to tell her friends about what she’s learning and the impact it’s had on her energy, her waistline, and her overall mood. 

Not only will she tell her friends and family about her newfound obsession with getting healthy, but she will also do her best to get them on board. 

Women getting healthy impacts entire communities!

A woman choosing to get healthy means future generations will be healthier. 

In addition to teaching her children how to live a healthy lifestyle, which has a clear ripple effect on future generations, a woman learning to live a healthy lifestyle is actually making an impact on the health of her unborn children. 

While there are several factors that determine birth defects and health-related issues in newborns, there is a growing body of evidence that shows babies born to women who are well-nourished and health-conscious, are less likely to experience certain health-related issues, including obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.

When a woman gets healthy she quite literally has the power to transform the future.

A woman choosing to get healthy means a whole lot more will get done. 

Simply put, women are good at getting things done. When a woman decides to take her health seriously—not simply to look better, but to feel better—she is very likely going to channel that energy into doing some pretty amazing things. 

A woman getting healthy changes things. 

We agree—there are exceptions to the rule. 

We agree—men play a role in families getting healthy. 

We agree—there are people who take their health VERY seriously and still get sick.

But the impact can’t be denied, when a woman makes healthy changes, it affects her family and community.

Here at the FASTer Way to Fat Loss, we’re committed to helping as many women as possible make massive shifts in their health and wellness so they can make their impact on the world. We want each and every person to get well, prevent disease, and fulfill their purpose with energy!

Ready to dive in and see for yourself what makes us the fastest-growing health and fitness company on the market today? Join us for the next round of the FASTer Way!

Want to learn more about our science-backed strategies? Check out these articles:

How to change your family's eating habits